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Jonathan Reiner Covers WWFM on Austrian show

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, November 13, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, November 13, 2010


Anonymous said...

I think it's great that they are singing Adam's song..(even Pink) I know she helped in the writing....but once Adam sings it ...I'm spoiled and it means a lot more to him and us fans !

Anonymous said...

The best cover of Adam's song so far is that girl on that Finnish Idol competition. She sounded better than pink, IMO. But nobody is going to sound as good as Adam ever.

Anonymous said...

It was Swedish Idols.

Anonymous said...

He sounded okay but nobody does as good as Adam, Adam connects to the song emotionally and sounds more soulful.JMHO.

Anonymous said...

things always go wrong when you have a "Beiber hair". Dude sucks ass!

Anonymous said...

To be honest, this song is a bit depressing no matter who sings it, one of my least favourite songs from FYE. WWFM suits best to Pinks image.

Anonymous said...

I too felt like I was watching Beiber singing ... feeling sqeezy

DC Canadian

LP said...

This guy needs to find who he is and be true to himself. He took Adams song and Biebers look.
I guess this is a compliment to Adam and Bieber.Since Adam made this a hit, a lot of people will be singing it. A lot of people cover other singers work, it's a huge compliment to Adam. We are just so used to Adam singing it. It's like watching a kid take away your childs favorite toy. Should you grab it back, or let the other kid play with it.

Anonymous said...

this is a popular song and it is going to be sung by many!Keep em coming.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan, What do I want from you? Please just quit singing this song!

If his voice were any flatter, you could use it for a mat on your door step.

Rebecca said...

i think it's awesome just to hear Adam's song being sung even if they are being done kind of bad the fact that he choose it was cool

Anonymous said...

Fans: follow @GetFYEPlantinum on twitter

The Dark Side said...

Think the judges on these shows want the contestants to be current--doesn't get more current than this song. Also, not that many current songs out there that aren't rap inspired and guys don't want to sing Perry songs. Give this guy his due--kinda cute, and probably everyone in the world is trying to get that Bieber hair. Not easy to have that Adam/Elvis hair, unless your are Adam.

Anonymous said...

Not bad despite the Bieber hairdo BUT why don’t the Idol contestants I’ve heard via 24/7 try varying the songs instead of copying them note for note per the original. If these contestants sang songs exactly the same as the originals on Australian Idol, they’d be howled down. Adam sang the songs HIS way was on American Idol which made them far more interesting than simply copying the originals.

Anonymous said...

Not a big fan of Pink, not a big fan of Whataya Want From Me but I'm a HUGE fan of Adam and no one sings this song better-er than he does.

Anonymous said...

thanks for promoting adam song and keep on coming. Adam will very happy to hear that a lot of kids are singing to his music eh!!!!! It Gets Better!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam does OWN this song. Anyone can sing it but
he owns it. Just like he owns FEVER!

Anonymous said...

Jonathan thanks for choosing Adam's WWFM. That will surely remind people of our beloved Adam :)


coloforadam said...

I echo Bing comment - such a compliment to choose that song and work so hard to not copy Adam but make it his own. I think Adam would love it!! Bieber hair is all the rage with teens - this is a teen, appealing to other teens - very smart, very cute - hope he wins!!

Anonymous said...

@colorfadam - with so many others songs out there that Jonathan can choose from, isn't it great that he decided to cover Adam's. Our boy never got a decent amount of radio airplay in the US & from what i've been reading from blogs it seems that certain music establishments don't sell his album. We need to get his brand of music out there. And this is a very good way to remind people that there is this genuinely talented young man who made this song a hit. Thanks so much for the nod colorfadam :)


Anonymous said...

this guy is good, he sounds like an austrian rocker.

Anonymous said...

Ditto x2, Bing! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Speaking of guys covering Katie Perry's songs, here is Jeni Chua's (one of Adam's makeup artists) couzin singing "Teenage Dream" on an upcoming episode of Glee:


Anonymous said...

there was something about his voice I liked.

Anonymous said...

I think no matter who sings one of Adam's songs it's all good. He's a tough act to follow and it's just a reminder just how untouchable is his version. Adam will unconciously be brought to mind each time. @ daydreamin, I watched that episode of Glee and thought at the time Teenage Dream was musically better than Katy Perry's version.[ I like her too!] Jeni's cousin is very talented and has a great, strong voice. funbunn40