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Neil Lambert Asked Monte PittmanTo Tweet This Photo

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Monterrific: "@negativeneil asked me to post this. One of the best shirts ever."

Source: Monte Pittman's Twitter


Anonymous said...

Is this suppose to be Neil. Fits perfectly with his uncharming personality and unfriendly face and lack of manners. Wish you would go away Neil. You are not helping your brother's career with your outspoken political views and your rudeness. I know you're trying to be funny with your negative neil posture, but you are a distraction. Get your own job.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Neil is such a badass! I love him.

☺ said...

Hahaha! I need to wear of these when I'm out for drinks with girlfriends‼

Anonymous said...

What, Neil's not supposed to be outspoken about his political views, why the hell not, he's a voting citizen (I hope you voted recently is you're a US citizen)... do you mean in the same way that Adam's not supposed to be outspoken about exactly who and what he is?????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think Neil is enhancing his brother's career by just being himself. Both he and Adam are true to themselves and who can fault that. I love both their sense of humor. Go Neil!!!!

LP said...

Did I miss something? Is this a political view?

Anonymous said...

Neil needs to keep his political opinions to himself and not broadcast them all over Twitter. If he were just speaking for himself, it would be fine, but he also represents Adam. When he wasn't working for Adam, it was fine, but now that he works for Adam and accompanies him everywhere and is in charge of the VIP, he needs to cool it publically because people naturally associate his views with Adam's and that ain't the case.

I may even agree with Neil, but that's not the point here. And yes, 10:22, I voted. Did you?

Anonymous said...

You can be true to yourself without venting hostility and trying to convert others.

Anonymous said...

This is not Neil's's Adam and Adam has to work 10x as hard as other performers
Neil doesn't have to make it any harder...
When Neil has his own platform then he can do whatever he wants.....

Anonymous said...

Haven't missed a vote locally, statewide or nationally since I was of age. I so hugely disagree with what you just said, but can tell you won't be open to my position, so I won't bother explaining it, but good luck to you with yours which you are of course entitled to hold and express out loud; I'll shut my trap now because maybe LP/10:32 hit the nail on the head anyway.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! I love Neil's negativity and I love how some peers of his have been partying on NN blog since he abandoned it and left for GNT.

Anonymous said...

its awful.adam is having enough of a hard time wituout this stupidity/

Anonymous said...

Neil needs to look in the mirror and follow his own advice Adam needs to get more control over what is going out not only from Neal but the rest of his band. It all seems a bad reflection on Adam. He needs all the good PR he can get right now not something that turns off the PTB and the fans.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 10:32- Neil doesn't "represent" Adam. Are you kidding? He's just an assistant for the tour. I don't especially like Neil either, but he doesn't reflect on Adam or vice versa. I have never heard him speak for Adam or say anything about him. I respect that.

Lolita said...

Neil for 2012!

Anonymous said...

Good grief! I'm reminded of the AMA's again!

☺ said...

O_O here we go again... another heated topic‼

Anonymous said...

Not sure why Neil feels he needs to do this, maybe he is looking for attention.

Anonymous said...

Soooo! it runs in the family. Adam gives us the finger at AMA and now we get a pic from brother Neil. wtf

lily said...

hmmmm, another negative vibe on adam's backyard. actually, neil, this is unnecessary, you are adding fire to the current adam's issue. just saying.

Lolita said...

I don't think Neil made this. I bet someone else created it in regards to his political dissatisfaction of late and sent it to him. They are probably laughing their asses off about it and Monte wanted to put it out there. Sorta "punked" Neil. They all seem to be able to laugh at themselves and the craziness that surrounds them. Best way to keep your own sanity. Some Adam fans should try this. And, Neil has the right to discuss anything he wants on his Twitter. It is HIS twitter. If you don't like his views or personality--don't read his shit. Jeez. Not every little thing that happens in the Lambert universe is THE END OF THE WORLD!

Anonymous said...

I like sarcastic humour, because truth is ugly. I believe Neil has empathy, although he expresses it in his own sarcastic way. Liked his tweet when he saw fans queueing outside the venue in cold weather, "if your not in you must be doing something wrong".

Anonymous said...

For those of you who think Neil should get his own job......HE has a job and it is working on Adam's tour! He probably is working really hard and those who have met him at the M&G's say he is really nice. A fan made this shirt and it is meant to be funny (lighten up) people. (please)

judys dancin said...

Jeez guys, it's a funny t shirt, and once again, not that deep!!!

Anonymous said...

back at ya, Neil

especially the 'Go Away!' part. you must not like Adam very well to do this to him

Anonymous said...

Why do I have the feeling that Adam himself would say...hey peeps, the world does not revolve around me.

And in my opinion, Neil's political views, although delivered a little roughly and "passionately" at times, represent, as 12:04pm mentioned, great empathy... a lot more empathy than many on the "right" have, (yes, I went there, and it's friggin' true in part), and thank goodness the political views, or at least societal/cultural views if not political views, of Neil's parents and himself aligned with what was necessary to create an environment that was at least somewhat healthy for someone like Adam to exist in when growing up.

(@GLb - I gave that some thought before I posted, in deference to you ;), 6am)

Anonymous said...

When did we become our brother's keeper?

The idea of "guilt (or persecution) by association" is sophomoric. Sadly people need to advance their interpersonal social skills.

Neil is Neil, and Adam is Adam. Only in America will you be judged so harshly (and because of the internet, instantly) by the company you keep.

Apparently NO benefit of the doubt in most of this crowd.

Anonymous said...

I imagine that ALL of you naysayers above are PERFECT, and without reproach.

Anonymous said...

The idea of "guilt (or persecution) by association" is sophomoric

Well said! I respect everyone's right to comment in this forum as they wish, have at it, but I think those words of Serena's were spot on IMHO.

Maybe we should put some of our energy into going and commenting on that great interview Cam gave... great stuff about herself and her band, excellent stuff about Adam, listen closely to that part especially.

Anonymous said...

Neil is so totally copycat of my cousin. Every time I come across his tweets I feel like my cousin is writing them. Probably they had the same professors taking Political Science courses in UC system. I love my cousin so much and I totally dig Neil's point of view. Come on people it's not that deep. It's not the end of the world. Just have a laugh about it and go on with your life. My God Southern California kids are so different than everyone else. Take a chill pill people.

Anonymous said...

Boy, I bet when Adam said "it ain't that deep" he never dreamed how handy it would come in or how much it would need to be used

Anonymous said...

Neil is great! Read his "mrs Noonan" article after the AMA.


Anonymous said...


Cheril said...

They may have differences in the way they approach life, but their common thread is they are brothers. Is it hypocritcal of fans to defend Adam from haters, and then turn around and hate on Adam's own brother? Adam keeps things real and loves to be able to have freedom to artistically express himself. Why would he want to silence Neil for expressing himself (and in this case it was just a photoshopped picture sent to him and shared with us)? So, I don't understand all the judgements. Just be happy and support Adam. Neil is.

Anonymous said...

Neil is not nice at the meet and greets. He is not nice at all. I don't want to elaborate here because enough negative has been expressed, but he does not enhance his brother at all with his attitude. From a distance it might seem smart and funny, but when you're right next to him, trust me it's not funny. I like sarcasim as much as anyone, but there's a time and place.

Agree it's not that deep, but he's Adam's brother, and I think he might be a tad jealous. I just think he needs to mature a little and maybe he'll come out of this tour a better person. Hey, he already got a tat even though you can see he was terrified.

Anonymous said...

Are we all forgetting that this is a drawing on a T-shirt? A "negative" and now somewhat public person should probably expect this from time to time.

Just sayin.....

Anonymous said...

A fan made it - Neil didn't. He could have been pissed off about it but instead he thought it was funny and shared it. LOL That's about all there is to it!

Anonymous said...

This shirt has nothing to do with Adam, so why are some of you on Neil's a** about it. Neil is his own man and can do what he wants. If Adam thought he was a threat to his career he would not have him on the tour with him.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Neil's "Fuck Fame" mentality is refreshing. Instead of using Adam for his own gain (and WORKING for his paycheck does NOT equate to "gain"), he is quite vocal of his disinterest in celebrity. Hes allowed! He didnt audition for anything. Hes just related to someone who did. I totally get it. And to be frank, if I was in his position, Id tell Adams fans to fuck off too. And hes political views have NOTHING to do with Adam.

Im with Lolita: Neil in 2012!

Anonymous said...

Im also on Lolitas team. Neil in 2012!


Anonymous said...

Am I missing something here? surely its just a humourous t-shirt that someone made?

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Maybe Neil should keep this on his web site...why put it on Adam's if he's not into the celebrity "thing"...because Adam sure is into the celebrity "thing" and WE love It!

The Dark Side said...

I voted, always do, sometimes happy, sometimes not so much. Do get Neil and his anti Tea Bagging philosophy. Think he has a future in politics (not predicting anything at this moment), and will make a great political pundit. He appears to be anti celebrity, but not anti Adam--lots of love there. A picture of Neil flipping us off on a T-shirt does nothing more than make me smile. BTW Neils is a shit stirrer.

Anonymous said...

@Eva Nov 10 1:10PM - I am a big fan of that response letter to Peggy Noonan too!

Anonymous said...

@November 10, 2010 3:40 PM
Did he put it on Adam's website????????

Anonymous said...

Neil is very young. He's attention-seeking and rude. Oh, and let's not forget how he hit on Adam's fans to buy him a piano! Does he have a right to all this? Of course. Is it appropriate and helpful? Hardly.

Urethra_Franklin said...

3:40 he DIDNT post it on Adams site. If its on one of Adams sites, it was put there by a fan.

Urethra_Franklin said...

4:14 that makes him smart. if fans are stupid enough to send him money for a piano than good for him.

Anonymous said...

I just gave Neil the finger.

Anonymous said...


Let's move on to Adam....

Anonymous said...

Gee! To some ppl, are you in some kind of hormone depletion or overflow? Go to seek medical attention!!!!

Anonymous said...

Somebody better rename this blog real quick. This ain't Adam Lambert 24/7 no more. Too much negativity here for me now, geezuz I can get all this shit at work all day. Sayonara.............

Anonymous said...

So now y'all are trashing Adam's little brother. Gee, what about Eber, he must have a few faults as well. And lets hear what you hate about Leila, let it all out. Wonder what Adam would think about his so called fans if he saw this kind of defamamtion of his brother. The internet is the devil, for sure.

Anonymous said...

@Urethra, he may be smart, but he's also sleazy and insolent.

Anonymous said...

"Tea Bagging" would not be the correct term. I hope you mean Tea Bag Movement philosophy. And I like muck raking to sh*t stirring. But, that's just me.

Don't mean to be so critical but as long as everyone is spouting out..I may as well, too.

Don't take it personally, The Dark Side.....I love your posts.

Anonymous said...

I have to chime in and say that I read today that someone on twitter said recently, something to the effect of, With the judgement that comes from Adam's fans, who needs haters... or something like that. hhhmmmmmm

Don't even want to leave my tag

Anonymous said...

this is neil and not adam so relax. Beside they are both smart and Neil is just expressing himself and that his problem not us ha!ha!ha!

Lolita said...

Wow, 5:22. Sleazy and insolent? Do you know Neil personally to make this kind of judgement? If you do, I'll back off and bow to your greater knowledge, but that is not my impression of him at all. I got to spend a little time with him at a meet and greet and then later that evening after the show since they had a night off between tour dates. Doesn't mean I really know him either, but the time I was around him was very enjoyable. He was just as normal as anyone posting here. He was polite, funny, witty, (yes, with a sarcastic bent)and--get this--GRACIOUS. The same qualities we admire so much in Adam. Very excited to be able to sleep in a real bed instead of a bunk and catch up on his laundry. Gave good hugs. Interested in all around him. Very sociable and articulate. Didn't detect an ounce of jealousy or resentment, only pride and support and the presence of mind to call "bullshit" if necessary. Wanted to know how we all liked the show. (DUH!) I liked him.

I think we get so caught up in our Adam obsession that we forget these are real human beings not robots designed to meet our every expectaion. It is impossible to please every person in the world. If he is not your cup of tea, pass him by. But, I choose to support the entire Lambert family during this excellent adventure!

Anonymous said...

That picture was NOT necessary! Tame it down Bro.
Neil needs to just "take vanilla" or "take the
Soy Sauce"...after all this is not "his party and he can't cry if he wants too". 2 cents worth

Anonymous said...

Neil are you for real?
I think he gets egged on to do these things by fans(he has a few) Adam always said Neil know alot of "things" just ask him. He has very strong opinions. I followed him on Twitter during the election and he had quite a few.He likes to stir the "pot" however I have never heard him say an ill word in regard to Adam etc. I think this is stuff he did before we even knew who he was. He has a hard time with "stupid" 'cause he really thinks he knows more that most. He will get put in his place someday. Do I think this is going to hurt Adams career? Why do people always say things like that; like Adam is hanging by a thread or something? He is on a "WORLD TOUR" people how is that hanging by a tread. Someone out there explain this neagative attitude to me. PLEASE!

Lolita said...

4:14 "that makes him smart. if fans are stupid enough to send him money for a piano than good for him."

Urethra, LMAO! Yes, I always thought the piano acquisition was a hilarious social experiment on Neil's part and said WAY more about the "fans" state of mind when falling all over themselves to send money to a stranger, than his! lol

Anonymous said...

@Lolita, I'm glad your M&G experience was so positive. But I think asking Adam's fans to contribute to his piano fund definitely qualifies as sleazy in my book. And all you have to do is read his twitter responses to fans to see how insolent (i.e., insulting) and rude he can be.

Anonymous said...

Neal is an adult and should be able to own up to his own actions. Did not he ask Monty to put it on Twitter? By the way, what's political about the finger?

Anonymous said...

Neil should go home. He is a real downer..

Lolita said...

7:05 Once again, people's perceptions vary. If I remember correctly, at the time of Neil's request, fans had just showered Monte with tons of gifts for his babies, and bought Tommy a new computer. Neil, in his writings, very humorously explored fame by association, often poking fun at himself and his perceptions and experiences. He put it out there like, "Hey, I have this piano I've had my eye on people." and low and behold the people WILLING sent money! No one held a gun to anybody's head. What is it about one part of "fandom" that wants to pour gifts on people they don't even know, and the other part of "fandom" that wants to denigrate the recipient for benefiting from that generosity? Curious. See, what you find sleazy, I find interestng. (And by the way, I did not send money. lol)

Yes, Neil can come across as rude to some. I find him "direct" and I like that quality in people. You always know where you stand with them. Eliminates guess work. And, from what I've seen, many fans can be rude themselves. Remember Adam's line, "Entitlement is not sexy."? None of us sitting at our computers have a clue about what it is like to deal with the crush of fandom on a daily basis. If we had to deal with it constantly, we might get a little pissy and rude, too. (I admit to flipping off stupid drivers in traffic. You may call me sleazy and insulting. I will own it! :))

Anonymous said...

Someone up this thread (not taking the time to look for the name) said Neil is a shit stirrer. . .seems to run in the family.
Adam loves to do it too, and by his own admission. Only difference is that Adam is talented, good looking and sexy; everything that Neil is not.

Anonymous said...

@Lolita, I don't disagree with you, and it's, indeed, interesting to explore perceptions. I have no idea why fans sent Neil money (a host of reasons, I'm sure), and you're perfectly right in saying that no one held a gun to their heads. What bothered me was Neil actively soliciting funds from Adam's fans. And you'll remember, I'm sure, that when Adam found out about it, he asked Neil why he didn't just tell Adam that he wanted the piano, because he would have bought it for him! I found the whole thing rather embarrassing and cringe-inducing. And the incident presented such a stark contrast for me between the two. Adam constantly - and very graciously - declines gifts and directs his fans to Donors Choose.
Re: Neil's rudeness. Here, I'll beg to differ. I appreciate "direct", but Neil goes way beyond that. And yes, some fans can be incredibly rude and entitled. However, that does not, in any way, excuse rudeness on Neil's part. It's Adam, not Neil, who has to deal with "the crush of fandom on a daily basis". And, it's interesting to note that Adam deals with it with grace and good manners. He's never rude to his fans!

Anonymous said...

No one better could look out for Adam than Neil.
Love him!!

Anonymous said...

Neil does not post on Adam's web site. Neil has his own twitter page.Fans follow him and go to his page and retweet his tweets. That's not Neil's fault. He had his own political blog site before Adam became famous and has his own political followers that have nothing to do with Adam. If you're respectful to him, and do not interfere with him doing his very busy job, I don't think he'll take issue with you. His big complaint is fans converging on him like a band of locusts, yelling at him across hotel lobbies, expecting him to get them close to Adam and to do things that have nothing to do with his job. I've met him , asked if I could give him a hug and he graciously complied. He has said, Adam is the celebrity, not me. If he stopped and talked to every fan, he wouldn't be able to do his job, and it is a real job. He loves his brother and the worst thing he ever said[in Adam's presence] was that Adam still owed him 20. bucks! They both laughed! If people judge Adam for what Neil says on his personal twitter or if Monte tweets a pic of a controversal [in there opinion]T-shirt, then it's their problem. Neil is his own man and everything isn't always just about Adam. Neil can be rude and insulting, and he'll be the one that will live with his actions, good or bad. It's his life to live IMHO. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@Lolita @funbunn40

I love you both. You said what I wanted to say if my english vocabulary wasn´t so limited. I think Neil is great. I love his blog and it´s a shame he can´t write about the tour. It would have been hilarious. Lolita, you´ve met him(I´m so jealous)and I´m not surprised to hear that he´s gracious and nice, and you can really tell that he loves his brother. Personally I find his "rudeness" refreshing. Some crazy fans deserves it, I guess. And what about the finger picture? It´s on a t-shirt for Negativeneil. I don´t understand what all this hoopla is about.


Anonymous said...

The message on the T-shirt could say "F... Off" instead of "Go Away" so some restraint is there.

Urethra_Franklin said...

1:53 THATS IT IN A NUTSHELL!!! Its HIS twitter! If "fans" follow HIM on tiwtter they need to shut up about his attitude and such. If you dont like it dont follow him. Hes RELATED TO FAME. Stop stalking people JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE CONNECTED to Adam. Its ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

anon Nov.10 @2:08, What did Neil do at the meet and greet?

Anonymous said...

;) :-)

Anonymous said...

ooooooooops not another heated debate
.......well i'm outta here
....need to see and hear ADAM
...then drool
....yes Brit is still drooling....
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

coloforadam said...

I want a bumper sticker of that picture!

Anonymous said...

Many of you posters shine a direct light on the need for Adam to accumulate A BETTER CLASS OF FANS!

Talk about haters...jesus, there's so much trashing and bashing going on here it's ridiculous.

Who the f**k are any of you to judge Neil, or Adam?

Go back under the rock you crawled out from!

Anonymous said...

This site has become toxic...used to like to post and share. Now I am skipping over most of the comments in search of something light and positive. Slim pickings.

Anonymous said...

the meaning of the t shirt is*FUCK YOU*
nice thanks Neil(not)

coloforadam said...

Where have the wise words gone to at least attempt to "walk a mile in the other man's shoes?" I said I would like to have a bumper sticker of that picture but of course I would not like it as a message on the back of my car all the time....only on a flip up basis with a convenient button on the dashboard for those moments of driving in large city that I'm sure we have all had. Think of what things must be like for Neil right now. He is very young, very intelligent, has the kick ass brashness of youth and he is extraordinarily articulate. It must be very tough to see his brother praised and adored on one hand and insulted and threatened by haters on the internet and possibly also on the streets, all in a given day, day after day. Who knows the kind of fan incidents he has witnessed with borderline stalking going on around their bus, hotels, limos, stage doors, etc. - most of it innocent but I'm sure there is some that is pretty strange and repellent. How do any of us know how we would handle the ugly side of fame in all it's forms, not just momentarily but Neil has chosen to go along for the ride and take it in everyday for several months. Then there is the complicated, conflicting feeling between brothers, older and younger, intense connection and love but also competition and the fight for indentity. How many people have taken the time to read Neil's long and brilliant dissertations on the personal and political aspects of what his family is going through in light of the response to Adam? No, most just flip back and forth between expressing how adorable the two brothers are and/or how awful it is that Neil might not completely reflect their angelic view of Adam.
I don't mean this to add to the negative rant of this thread but with this amazing internet coverage, we have been given startling insight into the lives of famous people who touch us in undeniable ways, and no one has lately done this quite like Adam and his family and friends. With that insight comes the responsibility as thinking and caring persons to see them in the light of their experiences, their uniqueness and their responses which are not always going to be like our own.
Since being knocked off my feet by my unconventional and steadfast reaction to Adam, I cannot get out of my mind how unbelievably painful it must be to experience the rejection, wrath and revulsion of the homophobic. To be hated for your skin color is absurd, to be looked down upon for your life circumstances is pitiful but to be reviled for the beautiful way in which you were predestined to love in this world, is incomprehensible. Adam's courage and his ability to stand strong in the face of all that comes at him, is awe inspiring. But still there are times when you can see the painlaced anger in his face and hear the ripped soul in his voice and you know he bears scars that we cannot imagine. And he will continue to be assaulted and hurt as well as fiercely loved. Neil has chosen to not distance himself from all this, to be there when love and joy flood Adam in the stage light and times when his brother's knees may buckle from the strain of hatred. Where was Neil when Adam was going through the early adult years of pain and isolation in the ruthless world of LA to which he has eluded many times? Neil was in college and the pleasant but slightly unreal portion of life that steels us with philosophy and resolve to face what comes next. Adam was in the middle of what comes next and now, so is Neil. Adam has his beautiful voice with which to express himself, Neil has an equally talented way with words. Sometimes Adam's songs are sad and angry and raging. So also are the words of Neil Lambert.

Love and light to them both.

Anonymous said...


Now you made me cry.
Love and light to you


Anonymous said...

I love Neil. Both Adam and Neil are open about their political views and being very progressive. Neil is more outspoken about it and Adam doesn't speak about it as much. Neil is not hurting Adam's career one bit. I am glad he is who he is, as Adam is who he is. If you don't like hearing about Neil political views don't follow him on Twitter.

Anonymous said...

Thank you ColorforAdam for your voice of reason!

Lolita said...

ColorforAdam: Bravo!

Anonymous said...

@Lolita Nov. 10 at 6:28PM, funbunn40 Nov.11 at 1:53AM and colorfadam Nov.12 at 6:74AM - thank you so much for your informative and insightful posts.
