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Slow Motion of The End of TCB in Munich 11/12/10

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thanks to suz526!


Anonymous said...

Holy smokes Adam‼ It's just like watching SEX on stage without nudity & everything else... LOL Stuttgart was the same or even more sexxx on stage‼ Adam is giving us all sex education on how it's done... LOL We might need a bigger bed or floor will do‼ ☺

cherch said...

If you enjoy suz's vids, please help her continue videoing the concerts for the remainder of GlamNation Europe.
Visit and keep Rolando employed.!! lololol Thanks to all of you who've already donated. Suz appreciates your kindness and wants to keep everyone worldwide enjoying our amazing Adam Lambert through her videos.

Anonymous said...

I already have & thanks for doing this. I really appreciate all of Suz hard work and she is so good at it too!

Anonymous said...

DAMN - that was SO hot and heavy!! It made me sweat just to WATCH it! So freakin' intoxicating!!

Adam - can I please have your babies?? I've got short hair, kinda like a boy!!

- Adam Fix

cherch said...

Thank you and thanks to everyone that's helping her and Rolando do this. There are many Adam fans worldwide who are unable to attend his concerts in person and she does this mainly for them and also to promote Adam at the same time.
She lost her passport last night in Stuttgart, got a temporary one at the US Embassy in Berlin this morning and is already in Paris ready to do what we love her for: Providing us with more Adam vids. Yay for Suz. :)

Anonymous said...

Monte just stands there like a stick and then walks away!?!

lily said...

oh, i don't know, am loosing interest on adam's antics. i wish adam will realize he is becoming an exhibitionist. am now weighing my support on him. i feel bad everytime i see him doing these acts.

Anonymous said...

suz526 you are not really helping adam by doing this video. hope you realize that.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a bunch of fans who like this and only this side of Adam. He is doing it for them. You can see them do their "promo" for these acts also on this site. I like TCB and Adam has started exploiting it.

Anonymous said...

Did he forget he has actual talent? Get real. Indeed there will always be people who like (love?) these exhibitionist acts, but really...does he think he needs them? While he gains some people by performing like this, he loses many others. His act is becoming TRASHY!

Anonymous said...

Made me feel bad when I was told that TCB is no longer family friendly. Is it a porn act now and he only performs it when he likes the audience that way? T-Rex fans are not gonna like this, I'm warning you..

Anonymous said...

I think there is Adam the singer and Adam the dancer. He loves doing both. I know I've heard him say if he couldn't be a singer, he would want to be a dancer. Of course Adam's style of dance is going to be sexy. He does those moves because he can. How many guys can do that? If he couldn't dance he would just stand there and sing, which he has on Idol. I just think the moves are part of Adam being free. He sees nothing wrong with it. Adam is a performer and it's all part of his performance. After all, he is in Europe and anything goes there and he knows it! Peace.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a really good performer. I love how he changes up the dancing .He can really sing,but he can also move that body. He is DEFINITELY entertaining me! ( and a whole lotta other people)

Anonymous said...

Adam make up your mind..singer or porn star....I can take his silly sexy performances but has he forgotten the AMA backlash...even Monte looks uncomfortable....LOVE YOU TO DEATH BB....but would like to see you on American TV
and those people will see this and ????
Not all your fans like this can just stand and sing and you are OVER THE TOP SEXY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam can just stand there, doesn't even need to sing, and I've seen him do this in some of his pauses....sometimes one doesn't need to push buttons, just gently tap.

with love


he still makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

BTY don't hinder....

Anonymous said...

Anon @4:37 am

A gentle tap from Adam goes A LONG WAY !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love Adam, however do not like watching him simulate sex on stage. If he continues this way lots of other voices to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Yea, Adam should do the AMA performance in the German TV.

Anonymous said...

good lord, people take things so seriously. It ain't that deep...Geezz.
There are some of us who enjoy this, if you don't like it then just move on to the next artist or whatever. You don't have to wiggle your fingers at Adam. The dude is doing what he likes and I am one of the fans who enjoy that side of Adam. Deal with it!And to whomever saying that this is "PORN", Seriously? Where do you get your porn from that is so tame like this? You must all have a very soft G-spots kitties.

Anonymous said...

the only thing about this video is the sound, Suz should edit it with a sexy song rather than that dragged sound. Sexy back anyone???

Anonymous said...

I was only asking is this porn, because I was told that TCB is no longer family friendly.

Anonymous said...

NRJ France interview:


Anonymous said...

and some new pics:


Anonymous said...

video NRJ France interview:


Anonymous said...

Oh you people get a grip! Come on....remember the AMA performance last year??? I'm guessing you do not. It doesn't matter!
Adam is who is is. If you don't like it, then don't watch it!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam always finishes his sexy moves w/a little smile or a giggle/as if to say this was FUN. I love Suz's videos fast or slo-motion. She is a sweetheart for posting them.

Anonymous said...

Adam please remember its your VOICE we want to hear

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday is almost here - maybe that's why so many Puritans are showing up on this site.

Many of us out there still believe that different standards apply to different performance venues; for example, with a live concert vs. a televised program, usually the live show will include elements that are racy, risque, raunchy, or whatever you want to call it - while artists tend to clean up their acts when on TV (though I'm seeing less evidence of that). Even for live concerts, what's acceptable vs. what's over the line varies, depending on where the show is and who's likely to be in the audience. U.S. and Asian audiences generally gravitate toward G-rated acts, but in other countries, especially in Europe and Australia, performers can get wilder. There's also the argument that if you buy a ticket for a live show or restricted pay-per-view TV, you know what kind of content you'll be seeing and are OK with it - but if a show is on free broadcast TV, there's a chance that someone tuning in by accident may see something they don't approve of.

The notion that Adam should tone down his performance because they're being viewed on the Web won't wash. Censorship on the internet? Works only if an adult censors their own viewing material by avoiding what bothers them, or if a parent blocks kids from seeing certain content.

I agree with those who say that Adam is so talented and sexy on his own that he doesn't need to raunch things up. But I also try to remember that Adam is a passionate, sensual being who believes in freedom of expression. So do I, and I wouldn't have Adam be any other way.

Anonymous said...

ZZ. Gracias!!!!!! por tu enlaces
siempre nos tienes al día.

Anonymous said...

Adam certainly knows how to piss off people and corrupt things. He simply ruins live performances of WWFM and Aftermath by doing them acoustic.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the 21st century's Mr Raunchy!! :=)

Anonymous said...

It's the come-out-of-the-closet puritans' day.

Anonymous said...

Watching this improve your sex life, you feel happier and live longer!!!!!!! If you incorporate his vocal together, it brings you to an eternal status through the universe. Peace forever.

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to have a lot of fans who like his acoustic arrangements.

Whataya Want From Me sounds fine sung acoustically but I’ve yet to hear Aftermath sung acoustically so reserve judgment there.

Back to topic, I’ve seen raunchier clips of Adam in concert than this one.

Family friendly and Adam are poles apart unless he simply stands in one spot all night, singing but not moving.

Anonymous said...

I've seen Adam perform only one time the original version of WWFM on TV. I remember it was Conan O'Brien show. Adam looked so miserable then, maybe because of the AMA stir.

Anonymous said...

My favourite shows are Hamburg and Nashville. I doubt there will be any better. Helsinki was the most forgettable. Finnish are liberal and he could have been more loose and fun that night, but couldn't or didn't want to.

Anonymous said...

Visual art performances have been existed for a long time, you just need to open your horizon to see through them. There is nothing wrong with all his acts, I am surprise to see people still put him down like this. His vocal is in excellent form if you are willing to hear the layers of each song without any prejudice.

Anonymous said...

And to be honest the Helsinki Twitter feed was way more entertaining than the show itself :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam was ill in Helsinki - there were reports that he wasn't feeling well. The man is a human being, not a robot that can be wound up and performed however you want him to perform at the flick of a switch. He could've lost his voice altogether - how would people like that?!

Brisbane (Oz) was my favourite concert. Every song was purrrrfection plus to the max.

Anonymous said...

If Adam was ill in Helsinki he did recover miraculously, and that is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

So well said Anonymous 6:10am!!! You really, really "get it"!

When I see some of Adam's slightly risque performances, I usually chuckle. Sometimes I think, "OMG I can't believe he did that". But I love the fact that he is such a free spirit and a bit of a wild child, as well as a very accomplished, hard-working artist, who is articulate and polite most of the time. Adam usually has a spot-on understanding of the audience he is performing for, and what will fly in that particular time and place. I would hate to see him curb any of his wild-child moments on stage, just because they might appear on YouTube and offend someone.

If you like Adam's music, but feel his live performances are too much for your taste level, perhaps you should consider just listening to his CD and watching him perform occasionally on mainstream television. Just skip the online videos of live concert performances, if you are sensitive to his more playful, free-form interpretations of sexier songs. (I wonder why some of you posting here even bothered to press "play" on this TCB slow-motion segment? Anything that looked sexy or risque in real-time will look even more so when it is slowed down.)

There are many artists in the world today who can stand at a microphone and deliver an exceptional vocal performance. The thing that makes Adam so unique and special is his ability to deliver the vocals, but also give us a high-energy, theatrical visual performance. And guess what, if the lyrics and vibe of the song are sexy, Adam's live performance will be too. If he's in Malaysia, he will take the testosterone down a notch or two, if he is performing in Australia or Germany, he will pull out all the stops! That's rock & roll people!

Anonymous said...

BTY...censorship does work on US television

with most's not like we have a story line here like soap operas....

JUST SING PRETTY BOY......and you can shake it but don't jack off...

Anonymous said...

I don't know how Adam ranks his audiences, but to get to the best shows you might need to do some traveling.

Anonymous said...

There are singers (including Adam) who like to vary their songs each time they sing them. I guess they get bored singing a song the same way every time they sing it. Sometimes this is fine and other times, they change a song so much it's hardly recognisable.

I guess after all the concerts Adam has done, he could be mighty bored singing the same songs every night which could (in part) be the reason for his raunching the stage up (so to speak) to add some "variation" to his performances ... just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

I doubt Adam will base his empire in US after his world wide tour. Too many tight-ass Americans out there to deter his artistry.

Anonymous said...

Adam should seriously consider living in Australia or Germany don't you think.

Anonymous said...

Adam, come and live in Canada or marry here. We love you!

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't need to simulate masturbation to be sexy. Sorry. The gyrating on the floor worked, but the other part not so much. I will always be a fan of Adam's. I saw him twice this summer and he was amazing. Maybe it worked live in Munich that night. I just really want him to be a superstar.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:28am ....

Yes please, Adam should definitely live in Australia .... I WISH!!! :)

Anonymous said...

When it was a slow motion video when Adam put his hand under his pants, some of us said this is on the porn edge. I was one of these Adam fans who didn't like it. And I got few comments do not take it so seriously and do not complain. Does this motion picture look worst? I don't think so. But when somebody said Suz this isn't help, I was absolutely agree with this person. Few days in all reports and articles they write SUPERSTAR Adam Lambert. They don't write American Idol Adam Lambert and didn't mention AMA. So, now millions people and not just Adam fans, want to see Adam, to hear his vocals. Also, some people, who don't like Adam at all, will follow every Adam's step and try to catch anything which will put Adam back in the AMA scandal sutiation. So, may be Suz just little bit slow down with these kind of pictures, just for while. And I don't mean we have to stop Adam and tell him don't do this and that,don't kiss or don't put mike on your....
This is tour and Adam can do whatever he wants to do in this tour. However, it doesn't mean that whole entire world ( mostly US) needs to see every moment and slow motion in this tour.
Also, this video starts with note "because you asked" Did anybody ask about this?

Anonymous said...

Let's face it everyone has an opinion on this performance. We never see how the crowd reacts. Keep in mind this video is slow motion and live; it goes by so quickly most probably most do not even notice it. I am not fond of this however in alot of live performance you will see such actions because the performer is in a moment so to speak. I am not going to call this porn that is a bit strong and unfair. I think for me it make me feel uncomfortable. Ofcourse call me a worry wart but I worry about the backlash too. Not because I am a prude but because I want other folks to enjoy his voice. However there is so much more to Adam, like the dancing, bantering, etc that is just part of the show. I accept that as being purely entertaiment. I have seen Chicago (the play) in person and I blushed because it was so grafic. I went for the music but it was more than I was expecting. I can look past a single performance here and there getting a bit fun and frisky. The only reason I know all this because I choose to go on these web sites and follow Adam because I love his music and flair. I just move on; it does not make or break my day. All I care about is that Adam is happy; I think it is good for fans to let him know how they feel so he can decide what is best for his career and the path he chooses to take. I have seen sexy before in Rod Stewart, Bon Jovi, Madonna, GAGA. Why is this so shocking to folks? Alot of people have yet to adjust to fact that Adam is gay and his definition of sexy is a bit differant then what we have had ramed down our throats for years. It all fairness to him and all those that are gay let's give him his chance to express himself with out so much crap! Move on and let's enjoy what comes next. I for one am ready for some new material from Adam. I think after over 100 performances he is too. That is probably why you see some veriation of sorts to these performances because he is getting sick of them. That in itself is probably why the shannigons!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:33AM.

Agree. The simulated masturbation is OTT ... not sure for whose benefit he does that ... but the rest of his raunchiness get a big tick. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! So many puritans today! Or is it one or two who posts several times. Let´s hope so.
I think the "music" to this video is perfect. It´s like storm and growling beasts and Sony has no copyright on it.


Anonymous said...

I am going to post the new video of Jesse McCartney's "Shake". You will say, WTF, what does this have to do with anything here. Well, think about how it might. Also, please note the WEBSITE it's posted on (one of many). I like this kid (he's trying to break a previous reputation/mold too, hope he makes it actually, like him). I like this song, double meaning no different than FYE single, actually thought the Shake video could have gone sexier, but also thought it could have been more SUBTLE. Of note is the ways in which it was NOT subtle, and why that's okay, or not. I simply ask you guys to think about why this might be relevant to the discussion here.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous November 18, 2010 7:58 AM who said " not sure for whose benefit he does that ...".
Maybe for himself? Maybe he's into the moment? Maybe that's rock and roll to him? IDK, but maybe it's more about him than the world, he's making his choices, very knowingly always IMHO, so I don't fear for him so much as others do.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Adam could live 6 months of the year in the U.S. and the rest of the year in another part or parts of the world but whatever makes Adam happy, makes me happy. :-)

Anonymous said...

When Adam performs sexy he says the audience is sexy. So when he doesn't, you know you're NOT sexy. How do you like that?

Anonymous said...

Adam sure knows how to cause a stir, God love him .... I know I do. :)

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, a good and professional entertainers don't rank their audiences to these sexy and not sexy categories.

Anonymous said...

Germany was his second go 'round with the AMA performance, I think it was well received this time :). Of course, I was a big fan of the first go 'round ;). Always did love that AMA performance for it's 1930's-ish underground cabaret post-industrial Berlin vibe. Complexity people, layers. So damn refreshing.

Anonymous said...

Again, Adam can do whatever he wants to do but this is not nessesary to put these slow motion pictures on this or any other blog or youtube because almost all Suz video we can find on youtube.Press will put pictures and articels about this in internet immideatly. People in Munich deff like this performance. Probably a lot of them still remember Queen performance because band visit this city often. So, they saw almost naked Freddie more often than in any other city and country in whole world, execept England. I think Queen use to have recording studio in Munich. I know it was long 20 years ago, but most of these people just 40-50 years old and they love Adam.I am sure people of all ages enjoy Adam performance of TCB:)

Anonymous said...


Interesting video on a Disney site. It doesn´t differ from hundreds o pop videos though. One guy, not much of a voice, several anonomus girls in very little clothes shaking their asses. I think I saw one of them go down on him for a split second. Imagine Adam with 5 half naked men crawling around him, face in crouch and all that. It would certainly not be on a Disney site, that´s for sure. But this crap is all ok. Straight middle aged men rule the business and it wont change any time soon.


Anonymous said...

Adam- if you're reading this, there are more subtle ways of keeping our collective fires burning fiery hot than to be so overt: 1) slowly caress your body but stay away from the crotch area (who doesn't like a good tease); 2) lick your lips slowly and sensually as we know you can do well (vs. the fast darting tongue); 3) your sensual expressions and sexy dancing to the music don't necessarily have to stimulate masturbation. Figuratively, show us your house - don't give it away! Don't be influenced by those who want you to exploit yourself. We love creative expression but there's a point where it becomes almost self degrading and starts to overshadow the gifted singer that you are. Longevity and respect in this business is easily earned and lost and we want you around for a very long time so please proceed with caution. Love you to pieces, baby!

Anonymous said...

Adam, listen to your heart, don't let anybody run your life. If you want to show yourself completely, doesn't matter in which ways, a lot of us are waiting. Most important, we are the one who truly appreciate you as a whole.

Anonymous said...

I hear you Anon 9:11am, I do... but I'll take the darting tongue thank you very much. Adam is too intelligent and mature to let himself be exploited IMO. He's not sexy, overtly sexy or otherwise, at the demand of his audience, at the snap of their fingers, an important distinction.

Anonymous said...

Whatever Adam wants to do is always ok with me! I welcome seeing the "wild child" in action! Also, I am in awe of him and his angelic voice during his soulful, emotional performances of some of his acoustic songs like Soaked or Aftermath. In other words, Adam has so many sides to his personality and therefore his performances, that there is something for everyone to enjoy! Adam is so smart and he knows exactly what he is doing! (although he has said he gets caught up in the moment sometimes, HeHe, i.e. AMAs). Let's all enjoy!
For those who are offended or put off, don't view the vids.

Because the AMAs have been mentioned again a few times on this thread, I just want to share something I read this morning in the Los Angeles Times newspaper in a short promo article for the upcoming AMAs, and I quote,
Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and Ke$sha are just a few of the artists set to take the stage at this year's AMAs. But the real question is: Can they compete with Adam Lambert's provocative "For Your Entertainment" performance last year? The one that got his "Good Morning America" and "Jimmy Kimmel" visits canceled? Check back Sunday for all the news of the night."

So now Adam's performance last year is referred to as "provocative". I don't read this as a negative! They are using Adam's performance as a "come-on" to get viewers and raise interest! So all the backlash he got for that "spontaneous" performance is now looked upon as something for this years artists to try and top? Wow, what a turnaround! I say good on you, Adam!


Anonymous said...


Let me shine a much needed light on the whole "raunchy, jack-off, simulated masturbation" debacle.


Adam has stated that this is his favorite movie of all time. Was even asked if he could pick any movie to "live" in for the rest of his life, what would it be? he answered: Velvet Goldmine.

TCB is from this movie, and the singer does all of the moves Adam is doing. Adam's actually putting a bit of his own spin on them BUT the fact remains: there is tongue wagging, simulated masturbation, laying back on the floor, hands down pants manuevers. Adam is bringing that movie to life for you. Let's remember, he is not just a singer...he's a theater actor, so you're getting the whole enchilada.

Yes, we all have our own opinions. But I've never heard of any musician/singer change their entire image or style just to suit one delegation of their fans. Adam is bold, shocking and has infinite talent. If you don't like his sexy / raunchy style, go other people's CD's. No one is holding a gun to your head, making you watch his videos.

Puritans? or Trolls? whichever....choose to do something POSITIVE with your lives !!!!

And YES, I'm putting my tag on this:

Anonymous said...

First of all I am far from being a puritan, but this was just a bit much for me. I love everything he does..I just don't see how the simulation of jerking off is of any artistist value!! He can sing, dance, a kiss, hip thrusts, but come on this is bordering on vulgar. He's pushing the boundries of seeing how far he can go, but it is not apealing to alot of his fans.

Saying all that and I am sure I will be hated on, but I still think he is the best vocalist out there and I will always follow him. Just wanting him to tone it down a bit.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, don't mix Velvet Goldmine and T-Rex together. 20th Century Boy is originally from T-Rex. It's irrelevant if the song was later used in that movie.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a troll, but even if I was I wouldn't be worse than these promoters with tags.

Anonymous said...

I am totally disappointed in Adam and these moves he seems to like...He is better than a porno star and to be a super star which is rising to become, he does not need these antics...I think the he's forgetting why we love him-It's his VOICE!!Stop and think Adam before you pull these stunts...You do NOT need anymore BAD lost too many fans over the last ones...Sing with you God given talent and remember who gave it to you!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Adam Fix
Nice try, darling! Now get a pin number and stay on the line, would you please?! Lol

@ Anon. 6:10AM
Very well said!

@ Anon.7:01AM
You completed Anon. 6:10 AM comment very well!

@ Anons. 7:28AM and 7:32AM
I think sweet Adam might do it!

@ ZZ (translation)
You've got a comment from HH. It says: «ZZ, thank you!!!! By your links you keep us up to date every day. HH»

I love every single inch of the whole sweet Adam with all his countless talents attached! And by that I mean the totality of his feelings, visuals, expressions, choices, acts, gestures, words, etc., etc., etc...
But what I most enjoy about the whole sweet Adam is that HE IS NOT PREDICTABLE, except that he'll, no doubt, give the perfection to any and everything he choses to do! And I've learnt that SURPRISE and PERFECTION are what prevail the longevity of an idol!
God bless you, sweet Adam! And bless my eyes to keep watching you in fast or slow motion for many years to come!

Anonymous said...

I thought the "jack-off" took away from the performance and I'm neither a troll or a puritan, so let's not get into name-calling. Even Monte didn't seem into it.

If Adam is morphing into the Velvet Goldmine character, I'll pass. All the passion and talent he showed on Idol was enough to launch a superstar career, but that took a big dive after the AMA's which scared him a little but not for long.

Anonymous said...

Geezzzz, what's up today? Remember, Adam is young, he is not in your time zone.

Anonymous said...

I thought some of you had left long time ago, why border come back?

Anonymous said...

I have no fears or qualms about Adam and his future, because when all is said and done, all the "fair-weather" friends will have packed up their toys and left the sandbox, leaving more of Adam to go around for the rest of us real, true, non-judgemental, loving, caring and supportive fans.

By the way anon 10:40 I love the "time zone" remark!

Anonymous said...

I think all of us egging Adam on to be more raunchy could possibly be doing him a disservice.
People who are suggesting he tone it down might have his best interests at heart and want the best career for him. (and should NOT be told to leave the site by certain arrogant fans) I think he would like lots of people in the sandbox. I am a huge fan of Adam and I find it an insult to be labelled a "fair-weather friend

If I tell my sister I feel her skirt is too short, I am talking as a friend, not a hater.

Also, I take offense to the comment - if you don't like it, don't watch. Try applying that to other things that happen in society. All genuine comments should be respected here.

jackie said...

to PRS: You hit it on the head exactly. "velvet goldmine". After I heard Adam loved this movie I watched it and agree all the moves he does are in this movie. However, as you said Adam puts his own stamp on it. TommyJoe loves this movie too. In the movie Ewen McGregor uses an empty beer can with gold dust in it and "simulates sex". The gold dust goes all over the audience. I wonder if Adam will ever go that far? For sure never in the good old USA.

The Dark Side said...

Come on people- Gaga recent video where she is getting gang banged while dressed as a nun! Give me a break. I think Adam will be Adam, so you will simply take him or leave him. (No offense to anyone meant) I don't get offended, but I also don't replay these sexier tapes. Also think that these moves appeal to a younger audience, and some of us are not use to overt acts in public--for many it takes some getting use to.

Anonymous said...

To some anon: This is not an issue about respect anymore, everyone's comment is respected here as you can see, no swearing. It is the on-going draging,draging,draging,blah...blah...blah..that not many of us like to hear day by day. Everytime, I come to this blog, just start having fun with Adam's vid, and all of a sudden some start this "moral society issue" and killing all the fun. This is a fan site, you suppose to have fun and be happy!!!!!!!!!!! See what happen if you tell your sister her skirt is too short fro over a year. Fan from oversea.

Anonymous said...

Her sister will start wear nothing.

Anonymous said... can easily be NON-PURITANICAL and still think this is raunchy and too much. What's Adam got left? He can whip that baby out all the way and go for it...and I'm sure you totally "OH, SO PERFECT AND ACCEPTING PEOPLE" will gladly log on and say that Adam is so not able to be put in a box and that whatever he chooses to do is FINE WITH YOU! Sure...he can kill his career if he wants to. I agree with that!

Anonymous said...

Geez, some of these comments. Get over it!
THANKS SUZ for posting this! I was at the Munich concert but I could only see him from the waist up during TCB so I couldn't see what he was doing especially when he layed down! I knew it was somethin frisky though from the reaction of the audience. SO thanks a lot! And to think I was so close to the famous Suz...could have met her:( It's good she was closer than I was:)
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

Btw, Anon 9:11 was pathetic. You can't talk to Adam as if he was your possesion or your little child who you tell what you do so he acts the way you want. Adam Lambert is an adult, independent person and giving him INSTRUCTIONS on how to or how not to behave is completely wacked.

Anonymous said...

Hey y´all!

He´s doing Purple Haze and electric WLL as encore in Paris! How about that? Do we want videos NOW? Please!


Anonymous said...

I'm happy if Adam leaves 20th Century Boy from the encore list for good. Read that he did Purple Haze and WLL in Paris. I don't care what he does with these songs, since they're not so important to me.

Anonymous said...

WoW!!!! He must be feeling Paris tonight. Can't wait for the videos.

Anonymous said...

Why so much negativity here? It´s no fun anymore.


Anonymous said...

Message from Suz:

Suz526 :This was absolutely amazing-some cute guys in the audience. For those who think AL tones it down when Mombert is there-the answer in "No"


Anonymous said...

More from twitter:
Suz526: I saw Monte when we were waiting in line and he told me to be sure to get the encore-that it would be epic. Monte doesn't lie!


Anonymous said...

To each their own! There are some people who like watching porn to be entertained while others prefer other more subtle entertainment. Some people find tattoos a turn-on while others are repulsed by them. Some people go to strip clubs while others are turned off by strippers....get the idea? Adam is ultimately the only one in charge of his own image and how he projects himself to the public as an entertainer. He has to weigh what is important to his fans at large and what they will tolerate and I think he's smart enough (or will at least learn by trial and error) what will work best for him. I would hope that he doesn't accede to people who want him to behave in a way to please their own sexual fantasies. For argument's sake, would he urinate or poop on stage if enough people begged him to? There is freedom of expression or you can call it whatever you will, but only he can draw the line between sexy or raunchy. His incredible talent, intelligence, and handsomeness already gives him a head start in this business. Adam doesn't want to be locked into a box and be anyone's puppet and I can respect and admire that. However, for someone who wants longevity and respect in this fickle industry, he should tread lightly. You can't please everyone and he has admitted that he likes controversy (no publicity is bad publicity?) but he's in control of his own swinging pendulum here.

Anonymous said...

Okay everyone cool down, people commented that they wish Adam did't mastebate and jerk off are only being protective of Adam, they wish he will be a superstar and not have to deal with AMA type backlash. Yes I do remember loosing sleep and worring to death for Adam after AMA. I also recently saw an article about How Adam uses his hand on google shaowing vid of Adam with his hand in his pants, yes I saw GaGa's vid in nun outfit but also aware of double standard in the USA. We all wish Adam longitivity in this fickle showbizz world. With internet everything is out in open and not contained in fan site only, it is viewed by fans as well as haters and haters do run with it and smear all over the net so when fans comments for Adam to tone it down, it comes from a good place and trying to help Adam be more appealing and successfull with wider audience not only limited fans. We all love Adam and want more fans and more record sales,more radio spins,more awarda/recogniton worlwide. Asa you can see by comments it is turning some fans away, which occured after AMA and thus lesser record sales lesser rdio spins ect. In this clip I see Monte uncofortable and walking away from Adam and monte is important part of his band and cares for Adam. So all in all I am donr rambling and yes english is my secound language and there are spelling errors so pl. fogive me , I am fan and not a puritan or a trole or a hater. Love Adam and want nothing but success for him. I hope he gets the message.

Anonymous said...

this is video is amazing! Hello, adam is an ENTERTAINER!
so hot
out the box
can you pick up the pace
turn it up
heat it up
i need to be entertained
push the limit, r u with it
baby dont be afraid
imma hurt you real good baby
UUUmmmm i really dont understand the mention of amas here. I thought all his fans were over that. It happpened 1 year ago!! Thats when we all got the message; if you can't handle adam DONT WATCH!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for Paris concert info Eva, interesting.

Anonymous said...

More here:

IsaacTheCarp: "Tommy says "Good show." Isaac says "weird show." Monte says "great show." It was a learning experience. Paris is beautiful!!!"

Merrycello: "Aww talking to french guy who said they all just love adam for his voice and don't care about his sexuality in France!"


Anonymous said...

From twitter:

Suz526: "He was so happy tonight - I know I say that all the time, but I really mean it!"

Anonymous said...

@anon 1:57 P.M. This is excatly what I am talking about. I am not troll or whatever I just want Adam has more success and fame. Until he will slightly come down instead of put his SUPERSTAR future in trouble again. If Adam will not be nominated or just appeared on Red Carpet as guest, don't sing in big show, he will lose fame and a lot of people forget about him like about a lot of American Idols even if Adam was described is Wild American Idol! This is reality and press never forget and never will pass any mistakes or wrong performance. Even if we will say Adam is big boy, this is doesn't men his behavoir always perfect and he doesn't need any coments or critics from his fans. We love Adam and don't want him to be in trouble again even if he doesn't regret some of his performances.

Anonymous said...

I just want to add one little detail. For some reason I look at number of news when I open it. Just on Sunday it was 1,900,000. Just see how many news they have today! 5,700,000. It doesn't matter if press continues to repeat the same story thousand times. However, if Matt Carter from Examiner will write the article about Munich performance it will make big problem for Adam. Matt wrote article about the Adam performance with he put in hand in the pants. Nobody pay attention because nobody care. Nobody wrote articles about Superstar Adam Lambert. Lets open internet tommorow and hope that Matt will not write another article, now about this perfirmance in Munich. Also, nobody even care thay IIHY fell down from Hot 100 AC. May be because Adam still doesn't have enough attention from US Music Industry as a great musician but just a wild American Idol:(

Anonymous said...

Wanna bet that his next album is less mainstream and more psychedelic..

Anonymous said...


They write about Purple Haze as a new encore. Why would Matt Carter write about Munich now? Why do you worry so much? After the hand-in pants- Adams career was over. No one would EVER forget that, remember? It´s like dooms day in here now. A wet blanket on all the joy and fun. And Matt Carter is always supporting Adam.

Anonymous said...

More twitter after concert:

Merrycello: "and then tommy grabbed a cute french girl and randomly kissed her twice and said "I'm gonna marry her." Lol she was shocked"

Merrycello: "When adam came out no barricades and huge crazy mob"
"Isaac came and took goofy pics of adam signing lol"

Merrycello: "Oh and monte said reason drums suddenly got faster was actually more by accident - 1st time isaac was doing electric wll"
Merrycello: "Oh and we sang an early happy bday to Monte! And then some sang it in french!"


Anonymous said...

@Eva 3:15 pm. What do you mean Adam career was over? I thought that press never paid attention on this "little error in the stage". I know Matt always supports Adam same as almost all Exmaniner writers. But nobody else never mention this "accident" only Matt and wrote the article about it. I didn't read any other comments in press. Yes, we remember about it and will remeber this Munich performance. But I still hope nobody will wrote about this in tomorrow news.

Anonymous said...

have just finished reading all these comments...don't really know what to say, so much negativity. I take it many of you haven't seen other acts live, do you seriously think that Adam is the only performer out there that does sexy moves. There is a huge difference between live acts, and tv performances, all acts are far more raunchy/sexy etc on stage. You just don't get to see it from other performers because you don't follow their every move. Adam knows his audience, he knows when to go all out and when to rein it in. Personally,I love him just the way he, and while the jerking off move isn't my favourite, I'm sure in the moment of the concert I would have been screaming my head off with the rest of them. If you don't like the raunchier moves but still love Adam, then stick to watching the acoustic set in the middle of his shows, watch reruns of the family friendly tv shows, interviews etc, there are thousands to keep you happy, leave the sexy stuff for those of us that enjoy that side of Adam too.
p.s for those of you that think this is 'porn', i take it you haven't actually watched much of that!!!

HK fan

Anonymous said...


I didn´t think his career was over. Someone else here thougt it was. And perhaps no one wrote about it because it is not news anymore. No one is shocked if Adam makes "a little error on stage". Perhaps this is just what he wants. Just speculating.
Thank you HKfan, I felt a bit lonley here for a bit.

Anonymous said...

HK I agree with all you said it goes along with my comments a while back. I think the shock value is over now and Adam in his live performances are just that live and in the moment. And Suze you are the greatest. I could only afford to go one concert this year and I feel blessed at that however with your vids I have gone on the whole journey and what a journey it has been. Thanks.One request please show 30 seconds on the crowds reactions; I think that would be so inspiring to all of us here at home.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if our neigbours from Finland are raging right now. Paris got Purple Haze and WLL. Ouch! Adam has to revisit Finland an give them a raunchy show. I think they like that and wouldn´t complain.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Eva. We should start to rotate our Rock God on monthly basis. He will be treated like a King in Canada with all his fans praise him under his bare foot.

Anonymous said...

Oh, they twitter and twitter:

Merrycello: "@adamlambert you, sir, are amazing and insane and beautiful! Paris show was incredible and your voice was perfect. Thank you"
"I don't think I've ever heard his voice that strong and good. And sound system was superb"
"And it seemed he could just go on forever. After PH he was like let's do another encore let's do the whole album! Lol"

Glamtravler: "Adam said " hello to Gay Paree, well it is Gay Paree tonight!" And he said 'scuze me while I kiss a guy!"


Anonymous said...

Thank you HK fan I couldn't have said it better. Adam is a big boy and smart he knows what he is doing. As per Adam "IT AIN'T THAT DEEP" Give it a rest all you naysayers.


Anonymous said...

Again HK I loved your comments.

Anonymous said...

Just watched Puple Haze/WLL on youtube. It was good except on little detail. Adam put mike on his mouth, sucked and leaked it. Probably this is okay. No comments!

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add. Probably Suz will make slow motion picture of this performance. Like she said, because you asked.

Anonymous said...

It is just like eating ice-cream. I only worry about his mouth is not big enough. Honestly, I am wrong. LoL

Anonymous said...

I feel your good intentions delilah5, coming right through the screen at me, I feel them...but he is who he is... Purple Haze and WLL were Brilliant, GENIUS, and he just happens to be driven in this sensual sexual way layered on top of the brilliant vocals/phrasing etc, I guess it's just integral to who he is on stage, I'm choosing to enjoy it alongside the rest of the brilliant vocal expression and consideration for humanity that he expresses as well in the middle part of the show. He is a gift to us delilah5, and as is the case with gifts here and there, we are sometimes uncertain of what we've received, but we appreciate it nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

it's a good sign that a lot of people are paying attention to Adam. Good or bad it's still good for him because people are talking about our Iconic Superstar. Go go Suz you are the best. Without your courage we can't watch our Adam.

Hey!hey! hey!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice that Monte didn't bend over Adam and play that screaming guitar like he usually does? He just walked away and left him there having his "Floorgasm"!!!! MMMmmm,,, I do love the way Monte acts like nothing is happening whan Adam is pulling his shenanigans. He can always say, "I didn't see anything." Guess he really is just there for the Soy Sauce!!

Anonymous said...

@Eva - there's no reason to be lonely ;-) Just like Adam's artistic freedom, this is also freedom of expression we are exercising here & it's nice to know that people care so much about this entertainer. They are so concerned because they are after his STARDOM. They are afraid that the masses & conservative fans will be offended once more since their orientation really deviates from his & ours too. And that's why i like it here because despite our diverse POVs, one thing is still connecting & uniting all of us, and that is our genuine love for Adam & nothing else.

Having said that, i strongly agree with the suggestion that for those who don't like raunchy Adam, just skip parts of the GNT & videos that make you worry so much for him. Indulge in his many other sides that you must be familiar with already after more than a year of following him. Now, should Adam go down the drain because of the choices he makes, then maybe STARDOM isn't really meant for him. There is no need to tell him what to do because for somebody like Adam, the more you stop him all the more he will go for it. Adam isn't a rebel without a clue. In fact he is so smart & he knows exactly how to push the right buttons including the AMAs. Just look at how they use him for ratings now after abandoning him last year. AGAIN EXTRA PUBLICITY. So who is at the receiving end & those who prejudged him will be surprised at where he is right now. It can no longer be denied that his US GNT was a huge success despite budget constraints. Moreover it can't be denied anymore that his international GNT has been doing so well that has been earning him the most deserved recognitions. Let's not talk about sales in the US because the empirical data will never earn Adam their so called respect.
NO ONE HAS THE MONOPOLY OF WHAT IS RIGHT OR WHAT IS WRONG. People need to go out of their comfort zones & discover the beauty in diversity. Life is too short & there are enough reasons to celebrate it rather than be restricted by our old beliefs & narrow-mindedness. Adam has opened new horizons for us to see. Now it is clearly up to us if we still want to join him in his journey. I suggest that we all do knowing that it'll be fun.

@Anon at 6:10AM, at 7:01AM, PRS & HK Fan - thanks so much for your perspectives. To all the rest, our diverging outlooks and standards in life shouldn't deter us from enjoying the talent because there is always something for everyone. Adam has many interesting sides and we can just focus on the angle that we like most. Besides learning something new each day in 24/7 nothing compares to the excitement of the goodies in stored for us ;-)


Anonymous said...

@ BING, WELL said,We all love and want what is best for Adam,more success. I hope UK treats him right because I already see article from UK press about him Kissing a guy on the stage, sometime I feel UK and USA are very similar when it comes to press..............indigo.

Anonymous said...

Bing, HK Fan - hear, hear!!! Bravo! Cheers! **clap, clap** Well said, my friends.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice, sexy moves, risque acts, and fan comments make for the best entertainment. It's better(er) than any novel I've ever read. This 59 second video appears to be an Adam sexual climax on stage. Hope he was wearing protection or as he was saying someone might be covered with jizz. I love to read all of the comments because I share many of the feelings expressed and only wish it were possible to mold the perfect entertainer that would satisfy all tastes.
Adam has stated on more than one occasion that he doesn't like to be told "No". There will come a time when he works out of his system all the previous "noes" he has experienced. It gets better.
Hang on for the ride of your life - there is no other entertainer that offers up this much entertainment.

Anonymous said...

I had a feeling Adam would be at his most risqué in Germany. 18 years ago I saw people nude sunbathing in a park not far from Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate.

Leben und leben lassen.

Anonymous said...

Ooooops sorry that should have been - nothing compares to the excitement in looking forward to the goodies in stored for us.

@indigo & @Adam Fix - thanks so much for the nods ;-)


Anonymous said...

Has anyone wondered what RCA/19/Ed will think of this? It could make him a hard (no pun intended) sell to get him future gigs with some of the more conservative execs who already have a stick up their butts from a year ago.

Anonymous said...

Here is a website that sells some of Adam's jewelry in case you are interested:


Anonymous said...

OMG many super conservative views here. This is not over the top, and freedom of expression is relished in other countries. Adam is an awesome entertainer, the best on this planet! If you can't 'handle what' his 'going to do' then your over your head. Love him more every day!

Anonymous said...

I can see Adam eventually leaving America for somewhere that appreciates him.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes!!!!!!!!! Please let it be Australia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam don't have to leave US because of tabloids or the paparazzi, but to earn money. He or his fans have pissed off too many sponsors in the US I think.