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New Picture: Adam Lambert Posing with Chris Gunnestad

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 8, 2010

Posted at : Monday, November 08, 2010



Anonymous said...

How many people could look so sleek in a parka? Whatever was ailing Adam, he looks fine now and he gave the Helsinki fans a good show! funbunn40

☺ said...

Oh, hello ADAM‼ Awww, someone looks all bundled up‼... it looks very chilly out there! Hope you're wearing your uggs too‼ ☺

Anonymous said...

This photo is taken outside the concert venue in Oslo. It doesn't only look like it is cold outside today. It IS very cold weather in Oslo today. Im leaving for the concert in approx. 1 hour and I can't wait to see Adam and the GNT tonight!!

Anonymous said...

I think he still could do some rest, but the Scandinavians are relaxed and don't demand the 120% from artist in every performance like the Americans might do. It would be dumb and cruel. Adam is just a human not a god.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said... cute seeing Adam in his winter woolies. Love this look on him. is freezing here in London, UK so Oslo must be even colder!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Who is Kris Gunnestad?

The Dark Side said...

Adam looks very good in fur. Before PETA gets after me, it could be faux fur. However, Adam is in the part of the world where they wear the real deal. People who live in these cold climates have long stayed warm in fur. Not sure what the feelings are today? Anyone who has that infor, please let us know.

Anonymous said...

who is Chris???

Anonymous said...

I just googled him and still can't figure out who he is. So much for my google skills. lol

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40 - ditto.

With or without clothes this man is simply sumptuous. I'm surprised that at this point in time he has not been approached by any (designer eyewear/apparel/perfume/makeup)company to be their product endorser being a hot commodity himself now. It would be an excellent marketing strategy specially for the international market. And Adam would surely have a blast with that :)


Anonymous said...

Chris Gunnestad is just a guy going to the concert, I think. I posted his tweets earlier on the Isaac Photo twitter post.


Anonymous said...

And this is Adam and FactoryGirl8, who tweeted the whole time, was caps lock hysterical and a devoted Adam fan. She´s really beautiful.


Anonymous said...

He wrote a short article about Adam, so maybe he's a journalist or DJ.

Anonymous said...

@the Darkside - NO ONE looks good in fur. Only the animals look good in fur. People do NOT need to be killing innocent little animals for their fur. There are PLENTY of man-made materials to keep people warm. STOP THE KILLING OF INNOCENT ANIMALS.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:47, breath deep,,,, exhale,,,, relax,,, no harm intended here. We don't even know if it is real fur. Your point taken though.....

glitzylady said...

Wow! Adam looks wonderful, no matter what that is around his neck...He fits in very well there..I think he is part Norwegian, as I believe he said his dad Eber is at least part Norwegian, or at least Scandinavian...he's probably still freezing tho...Hawaii two weeks ago, LA last week, and now the far north and snow predicted..what a change of climate!! But he looks good anywhere! And I agree that Adam should be modeling for somebody!! I'll buy whatever he's selling!!

Anonymous said...

Although I agree morally that killing animals for fur is wrong, your statement about no one looking good in real fur is also wrong...everyone looks good in fur.

Anonymous said...

Keep those uggs on ADAM! Looks freezing!

Anonymous said...

Adam's grandfather was a philosophy professor in Norway [Torgen?]and dad,Eber spent some time there. Ditto to you too, Bing! Adam has been so widely photographed wearing high fashion and when "working" is very well put together wearing cutting edge fashion. Calvin Klein should be in the market for a new underwear model at the very least! All fashion should start on the basics first, from the inside Can you imagine that picture on a jumbotron in Times Square? Adam can really strut his stuff! A fashion spread could easily be done. He has the goods! funbunn 40

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40 at 4:14PM - you got me more excited with your post & now my imagination is running wild ha ha ha! You know the 1st time i downloaded his Brigadoon performance from You Tube i couldn't believe it was him more so when i listened to it. I was blown away. And the photograph was just fabulous which btw i also have in my briefcase. Well actually i have a few more stash hidden there ha ha ha ha for my daily consumption specially when i feel so down. I need the dose for resilience.

And i'm glad to know about his grandpa. That warms my heart coming from a family who are mostly in the academe. Thanks @funbunn40 for the interesting information about the significant people in Adam's life :)


glitzylady said...

@ funbunn40

I was thinking the grandfather was a Physics professor...but then they both start with "p" so I could definitely be wrong. LOL!!!..Very different disciplines, that's for sure..and being that Eber is such a philosopher (as is Neil in his cynical sort of way..) that it would make sense that the grandfather taught philosophy..Wonder where I got the Physics idea..Either way, it is interesting that they have that connection to addition to the genetic part. I think Adam talked about that on his first visit there in the spring..