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It Gets Better (by Adam Lambert's Fans)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, November 14, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, November 14, 2010

This is a video compilation created by fans of Adam Lambert for the It Gets Better campaign. Over 60 people submitted entries for this project in order to send the message that it DOES get better. There's a couple of surprises from members of Adam Lambert's Glamnation tour. Watch and see!

It Gets Better.

For more information visit

Trevor Project
1-866-4-u-trevor (866-488-7386)

National Suicide Hotline
1-800-suicide (1-800-784-2433)

To Write Love On Her Arms

Idea credited to Andrea (Andrea4Adommy)
Video Edited by Jamie (JamieGlambert)


Anonymous said...

This was lovely. Amazing to hear voices from all over the world. Thanks for all the hard work you put into making this message of hope.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!!!!

Luciano said...

That was such a great video.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Very inspirational start to the morning. Hope this video gets out there beyond Glamnation.

Adam did this. He can't help it, he's amazing by just being confident, proud and crazy talented.

So, what would Jesus do? He'd send us beacons of hope like Adam Lambert. There's my sermon for a Sunday. \/ ebbtide

Anonymous said...

Amen ebbtide. Peace and love to every one who reads this!

Anonymous said...

Amazing. Adam is creating a wave of change around the world and helping young people realise their worth and he just wanted to be a successful entertainer! By just being who he is he is changing people's lives, straight, gay, young, old, black, white: you are amazing Adam Lambert just keeping being you and being happy!!

Anonymous said...

It's getting better and better.

Pray for all the forgotten soul..........

From Toronto fan base Canada

Anonymous said...

Glamshit! Bad-Sony has blocked this in Azores.. again!!! Is that fair? Wondering... not for me but for that «kid»!?

Anonymous said...

aaww Fan4fun, glamdamn... does anyone have any suggestions for fan4fun, as to how she might be able to view this?? I'm not tech savvy enough to offer any help myself. MGF

Anonymous said...

could anyone please give me the URL to that video? It´s blocked.


Anonymous said...

If we can have the URL we can watch it Fan4fun.


Anonymous said...

So touching! Words are unnecessary. Thank you. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Its blocked in HK too...

HK fan

aussieglam said...

wow! this is so touchy, hope people will get the meaning of this message.

Anonymous said...

If someone who can watch it, just copy and paste the URL here, and then we go to:

then copy and paste the link in the box and hit "hide my ass". Then we are moved to Texas Yiiiihaaaa! and can watch the video. Was that clear and understandable? No, I didn´t think so :-) Just do as I tell you, and ask no questions, damn it!


Anonymous said...

So just paste this Eva?


ps. Hi Adamluv! Where you been girl? You might have said in a previous thread??? I've been missing things left and right lately and haven't been going back as far as I usually do when blogging here. Anyway, Hi, MGF

Anonymous said...

Thank you darling MGF!
Hope everyone else with blocking problems see this.


Anonymous said...

MGF, thanks for the shout out. Havent been posting for a few days. Problems watching the videos which is so frustrating. Still havent seen the Norway "pants" video!!!!! Upsetting too to see the negativity towards peeps that love Adam but have a different opinion than most on the thread. No, I'm not talking about myself since I never post as "anon". Again, thanks for noticing my absence! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

As useless, it is also blocked in Manila but Eva you are indeed our angel! Just saw your post and i think we will get what we need in no time yay. Thanks for always being helpful :) specially to technologically challenged people like me :(


Anonymous said...

Wow MGF, you and Eva are heaven-sent to his global fans. THANKS to you both and off to watch the vid :D


Anonymous said...

Oh Dear Lord, a few minutes ago i was just so jubilant and now i find myself crying and have goosebumps all over. That is one hell of a fan vid that sends the strongest message of light and hope not only to those who are different but even for the rest who are suffering from different forms of oppression in life. I am deeply touched by this GREAT VIDEO and crying while encoding my comments. Gosh what a way to start a Monday. I better grab some breakfast before i collapse here. Ciao BRB.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for making this beautiful video. Adam Lambert fans are the best kind of people. Adam, you are so inspiring the way you inspire others by being the amazing person that you are. Without even trying - you have changed the world for the better - It gets better because of you! Love to all - nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

i loved the song <3 keep rockin glamberts


Anonymous said...

It is so rare to see positive message on the Internet. Normally, celebrity promoting the fame, money and rich life. Adam Lambert, is really one of kind. Never change. I don't care those stupid awards not recognize his mega talent and heart. He is the hero in our mind forever.

"It get better." I think it is not just for the gay community. It is for everyone who is chasing their dream and not want to deny who they are and what they really want to do. it needs a lot of courage as well.

Btw, for whoever can't watch the vid. Try any online US VPN.

Anonymous said...

Hi Glamily at 24/7. Wonderful video! Just got back from the national regional meeting for PFLAG (Parents, families and friends of gays and lesbians.) I met sooo many wonderful young people there as well as parents and friends from Alaska, Montana, Oregon, Idaho, California, Colorado and Washington state who are ready to get to work on new projects. It was a terrific meeting. There's lots to do. I am continually grateful for the fans on this site and of course Adam who is the one who connects and inspires. The young people want the straight community to speak for them bold and strong. Videos like this save lives. If their families reject them, we need to be their new support family. Find out what you can do in your community. Peace, love and light to all...and remember: closets are for clothes and not our kids!


Anonymous said...

Just one more comment. I don't know if you have seen the NO H8 anti bullying video. It has Gene Simmons on there...which totallty ruins it for me. If he is such a supporter, why did he say that Adam killed his career once he came out? I remember that Gene! What a dirt bag.( just my opinion, of course)


Anonymous said...

Hi lmb! Hi Adamluv! I have missed both of you, and was also wondering where you were!

This video is just so amazing. What a labor of love, all originating with Adam. What an amazing person he inspire people to projects like this.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...


Oh my God! Gene Simmons, that D-bag. He also said Adam wasn´t a rock singer, after the AI finale when Adam outsang him big time. I think Adam lost all respect for that guy.


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your post lmb, thanks. MGF

Anonymous said...

i'm in this video!!!
i'm at 1:34 :)

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:51 - are you "Jas Glambert"? Welcome to 24/7 (unless you've been hanging out with us all along, with an "anonymous" tag so we didn't realize it). Look at what a powerful reaction everyone had to this amazing, heartfelt video! Nicely done.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@lmb - it so nice to know that you are involved in this kind of a project. The world surely needs more people like you. Good luck to your undertakings!
And btw we can all live without that ugly man. But a day without Adam is unimaginable. It is just like taking away a part of me.

I am so proud of the people who made this wonderful video possible. I can feel the emotions of Andrea, enjoyed Kate's rap and so proud to hear Joy saying that Glamberts are building communities all over the world with people who care about love, connection and happiness. The heartfelt messages from everyone in the vid made it more special and unique. Thank you so much for this video. 24/7 you are the best ;-)
