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Great "Pants" Moment During 'Fever' in Oslo

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Gif credit: Pyrae

Here is the video of this performance.


☺ said...

I mean wut‼ I had to do a double take... lol WOW‼ Loooooow cut pants... it's almost there! WUT‼ ☺

Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Hooooooooooooot-nesssss‼

Our naughtiness is gonna come out... and Adam it's your fault... you made us do it... lol

Anonymous said...

this is the hottest thing so far. Beats the fever kiss x100, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Kissing and flirting with Tommy is cute and sexy but sticking his hand down his pants and giving himself a little rub is a going too far . Whats next exposing himself ? Fun is fun but PULEZE

Anonymous said...

@1:18... admit it, it is way HOTTER than the kiss. We all love it. I am all giddy right now, I almost bite my tongue *\o/*

Anonymous said...

OMFG!!! Not many performer can have such enormous sex appeal for people. It come so naturally for him to carry it, must feel the heat from the audience. He is vocally unbelievable. Fever should be released with this video to bomb off the US music industry executives!!!

☺ said...

I hope NOT anon 1:18 PM. I little teasing is great and leaving some stuff to our imagination awesome‼ Right Adam? leave the rest to our imagination... sooooooooo HOT‼

Anonymous said...

OK HOTTEST thing ever ! Hear that Adam ? just stop the interaction with Tommy and start masterbating on stage Come on- do it for the fans - its sho biz as u once said What a class act ! watch it adam going downhill fast

Anonymous said...

I know he would not do this in the USA. He is aware of what he could get away with in what countries. In Oslo they are probably very liberal and don't consider that too much.
This is the 1st time that I've seen his this frisky. I'm curious as to what the fans in the audience were thinking.

Anonymous said...

Anon @1:18PM.

Watch the video instead of the gif. It was just 2 seconds and left more to the imagination than anything else. Not quite a "rub" in the video. Why would you even comment about "exposing himself" ? Seems he ruffled your feathers a bit. Relax and just enjoy.

Anonymous said...

If you watch the video on YouTube you can see by the comments that twitter exploded. They loved it.


Anonymous said...

Wait till the acoustic EP comes out and maybe the downhill starts from there. It will be the end of the Glamberts, because acoustic and glam have nothing in common. Listen to the 70's glam rock and you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

This is the hottest gif of the week!!!

Lolita said...

It's official: Adam Lambert is trying to kill me....

Anonymous said...

WoW! Very hot! Guess Glamberts in which country will be "dead" first. Hahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

Actually the cutest part was after he pulled his hand out of his pants, he realized his shirt was caught in his pants. He then reached down and pulled his shirt out without skipping a beat.
Anonymous 1:31 and 1:45 sound like an Adam hater. Go hassle someone else.

Anonymous said...

WOW it is! Love it when after he feels himself his gorgeous eyes light up!

Anonymous said...

anon 1.18 i bet you are from usa and now you say kissing Tommy is ok but not grabbing , i dont see any grab just a second his fingers on his pants , is too much for you ? wats wrong with this country , is the return to the dark age?

Lolita said...

Given that opportunity, my eyes would emit rainbow lasers! :)

LP said...

No wonder he was snubbed for Peoples Choice.
I think the kissing alone has not earned him any popularity votes . This will be the end of a beautiful career. There are many many more people than glamberts. I have followed his career so far and bought his CD, but I cannot mention it to my family, they think he is crude & vulger. I think Sony is doing their best to boost him along , if he did all his shows like he did in Malaysia, he might overcome a lot of this. But now he is getting just plain raunchy.
It's a shame because he has so much to offer. I think he is going to see how far he can go in europe. Maybe they will love him because this is is on the edge of porn. I am so sorry Adam, I have followed you and loved you, but now I am so disapointed. I thought you were above that.

Anonymous said...

Well, Adam is doing magic to me, certainly Canada will not go down first, but hand down with him!!!

Anonymous said...

anon 1Ș45 you dont like muzic and hate Adam , acoustic means voice , somebody has somebody hasn t . Adam has a polished operatic voice , all greatest musicians say that

Anonymous said...

I don't care if he sings acoustic, it just isn't Glam. You can be Lamberts without the G.

Anonymous said...

Two new words in the Lambert Dictionary: Handam and Bulge Dive.


Anonymous said...

being liberal not means to be porn , just lookout what are you talking about , you want to say that all the countries where Adam is loved is a porn country? why a female artist is accepted in your country touching his pelvis and his bra and touching males and so on and just a litle simulation is so rude and not accepted to a gay boy? thats the point with your country , Adam is openly gay and this is a crime for you , not for the others countries

Anonymous said...

do you seriously think other artists don't do this or far worse when performing live? MJ was always touching his crotch, as is Janet jackson, Madonna, in fact just about any singer you name. Plus many artists kiss their audience during their shows, there are youtube links of a lot of them, geez Elvis was always doing it. The only difference with Adam is he is actually sexy.....

HK fan

Anonymous said...

He can be all things. Why does he have to be just one. Some will say no, this can't be. I think he will prove, eventually, that he can be many things, and be accepted in the entertainment industry. Good lord people, research some music history, entertainment history, mainstream even, you will find careers of big names who engaged in many arenas, risque to conventional.

Anonymous said...

Yes HK fan, yes. And triple yes for the last line!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam, I am his big fan. But after this, sorry, nobody has to complain about AMA, People's Choice,etc. Sorry, but this is on the edge of porn. Adam def needs big investors, but now he put himself in very dangerous situation. Let's see tomorrow (or today) news. And,please, don't say that I am not love Adam, I just wondering about his future.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! You got me to it. Was just going to refer to Michael Jackson. Why do I never feel offended watching Adam? He´s having fun. He´s fun to look at. What a great energy! And did you really hear his vocals on this Fever? WOW!!
@LP Sorry! You make me so sad, but I see how so many of you feel ashamed and are "slinking away" from Adam. And how can that be porn? Jeez, people! Come on!


Anonymous said...

delilah5 , i know from your posts you are a big Adam fan , but i think here you wrong , why do you think Adam s concert wasnt cancelled in Kuala Lumpur , bc there it was a big , among others sponsor , it Was DIGI and in F1 race there was the biggest investors of the world advertised. Adam bring money , that is importent for them , maybe not in America with so much close minds , but all over the world . I have in my country from Europe a music tv channel and guess what , Adam was the artist of the month last month and now they dedicated him a 5 video from request in a raw , and all what we ask from them , they play and became the #1 music tv channel over vh1 and mtv and before any Adam video they have commercials , i think that talk alot for Adam and his public

Anonymous said...

Yeah, seriously. For the people going on and on about raunchy, have you even remotely watched Gaga, Rihanna, Janet Jackson or ANY of those ladies lately? Have you heard any accounts of how many groupies some of these metal guys have slept with over the years? What makes Adam raunchier than they are? And for the person who said your family thinks adam is "crude and vulgar," I'm guessing they're all big fans of metal rock or whining country crooners going on and on about prostitutes and their man cheating on them. It's all the same, it's only rock and roll. And we like it.

Anonymous said...

How can this be porn, he didn't even take off any cloth. WHY one little gesture cause you so much concern. I start to understandwhy his GNC are best oversea, both vocally and visually. There is no place for him to perform like that and being fully himself in US.

Julia said...

When women like Beyonce, Gaga, Katy Perry flaunts their body, they are accepted in mainstream, But when a man does it, it's "too raunchy or sexy"....

There's something wrong with our society.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, how can this be porn (not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with porn!), you only have to walk down any high street to see men all the time touching themselves, rearranging, and yes I've even see them with their hands down there - doesn't have quite the effect when they're overweight with a builders bum hanging out as Adam, but still, all men do it...

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Lighten up everybody. This is not porn.

BTW, if you have an extra couple of bucks and want to make a soldier happy or someone who is sick, you can Adam's CD to 2 different places.
One is MUSIC CAN CURE, 2900 Slater Road, Salem Ohio 44460 attn: Angie Persello Aftermath

The other address is SISTER SOLDIER PROJECT, LLC.
Post Office Box 1311, Grover beach, Ca. 93483
attn: Myraline Morris Whitaker

Check them out online.
Adam's album is #10 on Amazon

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant to say Adam's Cd is $10 on Amazon.

Anonymous said...

I was at the concert last night, and I of course, to my pleasure, noticed this new sexy move during Fever. I think it was hot and sexy! It's not a big deal, it's just rock'n roll! BTW I was blown away by his vocals. And the high notes moments are magical! And he is sooo beautiful. A concert to remember!
Norwegian fan

Anonymous said...

Lately this forum it's being really hot!!!
yesterday it was too heavy with the video made by MissLauraLambert (lollipop luxury), but today it's too much, he is going to kill me!!
he's soooooooooooooooooooooooo sexy!!!

I don't think it's near porn, I believe he's really clever because he knows where he can do every act (maybe in Europe he feels can take these kind of liberties).


Anonymous said...

watching the gif........oh no, looks bad for adam
watching the video......what? that was nothing!

take out the gif !

Anonymous said...

I agree with 3:36

in the video is nothing
in the gif seems exaggerated (but it's ok)

Anonymous said...

That was an awesome shock! How sexy can a man be? Finally an eye show for the women of the world!!

Anonymous said...

I think it was one of the best Fevers ever vocally. And the energy was out of this world.

And talk about raunchy; Rihannas video Te Amo with that lesbian theme hasn´t hurt her career at all. It´s on MTV and VH1 all the time.


Anonymous said...

Anon 3:36: out the gif??, nahh, ME LIKEE THE BIG GIF SOOO MUCHHH !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with LP at 2:14 and what was said. Adam is musically talented...that voice is the best in the industry today. He doesn't have to Kiss Tommy or put his hand down his pants to prove anything to his fans. I too am disappointed and his performance should be about the music and not the sideshow that sometimes goes on around him. I have been a fan since his first appearance on AI, and I don't think he will garner a wider fan base if he keeps on with these unnecessary actions on stage. He is an awesome performer both musically and visually and doesn't need to be so raunchy to be a success.

Anonymous said...

relax people, just enjoy this beautiful sexy mothefucker...He is so HoT, like volcano HOOTTTT.
Adam, if you are reading this, next time please lick those hands after the rub rub. Oh, and rub some glitter on those balls and sprinkle them to the crowd **Dear god, let me be at the front row when he does that**


Lolita said...

"doesn't have quite the effect when they're overweight with a builders bum hanging out as Adam, but still, all men do it..."

LMAO, HK fan, I think I love you!

And for those of you that think this is porn, I feel sorry for your ignorance of the sensual...ahem...arts. You must become better educated. Put on a trench coat, dark glasses, maybe a wig, and slink into an "adult" entertainment store. You will be AMAZED at what fun is out there that utilizes more than your weekly missionary position! You may even feel compelled to share your newly acquired erotic knowledge with your "stiff" (not in a good way) family. All of you may then appreciate the difference between "sexy" and "crude and vulgar".

Norwegian fan: I am sooooo jealous, yet happy for you!!!

Anonymous said...

People are disappointed over this? Get a life please. Dude is hot. I say He should strip and show us more..... Rawwwrrrrrrr.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:36

EXACTLY totally agree. Yes, the gif looks oops, bad. *Talk about sensationalized! The video is nowhere near what the gif looks like. Jeeez, get rid of that gif before there's a collective breakdown. (or meltdown)

Lolita said...


*I want to come with you!!!* hehe

Anonymous said...

Adam was pure sex on fire! Smoking hot performance - one of his best in my opinion vocally and physically. Head roll, neck roll, back roll, etc. yikes thud DEAD! Adam loves to push the envelope but also he knows when he can get away with it. He is one very smart BB. I think Adam would say he was just interpreting the song. Right on Adam! It's all good! mamcdruuu2

Anonymous said...

This is to the comment on previous thread that Adam shouldn't have put his hand in his pants. First of all, I think Adam was creating an illusion and he wasn't actually feeling himself. He acted to the vibs and lyrics of Fever and created an illusion. econd of all, he is performing in Scandanvian country that is open and free about these things. If any of you have been to any European country, you've probably noticed the sexual freedom of 70s that never faded in this area of the globe. Thirdly, people aren't suppose to video any live performances. Artists are so against video camera in their live performances. It's like in a movie theater nobody's allowed to video anything. Well with technology advancement that now everybody got video camera as even as little as a pen or a button, it makes it hard for organizers to control and ban any camera usage. So enjoy it. It's not a televised performance. Consider yourself lucky to see it.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm sounds like people don't understand that Scandinavia(Denmark, Norway, Sweden) is very liberal with Denmark as a front runner. These countries where the first to make porn accessible to the general public(1967) and legalize gay partnership(1989). Typical for these countries is also that censorship is almost nonexistent on public television(the TV networks don't show porn but they don't shy away from showing the naked body in documentaries or movies etc.).So you see, it takes A LOT to offend someone from Scandinavia! If Adam is a big fan of "Shock rock" he really has to go wayyyy above and beyond in Scandinavia ;0)
Can't wait for Copenhagen!

Anonymous said...

He isn´t "rubbing". He puts down his fingertips and body rolls.
Videos from Stockholm are here. They are good. I don´t have to crawl under the table in shame. And I think the dirty bastard behaved.


Anonymous said...

Watching it in slow mo, it seems like it was a long act but it goes by faster in RL. BTW I was following a twitter list for the concert yesterday and not one person mentioned it. They mentioned the Adommy kiss but that was it. Obviously didn't tramatize too many.

I agree ... double standards and by the way I don't think this will affect his sales because unfortunetly it seems just the fact he's gay had some people against him, whether he's a Rock God or Pat Boone.

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

Adam's FYE album is only $9.70 on iTunes. Buy it or gift it.

Anonymous said...

I am still waiting for him to take off his vest, it's been a long wait.

Anonymous said...

ZZ you are disgusting

The Dark Side said...

Adam, Adam, Adam, you are creating another firestorm. Bad Boy!!! Doing a little experimenting are we? Well the consensus is in, some of them liked and some of them didn't--isn't that what music is all about? Heard that somewhere, Yea, Adam said that on Idol awhile back. Just wondering if anyone else notices that when Adam is snubbed, or not treated right, he will do something outrageous and in your face. BTW, got my TV Guide and they are recommending watching AMAs, and I for one am not, I am watching THS that is smack dab in the middle of the AMAs.

Anonymous said...

I truly believe the people on this site are not criticizing Adam, they worry sometimes that he goes too far and it will hurt him. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

I love everything Adam does but I did not like this. I don't think he needs to do stuff like putting his hands down his pants. He has a great voice and has some really sexy moves. I don't think he needs to do anymore with the pants. Only my opinion.

Dinah-mite said...

OMG! Just watched both Fevers... All I can say is
"damn, Adam is on FIRE!" For my money I say just enjoy this crazy ride with AL! So, he likes to push the envelope, I say go ahead and have some fun Adam.
Face it, he may never be mainstream and I for one say HOORAY for that!!! Hey if you like a steady diet of boring white bread, then I suggest you find yourself another choice because that just is NOT AL! Personally, I see Adam as a very creative, sexual, TALENTED entertainer and I am entertained. You go Adam, do your thing baby!!:-)
In the words of the great Billy Joel,"Don't go changing... I love you just the way you are". Amen.

Anonymous said...

Adam didn't really touch himself. Its all smoke and mirrors. There is a placket on the pants to protect his skin from the laces, and his hand went between the placket and the laces.Just like at the AMAs, the dancers face did not go into his crotch, but into his abdomen. He creates an illusion. And for every tight-ass American fan he loses because of this, he will gain 5 more in open-minded countries in Europe, and in Canada. He is just so much fun, and so entertaining!!!! Elizabeth from Canada

Anonymous said...

Good thing Kris Allen tickets are so easy to get, because it looks like we will have some defectors from this thread to his type of entertainment. Too bad, you guys are going to miss a hell of a ride, provided by one of the greatest entertainers of this generation.

Anonymous said...

It seems that some of the stodgy old ladies on here near to go back to their Andy Williams records and leave smexy Adam to the rest of us that love every single move he makes on stage.

Anonymous said...

Love ya, Anonymous 5:28 !!!!

Elizabeth from Canada

Anonymous said...

Why a lot of people continue to mention names as Lady GaGa,Madonna, etc?! They are big big big stars, don't gorget rich!!!!stars with very rich investors and, except Lady GaGa, spent many years on the stage! Actually, I don't think Lady GaGa would do some moves like this in her first big show as AMA or Grammies and during her first big tour! May they can't excpect what she's gonna wear on her next apearance on the stage, but they know what she's gonna do on the stage. This is the reason she was introduced to English Queen and invited on biggest events in US.
One more think from music history. When Freddie wrote "Bohemian Rapsody" he was very rich already, he lived with love of his life Mary Austin and he was 29 years old! In middle 70th it was 29 yet, in 2010 it's mean 29 already! Freddie became famous before everybody found that his is gay. Adam doesn't have fame as Freddie, doesn't have money like Freddie had and didn't write his "Bohemian Rapsody" but everybody know that Adam is gay with very nasty behavior. Sorry, you know this is truth. Just for some of us this is mean "Adam has fun again" but for another part of his fans it is mean "You put your future in the cement,Adam":(Adam said many times that he doesn't regret what happend on AMA, but learned the lesson. Did he? I love Adam, I'm gonna be his fan forever, but it takes a long time to forget AMA and even longer Oslo. You can see that nobody cares about Quebec. The mentioned this concert once or twice. But everybody will remember AMA and Oslo forever. Again, I love Adam, honestly, for me Freddie will be Rock God, Legend, Artist #1, Adam is Artist #2, but he still is not Legend
Good luck, Adam, love you

Anonymous said...

I didn't follow Adam at the time of the AMAs. How could he sing so badly then.

Anonymous said...

The only antidote I think will work for me is to kiss & lick those delicious fingers of sweet Adam's left hand before he washes them, but I guess he has already done it... glamshit! Then, there is no cure for me no more!

If this is porn, all I have to say is that I'm an addict and would love to get another shot of this porn right now... and be alowed to die HAPPY just after!

(Everything sweet Adam does is magical, is beautiful, is blessed!)

Anonymous said...

I see I’ve missed at least one ‘hot’ thread back there.. but you wouldn’t have been happy with my thoughts.. Not that it would be different on this one.. This is partially the reason for coming late to 24/7 ‘parties’.. to make tete-a-tete conversation with the most resilient of the glamparty people.. :-)

As for this topic... First, in a music world where women singers are put on replay (until numbing the last body cell) while they sing about ‘giddy up’, giving it harder/stronger/longer, getting ‘desnudate’ and needing ‘sex for breakfast’ and, barely clothed, they simulate sexual intercourse with whatever gender they have around, to be shocked by little self-touching of a man performer (or a little guy-on-guy kiss) is pure and simple.. social hypocrisy. I, for one, admit I’m enjoying some displays of sexuality on/out stage up to a point from where I am equally disturbed by any performer of any gender or any form of art that crosses my limit. I say the difference between sexy and porn it’s not about the degree of nackedness but about the feelings attached to it. I mean, it’s about the need to build up and/or preserve the sexual tension vs. the need to release it. I hope all this make sense. Rude Boy (song/video) for example, in my opinion, has the beat just right.. to ‘take it’, but no tension, no ‘fever’.. a short and fake foreplay.
Second.. this damn Lambert have made quite a voyeur out of me! He is sometimes a little ‘out there’ for my taste, but he does indeed make me wonder.. for example, he really enjoys to feel ‘the man’ when kisses TJ and touches his elfin neck with the back of his hand? He's playing(?) ‘the fever’ alright. It’s about building up and keeping wondering. I don’t care who the ‘players’ are or if the sexual attraction is real or not. It's all foreplay with him! Maybe this is why women (and some men :-)) are so turned on by this F. Lambert.
No need for him to finish it up. The glamfans can do that for themselves.
Third.. But no, I won’t go further about stereotyping Europe/America and their morals.. I’m tired of it. If one talks about a specific European country one might get closer to it.. but still using stereotypes. Well, whatever makes you feel good about your own 'space'..
Ok, more than three hours past midnight.. turned into a pumpkin.. since long now. :-)

Anonymous said...

If Adam starts to curtail his artistic freedom just to please everybody, that would be the saddest day of my life. If being family friendly would be his goal, he will never achieve anything because that is not who he is as an artist. But still he decided to come up with an ecclectic album so that there'll be a song for everybody. Kudos to him for being considerate.

Let Adam go with the flow experimenting on his artistic expressions to see for himself what works or not, what is offending and what is not. Besides he is brilliant enough to know when and where to make those naughty moves. Let him err once in a while, suffer the consequences and GO ON LIVING. If things don't work out his way, Adam is creative enough to reinvent himself without sacrificing his uniqueness. He is having the best time of his life & living his dream!

@Eva, @HK fan, @Norwegian fan, @Atenia, @Ale &many others - thanks for all your nods and informative posts :)


Anonymous said...

The one thing i enjoy so much in this site is the continuous flow of information from many wonderful posters here. Everyday i get to learn a lot about people, their cultures, societies, history and the sharing here is fantastic. I couldn't thank 24/7 enough for providing this venue for Adam's dedicated followers. We are free to disagree and discussions are indeed healthy. A million thanks 24/7:D CHEERS!


Anonymous said...

@delilah5 first and foremost you taken this way too seriously. Aint nobody gonna remember the Oslo thing beacause it is not a live televised thing on tv, so who cares. Plus Adam just started his career give his butt a break, damn. Like Adam said it aint that deep.

Anonymous said...

@Bing. If you talk about artisitc and to please everybody, this is exactly what Adam continues to do. Stop to complain about that they snubbed Adam from many awards. Like I said already, this is his choice-to please his fans and to forget about any noms and awards. Everybody who agree and enjoy with his stage behavior have to be happy and forget about any awards also as far as you think this is the best support you can provide. I am positive Adam will do Rio if he will continue to get so many votes and I vote for him few times per day and never will stop. May he will get award in Germany. Forget about American Music Production for long time. I repeat it again- get fame, money, big stage and big awards(in our time it is mean big stage) then you can be bad, very bad boy with "NO BOUNDARIES":)
But I never will regret to be your fan and always will support you as much as I can,darling.<3

coloforadam said...

Careful, you might feel something. Adam did and I bet it felt wonderful. Why are sexual feelings so scarey and repressed? Repression has done far more damage to the human heart than pleasure ever could. Thank you Adam for whatever message of honest enjoyment you are trying to send - I think I get it and Ima SO glad!!

Anonymous said...

How should Adam play the success/fame game? By becoming more mainstream? By trying to please a broader audience? I don't think that's who he really is, but, who knows? He may compromise a little. As for me, I want the sexiest Adam I can get! He is always just ready to burst with sexual energy and I love it! I don't know how much of it is planned and how much is spontaneous, but either way, I can't get enough. Time will tell how the mundane music business and the "average" music fan who seems so eager to accept and buy the CDs of so many less-talented singers, will eventually accept Adam. The stunning voice will always be there. I'm sticking with him for the long haul, and sexier the better!

Anonymous said...

I think this: Adam has made many a mastaburatory guesture (male/female both) during this song, look at vids, many gestures over the course of GNT (and more than a few hand gestures indicating what a female technique would be) oftentimes during this moment in the song where he says "your mine". I honestly think, have long thought, he's giving a bit of a wink/nod (albeit smokin' hot wink/nod) at if to say, I know what I'm doing to you, you are mine, sometimes you can't resist touching yourself when you think of me, I've reeled you in, your mine because it's me you think of when you pleasure yourself, you're hooked on me, you're mine, it's okay, be mine. I am being completely serious. And let's face it, it's true for many, nothing wrong with that!

Also, some of you fans need to hit you tube and check out some of Lambert's stuff pre-Idol and FROM THE AMERICAN IDOL 8 TOUR itself actually. Some very sexy stuff from the AI8 tour... no bait and switch going on here, never was, as Lambert said on the popular Sirius radio interview "I tried to set it up..." Fans who don't want to see, well, they don't want to see. Concern for his career is thoughtful, but he's got it covered IMO, he knows what he's risking each and every time he steps out onto a stage, IMO. He makes his choices every performance, knowingly.

Anonymous said...

masturbatory is the correct spelling actually :) ... but you knew what I meant, lol.

Anonymous said...

@ delilah5

Dear, believe me, I wouldn't tell you this if I was not sure about the much you love sweet Adam and care and worry about his career: the best AWARD the world (USA included) can give to sweet Adam IS TO ALLOW HIM TO BE WHO HE IS, THIS AMAZING AND UNIQUE ARTIST, VOICE AND ALL THE REST OF THE PACKAGE ATTACHED, ENJOYING HIS PERFORMANCES THE WAY HE CHOSES TO PLAY ON STAGE!!! Of course sweet Adam wants fame and fortune, but I do believe he doesn't want them at the price of his freedom of showing his artistry. Please delilah5 think about that and try to understand and to accept his choices. Promise to me that you will at least try, deal?

Anonymous said...

Anon @ answer to your question:

LP @ 2:14...I do not know you personally or your situation, but I feel sorry for you. Sorry that you "cannot mention it to my family, they think he is crude & vulgar..." It must be hard living as a "closeted fan" of an openly gay man. I hope that changes for you someday.

Letter to Adam: God bless you. You free spirited, non-conforming, beautiful and talented man! I will never bail on you no matter what you do...ever.

A tight-ass American (lol Elizabeth from Canada...loved what you said by the way)

Anonymous said...

For all of you who say this is porn...I will quote Adam and say, "It ain't that deep."

Anonymous said...

Amen Anon 6:51 PM . I wouldn't want Adam any other way, He has said that he is polarizing, you either love him or not, and I love every last hair on his artistic and beautiful head. How come no one is threatened by the sexuality or violence from some of these other performers, and I find it hard to believe that those of you who feel Adam went too far yes even with the AMA's aren't true fans if you were you would understand that Adam is just being Adam. Some of you just don't get it. I believe he will be Iconic, and stop comparing him with past icons. He will reach their status and past them by, just give him time.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 7:12

Very Well Said!
Thank you.

glitzylady said...

@ Bing 6:04 pm

After reading all of these posts ( I heard about this "move" earlier today on twitter, but couldn't comment until now..) I have to say I agree with what you say, Bing...The bottom line is this..."Adam is Adam" and he is an amazing singer and a very special and unique entertainer and that is that. As I stated on a previous thread a few days ago, if he is required to rein himself in forever in order to be appreciated by everyone in the world (as in "mainstream"), then he will most likely become discouraged and just slowly fade away...not something I would want to see him do..I don't see that little "move" (on stage in a sexually liberal European country) as something that is going to kill his career...As someone said, its not like there were millions of people watching it on American network TV..Every time he does anything remotely controversial, all of the negativity comes flowing back out again..The only reason we even are aware of it is because of the internet and the ability of everyone to video everything...You Tube is both a blessing and a curse...Just a few years ago no one outside of the concert hall would have known about it, or cared...and in spite of what we like to think, not everyone watches Adam's every move. Certainly everyone has the right to comment and to approve or disapprove...but in the long run I doubt this thing will have any effect on his career..There are much bigger forces at work here...Adam's amazing singing talent, his sheer joy in what he does, and those people (like me for instance..) who don't find him to be "raunchy" and provocative, yes of course, nothing wrong with that in my book!! If I was looking for middle of the road, I would have voted for "the other guy". And I also agree that awards are nice but I don't think that is what Adam's biggest focus is right now..He is just enjoying the "rush" of being able to perform for his fans and to do things his way...and if that loses him some fans, then that is their loss. There are others waiting in line to take their places I would guess. I wouldn't be traveling all over the country, half-way across the Pacific, and then heading down to LA for his final two concerts if I was that easy to shock or dissuade as a fan...I'm in this Adam-fandom thing for the long haul. And as for the "stodgy old ladies" comment...please.. again I may be a bit older, as in not in my twenties, etc. but I prefer Adam to Andy Williams any day. I know more than a few stodgy YOUNG ladies too, so I am hoping that was a figurative term...And lastly , I understand that some of these comments are voiced out of concern for Adam and his career but I have given up on worrying about him, as he is doing what he loves and I think he will be fine, with or without me spending a lot of time hoping he doesn't do anything too sexy...he just IS and he can't help I'm just going with the flow and enjoying it..Just like Adam is..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun 7:23pm Deal, darling. You are very sweet and funny:) I love to read your comments. And love "sweet Adam"<3 Just don't want him to have same problem in US like Freddie had.
Did I understand you correct, that you coudn't go to Adam concert? This is so sad, I wish I can help. I could afford to go to the concert once. I will remember it forever.
Anyway, lets change the subject and talk how to help Adam to make his debut album platinum. Just read article in Examiner about charity campaign. The link is You will find some infromation about this charity campaign

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady: As always, you put it all down very eloquently. I too agree, and am in it for the long haul. Been around too many blocks for anything to "shock or offend" me.
For those Adam worriers, why worry about something you have no control over? Maybe channel that mental energy into volunteerism or helping a deserved cause.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the most seductive and talented man ever - he draws one in like no other! Who doesn't like being teased and titilated and what better person to do it us? Adam has improved my sex life 200%! However, there have been a few too-overt and in-your-face moments that border on raunchy: 1) the Gene-Simmons-like full tongue action (not the same as the seductive lip licking and anything similar to Gene Simmons is an automatic turn off); 2) the microphone/masturbation stimulation on Tommy's birthday performance (too blatant and leaves nothing to the imagination); and 3) touching Taylor's crotch during a recent Fever performance - not seductive, honey! Taylor is, um, gross. Performances like Whole Lotta Love in Milwaukee is by far the most seductive and unforgettable performance -keep it on that level and you'll keep our fires burning forever, Adam! Love love love the Adommy kisses too! I have no problem with the hand down the pants either as long as he leaves his balls alone - give us some room for imagination, lol!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam, but I don't think any of this crap is necessary. The man can sing, has charisma, looks, intelligence, you name it. He doesn't need to do this crap. If he wants people to quit talking about him being the "openly gay singer", he needs to stop this "openly gay" crap. It isn't a double standard as so many of you and Adam want us to believe. I want Adam to be himself, but he can keep be just a singer". I am pretty sure that Bruno Mars, real name Peter Hernandez, is gay, but no one knows it and no one cares. Why? Because he doesn't throw it in your face. I agree that he needs to focus on his singing and talent now, before he is written off. I think that if he doesn't have a tremendously fantastic CD this time around, he will be done. Then he can spend his time singing and being "openly gay" in that type of club. I have purchased 7 copies of FYE, have downloaded all of the songs several times from ITunes, bought the Glam Box, and have seen him in concert several times. I am again very disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Coloforadam 6:42 - great post. You are often giving interesting comments.

Anonymous said...

I'm trusting that the overprotective fans will take care of Adam if gets into trouble.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 8:08 I am also disappointed...In YOU.
Maybe you should re-read what you've written. It is fraught with passive-aggressive homophobia.

Anonymous said...

What is passive-agressive homophobia?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:08 what is so wrong with being gay? You make it sound like something Adam should be ashamed of. How can you claim to be a fan? I don't get it, Adam is proud of his sexuality and I for one find it so refreshing and would like to see more entertainers who are gay be so out and proud. Please reread what you just posted, way to send messages to those teenagers trying to feel good about themselves and their sexuality. I for one think you are just a homophobic non fan of Adams and are looking to tear him down. And how can you say its not a double standard, have you seen Lady Gaga's videos or Keshia? I don't think so, I personally don't have a problem with them but don't say that there isn't a double standard. Adam is a sexual being, and he is himself on stage but magnified, haven't you ever heard him say that in interviews? Please don't ever make gay sexuality sound like something that should be hidden.

Anonymous said...

WOW - Totally sexy! More please Adam! :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, I normally don't like to say much but this time I am gonna rant a little...
First of, to all the people here stating some of us Adam's fans are over protective, i don't think anyone is protecting adam, he is a big boy and he knows what he is doing. He is entertaining people by being himself and we are all lovin it. He is a sexual being (just like me), nothing wrong with that, in fact it is hot and sexy. I, for one like entertainment to be raunchy and over the top just like this and if you have a problem with that, go jump of a cliff.
The other thing that I want to point out is people like anon 8:08, do you know what I call people like you? I call them "BULLIES". Do you think being out and being proud about it is wrong? What kind of person are you? And you talk about other celeb's "Bruno Mars" being gay and staying in the closet for fear of his career??? If the guy is gay, do you have to out him in blogs????You know, it is people like you who start the rumors and get in to the heads of innocent people. And what made you think that Bruno is gay? Man, you really are so wrong, in so many levels wrong. It really makes me sad to read comments like this coming from Adam's fans (if you are one ofcourse), especially at this time when we are fighting bullying and hate. I don;t think you have got the message Adam is trying to pass to all around the world, "ACCEPTANCE". I personally like Adam to be himself all the time. I want him to enjoy this crazy ride. If he wants to touch himself, let him do it, it is all Rock and Roll baby.


☺ said...

LOL! stop the insanity already! This move has nothing to do with being gay‼ Adam is just simply a really sensual Dude... hello... lighten up! He didn't STRIP... for crying out loud. Some people can be too conservative‼ He didn't do it in Stockholm! It's not like Adam has been doing it all the time‼ We might not even see it again!... SO ENJOY‼ ☺ Tip: Don't forget to right click & SAVE... LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow - who knew a little hand-down-the-pants action could set off such a firestorm!! Hmmm, what if he'd put his hand down someone ELSE's pants?? **Shriek!!** At least it was his own pants.

There are so many comments I agree with that I don't even know where to begin. Let's review:

* Adam is very sexual.
* Adam is gay.
* Adam is not afraid.
* Adam is not afraid to be himself.
* Adam doesn't appear to be overly concerned with pleasing the masses.
* Adam tailors his show to his audience (he is very attuned to his audience - hence, his infinity tattoo).
* Adam is having the time of his life.
* Adam is feeling the song.
* Adam knows what his audience likes.
* Adam takes pleasure in turning his audience on.
* Adam ain't gonna dumb it down.
* Adam is the fodder of many people's fantasies.
* Adam is workin' it, responding to the audience's screams.
* Adam is a rock god.
* Adam is a breath of fresh air.
* Adam is what we've been waiting for.
* Adam is a polarizing force.
* Adam has had an effect on many of us that we haven't felt from a musician in...well...maybe never! It's called "sex appeal".
* Adam becomes a showman when he steps on stage.
* Adam likes controversy.
* Adam never fails to deliver.
* Adam never fails to please.

Did I forget anything?

What a man!!!!

He has set me on FIRE with his hand-down-the-pants sexxxxxy move! I agree with something Kentucky Fan said a few threads back - I'm a grown up, who makes my own choices. If I wanted cute, cuddly and family-friendly, I'd be a Beiber or Kris A. fan. But I don't - I want Adam, in any form of raunchy he cares to give me! I know what Adam's all about, and I'm all for it!!

(...the rest of my comments have been censored, as the man is just TOO SMOKIN' HOT for me to handle!...)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Lighten up people. Seriously, just get over it already. It's entertainment! He doesn't have to subscribe to a Kuala Lumpur-esque brand of concert to be accepted Mainstream. And all the holier than thous who keep griping about his "vulgarity" need to either pick a different musician to follow, or give in to the fact that his "vulgarity" is arousing and/or mentally & physically stimulating to YOU TOO (both of which are very NATURAL sensations bestowed upon us by way of the very NATURAL human condition!). Trying to tone him down is a lost cause (in case you haven't noticed yet). He's a huge star already and he can do whatever he wants onstage and the majority will ADORE him for it! He's putting on a SHOW. That's what he gets paid to DO! His show is about FUN & LOVE. Now hug each other, enjoy the fun and festivities & the hot frikin' eye candy, and quit your whining.


Anonymous said...

To glitzylady: yes, I was being figurative. I am like you. I am "old-ish" too, and as a matter of fact I HAVE an Andy Williams record in the back of the closet somewhere. My point was- why carry on about Adam being too much this or not enough that. He is the total package, sex, song and rock & roll. He always has been. If you can't handle all that he is, then go find someone that doesn't offend your sensibilities. I probably love Adam more BECAUSE of all that he is, voice, face, body, sex appeal. The Full Meal Deal. If one is embroiled in conservative attitudes toward sex, no matter how old you are, then Adam is not for you.

Anonymous said...

Adam is brilliant - he definitely knows how to keep himself on top. Every new thing he does sets off a firestorm of discussion. He is his own publicity machine and is working it better than any pro, baby! I do, however, agree with 8:02 in that some things are better left behind. He's got enough sultry sexiness to keep us burning hotter than any volcano and doesn't need to resort to anything raunchy. There's a fine line between seductive and almost raunchy and it seems as if he is experimenting with new ideas to turn up the flames. We'll never be bored of you, Adam! I went to one concert in August and have been on fire since then!

Anonymous said...

Goodness me, have just caught up reading all these posts, and I'm completely baffled why so many people are against this, and why you think he's killing his career, being too gay etc etc.....Its a live show, all performers are different on stage in front of a live audience compared to a tv performance. Do you seriously belive that no other singers out there perform sexual moves, touch themselves, simulate oral sex, or any other kind of sex come to that. I mean Delilah5, do you honestly think Lady Gaga doesn't touch herself on stage, at least adam has clothes on, which is more than she usually does..... Adam knows his audience, he knows when to rein it in, and when to go all out. And yes while I agree he doesn't HAVE to do these moves, afterall he's sex on legs just standing there, by god I'm glad he does.....if you think this little 3 second move is too much for you then maybe Adam isn't really your cup of tea, but I think you should all go and google some other big name stars concerts just to see what other people get up to.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

OMG Can't believe that one little self crotch intrusion generated all these comments. For those people who are abandoning Adam, you weren't much of a fan in the first place. Adam is Adam. He is very sexual with an active libido. Even during his Idol performances, that hand was always taking mischievious actions.

Have you looked at Gaga or Cyrus lately? They have moved way past Adam regarding the sexuality of their performances. Opps, I forgot. They're female, and all is forgiven. What a joke!!

There are lots of singers out there. Sure Adam has a great voice, but believe it or not, there are a lot of others who also have great voices and are also good looking. To have true star appeal, you have to separate youself from the crowd of talent that is out there. Adam must be true to himself and follow his instincts.

Either accept him unconditionally or move on to someone else. He doesn't need fans who judge him based on a film clip. He is a leader and making a path that others will follow. He will initially suffer from the negative actions just like Elton John and Ellen Degeneres did, but he will triumph in the end because he is a true hero.

Yes, there are a lot of "closeted" gay performers, and it's very sad that they have to choose between their career and being honest about their sexuality. Not only are there current performers living this double life, there are several legends who are still performing and fit this category. They are still hiding. Is this what you want for Adam? Not me.

This is such a tradegy. Some of you say that Adam shouldn't throw his gayness in our face. Yet it's perfectly allright if it's in a heterosexual context. I ask you to think about what you are saying. You are demonstrating homophobic behavior with your statements. You say you love Adam, but you want him to hide his emotions and feelings.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:08, I don't know how to respond to someone who starts with "I love Adam" and then proceeds with a homophobic rant, and lends support to another alleged performer who is closetted ( if you really know that)as if that is a virtue. YOU DO NOT GET ADAMS MESSAGE, OR HIS ESSENCE AS AN OPENLY GAY MAN SO PLEASE DO HIM A FAVOUR AND F**K OFF. Elizabeth from Canada

Anonymous said...

Wow! anon 10:19 PM Very well said... indeed‼

glitzylady said...

Anon 9:49 pm

Thought so...being figurative... : ) Age IS relative isn't it???....and I used to listen to Andy Williams when I was MUCH younger..LOL!! And he was very talented but I find my "muse" in Adam do you!!!

And one more comment: I do have to say that I am assuming that "move" was rather a result of being "inspired" by his audience just a bit...or more than just a bit...and something that might have resulted in him saying to himself "Did I just do that??!!" afterward...or not. It would be interesting to know what he thought about it after the performance...And I would assume its not something we will see on a regular basis, because here in the US it could end up being a little bit of a problem for him if he were to include it, and doubt he will...but that said, I still don't believe it will be a big issue..of course we know that the media here seems to love to show Adam in a bad light whenever they can so it could show up in the tabloids, and we KNOW TMZ, that smarmy bastion of snarky gossip will have fun with it if (and when) they get wind of I think we might see a little about it ( I sort of hope not..), but then again they tend to ignore Adam for the most who knows.. I still stand by what I said above...He is who he is and that's it....and as you said, he is not for everyone, and he never claimed to be...In this particular case it is really more about culturally accepted displays of sexuality in different parts of the world...and Scandinavia in general is more accepting than the US so I would guess he felt freer to amp it up just a little...I can think of a lot worse things than that..

Anonymous said...

Hmm maybe if Bruno Mars IS really closeted gay like someone said, that is why he is on drugs (cocaine to be more specific). It's a sad sad thing that silly politics and conservatism has forced people to lead repressed lives, leading them to seek relief in less constructive ways. A little cowardly if you ask me. A little freedom of personal expression would do wonders for those people. I commend Adam for giving us all he's got and more. And I hope for his own personal sake, he doesn't water himself down to please those people. I don't see him being very happy with that choice.

Anonymous said...

exactly right nuff, i am concern about adam, his full blown success is on halt because of this sexual movements. adam, we love you so much but please don't push it too hard boy and please don't say TOO BAD, EITHER LIKE IT OR YOU DON'T. we are all hoping for the longevity of your career because we care. please remember that there are MONSTERS everywhere who are waiting for your downfall.

Anonymous said...

11:13 p.m. Don't Push it to Hard BOY!!! What kind of statement is that? Who's pushing? YOU ARE by telling Adam what to do. Leave him alone to be himself. And yes, if you don't like it, you don't like Adam. You're the monster.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I just saw the Fever video now and have finished reading all 103 posts. I cannot believe some of the negativity here. I'm not saying that each and everyone of us doesn't have a right to express our opinions (that's what so great about 24/7) but, I for one, continue to be amazed at Adam's BRILLIANCE AND CREATIVITY IN CONTINUALLY PERFORMING "NEW" SEXY MOVES FOR OUR ENTERTAINMENT!How does he come up with new stuff all the time? Did you listen to those vocals??? Perfection, while all the time moving, dancing and looking drop-dead gorgeous! Not too many entertainers around could come close to his level of performance. I'll take whatever he gives us and consider myself extremely lucky to be on the receiving end of it.

I've been to 5 GNT on the West Coast of California and I am so grateful I was able to get tickets to see his 2 final shows in L.A. Dec. 15 & 16. I can only hope he'll give us 110% of himself those nights too,like he did in Oslo (those lucky, lucky fans!).

Anonymous said...

I'm happy Adam liked Norway. I'm not sure if he likes Finland anymore, but at least Tommy did. :)

glitzylady said...

@ CT 11:44pm

I'll see you in LA!...and I agree, I am so happy to be able to see as many shows as I did this year...and can hardly wait to see him again...just saw him in Hawaii and I'm ready for more..always...The LA shows are going to be the ones to see I think (but then we say that about all of them, because its true! Each one is different and fabulous)...I doubt anyone will be wanting him to hold anything back, and I think his energy level will be phenomenal.. I think those shows will be very special to him, sort of coming full circle from Idol Season 8 to present, beginning and ending in LA, with some of his biggest fans coming from all over to see him there. It will be a great place for the grand finale of his Glam Nation Tour..,Counting the days...and moving on...

Anonymous said...


And I agree that the gif is totally HOTTER than the vid. To whoever made it, THANK YOU :D

Anonymous said...

Yes, Glitzylady, I can't wait!!! I consider myself very lucky to see Adam in a small venue such as the Music Box. I want to get as close as possible ! But, then again, who doesn't?

These last 2 shows will be EPIC! and we'll be there!


suz said...

Everyone says they love Adam for being himself. Like it, or not, sliding his hand into his pants is Adam being himself. It fits perfectly with performing Fever and he knows it. I highly doubt he'll do it when he's singing Broken

Anonymous said...

The quality of the video is very good, blurry at parts but mostly very clear. You can see his facial expressions, fierce, horny and then cracking up with that boyish smile like, "look, now I´m being ridiculous again". It could have been me laughing at the adommy kiss. That´s how I react to all his sexy sillyness. It makes me happy and smiling. What a joy that man is. He is pure fun. So sad that some of you can´t enjoy him the way he is, but want him family friendly. That way nothing will change. If noone push the boundries, the narrow minded wins. And who is better at pushing boundries than this fantastic singer with that...(sorry) AMAZING voice and lovely personality. He´s likeable and if people just open their minds and let him in there will be change. @LP Why don´t you start working on your family? Have they seen him performing Soaked? The donor choose live chat and hundreds of other interviews? You just can´t hate that man.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I know most of you have watched all the videos and TV appearances......after the AMA's....when Adam has done daytime or TV appearances...they are family friendly..Adam is not for GNT concerts...let us have our FUN....sometimes...what fans think is raunchy...I find silly sexy.....FUN

Anonymous said...


What is your opinion that we don´t respect? What attitude do you mean? We don´t have the same attitude. We are talking calmly and have different opinions sometimes.
We should get a life? What life do you have, coming in here screaming to fans of an artist you clearly don´t appreciate? Something must be lacking.
(typing with caps lock on is screaming and concidered rude)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The whole ”pants” thing started from a GIF and this thread is TOOO long already, but I decided to put my hands down (in his pants) here anyhow…

These past two days have been so agonising for me:
After having waited so long for Adam I more than happily lost my GNT virginity Nov6 in Helsinki - and just my luck - it happened in a family friendly concert (there was no age limit, lots of young children and teens) only to find out that the Norwegians and the Swedes (not to mention, most certainly the Danes tonight?) got the better deal, LOL!!! Glamtastic for them, but - GLAMshit - I can’t help but feeling a little bit sorry for myself!!! I wanted that once in a lifetime experience, hell I NEEDED that more then you ever know…but the universe was against that! We ”only” got Mad World as encore, in a family friendly way. Don’t get me wrong, the Adam experience was still more than satisfying, but it left me desperately craving for more…

And now even my computer has turned against me, quadruple GLAMshit (stealing yr c-word, Fan4fun)! I have not been able to watch the bloody gifs properly (and not because I don’t want to!!!) and it takes forever for everything to uppload! Why NOW, universe????

Adam came to my rescue, when I needed rescuing. He shook my whole being with his voice, persona, presence and performance skills. He made me not only listen to music again, but also enjoy the lyrics and use my imagination. Its all there in the lyrics of For Your Entertainment, if people care to really listen. The rest is just his tremendous talent, smoke and mirrors. Free yourself and the rest will follow (another totally AWESOME song with AMAZING lyrics)!

Adam, LOVE your spirit and total package, LOVE everything you do and represent!
Keep on rocking and rolling!

GGD Gal, hands down yours forever

Anonymous said...

Typing with caps and misspelling words....people are so over that..ancient history...this is not an English's a blog...we don't have all day to blog....when I see something extra erotic...I type in CAPS and misspell's all about fun

Urethra_Franklin said...

11:13 thats what people said after Madonna masturbated on a bed in a wedding dress on MTV...30 freakin years ago.

Just sayin...

Im not readin any of the other crap up in here. Its too mind numbing.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I can't possibly remember all the anon positng times here, but hollly moley!!!

Bing!.. Wow.
Dark Side always
Adam Fix... must I say again, you outdid yourself.. how bout "He's sooo BIIIIGG!!" lol
ZZ / Fan4fun... speechless
Glitzy,... as always and damn woman, enjoy
those last shows!

Couple of thoughts.. I posted above, the gif, holy crap...=0 the VIDEO... HOLY $&@% that was
one freakin' amazing performance, and nowhere near as bad as the gif.

I do agree witha lot of what's been said here as you'll see below...
My ONE issue with this is this could be the perfect promo for an exciting, electrifying, vocally INCREDIBLE performance-- I reccommend seat belts!.. but oops...(that part) Um,can't just SHOW it as is to mainstream, conservative, prime-time tv etc. So that part edited out (don't shoot) and we have one HELL of an amazing performance that COULD be promoted to show the world the exciting talent this guy possesses. No I don't like that I said that either, but unfortunaely I feel it's true.

**Someone stated above and CORRECTLY, **this was a private live show in a country where it IS more accepted, was NOT on tv. We only know about it because of today's technology. Lucky for us those of us who DO enjoy it - CAN.
**SUZ... exactly...he's not about to do this during Broken Open.

Delilah5...I understand you care and have fears, I agree with Adams words and those who quoted him here--"it ain't that deep" Please don't fret, he's probably never going to be accepted by the stodgy conservatives, as we can see by the latest poll, not gonna win a PCA award. Sad for us who care, because we would LOVE to see him with every success and award he so richly deserves. But maybe those are OUR dreams? He's LIVING his dream and loving it.

The problem the way I see it is the "wrong" people can also get a hold of this and have a party.
**I say WE who "GET" him keep supporting him, ENJOY the party, and keep enlightening those who don't. They may just come around and have the time of their lives!
He's an entertainer... the BEST in my book, and VERY sexual. That's going to come out, WHERE he can express it to enhance the song. I would also think "Whataya Want From Me", "Soaked", "Aftermath" etc are safe.

What about the amazing passion he puts into "Sleepwalker" or "Sure Fire Winners" ...WOW. I say it's all relative depending on the song.

I say we who are NOT going anywhere KEEP supporting him, buying his music, see his shows, tweet, post here, spread and the word. Keep giving to HIM, so he'll keep giving back to us. Relax and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Wow..look at how many posts this thread gathers. Adam really knows how to set controversies, doesn't he? Smart guy :)

@ EVA: I totally totally agree with what you said. And I'd like to add that only adults can have a debate without resenting others or having agree to disagree.

@ GGD Gal: LOL. You're too funny. Hope the Universe will be kinder to you next time. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I love how the title of this thread is:

Great "Pants" Moment During 'Fever' in Oslo

The 24/7 Admins/mods chose to use the opening word "Great" - so I guess we know where they stand :), or maybe not... IDK, just sort of made me chuckle.

One other thing, I think this thread has contained some very civil discussion... civility well exercised and executed in a discussion that was at great risk of containing a lack thereof. Good on 'ya peeps. (I'm not Aussie, I just love that phrase, it's just so succinctly fitting sometimes, lol).

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam Lambert was looking to court any controversy with this intentionally, a point that I think should be more seriously considered and pondered by some IMHO. No offense to you/your comment Venz1, I like your posts actually.

Anonymous said...

Adam is Adam,and the concert in Oslo was great.

Peace and love from Norway

Anonymous said...

Well said Peace and love from Norway/6:35.

Adam is Adam. Sexy is sexy.

This vocal was incredible... the performance and showmanship was on fire, but to have that vocal back it up - MAGIC. MGF.

Anonymous said...

Peace, Love, Adam....Period!

Good Morning Ladies, and have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Kris Allen trolls on this site AGAIN!!! If you don’t like Adam, don’t come here .... it’s as simple as that but you trolls hone in on this site to cause trouble .... the trouble is you’re not causing any trouble at all, you’re just making yourselves sound pathetic.

So Adam likes to push the boundaries and that’s why No Boundaries is sooooooooo appropriate for Adam and sung fabulously by him.

Btw, that clip of Christina Aguilera’s to Not Myself Tonight is far more raunchy than this gif or any of Adam's performances. It seems there’s one standard for the ladies of pop and a completely separate standard for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Estoy muy de acuerdo, con su comentario HK.
muy cierto.

Anonymous said...

Onya Adam – loving you Down Under. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, well since someone brought up Christina's Not Myself Tonight - if any of you hard core vid/clip people know where 2:29 & 2:33 in the following AL fanvid using NMT are from, I'd be interested to know, I'd never seen that stuff before - no biggie 'though, just wondering, if anybody knows maybe you can reply, if not, it's all good.


Anonymous said...

MGF...the 2:29 shot is from the shoot he did for People Magazines "Beautiful People" edition. (You know where he's shot with the bird on his shoulder.) I recall seeing a video ages ago that showed several different outfits for that shoot. They just picked the bird one to publish. 2:33 has to be from his original international promo tour (spring of this year).

Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Some of you guys are so funny. You demand that people accept everything about Adam, because to do otherwise would be "closemided", "unaccepting","bigoted", etc, etc. But you can't even accept the opinion of other Adam fans if it differs one bit from what you think.
Some of these people CAN disagree with some of the things Adam does and still love him, still be a fan. Some of them have only posted that they are concerned for his career. Accepting reality is not being homophobic. Accepting reality is not condoning homophobia either. And the reality is this - female performers can get away with this stuff because straight men run things, and straight men LOVE that. It's a double standard, it's hypocrisy, and it's wrong. But that's the way it is right now. A lot of you don't think he should change one bit, and some think he should go even further with it.
Me personally, I think Adam should do what HE thinks is right for him. But don't be surprised, shocked, and outraged if he is blacklisted and kept out of the public eye by the powers that be. Some of them are very threatened by Adam's confidence in his sexuality. Direct your anger at THOSE people and not at the people here that care about Adam and simply want to see him succeed.

Anonymous said...

Thought I'd leave a qk comment was surprised by all the angst!! Good grief lighten up! Anyway someone on Ttwitter had this hilarious comment to make: u put your left hand in, you take your left hand out, put it back in & shake it all about! I wish I could remember who it was so I could compliment them on their excellent sense of humour! Go Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Mi c


Mi opinión es que ADAM LAMBERT llego
al mundo del entretenimiento y nos trajo
AMOR,ALEGRIA,SENSIBILIDAD... por medio de su excepcional VOZ Y TALENTO .Disfruto de su arte,
como él lo siente y lo expone con toda su originalidad y creatividad. ADAM es el artista
y sólo él, decidirá lo que tiene que hacer y cuando hacerlo.( ya lo demostró en Malasia y en sus presentaciones en TV. )Tiene una excelente inteligencia emocional en que apoyarse.
Le doy las gracias por fortalecer y alegrar mi diario vivir."DIOS LO BENDIGA" PAZ Y AMOR.

Anonymous said...

Good morning, everybody. Good morinig, Cindy:)
OGM, they didn't write any articles yet except Matt from examiner(TRADER):)
@Anon 8:34 am. Thanks for your comment. This is exactly what I mean. Any of us can make mistakes. And Adam can't protect himself from these mistake as less somebody tell him about it. Sure, this is his decision just tell us don't get so seriously (or not). However, I am absolutely positive if he reads these comments he just know what his fans like and what some of us do not like.
Anyway, lets help Adam to make his album certifite platinum. I left the link for this website previosly for fan4fun(this is in one of Examiner articles). Matt wrote it:)

Anonymous said...

To Funbunn40

I think that, once more, you would like to know what HH is saying, so let me translate it to you and whoever wants to know but doesn't speak Spanish:

«My opinion is that Adam Lambert has arrived to the entertainment world and had brought to us love, joy, sensibility... through his excepcional voice and talent. I enjoy his artistry the way he feels and exposes it with all his originality and creativity. Adam is the artist and only he himself will decide what he has to do and when to do it (he has showed it already in Masasia and in his performances for TV). He has an excellent emotional inteligence to support him. I give him thanks for to strengthen and cheer up my day by day life. «God bless him». Peace and love. HH»

@ HH, Supongo que no te importes con mi traducción, pero una vez más tienes aqui muy buena cosa que decir y creo que los demás verdaderos Glamberts que escriben en este site y no hablan español lo deven saber. A Funbunn40 sempre le há querido saber lo que tu dices. A mi también me encantan tus comentarios. Gracias por amar y apoyar tanto a mi dulce Adam.


Anonymous said...

@ Anon 6:13 AM
No offense taken, off course :)
Maybe you're right that Adam was not intentionally looking to court any controversy.. hell.. I think his hand-in-pants act was not planned at all. He just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

But as Adam has said himself in some interviews, he does like to stir up conversations. Makes people think. And it works. I swear there's never a boring moment with Adam. LOL.

(Mmhh.. wonders if this thread will make a record for the most comments..)

Anonymous said...

By the way... where the hell is Funbunn40 ???
We need a NURSE here. Some of us have a «strong tongue» but a weacky heart!

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun encantada de tu traducción FANTASTICO.
Apoyando a ADAM es una manera de agradecerle todo el amor que da a sus fans, este adorable y especial artista.
HH. Mis saludos para ustedes.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam reads this: " To live your life in your own way... To reach for the goals you have set for yourself... To be the you that you want to be... That is success. " Adam is an amazing singer who is confident in who he is.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I don't go to a concert to see some guy masturbating, real or simulated. Other top artists don't have to resort to this. It should be about the music. What a shame. And by the way, having an opinion on this that doesn't jive with the bunch here at 24/7 does not equate to being an Adam basher. People can still be fans and not approve of some of his choices.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't bother me, but must say that he is doing a bit of 'whoring' here with the audience.

Anonymous said...

To HH - thank you for your eloquent and beutiful message and
to Fan4fun and funbunn40 - thank you for yr interest in getting HH message translated (I’m a huge fan of the Spanish language, but no comprende, no habla…)

HH’s sentence sums it up beautifully, exactly how I feel about Adam, too: "Le doy las gracias por fortalecer y alegrar mi diario vivir"

GGD Gal, wishing you all a good night

Anonymous said...

@Anon Nov 10 at 8:34AM - very well said and thank you for being straightforward and realistic. I agree with you that people in 24/7 are genuinely concerned about Adam's career that's why each and every comment makes sense. I admire your wisdom.

@Anon Nov 10 at 8:42AM - that's really funny and the song is perfect because 'that's what it's all abooooout' ha ha ha :D

@HH - Gracias for your wonderful post translated by Fan4fun!

@Fan4fun - if i only paid attention to my Spanish class in college i would have been of help but i did so poorly :( Thanks for doing this and i really enjoy the many interesting stories that you share with us. Muchos gracias :)


Anonymous said...

Anon 12:47 PM Wow you call yourself an Adam Fan, you really don't get him at all. And how in the world can you call what he did masturbating, I think you need to take some sex ed classes. I can't believe how some of you have thrown what he did so out of proportion. And as far as other artist, come on, get real, Adam is mild in comparison.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:03 Yes, I'm an Adam fan and I stand by what I said. How dare I have a opinion that differs from yours. Take your insults and shove them. I don't have to like everything that Adam does to be a fan. Perhaps YOU yourself should take a refresher class or consult a dictionary as to the definition of masturbation (real or simulated as I originally stated).

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Holy Hell! This should make the "story of the week". He is HAWT!! HAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWT!

Anonymous said...

I Onts to feel that. MMmmmm good!

Anonymous said...

anon 1:31, if this is the friskiest you have ever seen him I need to run off and find a video for you where he masterbated the microphone. Now that was the friskest I've ever seen him. I love this man but did think he should not have performed this act. After all, this is viewed all over the world. Off now to find it.

Anonymous said...

Good lord, you take a couple days off to visit the kids and WHAM...another s*** storm!!! For those of you who commented on "hand down the pants"...take an anatomy course. It was a couple of fingers between two rows of laces and a flap of leather. If he was "rubbing himself" as some suggest from that angle and placement I ABSOLUTELY want to meet him NOW!! (of course I do anyway, but you know what I mean!) This was a "come hither" move, which I think is much more tasteful than any rap/hip-hop guy grabbing his 'nads and dry-humping his hand. "Porn" you the hell do you get through anything other than "Jeopardy" on TV? Ever watched prime-time? Anon 6:53: you crack me up...he shouldn't have done this "act", but now you just gotta watch him "masturbate" with a mic. That's just too perfect! Ok, I'm done, have a lot of other threads to catch up on.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:31 I'm back with the video for you. If you have seen anything he has done that was as frisky as the "hand down the pants", Here is the video of Auckland, New Zealand. I think it is a bit more frisky. Watch 2:35 on and don't take your eyes off him. He is getting it on.
Anon 7:42, this is for you also. I thought the hand in the pants was sexy and it only took a couple of seconds for the whole thing. I also think it was spur of the moment. But this vid from Auckland was not spur of the moment but was planned. You can tell by the he worked up to it.
I am sending it to the person who needs to see "Frisky."
All my love to Adam and his success. He has plenty of my dollars and there will be plenty more coming.

Anonymous said...

Oh god - first, I come back here to see what's shakin' (lots...heh, heh!)...I watch my favorite of ALL time GIF of the sexiest man on earth with his hand down his pants...then someone forces me to watch him jerk off the mic in the Sandmand of my other all-time sexiest Adam moves...


Let's argue more often, mmmm-K? I like what it leads to.

- Adam Fix ;)

Anonymous said...

@fan4fun in Hell's kitchen, Thankyou, thankyou for your translation!!! I do want to read all of the comments, especially HH's,as I know it must be good because I can pick out some words, but not enough to get the real meaning. Please tell HH that her comments are beautiful and I'm glad that you are looking out for us being able to communicate in spite of a language barrier. You are my Diamond Girl!! I think it's all been said on this thread. Thought I would go blind reading all of them. Both sides have made very good points and some of you can get very upset if someone doesn't share your opinion. That bothers me more than Adam's hand in his pants. Sometimes an opinion is just an opinion, not someone saying they are right, only their thoughts at this moment in time with the info the've gathered. People get too hung up on being "right."Yay for those that love Adam's sexiness and being himself! I do too! Yay for those that also love Adam, are not trolls, are not abandoning him and are in for the long haul even if they're concerned that his friskyness will get him some backlash. No need to get in an uproar and attack each other over a simple opinion. Just agree to disagree. The bottom line and just my opinion, ALL on this site loves Adam, is excited by him and realizes he is a unique talent ,the likes of which has not been seen and we might not always know what to think of him. I've had my mind changed on this site, just with info I've gathered allowing me to look at an opinion in another light. It's all good. I'm not an expert on Adam or anything else, but I can learn something if I keep an open mind and not let it get personal.Let's enjoy Adam and not sweat the small stuff. Peace and love, y'all funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40
You said it very beautifully. Yay for being the adults here. LOL.

I wish all of us here remember that the bottom line is, we all LOVE Adam. No matter how different our opinions or views are. And everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Let's just stop attacking opposite views and agree to disagree.

Anonymous said...

So Adam had ants in his pants in Oslo .... so what's new?! :D

Thanks for pointing me in the direction of the clip MGF .... love it! :)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I beg to differ,other top artists 'resort' too this (and far worse) all the time. one example apparently is the lead singer of Greenday, who performed a whole song with his hand down his trousers, and then went on to tell the audience what his fingers smelt like!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anons etc above, just because other artists do it doesn't mean it's right. Some things are better left in private. This world is already crazy enough.

I worry for Adam. If he wants to win awards, then it's the wise decision to tone it down a bit until he makes a name for himself based on his true vocal talent and magnetic personality. We can all have our opinions and still love Adam no matter what, just worry that he makes the right decisions to further his career. It is such a shame the music industry is not yet taking him seriously and I think he just needs to think more before he acts in some of these cases.

Anonymous said...

AdamFix ,11:10. you are so funny. I loved both vids. Both frisky and Jerky. You had a funny way of saying it all. :_

Anonymous said...

Remember everyone today (Tuesday November 23) is the ONE YEAR anniversary of Adam releasing "For Your Entertainment"!!!! Show your love and support by purchasing the album and get Adam back on the Billboard Hot 100 and Top 200 albums charts!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great Comments from All TRUE Adam Fans.......
Phew!!! Adam!!! I Love you More and More Every second of the totally blow my mind with your Talent and Sexiness...I Trust you will be putting this Hot performance in your UK Gigs...but please Adam we want it EVEN London Town:)
Glambrit IOW UK

...P.S **GLAMSHIT** to all the haters:)

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys ....don't forget to vote for ADAM
here is the link

Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

............GLAM ROCK SEX GOD........
Thats OUR ADAM...Yum Yum Yummy
Glambrit IOW UK

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