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Glam Nation Tour in Manchester, UK 11-27-10

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, November 27, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, November 27, 2010

From suz526:

20th Century Boy

If I Had You




Music Again

Whataya Want From Me

From Libracats:

If I Had You

Music Again



Anonymous said...

will check these Vids out on sunday

......The Latest News Headlnes for UK.....
'Stay indoors!'
Police warn Britons to stay off the roads as temperatures fall to MINUS 10C and 15 inches of snow falls
shit! SHIT! Shit..
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

@Glambrit IOW UK it's not good for Adam he doesn't like too much cold, I feel sad!

Anonymous said...

Hi Aya...Poor Adam! he has to get to Glasgow and its really bad up really is spine chilling cold in UK right now...who stole our Sunshine:(
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

@Glambrit IOWUK ... I'm just a worry wart motherhen but is ADAM flying in all that bad weather? What happens if the planes are grounded? See ... told you I'm a worrier ... hope ADAM stays safe & warm & that goes for you & all of you Great Brits!!
Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

Awww! Very happy Adam and talkative... Sweet‼ :) TBC was soooo freakin Hoooot! Adam is giving his cane a lot of lovin' & lickin' & loves feeling voids... LOL
Adam was a "Firework" in Manchester‼ The show was soooo AMAZING & so full of energy‼ I ♥♥♥ it‼ ☺

Anonymous said...

ooops anon 11:19 PM

should say *filling*

Anonymous said...

Loved the IIHY banter!

Anonymous said...

Wow! An very energetic, playful Adam tonight! He's really having fun out there!

Anyone know why we can't see WWFM? When you try to open video it says it's a private video? Did Suz take it back for some reason?


Anonymous said...

Jacket off and bare arms tonite...feeling a little hot?!! All you 'tat' worriers must be relieved. Lots of adorable Adam 'moments'.

glitzylady said...

@CT 12:13 am
To answer your question about why Suz's WWFM video came up as "Private": She had to redo some titles, etc. so she pulled them off and corrected them..Here is the new and corrected link to WWFM:

It works fine now!!!

Anonymous said...

since 35 days & I'm voting for this man at cma's, but he's all worth it, today is the final day I'm nervous. thanx suz for ur all effort

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys...heres the Latest from UK

........MINUS 17C!
Britain shivers as record low temperatures grip the country

tess4adam...not sure if Adam was flying or on the road with tour very bad up north..its been snowing non stop overnight....
Adam,s playing in Glasgow tonight!!!
can,t tell you anymore!! maybe Adam will tweet!!
itss vveeerrry cooolldd in UK..Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

I was watching a video from a while back that was not Suz.
WOW we have been blessed. She takes such high quality and still pictures.
Thank you Suz.

Anonymous said...

Don't remember seeing any post/link to this interview, but I haven't followed you very close lately and I have a memory of a (intoxicated) bug.. so, if I'm redundant, my apologies!

Juneau & Xena's Salon - Suz526 and Thea

Description: "our guests are Suz526, renowned among Adam Lambert fans for her extensive video documentation of his live performances, and Thea, a writer who is writing an extensive fan fiction trilogy inspired by the music of Adam and others."


Anonymous said...

So England's in a deep freeze??? Good thing our Adam is such a HOTTIE!!
Love the bonus bare arms & shoulders in this show... yup happy to see that...=)

..."which team do you guys play for?? " So witty, upbeat and able to laugh at himself...
but does sounds like our boy is in a little longing for some love & attention over there in the cold... (Do I have time for a sex change operation???)

SLEEPWALKER, damn! Another passionate masterful performance. JeeeeZUZ I wish that could be SEEN on prime time AMERICAN TV....and released here as a single... sigh

Keep warm Adam, keep rockin' the world & come home safe...

Anonymous said...

27 november 2010...
a day i will remember all my life...PART ONE..

my day started at 8am..i got the kids up and ready for the dad to pic them was to start the glamming up process, a process that had been weeks in the planning..everything down to the last speck of glitter...studded jacket, check..studded boots, check, purple nails with a hint of red glitter, check..glam make up complete with red lipstick and rhinestone eyes..check..stomach all flippy with butterflies, check.. one deep breath and i was good to go...
many eventful incidents while at the train station including being on the wrong platform and the train doors shutting before we got on..and we were on our way into Manchester...
a short taxi ride to the academy all the time i couldn't quite believe i was going to meet Adam..
i wasn't sure if i had the right place, but as i looked around i could see plenty of glammed up fans so i felt at ease... i said goodbye to my friends as i met with the other meet and greets..within 5 minutes we were all sent back outside to form another line while we waited...ohhhh my it was freezing cold..but i met some really lovely ladies and soon we were all laughing and joking and all sharing our adam stories and how much we all adore him...then it was time to go in...waiting for us was neil with his clip board..we followed him up a winding staircase, and all of a sudden all the nerves had gone..he told us the groping or kissing..aww spoil sport, and no taking pictures...i actually found neil quite pleasant and witty..but you could also see that he was in for no messing...very strict...pah!!!!
by this time it was nearly 7pm and we could hear Adam still doing sound heart sank a little now knowing that the meet and greet was be rushed through because they were running way behind time...
Adam entered the room, he looked so gorgeous dressed in a long jacket, fab boots and his hair down..i couldn't help but stare at him from the back of the line..a line that was moving very quickly..the camera was flashing every soon it was my turn...
Adam was looking right at me with his gorgeous smile as i walked up to him.."hey how are you" i'm really great.."are you excited" yeah i'm really looking forward to the show..then i handed Adam a very glitzy card my daughter had made for him, and i read it out to him (i don't know how i managed that without a quiver) "aww thats so sweet with all her glitter pens" i asked if he would like to keep it "sure thankyou" Adam was already onto signing my album covers..then we had our picture i turned to look at Adam to say thankyou he stood back a little to look at me and said "you look FANTASTIC!!!!!" Aww thankyou i said knowing my time was over..a quick hug and then i had to walk away..i turned around to get another look and Adam was still looking at me..i said thankyou again as he was looking at me with his amazing smile....sigh me heart started to pound when i realized my fleeting moment was over....

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

CHEZZA... OMG that's AWESOME!!!!
Thanks so much for sharing!!!! Wow.. Thanks for the description, and Adam himself said said "you look fantastic"!! You must have been SOOO thrilled. What a special memory. Good for you! Can you post a picture anywhere that we can see???

Anonymous said...

part 2....
at the end of my meet and greet i stood with my new friend all of us excited about what had just was all over too quickly, i still have my photo to look forward to..i keep looking at the fan sight but no sign yet :(....
as things were running late by this point the doors had opened and everyone began to pour in..i front of venue that was expected didn't quite happen but i still had a good position at the side of the friends were already inside and i had no chance of finding them, so i stayed with the lovely ladies i'd just met...
the show began..the support group came on and they were really good, i tried my best to enjoy them but me being not the most patient of people i was willing them along because i couldn't wait to get to the best bit...
we didn't have to long to wait till the room was in total darkness...the roof nearly came off with all the the flashes you could see Adams tall amazing silhouette and the music started...moon shine on the he looks amazing as i take a deep breath...i'm finally here..
and what a show it was...the boy was on fire and so happy (thanks to the cute boys in the crowd)...and i enjoyed every second of it..everybody is right when they say it goes by so quick...i soaked up every song and stood in awe at this glorious man every note perfection and if i had you approached i wanted that song to last for amazing Adam said goodnight i waited with excitement for the encore as the crowd chanted ADAM ADAM..the band came back on stage and the music started for TCB...good choice and Adam was electric..everybody was amazing the band and dancers are was all over "you've been an awesome crowd" aww Adam please don't go..not so soon..we've only just met..:(..
as the crowd went outside into the freezing cold, i found my friends who really enjoyed the show..we went round the back to a crowd that was already gathering....oh this must be were Adam will come we waited toes going numb and nose turning blue..(i don't do this for anyone)...still no sign...afer 40mins adam was took to the bus from the front entrance...we had missed him, he was gone ( he later tweeted that security wouldn't let him come out to meet everyone ) into the night we left full of memories of what a wonderful day it has been...
but now i'm left wanting more...i need to see him again...
maybe one day.....

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

aww thankyou cindy...yeah i was really trilled...Adam said that I...ME...I looked fantastic...i guess all the planning paid off..
the photo will be on the fansite soon..i can't wait to see it...i think i should be able to post it then..

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

trilled ha ha what the heck....thrilled of course :D ...

chezza xx

coloforadam said...

Sleepwalker has taken on a life of it's own. I will always love that song and the look on his face as he rips into the emotion and fury. This is what Adam is all about and the rest is just what leads up to these mesmerizing moments. Personally, I don't think David Foster could handle Adam.

Lolita said...

Chezza, you lucky, lucky girl! Isn't it amazing how he can make you feel like you are the only person he ever met and signed an autograph for? So kind and gracious and polite--for thousands of times....sigh... Adam is a paradox: sweet angel in person, sexy devil on stage! This other-worldly creature gives us the best of both worlds!! :) Lucky, lucky us!

Coloforadam, I agree. Sleepwalker is a lost gem. The potential for an amazing video is so obvious, it makes me wonder why they decided to pass it up. Money? Time? I soothe myself by believing his management has such awesome new music waiting for him to record they just can't WAIT to get to it! :)

Anonymous said...

chezza thx for sharing :)


Dinah-mite said...

OK, couldn't agree more that Sleepwalker is THE BOMB!! Brisbane one was effing AMAZING!! I watch it quite often. Anyone else wondering how boring life will be with GNT over??? Be afraid, be very afraid.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Suz for all your hard work! We wouldn't see any of these amazingness without you... much, much appreciated‼ And of course 24/7 for posting anything & everything pertaining to Adam‼ :)

Adam was just incredible in Manchester... seemed happier‼ :)

Anonymous said...

Oh chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx -

I don't even have words after reading your posts... I have feelings, I have emotions, many...but no words yet. Wow. So happy for you. Thanks doesn't even cover it in terms of my appreciation of your sharing, but thanks.

MassGlamFan (MGF)

glitzylady said...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SO glad you had that very personal few moments with Adam! And I KNEW he would keep the card, because it was so special! I will be looking for your picture with Adam in the M&G pics from Manchester when they come up in the Fan Club...I really want to see your outfit! I bet you looked beautiful!! I have to admit I am rather jealous of the UK concert are really getting some super intimate and fun concerts..Adam is certainly in his best element in those really small venues! If and when he goes to the arena size venues, something will be lost for both the audience and for him as well..that feeling of connectedness and personal interaction. What an amazing time for you and the fans in Manchester! I know you will never be the same! Thanks sharing your experience with us, I felt like I was there with you!

Anonymous said...

Chezza, I also have to thank you for the wonderful account of your meeting with Adam and the show. So very happy for you that you got to meet him! The news, even here in LA, are talking about the severe winter weather in Britain and Scotland. Not something I wanted to hear. Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

IIHY was totally off the hook! Adam's energy was boundless. "To all you F**king straight guys you rock for coming to my show." "I wouldn't be here without my ladies." And we thank you AML for being here for us. He seems to be hitting his stride just as the show is coming to a close. Or perhaps he feels more comfortable over seas. Think latter true. Adam, your devote fans love you!!! Keep breaking down those barriers.

Anonymous said...

Chezza, I LOVED reading your account, and I am sooo happy for you!

Thank you so much for sharing that with us. I feel like I got to vicariously meet Adam alongside you.



Anonymous said...

Also, WAY off topic:

GIOW and/or Chezza, one of you (I think) once said that Glee songs play on the radio in England instead of Adam......and I've been curious if it's the actual Glee versions playing on the radio?

I've never heard any Glee songs on the radio in the U.S., but the originals of the songs they have covered on the show have started playing again - after years of not hearing them at all.

Best wishes GIOW that the weather cooperates and you get to see Adam tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Loved the talkative Adam in IIHY! He seemed so very happy. The shout out to the boys in the audience was especially endearing. They all appeared to be having an extra fun time last nite - dancers and the band, included! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

wow, Chezza,
so glad you had such an amazing time, and thanks for the great recap.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Adam does seem happier than we've seen him ... we need not wonder why, he's in a country that 'lets you do you'!!!, why wouldn't he look happy, imagine yourself in a world where you were in the minority.

Anonymous said...

I've had enough of Adam and Tommy kissing!!!!!!
I'm close to not wanting to follow and check your web site.
I love Adam's voice and liked his dancing till lately. Just to much dirty gestures.
What is happening and is it what you want to watch?

Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:22
why yes, yes it is what I want to watch, thank you for asking. As far as what is happening, well, I think that's called free will and somebody being comfortable enough to exercise it. You should try it.

Anonymous said...


Before I start to watch this concert and Chezza's huge (and certainly fascinating) comment, let me just tell you: I've left ANOTHER message in that same thread (Adam Lambert Interview on Virgin Radio...) about your «Lambert x Piaf» comparison... Really think you should go back there... again!

PS: Now ME, sweet Adam and Chezza Sherbert... let's take this wild ride at once!!!!


Anonymous said...

@anon 3:22pm So, why are you watching this video or any other Adam's video. My advise, just find Malaysia concert and watch it. Enjoy!
@cheeza OMG!Thank you, darling for sharing with us your story. I am very happy for you. Wish I have chance to see Adam again and meet him before or after the concert. Can't wait to see the picture.Thank you again, dear.

Anonymous said...

Sleepwaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG, ADAM! This is suposed to be single recorded from Manchester. Also, hope you have enough time and money to make Sleepwaker video.

Anonymous said...

@ Chezza-Sherbert....

Hey fellow, I've been just swallowing word after word from your comments... couldn't see yet the venue or any of the comments here... please give me sort of 1 or 2 hours before checking out everything, please some time to cry a river, at leat twice. Then if I survive, I promise you that I'll come back to tell you HOW MUCH HAPPY, felling myself in Heaven, I'm for you, sistah! See you then, I mean, if I make it...


Anonymous said...

Chezza, Best story EVAH!!!! Loved it. You painted a beautiful story of your night with
"Adam Lambert". I hope you NEVER forget it and dream of it many times to come.. It sounds like you had a great time. CHECK!!!! Where did you sit? Was it up front? I am thinking right now of
Glambrit IOWUK. I hope she made it to her Concert! Thank you UK's, Thanks for sharing your short stories. That is what this site is all about. Love all the posts. I'll go back now and watch the videos. :)

Anonymous said...

GlitzLady, what are M&G pics. Do you have an address you could post for us? OH, could that be meet and greet? I still need an address. thanks very much.

Anonymous said...

aww thankyou everyone so head has been in an Adam haze all day, my brain won't switch off damn's 1:40am and i don't think i could sleep just yet. your lovely comments mean a lot.. i've been catching up with the lovely ladies i met on the fan site and twitter etc..a lovely comment was made saying "we showed the word how strangers can meet and suddenly become friends" aww all for the love of mr Adam lambert...warm and fuzzy moments all round woo hoo....

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D's the london show tomorrow/today..can't wait for GIOW/UK to get to the show and report back to us...what the heck will we all do people when glamnation is the Samaritans i suppose haha...

Rebecca said...

CHEZZA what a wonderful story

and thank you for the wonderful post

Anonymous said...

Chezza you rock girl! I felt like I was right there with you! What an amazing time you had and to receive compliments from Adam - I think I would have died on the spot! I hope to see your picture posted here - you must have looked so fantastic for Adam to notice! Wow, I would have loved to see him up close. Unfortunately, I only saw him as a little stick figure from afar in Bethlehem, Pa, but at least I was there to hear his glorious voice! Pleasant dreams of our sweet Adam. I hope your weather improves and all you Brit fans don't freeze to death! Take care now!

Anonymous said...

¡ Santa madre de la perfección! SONAMBULO,fué
una asombrosa interpretación, con toda su fuerza
y dramatismo y la belleza de este hombre en acción

Anonymous said...

CHEZZA Gracias por compartir ese sueño realizado
Tu historia maravillosa,muy descriptiva y emocionante.
Felicidades por tu vivencia con ADAM tiene que ser algo muy impresionante.
Fue un fugaz pero eterno momento, que recordaras por siempre.

Anonymous said...

Loved this Manchester show and all of Suz's great vids. And Chezza's exciting play-by-play made me feel I was there too. Thanks Adam, Manchester, Suz, Chezza and 24/7!


Dinah-mite said...

Oh my!! Just watched IIHY, phew!! What was up with AFL??? The boy was off the charts is right! Someone's been eating their Wheaties! :-) PARTY ON GARTH!!

Anonymous said...

Oh chezza-sherbert, you will never be the same again!!! SO happy that you finally got to see Adam live! But wait, ladies and gentlemen, there's more. You got to meet him...but not just meet him, my friends, but get a supreme compliment from him! We need to see a picutre. I bet your make-up looked amazing! And what a show you got to such a small venue.

I loved your entire post. I bet your extremitites will be tingling for a loooooong time to come, just thinking about the night you just had with Adam. Treasure the memory, my friend. Life will never be the same again.

So, so, so thrilled for you!

GIOW/UK - you MUST get yourself to the show on Monday! You live on an island full of furry creatures - can't you rig up some sled and team of animals to pull it over the snow, so you can have your time with Adam?? Please be safe, but do whatever it takes to get to your show!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Yes it is what I want to watch, I love Adam and will watch him any which way I can, sitting on a stool in his beanie singing the most beautiful WWFM ever like in Berlin, strutting his stuff in a cod piece like in Sydney, and whatever moves he cares to throw at us on GNT.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Damn - I just went back and watched IIHY! The boy was feeelin' it! Very fiesty banter with the audience. Too funny! I do think he's so over these songs and performing them night after night....although, he's an actor, and that what actors do. That's why he's able to keep it fresh.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Chezza,thankyou for this much anticipated post!!!So glad you made it and didn't freeze to death! I felt as if I were right next to you seeing and hearing Adam say, "You look fantastic!!" I'll be looking for the picture! Love the minute by minute replay starting by getting ready for this thrill of a lifetime and Adam acknowlegeing your daughters glittery sweet card. I'm sure it touched him! I know you didn't want that moment or concert to end. It must seem like an incredible dream. I got goose pimples just reading about it! Thanks for letting us be a part of your excellent adventure!!I hope GIOWUK and all fans going to London venue, Adam and glamily won't be stopped by the freezing cold and blizzard. Hope you'll all be safe and won't suffer in the cold. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4fun, It seems I got the last word on the virgin radio thread!lol I read your post and responded, so guess you'll need to go back and read! hahaha funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Funbunn40

I let you get the last word, but only if you go back there A-G-A-I-N and see my last message! Just posted it there for you. Lol!

Anonymous said...

HH's Nov.28, 8:19PM
«Holly Mother of Perfection! Sleepwalker was a fantastic performance, with all its strength and dramatism and the beauty of this man in acction! HH»

HH's Nov.28, 8:45PM

« @ CHEZZA: Thank you for sharing this dream coming true. Congratulatios for your experience with ADAM, it must have been some a impressive thing. It was just quick eternal moments but you'll remember them forever. HH»


Anonymous said...

again thankyou everyone :D...

@Fan4Fun...thankyou for the translation..
@HH...thankyou that was lovely...

the last international glamnation show will be coming to an end about now, i wonder if GIOW UK survived..i'll look forward to reading her story too...

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

OT....@Fan4fun, I went back there A-G-A-I-N! You are sooo f****** with me again!! hahaha No one can play with words like you do and your English and writing are not 1/2 bad! Simone Signoret died in her early 60s of pancreatic ca. She was in Ship of Fools, Room at the Top and Diabolique, as I can recall. If I win the lottery we could meet up in this lifetime! Who knows what can happen? What fun it would be to have a 24/7 reunion with Adam and glamily! Maybe a giant conference call with all of us on Skype! Who knows what technology will bring? I think our Diamond Boy was going to party in London tonight.Don't know when they're all leaving for the US. If it weren't so cold, he might have stayed there for awhile. Don't want him to be too tempted! funbunn40