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New (Old) Picture?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, November 13, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, November 13, 2010



LP said...

I am usually wrong on this sort of thing. Is that Adam on the right, maybe in middle school, cuz he is not very tall for it to be high school.

Urethra_Franklin said...

I think this is during his stint in Germany many moons ago.

Anonymous said...

Whoooa! Seriously, who can change looks to a point you can't even recognize him‼ I think it's the HAIR that makes a whole lot of difference. And Adam, pink is not your color hun‼ ☺

Anonymous said...

Which one is Adam?

Anonymous said...

anon 4:06 PM
Don't tell me you cant recognize which one is Adam?! The one in a tie-dye multi color top‼ The nose, the lips are Adam's.

Anonymous said...

I hope this is not middle school. Look at the girls. Although, Adam sure does look very young.

Anne Gmason said...

Looks like the production of Hair he was a part of.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the cast of Hair by what they have on. That was after high school. In high school, he had red hair and then bleached blond hair. Just after high school he began darkening it, one step at a time.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame 4.06 for not noticing Adam.

At first, I thought the black guy was Adam lol.

LP said...

@4:13 Girls in middle school are around 14 and 15 and they start getting their figure, and some earlier than that. He went to Germany with his family in his early teens. He is definitely not tall enough, when he graduated he was 6'1". there is always the possibility he has a wig on.

Anonymous said...

No, this can't be Hair. He's too young. Some type of local production when he was a teen. Contrary to what he says, Adam has never been ugly. He is so cute. I love that expression. He sure matured nicely didn't he LOL

Anonymous said...

Maybe from when he was on the cruise ship?

Anonymous said...

Much too young for cruise ship. He looks 15-16 IMO

Anonymous said...

Whatever he still looks pretty though i think among the hairstyles we've already seen, so far this is the only one that does not complement his very beautiful face. Well that's just for me, to each his own as always :D


Anonymous said...

I recognised Adam straight away despite the different hair. Maybe it's a wig for the production he was in. He looks young, early teens perhaps.

Rebecca said...

aaw too cute

Anonymous said...

This must be one of those photos Adam has said he has tried to hide unsuccessfully. Don´t worry Adam, you look cute in the photo. Now, as a grown up man you look SEXY, HANDSOME, UNBELIEVABLE HOT etc.

Anonymous said...

lol, I really got quite a chuckle out of this... especially anon @ 4:30

But Jeez peeps, Adam DOES look really young in a LOT of picutres depending on the hairstyle. Look how young he looked during the 'American Idol' audition the first time we saw him... he looked about 18 with that sweet vulnerable quality. Randy even commented 'don't be skeered'

Interesting for the hell of it to find out, but my vote goes to the Euro production of "Hair"?
the other peeps it the picture certainly don't look like high school...

Anonymous said...

This is def not a high school pic. He was much chubbier then. I agree that this is the european production of Hair when he was about 21.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see him right away. I just wondered who in the heck were these people. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam in whatever pose, hair color, make up or no make up, in whichever look and fashion, sure looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I think this may have been from a local theater( not school) version Of Hair..The others could look older cause they were(if not,some girls look much older with all the make-up)We know Adam was taller in the you tube video where he sang @ his high school graduation.That could be a brown wig,too..Oh,well,that's HIM,tho.It's hard to tell what size he was with that long shirt,but he prob was losing some of the baby fat he had in school..Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

This is deff picture of Adam before high school. Adam is 6'1"-6"2? On this picture he doesn't look so tall. Actually he weares make up, just a little bit mascara and lipgloss. He is so beautiful<3 Also, he said he was overweight at high school did you Adam when he sung on graduation? I don't think you would recognize him!But on this picture Adam def 14-15 years old.

julia said...

ADAM always looks younger than his age. I bet this picture, the girls are standing on a couch or on a step...and ADAM is standing down 1 step lower... His face was not chubby like he was in high school.. This must be in his early 20's. I can recognize right away with his SMILE...a sexy, hypnotized smile ....Ahhhhhh....the smile i am always in love with ....!!!!

Anonymous said...

it gets better by Adam fans


Anonymous said...

@ZZ/8:01pm - THANK YOU

glitzylady said...

Since we are all guessing here...I have to go with the "Hair" production in Germany when he was about 20-21...He said he started to dye his hair darker while there in Germany for 6 months or so, and would have had longer hair..and that is where he had his first.."experience" ...and started to feel truly comfortable with his sexuality...So who knows if I'm correct, but I'm going with that, along with a couple of others above...and he was not overweight after high school probably...It will be interesting to see if someone can come up with the truth here, not that it matters that much...Just so fun to see this picture of him...And he was a cutie here too..

Anonymous said...

Not changing the subject but for anyone who hasn't seen Sasha Mallory auditioning for
"So You Think You Can Dance" here is the link.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady, I agree with you about age. Yes, Adam looks much younger on this picture and on this music video from 2012 "Time for Miracles" I show it to my friend another day and she asked me "Is Adam nineteen or twenty years old?" I started to laugh and told her that he is 27 in this video. She coudn't belive me:)
@anon 8:59 pm I knew this is Sasha! But as far as nobody mentioned her name I thought I am mistaken.

Anonymous said...

Adam either grew tall in his 20's or the others were on a platform. Or he was younger. Something ain't right.

Anonymous said...

How did they find this one! Love the ADAM!

Anonymous said...

sweet :))

Anonymous said...

I've seen this pic before and I have always assumed it was during his stint with "Hair" in Europe. IMHO Adam looks somewhat tired and bored and he's certainly not his usual impecably stylish self (Miami beach look excluded, lol). I hope Adam has crossed this hairstyle and color off his list. IMHO Adam is always gorgeous inside and out but this look didn't do him any favors.

Anonymous said...

Have to say I believe this was when he was19 in Germany doing Hair. That was a popular hair style during the hippie era. Long stringy hair. The other 2 men could be 6ft4 or 6/5 or on a riser. Adam stated that this was the time he began to discover who he was. He does look young, but he did on Idol at 27. He also had lost his highschool weight. He also stated that the producer of Hair wanted them to do it in German phoneticall, as none in the cast spoke German. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

video from singapore: Adam and the band leaving the venue.

Thanks to whoever shot this..


Anonymous said...

For some reason I can't see the photo at all! Any suggestion on what I can do? Thanks!


Anonymous said...

OMG.. that hair looks absolutely wrong on Adam. LOL. Still the cutest guy on the pic, though :)

Anonymous said...

The picture is definitely from the German production of Hair. As for the hair, it might be his, since he wore a long blond hair while onstage. I first saw this picture over a year ago. There is another picture (very dark) of him onstage naked, during the scene where the whole cast comes out onstage naked, but sadly he is covering himself with his hands. These pictures are on

glitzylady said...

Yay!! I found the LA Times Three Part Interview in which Adam talks in depth about his experience in Germany in the production of a nutshell, he was 20-21 and there for about 6 months...If you are interested here is the should give you the links for the other parts as well...VERY interesting series of articles from last year...

Enjoy!!! It will be worth your time if you haven't read them before...He talks about his entire life from conception (!) to after Idol...

glitzylady said...

Ooops...The LA Times "Ultimate Interview" is actually four parts...will post the other three:

Part One...The Early years...

glitzylady said...

LA Times "Ultimate Interview" Part Three

glitzylady said...

LA Times "Ultimate Interview" Part Four

As I said above, these are from August 2009, but still very informational for those of us who have inquiring minds!!!

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady - i remember having read this extensive interview but i would love to go through it once more. Thanks so much for the links:)


Anonymous said...

Thanks Anon @12:44 am.

A very good find!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 12:44 - can you post the specific direct link to pic?

Urethra_Franklin said...

Thats my fave interview. I printed it over a year ago and put it in my box for safe keeping. Awesome to revisit it from time to time.

Anonymous said...

I recognized Adam right away because he is so beautiful inside and out people. It's like mothers instinct and I knew it right away ha!ha!ha!ha.

mom from toronto canada

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminder of that interview glitzylady, and links. MGF.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, it was just so great to read those interviews again. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

"I never really considered myself the best actor in the world. I wanted to be myself, so I was less and less enchanted with the idea of musical theater."

Thanks, glitzylady, I feel better now reading this. That was my oppinion too. He's too good at and focused on being himself to be a good actor. Maybe in time... GLb

Anonymous said...


Such a great 4 part series in the LA Times. Is this where Adam said he was conceived on his parents' wedding night? I wonder how old Adam was when he figured that out. Just got a huge smile on my face when I saw that--and a whole new appreciation for his young parents!

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Are there only moms on 24/7??

Anonymous said...

Hi Glamily!
(part 1) I guess his is going to be a long comment, so you people who dont't like me just skip it, OK? Don't bite my ass this time, please, have mercy, I'm in a hospital! And because I don't know how long the Internet will hold on here, and I don't want to lose my post, I'll do it in parts.
I came out from an general anesthesia some hours ago, but just half an hour ago I was allowed to ckeck out 24/7 Paradise site and... surprise!!!(???) What «THE« KISS between sweet Adam and Tommy!!! What the glamfuck was that, God All Mighty! I could say that the power of that kiss brought me out from the anesthesia!!! Is that why I'm feeling so dizzy???

Anonymous said...

Definitely Adam's beautiful smile. The only thing that threw me off was Adam's height. We're so used to Adam being the tallest one in the picture. This must be right after high school when Adam slimmed down and dyed his hair. Either that, or everyone else is tall. Adam as gorgeous as always to me. nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Hi Glamily (part 2)
Thank you everybody for your positive thoughts at me. Jesus! I just checked out that old thread «Camila Grey new interview from Finland...» and WOW! From 37 comments 21 are AT ME or FROM ME??? WOW again, thanks folks!(Sorry Camila, didnt't mean to shine more than you, baby! It was such a good interview, you were so classy, thank you for the beautiful and nice words about sweet Adam!)
From the bottom of my heart, folks, thank you so much to Funbunn40 (Diamond Nurse, Voice of Wisdom), Adamluv, ZZ, HH, Bing, Adam Fix, Glambrit IOW/UK, Glitzylady, and specially to @ daydream (who I wasn't expecting to care about me...not that much to loan me her Guardian Angel!) Please forgive me if I forgot someone, it's the anesthesia effect for sure...

Anonymous said...

Hi Glamily (part 3)
Thanks for the links you posted (LA Times parts 1, 2, 3, 4...) I'll check them later, when I feel better.

@ Funbunn40... WOW!!! WHHHAAAATTTT? You are going to be face to face with sweet Adam? God, let me go back, let me sleep again! Another anesthesia, please! I want to sleep and to dream... the best dream of my life!!! I'll be with you Funbunn40 in an «out of body travel» spirit to see him and SMELL HIM with you. Tell me please, please, pleeeeeeease, WHAT he smells!!! Kesha said he smells blueberry. Will be that true? I wonder... please, don't tell me he smells vanilla, I'm alergic to it! Adam Fix knows it, ask her about the vanilla thing!
Thank you so much for your white candle and the Glambert's circle. It worked!!! My doctor left me a message this morning telling me not to worry too much because she was able to remove some polyps and collected samples of the tumor... and although the results of the biopsy are not available yet, she is sure there is a 90% possibility it is BENIGN!!!! And better... probably I can get a «treatment» instead of a surgery! Isn't that great? All thanks to your God´s healing candle and so many Glambert's prayers! Thank you again, Glamily! I'm relaxed now! Then... Let me see that KISS again! Yay! It's ME been kissed!!! Yeahhh... I'm so relaxed after this kiss. Yhank you, sweet Adam!

Anonymous said...

I'll stick with my original comment. It's from the cast of Hair....after high school. I've seen the play about 6 times. These are the characters from that play. Also, how do you know the height of the other two men. They are probably over 6'1".

Anonymous said...

Hi Glamily (part 4)

@ Funbunn40,
I guess you'd like to know what HH told you in her comment at you (Nov.13, 5:43AM) on the thread you told us about your M&G with sweet Adam. She says:
«Bravo! What a great news, it's very emotional and I share your joy and it'll be a gift to us when you tell us your fabulous experience and the detailes of Adam! What a great day you are gonna have! Greetings, Funbunn40! HH»

And later she said about sweet Adam's «Soaked» smile:
«HH NOv 13,7:54AM: «« Beautiful expression of Mr. Lambert. The light shines for him». HH»»

Forgive me if I'm wrong @ HH, but I myself, think that «sweet Adam shines for the light». Just MHO, let it be.

Anonymous said...

@ HH... Para ti, en español, si no lo tienes traducido del inglés:
Perdoname, HH, pero yo misma pienso que «dulce Adam brilla por la luz». Mi hulmilde opinion, dejala...
PS: Mil gracias por tu oraciones. Y no te preocupes, no me molesta en nada traducirte, es un placer!

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady GRACIAS !!!!!!!!!!
Por los enlaces de estas excelentes entrevistas.

Anonymous said...

Where in Heaven was this sweet Adam at that time when I certainly needed him around so much??? How many y-e-a-r-s I would have to wait for???

Anonymous said...

And... God willing, I'll leave the hospital tomorrow by noon. Fuck «Hell's Kitchen» these days without me! Ha! If I had to cook anything it would be for my sweet Adam. BTW, is he having the «real food» he likes, in Europe? Just wondering...(call me, Diamond Boy, if you need me!)

glitzylady said...

@Kentucky Fan 6:41 am

Yes, that's the one where he said he is pretty sure he was conceived in Puerto Rico on his parents I said, this interview starts right at the beginning!!! LOL!!


So glad to hear that your Dr. is very hopeful that everything is going to be fine, and it sounds like the worst is over...I will be waiting to hear the final report!! In the meantime, don't worry about Hell's Kitchen, and just rest up and get in as much "Adam Time" as you can...It won't be too long before Suz526 has more videos for us to enjoy...Bless her heart, and yours too!! And while we are at it, bless Adam too!!

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun que alegría por el reporte médico.
Gracias Dios todo está saliendo bien, sigue con tu buen animo y positiva y en compañía de tu dulce ADAM y ojala investigues pronto, que el aroma del beso de ADAM no sea de vainilla.
Que tengas un feliz día y mis oraciones seguirán acompañándote.

Anonymous said...

God, Fun4fun, I also thought of you since I read your post and I tried to send...balls of light and health to you. Don't laugh at me, darling! I was very much into parapsychology.. well.. years ago :-). Ha ha ha. I was into.. and did.. many things and I'm ready for much more! For now, though, it seems that I'm only into one thing... Can you guess? Ha Ha! Heaven help us all the 'sinners' here! :-))

Let me tell you that I know what you are going through, only that I wasn't waiting for the biopsy result while in hospital, but working and traveling around the country (which was much more easier for me, I have to admit, because it took a couple of weeks or more to get the result). I was ok, as I'm sure you'll be too!

Believe it or not, I also worked, for a while, in two hospitals (Seems to me now like it was in another life! I'll give you the details later.. maybe..:-) ) and I KNOW that LOVE, offered and received, can do wonders. We (kinda) covered that subject here few months ago, remember? And there are people here who love you and you, yourself, are so full of love... I'm sure God loves you too!

Anonymous said...

I think we all have a few of these crazy pictures around. If we ever become famous that is when they show up.(I will never have to worry about that I am sure) What a good laugh! How many stages we all go through before we reach today. I think they call it life!I for one enjoy looking at the journey Adam has been on. It valedates who he is today! Yummy!

Anonymous said...

Hey Fan4Fun Hope ya get to feeling better real soon. I am sure a few vids of Adam will aid to your recovery!

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady
(Hi, Voice of Patience!) Glad to hear from you. Thanks for your message back there, thank you for your message right now... right words always so welcome!

@ GLb
Thank you for your beautiful post! I feel such a good energy, but it's comming to me from where? From sweet Adam or his Glamberts???? Oh, isn't it all the same?!Lol

@ HH
Gracias, mi querida. te lo siento de tus oraciones. Estamos bien vecinas, no estamos nosotras? Orale pues! (esto es de mi español mexicano) Hahaha! Yo soy de Brasil aunque vivo en los Açores/Portugal, pero esto tu ya lo sabes, no?

@ Anon.11:21AM
Whoever you are, you'd better get a «tag». So everybody will be able to know that YOU are the Anonymous who likes ME.. Anyway, thank you so much!!!


Anonymous said...


Sending lots of positive energy your way! :)
Sounds like you're getting bunches already. Loved your comments about waking up out of anethesia to Munich Adam-Tommy kiss--I'm picturing you springing upright in bed with extremely wide eyes saying "What the Glamfuck was that?!!!" LOL. All this fun has got to be the best medicine.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Frick Fan4fun glamsista - WTF, I'm seriously outta the loop - I don't even know what's going on... You're ill?? I haven't been going back too much to older threads lately (which is actually not like me), I don't know how I missed it, but I did... but sending you positive energy and good vibes for your health... I'll have to go back in the old threads and read/figure out what's up with you... but regardless, get better glamgirl.


Anonymous said...

@ fan4fun... so sorry to hear that you have been ill, sending lots of love and best wishes and keeping fingers crossed for you to get good results....

@MGF...yeah i am totally outta the loop... the marvelous 24/7 are keeping us so up to date that i'm finding it hard to keep up lately...

Adam who knew under the guise of pink and blue that there was a fantastic rock god waiting to amaze us all... aww i think he looks quite shy, very cute..mwah :D

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

OT in a couuple of directions...

MGF... ME too!!! How'd we miss this? sorry to hear you've been under the weather. MGF & are are in the same state, must be geographical, cuz we both missed you were sick. =/ Sure hope you're feelin' better soon.

WHAT a way to come out of it though... watching the Munich vids IN the hospital? =) That'll put you into a fever. Good thing yer in a hospital!

Lol. LOVED your explitive description "glam--k"
on that kiss!! YIKES! My thoughts almost exactly... and can we have some more please?? Is it safe for you to be watching this stuff???

Spreading some get-well glitter...

Anonymous said...

Fan4Fun -- sorry too I have not read some of the old posts -- did not know you have been in the hospital!! I will pray daily now for a benign report! I experienced surgery a few months ago and I know what a scary time this can be!! Your Glamfamily is here for you!! Wishing you HEALTH and HAPPINESS!!!


Anonymous said...

Fan4fun, so happy to read your emails and to know that things are looking better for you. Keep us posted. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Seriously Off-Topic

Hey Chezza - speaking of not going back in threads too far - I gave a shout out to you somewhere back there :)... just saying that I was excited for your upcoming M&G and concert, and hoped that you'd made many backup plans for child care and such so that there was NO CHANCE of you missing your M&G/Concert :). What is it, about 10 days now? I think I missed that funbunn40 got a M&G too, so great FB40!

@Cindy - IDK how we missed it - my brain's fuzzy and buzzy from all that damn leafblowing I've been doing with that frickin' loud contraption of a leafblower I've been using to help the Hubby out :)... well, there's nothing more splendid than New England in the Autumn (except for maybe some amazeballs concert vids like BB's been giving us lately) so it's all good. And seriously, I've not been so great at keeping up with all the threads here as of late because I've been so enthralled with the great concert vids/performances, which is afterall, the main reason why I'm lovin' this guy so damn much!


Anonymous said...

Wow again, what a fucking huge Glamily I have, indeed! Who will be the next one to leave me a message, the very sweet Adam? Please don't bother him, let him have some fun instead! My soul will be OK. Your positive energy is enough.
Thank you all so much for your care, @ Krntucky Fan, @ Mass Glam Fan, @ Chezza Sherbert, @ Cindy, @ HeartAdam4Ever, @ Adamluv (again).
Jesus, you really read the comments here, don't you?... I just asked Funbunn40 (in the middle of a regular comment) to light up a white candle for me and... ZAZ!!! Everybody was worried about my health! At least I can't feel lonely, isn't that true? Hey guys, let me tell you, I just showed the nurse in my room at the hospital the lots of messages I've received from you since 2 days ago and when I told her they came from so many different countries she was like «wow, you must be very famous out there!». Ha! I also showed sweet Adam to her, but not he kissing Tommy or performiong TCB, but only performing Sleep Walker and Soaked. You know, I don't want to scare the shit of the poor woman, she has been so nice to me! Started by saying that I have a very handsome SON when she saw sweet Adam's picture in a frame on my bed/table. Ha,ha,ha!

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun demasiado divertido lo de la foto de tú hijo ADAM Que belleza!!!!!!
Feliz noche. PAZ AMOR y SALUD

Anonymous said...

Bing Gracias por tu mensaje y reseña de la historia de Filipina y el idioma español, que
interesante a pesar de la distancia geográfica
somos muy cercanas por las raíces del español, aparte no importa el lugar de donde somos para estar unidos,sólo importa que haya humanidad.
Feliz de conocer a una amiga Filipina!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha fan4fun that was so funny...picture by your bed of your handsome son...indeed you must be so proud :D

MGF...thankyou for the shout's 12 days to my M+G oooooh butterflies all good of course.. i remind the ex husband every time i see him so he couldn't possibly forget that he has the kids that day...i could also cash in a favour with my sister...i knew all that baby sitting i've done for her would come in handy ;)....

i'll be doing a bit of promotion at the M+G...i've had a badge made with my fan name Chezza Sherbert and under my name it says Adam Lambert 24/7... i'll be happy to report on what a great glamily we are....

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

@ Bing
Ref.HH's 4:15 PM
«Bing, thank you for your message and the resume of the history of Filipinas and the Spanish language; that's interesting despite the geographic distance we are very close by the Spanish roots. Besides, it doesn't matter the place where we are from to be united, just matters that there is humanity. I'm happy to meet a Filipine friend!!!! HH»

... abd I am too, Bing.

Time to rest now. This is a Hospital, not a Hotel...and they have rules here. Glamshit!

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun - wow i enjoyed reading your posts a lot. You are dearly loved our Diamond Girl because you are really something else. How could we not love you to pieces, that it just unthinkable!

So glad that everything turned out well and all the positive energy sent your way did help you through.

Luz y amor, Bing

Anonymous said...

Fan4Fun - Glad to hear you are on the mend! Will be wishing healing thoughts for you! Keep the faith. nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun, Love the idea of Adam in a picture frame by your hospital bed!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...


@Fan4fun - Ooooops just saw your latest post no need to reply. Muchas gracias for another translation. Ha ha ha ha i was about to say the same thing girl, you are in a hospital and this is what you do. Just wondering if that could channel the interest of some medical staff around you to our boy. That would be nice :D

@HH - you are most welcome mi amiga. Indeed our world is getting smaller because of ADAM. Let us all enjoy the gift and continue to support our Diamond Boy :) I am also glad to meet a Venezuelan friend.

amor a traves de Adam,

Anonymous said...

Had to laugh when I saw this pic. Here in Idaho we have a tv station (6) and Adam looks just like Michelle Edmonds in the above pic.

Anonymous said...

fan4fun - your fire, humor, determination and fierce love of Adam will cure you quicker than any medicine! How could you not recover quickly with all the positive energy we're sending you? That special kiss between Adam and Tommy, and the hand down the pants were all for YOU! Ha, ha! Take care, my friend. I feel, deep down inside, that all will be well for you. :) So great you've got your laptop in the that!

Lot's of love!
- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun, Yay!!!!!!Glad things are looking good!!!! The white candle is still burning and will get another one today and will keep it going until results come back, which I believe will be fine![right on, Adamfix and all above!]Nothing can dim the shine and sparkle of our Diamond Girl!] It's 3:30 AM, but had to scour 24/7 for news of you. Adam sure is a great reviver! You did your part magnificently! Thanks so much to HH and for your translation. Love the unity and help to understand what all are thinking and sharing. Hell's kitchen has to be pretty boring with you off for a few days. Bet they're glamsh*tting all over the place and can't wait for you to get back! Just relax and feast on Adam, the great healer! Keep us posted on the results. Awhile back I had the crib taken out but Dr. left the playpen! I'll post all info from M&G. Still need particulars, but I'll finally lose my M&G virginity! Adam needs to make a stop in the Azores pretty soon! Glad you're back!!!xxooos funbunn40

Anonymous said...

fan4fun, so glad you are back and with positive news! Here is a new recent pic of someone very special to make your day a little brighter:


Anonymous said...

Thank you again, to all of you fellows, we are sisters in sweet Adam! Wow! We really owned this trhead, didn't we? Let's be careful... «Crab People» may be watching... (LOL)

@ nancdruuu2, I appreciated your care!

@ daydreamin, isn't that pic something? Thanks for sharing! I'll ask my friend to print it for another frame!

@ Bing, @ HH, @ Adamluv, @ Adam Fix, @ «Diamond» Funbunn40, and everybody who cares for me,
how could I have lived without this Glamily for more than a half century? You are as important as the Internet for me!

@ Sweet Adam, I love you my SEXotic Singing Bird! Thank you for being present in my life 24/7 and turning it in a Paradise!

Anonymous said...

"Crab people"? That is hilarious!! Must use that term. :)

- Adam Fix