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MTV: Adam Lambert Fans React To Pink's Version Of 'WWFM'

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, November 13, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, November 13, 2010

"American Idol" season nine runner-up Adam Lambert's biggest hit so far has been "Whataya Want From Me," one of the centerpiece tracks from his debut album For Your Entertainment. Most hardcore fans know that "Whataya Want From Me" was originally supposed to be a track for Pink, but when she decided not to go with it, the tune fell to Lambert (with excellent results). But on Thursday (November 11), the world learned that Pink would be including her own version of "Whataya Want From Me" on the European edition of her upcoming compilation Greatest Hits ... So Far!!!. A sample of the tune hit the Internet, and many fans — including MTV News' own Jim Cantiello — immediately weighed in on how it stands up against the version that Lambert turned into a hit.

While Cantiello urged Lambert and Pink to get together for a collaboration (one he dubbed "PinkBert"), most of the fans who commented on yesterday's announcement felt there was one that was clearly superior. "I prefer Adam's version over Pink's," wrote number8gurl. "She doesn't seem to emote as much as Adam and her voice sounds small and tinny against Adam's untouchable instrument. I am a huge Adam fan and I used to like the way Pink's voice sounded. I used to like the way a lot of people sounded but now they all pale in comparison to Adam."

Reader Susan agreed. "Pink's version sounds a little raspy and angry in parts where Adam's version has 'soul,'" she wrote. She also brought up a point that kept getting reiterated yesterday: Why would Pink release her version of the song on a hits compilation if it wasn't her song to begin with? It's a reasonable question, though considering she co-wrote the tune and it did in fact become a hit, it makes a tertiary amount of sense.

Reader angelraj also endorsed the Lambert version but offered up a different perspective. "Adam is an amazing vocalist and he has made this song the success that it is," he wrote. "Having said this, I'm also a big fan of Pink, and her version will promote this song to a new audience, and may ultimately be a positive for Adam."

Finally, reader Shyla suggested that the song is just too good to alienate either performer. "There are parts of that song where Adam totally kills it and that's why I love it" she wrote. "There are certain parts of that song I can't imagine her doing quite as well. But we'll see. Based on this small clip, they're pretty identical."



Anonymous said...

I would like to say that I'm very thankful that PINK drop this song and gave it to Adam. Perfect rendition and interpretation of Adam for the song. The emotion was so perfect and for me people always know that this is only for Adam and we know it. Platinum what can we say about that. I can't blame Pink for regretting to withdrew that song ha!ha!ha! Good luck PINK I have respect for you but what like Simon Cowell said to Adam, no one can't top that.......

Anonymous said...

HOLD ON! it sais American Idol season-nin runner up??? i'm pretty sure it's season 8!

Anonymous said...

I think the timing is wrong and I wished Pink would have taken that into consideration and not included the song in her album. I'm an Adam fan so of course Adam sings it best. I would like to see them do a duet which would be beyond awesome. Maybe they will appear together on a TV show and sing that song. Dreaming for that to happen.

Anonymous said...

SEASON 9???? LOL. Season 8 silly heads!

Anonymous said...

Is that necessary to start this all over again? No duet please. He deserves to sing it solo.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to hear them sing this song together live at some stage but Adam's solo version of this song blows every other version out of the water and beyond.

Anonymous said...

Enough Already!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Chances are he won't be singing it much when the new album comes out, and hopefully it will have mostly songs that he and his band or he and his other musical friends co write. Thanks to Pink, Gaga, Cuomo, and Justin Hawkins for giving their songs to Adam for his first Adam. I think he's ready to do it himself this next time. I love Strut, so I hope he collaborates again with Kara Dio Guardi on the next CD.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that whenever there is something about P!nk singing Whataya want from me there are an INSANE # of comments...
Since when did this turn into a competition of whose a better artist?
Yes, okay if you believe Adam's version is better, awesome... if you believe P!nk's version is better, awesome (Neither, both etc... u get the point)
But there is no need in bashing either artist to prove your point...

Love, Laugh, Music.

Anonymous said...

Really? The pronoun was changed from "he" to "it"?

Curiousity has kicked in (Please don't kill the cat)

Anonymous said...

So just listened to check and P!nk says "he"; but still was it changed?

Btw I posted @10:17AM too
Love,Laugh, Music

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anon 10:11, and by the way...
Thank You God that they didn't pull quotes from this site's thread. There were (and continue to be) so many negative comments about Pink. It would've been just one more example of how Adam fans are over the top. Don't think Adam needs any more publicity about his fans being crazy.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what Adam would say? He would be his usual nice gracious self and give full credit to Pink. I'm not so nice. Pink, that was a sucky thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Adam has been judged from day1 on idol till this moment and so as his fans. What pink did is very controversial, be honest. It need someone to have a mega heart to swallow what she did to Adam.

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of Adam, I am waiting the day Adam will make his own label and write his own song without compromise under any record company. Whatever is happening now, it doesn't matter anymore.

Anonymous said...

I think the silence on the part of Adam says a lot. If it was something nice he would have commented about it. He was fine with her performing it at her concerts (sort of). But we haven't seen any comments from him about pink having WWFM as her greatest hit! Let's face it she had problem with few other artists because of her odd behavior. One being Xtina. Can't blame her it's just the way she is. She didn't have a rosey upbringing. Read her general bio on wikipedia. I read some of the nasty comments her own long time fans left on her website about I upset they are that they were her hardcore fan for a long-time. We as Adam fans are all from different background and we all have rights to our own opinion. I still believe that she didn't do a nice thing. Adam did a magnificent job with his impeccable vocal range on this song, performing it on various t.v. shows, promoting it, and we as his fans supported him by calling radio stations and buying this song in multitudes. So I would like to stick with my own opinion that pink's action wasn't classy at all.

Anonymous said...

well said 11:41.and I do believe we should let this go, I'm much more pissed about People's choice awards! (we need to let that go too, boy it's not easy being an adam fan, is it? but I'm one for life! lol

Anonymous said...

I thought P!nk wrote the song with Max Martin. Maybe he got greedy. He's written all the hit songs to Katy Perry and others that dominate the charts..

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:51, I love what you said. We need someone like you to remind us and comfort us when hard times come. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

@11.51 I will ignore it just like Adam is ignoring it!

Anonymous said...

IT'S Pink's Song!!!!!!!!! What don't you raving lunatics get about that? She gave it to Adam to sing; she gets some of the royalties; she has a perfect right to sing her own song. Adam knows that. He has no problems with that. WTH is wrong with you people? You don't own Adam or any of the songs he sings, and you most certainly don't control what Pink decides to do with her own song! Your attitudes are extremely unattractive. No wonder people have painted Adam's fans with the same brush with behavior like that.

Anonymous said...

WWFM definetly has Adam's name on it. It feels so strange that Pink will release her version of the song. I don't like it at all. It will feel a little better if she would do a duet with Adam with this song.
Norwegian fan

Anonymous said...

The problem I have is that Pink is releasing Adam's version of her song and not the way she herself has sung it on her tour.

She's talented and can do what she wants but, I think what she is doing is a bit sleezy.

Anonymous said...

yes we all know its Pinks song (well part song, she co wrote it along with 2 others), and we all realise she can do what she wants with it. That doesn't mean we have to like it, and yes its a done deal now, but it doesn't mean we can't state our opinions.
Personally i think it sucks!

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Lordy I have such a love/hate relationship with Jim Cantiello. Cop out?? oh, you mean like how AL chose to keep it real and not to record a second version of Fever with the "you" pronoun, which he probably could have easily released to at least moderate success. You're mostly partial to Adam's version of WWFM Jim because you heard it first?? Love Jim/Hate Jim. His job is to sort of editorialize, I get that, he's not necessarily just a straight entertainment/music journalist delivering just the facts, he's paid to opine and editorialize some... but why does his stuff constantly get under my skin, not even stuff about Adam Lambert? IDK, it's like Jim wants to compliment and give credit where credit is due, but never too much lest he come off too fanboy, or something... IDK, I guess Jim is just trying to be fair and present various sides of things, but he sometimes comes off to me as working too hard at coming off nuetral (well, except where that other AI8 guy is concerned :)). I think Adam spoke to how he wanted WWFM's vibe to be open to various interpretations (possibly even not just being relegated to a one human being to one human being relationship). IDK about all that, but I do know that to call Adam Lambert, of all people, on the carpet for a pronoun issue as someone copping out is... well, just sort of silly.

Very sorry to ramble, but that struck me as foolish. As far as the topic of this thread, I've commented about it several times already.


Anonymous said...

@12:35 pm .... your character is shining through by calling Adam fans lunatics. Your attitude is less attractive than those you are complaining about. Go back to Pink's website and stay away from Adam's.

Anonymous said...

I've been seeing comments from Pink's fans claiming that Adam recorded "her" version of the song ..... oh brother, here we go!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, but let it go... is my opinion

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone in their right mind want their voice compared with Adam Lambert's. Pink or anyone singing the same song as Adam will expose their inadequacies in talent and training.

Anonymous said...

This is all water under the bridge now. Unfortunately a song owner has every right to do anything with his/her material. For whatever it's worth, i will go with angelraj's wish that such will give Adam additional exposure. And as i've said before, good things could still come out of this situation for Adam. The universe works in mysterious ways :D


Anonymous said...

I'm not going to comment AGAIN about this except to say ADAM has not made a comment about it. enuf.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:39. I'm not going anywhere, honey. So keep on raving, but learn to read for content. Adam and Pink forever!

Anonymous said...

The End of the story.............................

Anonymous said...

I wasn't going to post, since we have had this conversations before in other thread. But I just read anon 8:21PM's comments and couldn't help the amusement.
"Why would anyone in their right mind want their voice compared with Adam Lambert's."

LOL.. LOL.. LOL.. that is so true. As a more established singer, she may think that Adam is just a newcomer and may underestimate him. But going frontal with Adam like this may turn to go backfire on her.

Anonymous said...

Adam did a FABULOUS vocal performance and made a wonderful touching video with his version of this song that became a top ten hit that we all love.
Pink is adding hers to an album as a bonus song on the other side of the world...

I think one way or another, this brings MORE notice and attention to Adam ...don't see how that can be bad? I tend to look at the positive and agree with Bing...

Btw,there are now MANY versions of the 'mashup' posted on Youtube, some QUITE good. There's even a mixed video version. Except for a FEW negatives, overwhelming response of comments is VERY positive...

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, one more thing...

MGF.. RIGHT!!! Jim Cantiello?? WTF??????
Is he serious??? If Adam changed "it" to "HE," the song probably wouldn't have been realeased... he would have been crucified... please... What a rediculous comment... (unless Jim agrees & put it in there just tongue in cheek to call attention to the ironic double standard?... Is he that smart?)

On top of that Pink herself, Katie Perry have GUYS kissing in their latest videos... What would happen to Adam if HE had that somewhere in his videos??

Anonymous said...

Again this is just my humble opinion and you don't have to agree with me.
@Cindy- i'm a firm believer in GOOD KARMA and since Adam couldn't even hurt a fly i can really see some good things coming from this very smart move of Pink. Without any doubt, Adam has already made this song a hit all over the world. Can you just imagine WWFM making it to the Top 10 in all the radio stations in France! Making it in Paris is just making it in New York and London. And then here comes Pink using the song in her cd. Whichever way i look at it, people including a portion of Pink's fans will get curious and check out who the hell this Adam F***g Lambert is and why does Pink have to give him her song. Those are good conversational pieces already enough to stir their interest. I've said this before, Pink could even turn out to be Adam's biggest endorser even if she didn't mention his name in the concert where she first performed it. The mere fact the she is using a song that Adam has made very popular worldwide is good enough to give Adam extra publicity since it is becoming an issue already. I don't wanna sound redundant but publicity whether good or bad is still publicity. From the business angle of course Pink will be reaping huge profits but that is her edge being the song owner. Adam should really start writing more songs. And i don't mind if Adam's fans are up in arms about this because that will bring more and more attention to the song and to Adam keeping him in the limelight. This is my honest take on this because i have so much faith and confidence in Adam's talent and believe what some of you here have already been saying, THAT ADAM IS UNTOUCHABLE NOW. Yes he is having a hard time in the US market, but internationally Adam is simply unstoppable. My only reservation is his health specially his vocal chords. I'm just hoping and praying that he is not overworking them and that he is always in consultation with his vocal coach.

Adam has said it once or twice that we must avoid feeding the negative energy and that is what i'm trying to practice. Thanks to all the posters for the continuous learning here and thank you Adam for stimulating this healthy mental exercise amongst us. It is all good and it is in embracing our diversities that we get to celebrate life. Otherwise it would not be as exciting as what we are having now. Again Cindy thanks for the nod :)


Anonymous said...


Backatcha... You keep bein positive! Agreed!
Hope in the long run this will just bring Adam *more notice, positive publicty, recognition and popularity.

Thanks for the nod, support and for ALWAYS sharing something interesting & heartfelt. =)