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Lyndsey Parker's Review for 'Acoustic Live!'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, November 30, 2010

To the uninitiated and uninformed, the idea of wild Idol Adam Lambert--who's been branded a "rocker" ever since his first TV audition of "Bohemian Rhapsody"--releasing an acoustic EP might sound as ridiculous and out-of-character as, say, Susan Boyle spitting some gangsta rap. Come on, isn't this the same Glamerican Idol who's always been all about Kiss boots, glitter guyliner, fairy-dusted glamour-shot album covers, green trouser-snakes, spike-shouldered Skingraft leathers, Burning Man bodypaint, same-sex smooches, and sundry other interstellar imports from Planet Fierce? And wasn't that whole coffeehouse-crooner shtick the domain of Season 9's Idols, anyway? So why on Earth (or on Planet Fierce) would this over-the-top pop fop want to tone things down?

However, diehard Adamaniacs already know--from witnessing the unplugged act of Adam's ongoing Glam Nation Tour (or his more low-key "American Idol" performances, like "Mad World" and "Tracks Of My Tears")--that Glambert going acoustic isn't quite as shocking as Dylan going electric was back in the day. (No one's been hollering "Judas!" at any Glam gigs, as far as I know.) And ultimately, the results are about as pleasing to the ear, as evidenced by Glambert's new unplugged opus, the five-song Acoustic Live! EP.

Considering how genre-hopping and kitchen-sinky Adam's debut disc For Your Entertainment was, it's interesting how, when stripped of all their bells and whistles and smoke and mirrors, new unplugged versions of various FYE tracks hang together so comfortably and cohesively on Acoustic Live! The Pink-penned pop hit "Whataya Want From Me," the spandex-sheathed Justin Hawkins techno-glam stomper "Music Again," the wailing '80s-esque power ballad "Aftermath," Muse's majestic mini-rock-opera "Soaked"...electric, they were all so radically different that FYE could have been mistaken at times for a (really awesome) K-Tel compilation. But recorded acoustically, there's now a true common thread running through all these tracks. That golden-gossamer thread, of course, is Adam's impeccable voice. Fans who once complained that his magnificent vocals were too buried and technologically tweaked on FYE will be thrilled to hear his pure powerhouse performances here. And detractors who didn't dig Adam's schizophrenically eclectic approach on FYE--or who previously griped about his supposed "screaming" and "oversinging"--will find new appreciation here for what, basically, are great songs sung with newfound sophistication and restraint by a great talent. Period.

Among the EP's five tracks, it's no shocker that "WWFM" (one of the finest pop ballads of the past year) and the aforementioned Tears For Fears/Gary Jules cover "Mad World" (one of Adam's finest "Idol" moments) are stellar. Lambert could've been accompanied by a tissue paper and comb, or a kazoo, and those two tunes would have lost nothing in the translation. And "Soaked" was always so much about Adam's operatic belting anyway that this EP's stripped-down rendition doesn't even sound stripped at all; seriously, I scarcely even noticed that all those crashing guitars and swelling Bond-theme strings were suddenly missing.

The EP's biggest surprise, though, is "Aftermath," which benefits most from the unplugged approach, transforming from a Bic-flicking, showboating stadium-rocker into a sweetly inspirational campfire singalong. As for "Music Again," that cut admittedly does suffer a bit here (I miss the multitracked-and-stacked-to-the-heavens, Queen-like choir of a hundred harmonizing Adams, not to mention Justin Hawkins' crude-and-tattooed flying-V guitar solo), but that still didn't stop me from listening to the kinder, gentler "Music Again" again and again.

Why? Because this entire EP thrillingly places Adam's remarkable vocals front-and-center...and at the end of the day, that's what's most important and impressive about Lambert, as opposed all the glitter and gossip that perennially surrounds him. Really, the guy could've simply released an EP titled A Cappella Live! and it would have been just as enjoyable.



Anonymous said...

I still don't understand why this EP (the hard copy) is not for sale in store for public. Adam has massive number of US and international fans would like to collect this one acoustic CD.

Anonymous said...

maybe its takes time we will wait-will get his acoustic cd in this song.

Anonymous said...

I have been listening to the download WWFM and it is beautiful. I can't wait for the cd and poster to come.

Dinah-mite said...

Wow! Pretty good comments, especially since Lyndsey doesn't sound like a fan!! Sounds like she (he?) still recognizes what I like best about AFL, his effing AWESOME VOICE!!! I think anyone that will hear this will NOT be able to deny Adam's unbelievably beautiful voice. The man could literally sing a phone book and it would sound like an angel was singing... Say what they will about Adam, there is NO denying his talent. I also have the download of WWFM and it moved me to tears. He is a gift, reaches inside and touches your heart. Pure gold.

The Dark Side said...

I will forgive Lindsay Parker's "fop" insult since he/she went on to say such glowing truthful things about Adam's voice. Agree with Dinah-mite, it is a gift, and one that we are fortunate enough to hear.

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice can definitely stand alone and be acapella or gently accompanied by Monte or Cam. What stands out is Adam's versatile voice and his emotion and interpretation. He can be understated or rock the walls with equal perfection and authenticity.I love Adam for every mood. I think this cd will be well received and would like to see it marketed to the general public in cd form more readily available to those that loved him on American Idol and fans that love the thoughtful,sensitive side of him. Can't wait for mine to arrive! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Do you know what is even better than Adam's Acoustic CD? It's hearing adam sing these songs live!! You have to see him in concert, then you would know why the audience is Screaming and standing during the show. Adam sounds even better in person - the CD's and videos don't quite truely capture the purity of his awesome voice. Love Him...........

Anonymous said...

You got it Lindsey Parker‼ I also like the way she changed our (fans) name from "Glamberts" to "Adamaniacs"... that will do too‼ :) But I prefer the one with glam connected to it cuz that's what Adam is all about! :) Adam is not just one genre... because HE CAN‼ That's why we love, admire and adore soooooo much‼ ☺

Anonymous said...

Está bien definido la calidad vocal e interpretativa de ADAM, que nació con una voz
privilegiada y que el sabiamente cultivo con
estudios, descubriendo su gran amor al canto.
Hay que admirar la increíble destreza de ADAM
en el manejo de su voz que nos puede llevar de un plano espiritual al terrenal.Cielo o tierra
y además de su voz, cuenta con su fabulosa y mágica expresión corporal que hace que su interpretación sea electrizante.
con seguridad su CD. será una maravillosa recopilación de su música inteligente y apasionada.

Anonymous said...

Some other great reviews out there as well that I've read. Hope Adam gets the message. Calm down. I'm not telling him what to do. But damn boy, just saaaannng. Ya don't need all that other shit.

Anonymous said...

@dinah-mite, lyndsey Parker is a big fan of Adams.

And yes I was shouting as nobody at RCA seems to be listening...

HK fan

odette said...

i have been sharing youtube adam's acoustic ep with my friends and children, yes, they appreciate how talented adam is. and yes HK fan, rca should promote and make this ep available for public. it will be huge, ADAM LAMBERT LIVE WITH NO STUDIO RECORDING FRILLS.

Anonymous said...

i have been reading some articles on grammy awards and there was a rumour that adam will miss out on nomination again. Oh gosh, another disappointment for adam and us fans. these organizations will never forgive adam. it is sad, adam is so talented but what is going on???
they did not even include adam in the grammy concert line up. IT HURTS. I hope these rumous are untrue. I would like to wake up tomorrow to know that adam has been nominated.

Anonymous said...

Great review! I love Adam's voice no matter which way he performs songs - as per his album, acoustically, whatever whenever - and I don't want him to change a thing.

Why tamper with purrrrfection?!

Rebecca said...

i can't wait to get my copy

Anonymous said...

Great review! Congrats Adam! There is nothing Adam can't do better than anyone else. This EP proves Adam IS the real deal and not just a screamer like his detractors like to claim. Come on music industry, take a look at the giant talent that is ADAM LAMBERT - don't be scared!

Anonymous said...

Adam did VH1 "Unplugged" and I loved ..It's no surprised that this is a GREAT EP.....

RCA should produce the EP(CD) by demand
make a batch

This is how retail stores work....

Hope my CD doesn't take as long as my calendar....

Anonymous said...


HH's Nov.30, 9:38PM
It's very well defined the performing vocal quality of ADAM, who was born with a privileged voice and, with wisdom, cultivated it with study, discovering his great love for singing.
We have to admire ADAM's incredible skill of managing his voice, which can take us from a spiritual to a ground level (plan), Heaven or Earth. And besides his exceptional voice, he counts on his fabulous and magical body expression which turns his performances thrilling.
Certainly his CD will be a wonderful re-compilation of his intelligent and passionate music. HH»


1) Please, keep in mind that latin languages spoken people build the sentences in a way you English spoken people would call «in a wrong way», from the back to the begining or something like that (as a matter of fact WE think YOU DO THAT, eheh!). It's a shame that part of «our poetry» get lost in the middle of a translation (at least translations made by ME). So sorry!
2) Glamshit! I need to buy better dictionaries! Definitely!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't like the acoustic Aftermath at all.

Anonymous said...

She is a huge Adam fan. I was too late ordering the CD. I agree, please do a second batch.

Anonymous said...

Dinah-mite, you must be a relatively new Adam fan, because Lyndsey Parker has interviewed Adam a few times (the videos are probably still available if you look online, or maybe on youtube) and she has written several amazing articles about him - including a fabulous review of some of the FYE songs that she got to hear before the album was released. Google her name + Adam's name to find them. She LOVES Adam, and was one of the first reviewers to shower him with batshit crazy love like we all do.


Anonymous said...

Anon @ Nov 30 10:57, Adam is unapologetic, so why should they forgive him. This is the sad truth: Adam turned off a large majority of the American public that watched him and loved him on AI with the AMA thing - THAT and the fact that he has perpetuated his over the top sexual antics on stage during the Glamnation tour. People in the industry have either seen or heard about his act. They might think that it is unmarketable. America wanted the Adam Lambert thay saw on AI. The AMA's showed that he did not exist. The major media people know that. Do you honestly think that they are going to take a chance on the whole Adam/Tommy thing happening on THEIR show? Blankety blank NO.

Anonymous said...

@anon 10:30am. Finally, somebody agree with me!!!! Sure, Adam has very big Glamily, but during AI his name was mentioned in a lot of American families and almost everybody who watch AI loved him. Then it was AMA! Believe me, almost all people in my office gonna buy FYE. But after AMA probably 2 or 3 my coworkerd bought it. Yes, welcome to reality. May be children don't have to stay so late and to watch AMA, but they still do it. So, AMA story will stay in Adam's "work file" for long time and we don't have to complain about nominations or awards. I love Adam forever, but when I saw him kissing Tommy again, then all of these gigs from the tour, I was absolutely positive that Adam deff will not nominated for some awards this year. Please, don't call me troll, but I think Adam understands it and doesn't complain. But I am sure his next single and video ( hopefully RCA understands that Adam needs to release it in US as soon as possible) will have a lot of success and deff will be nominated and get some awards!

Anonymous said...

delilah5, This is anon @10:30 again. I know you're not a troll. I love Adam too. But I'm not crazy. I've talked to people too, and that's all they remember about him. It should be his incredible voice and talent that they remember. But it's not. I hope you're right about his next record. I can't wait too see what it will be like. - abby

Anonymous said...

@abby 1:25pm Thank you, dear. Actually, about these people in my office (mostly women:). They love Adam voice and some of them asked me to bring FYE when I bought it! They just burned CDs. But like you said they remember AMA also. However, I didn't know that one of my bosses bought 2 CDs for his wife and daughter for Chrstimas. His wife is good friend of mine and she told me! They are big fans of Adam. So, lets wait. I am sure Adam will get many noms and awards!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and I sit at this computer every night to see what is going on with him. Delila5 and Anon10:00 are absolutely right in their comments. I got to see the Glamnation tour and it was wonderful, but some of the things that he is saying and doing on stage these days is going to keep him from getting the attention he deserves.It makes me sad that some fans encourage the Kiss, the microphone thing, and some other sex simulations. I'm no prude and I really enjoyed the sexy moves on the tour but the Tommy sex is a little out of hand.

Anonymous said...

The hardcore fans were way too serious about the kiss, blaming you were a homophobe if you didn't enjoy looking at it.

Anonymous said...

I think we are all hardcore fans. Some enjoyed the "naughtiness", some didn't, some are just concerned that it is keeping Adam from getting the recognition he deserves.

I am a some of all of all of the above.


Anonymous said...

Here we are. Grammy's nominees were announced. Did anybody suprise? Don't think so. I know, Adam is big boy, talented singer, fantastic performer. So,he has to make his own decision-to stay on his own and do not get a lot of recognition (sorry, but this is truth) or to make some changes and get more public appearance. I made this comment once and want to do it again. May be nobody has any idea about Lady GaGa next outfit but they know exactly what she gonna do on the stage. And this is one of the reason she got recognition even from English Queen. We all love Adam. If I would win two million dollars I would give Adam one million dollars for making new CD or videos, or whatever he needs money for, I don't care. So, lets see what kind of decisions Adam will make in the future. Still love you, Adam

Anonymous said...

Sorry, sorry, sorry! Adam was nominated! Is that true? I am confused! Just read the article that Adam snubbed again and after all he is nominated?!!!!!!! Anyway, I would give on million dollars on pocket expenses!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say I still get rolled eyes and negative remarks if I bring Adam's name up to aquaintances and so have my daughters at their jobs. It's just a fact that the AMA performance really disappointed a lot of people that loved his voice and showmanship, but was turned off by the simulated sex. I have to admit placing his hand near his crotch is more erotic [in my opinion] and enticing than grabbing it, reminds me too much of some rappers that denigrated women. I didn't like it when Michael Jackson did it either, just gratuitous. Love the body rolls , pelvic thrusts and dances with Brooke. Fine with Tommy kisses too, but the tongue flicking and simulated masturbation and mother f***** references seem too contrived and too frequent and take away the anticipation and mystery, that for me is more romantic and sensual. It's taking something away from the music which I think should be the main focus. I love his opening medley, very sensual and visual. He radiates sex and doesn't need to try so hard. Now that he's back in the states I hope he considers that it's not Europe where he was more free to express himself and let loose. He can have it all and be himself, just by making a few compromises tailored to where he's playing. There may be a day in the US where he can let it all hang out, but don't think we're there yet. I get him and what he's about and love him dearly. Just don't want him to shoot himself in the foot when he can have it all. He's a grown man and doesn't need anyone's permission for anything and will do whatever he sees fit. I think we all care very deeply for him and above all want him to realize his dream and have longevity. He has the goods. Right or wrong, it is only an opinion that in the long run, won't really matter. I know many will disagree and I get their opinion and respect their thoughts. No need for a big debate, JMHO funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Funbunn40

Can't disagree with you, fellow, you are the «Voice of Wisdom». Perhaps I myself accept and enjoy EVERYTHING sweet Adam does on stage because I AM NOT AMERICAN! «I know who I am»... I am a mix of experiences, feelings and opinions, that I've got here and there (more «there» than «here», lol) from so many countries I've been travelling and living during my crasy «no family» life... and one of these feelings is that you really made a very good point in your comment above! As always...


coloforadam said...

Adam plays to the audience before him. I don't think he should have to adjust for the fact that someone is shooting with a cell phone and it will be on the Internet within hours. The performance is for the 2-3 thousand people who are screaming and encouraging and loving the few moments when they can let down the repression around sex and just let him unleash the wild animal in all of us!!!!! When he does a video for general consumption, it is totally different, still sexy but not provocative - even the FYE video which is wild but NOTHING HAPPENS!! Personally, I hope he never changes a thing in his performance choices. He learned a painful lesson in the AMA's and there has never been even the slightest repeat of anything like that when he's before the general public. People who pay $100 to be physically in his presence, know what he is likely to do and fight to be there to see him do it. If it means that he will not have 4 billion fans, SO WHAT!! Don't change a thing, beautiful Adam - your Adamaniacs love everything you do!!!