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Adam Lambert Performing "Soaked" in Birmingham11-26 (Great Quality)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, December 3, 2010

Posted at : Friday, December 03, 2010

Check out this amazing performance of SOAKED in Birmingham a week ago! The video quality is amazing as well!


Anonymous said...

I N C R E D I B L E !!!

The Grammy's voters should see this.

Anonymous said...

B E A U T I F U L!!
and chezza was there:)
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

OMG! That's a super nice vid! Thank you for the person to capture our beautiful Adam.

Anonymous said...

how he manages to still sound like this after months and months of non-stop singing is beyond me. Aside from the fact that he has a good voice voice and that ppl recognize the fact that he has a good voice I don't think they realize just how much of a professional he is. He obviously has a great instrument with immense flexibility, but his technique has to be just as good otherwise he would have lost his voice by now. Plus he talks in the middle of the concerts...singers of all types and fachs should seriously study him! There should be a vocal technique named after him for what he does LOL
I mean all you hear is a little rasp which just means his voice is tired (who wouldn't be?) but other than that it sounds superb...and even the raspyness is something he could control but he purposely lets out to evoke more vulnerability in the performance.
We need a nickname for his voice...any ideas?
and it can't be "the voice" cuz that was already taken by Whitney Houston.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why people sing along on this? I know Adam like it to some extent, but do they really think they can do as good as Adam. Fast noisy songs are Ok, but a ballad like this. It's disrespectful. You can mouth the words without sound coming out. I ruins it for everyone.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:28 p.m. ITA. The screaming and the singing along is unnecessary and distracting. Totally ruins the mood of the song. Adam should have asked the audience to be quiet and show respect and I'm sure most ppl would have listened.

Anonymous said...

@anon7:28pm & anon 7:33pm. You are absolutely right. It's suposed to be absolute silnce when Adam sings this song. Did somebody said that Grammy voters have to see this. They have to listen it. I don't think Adam can sing it on Grammy's but it would be superb. And I wish next year he will get AMA, Grammy's, all kinds awards as a Best Male Vocal for "Soaked"! Do they have Best Vocal award? Recently, Adam has best vocal. Right now nobody has this vocal ability like Adam. Yes, we have to agree that SuBo has great vocal also, but this is not 4 octaves vocal! Also, she is boring:) Again, I don't know how "Soaked" will sound as single on radiostations, but it is very easy to make music video! Only what they need is Adam sings on the stage in this outfit!

Anonymous said...

@Delilah5 I was thinking the same thing re: music videos and the Grammys. I would love to see Adam singing Soaked backed only by a real piano like Zack was doing for a while and dressed in this coat for his Grammy performance. He'd simply blow everybody away (and hopefully the music industry audience would not be screaming or singing along LOL).

Or--he could do Sleepwalker with his usual theatrical entrance down the steps with the cemetary angels on each side accompanied by his entire band (to show them off)--and wearing this same coat.

Or he could repeat that spectacular performance of WWFM he did the week he was Idol mentor last spring.

Or--knowing Adam--he would just surprise us all over again. :)

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

The quality of this vid is perfect!! Even though I believe it is disrespectful for an audience to sing along with a ballad like this, I truly believe Adam appreciates the fans singing along with him. He's had both types of audiences and I don't notice any difference in his reaction (other than "the shrill screamer" video) and even then, he only grinned at her.

Anonymous said...

Ah, *hugs & kisses* just beautiful & so touching... "I will take you home" gets me all the time‼ :)

Anonymous said...

Soaked was always my favorite from the very beginning . Adam is amazing , amazing. This is so beautiful there are no words to describe it. It is so beautiful it hard to watch and listen to it cause he just melts me with this song. I love it, love it.

Anonymous said...

ADAM! In a LEAGUE all his own. So hauntingly beautiful. I agree with 2:50. Always my favorite. Music doesn't get any better than this.

Anonymous said...

His beautiful voice has seemed to get even better and stronger through the tour.If you watch early videos, some before Idol, he just gets better and better.

Anonymous said...

This song slays me every single time I hear it. To hear such silence from the audience is a big sign of respect. I have been up close and center for 5 shows, 2 with a silent Soaked. It leaves me weak in the knees. This video and audio are excellent. Thank you for sharing! I would love to hear him sing Soaked on a TV promo for the EP, like on Ellen or Leno. But, if he does perform on the Grammy's it would be WWFM, since that is the nominated song.

Anonymous said...

Two songs that I can totally live without are Soaked and Strut. Have you noticed that Adam has never changed anything in Strut? He must really appreciate Kara DioGardis work. If Adam pisses off the hit producers he can always work with Kara.

Anonymous said...

Nickname: Black Velvet

Anonymous said...

Adam could also work with his best friend Danielle Stori. That would be...interesting. Forget about Kelly Rowland..

coloforadam said...

Unnecessary and distracting - really???? It is such a genuine, long awaited, beautiful expression of how he affects people - they should not suppress it AT ALL!!! If you want to hear every note and tonal inflection, put on your head phones and play up the CD - it is uninterrupted perfection. The performances are the one chance to be part of the emotional swell that surrounds this wonderful man who has pulled love and joy out of us, some for the first time or the first time in years. We struggle for words to tell him and each other what his voice and courage and beauty mean to us but when we are in the physical crowd in front of him, we finally show him .... out loud. QUIET - even for a moment - I think NOT!! I truly think he would be disappointed and wonder what he was not getting across, if the crowd was silent. It is the anticipation of the emotion of Soaked that makes some wonderfully uninhibited youth scream out to him in that first intro - I'm so glad someone does - wish I had had the moxie!! It is one true moment when we can get some clear line of support for what he is doing. I say - let it rip - scream - chant!!

Anonymous said...

singing along is just FINE-whiners.......IT'S A CONCERT! I sang along to EVERY song and it felt really amazing to sing along with a voice like Adam's

Anonymous said...

@ 8:48

I tend to agree. The soft singing along is quite touching. They know the words, they feel the song. The screamers in the middle of a song like this are disrepectful in my opinion, but to sing softly along says that his voice and music are capturing their hearts and souls.

I see tears welling up in his eyes at the end of this song. I suspect the loneliness that this song expresses hits home for him, being on the road so long...a lonely life even with good friends along for the ride. I hope when he returns home that he finds someone to love.

And yes, the Grammy's should get a listen to this if they have ANY question of Adam's talent and vocal abilities.

Anonymous said...

I meant Adam must respect Kara DioGardi a lot. An Idols judge who got sacked..

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:47am. I absolutely agree with about about "Soaked" and "Strut" These are my two favorite songs from FYE. Also, I am always suprised when editors write in review of "Acoustic Live"! that "Music Again" reminds Queen. I belive "Soaked" reminds "Who Wants To Live Forever" or "Love of My Life" by Quenn and "Strut" reminds me "Mr. Bad Guy" by Freddie Mercury(this song from Freddie's solo album). Listen it, I guess you will agree with me.
And again (I think I repeat it to many times:), "Soaked" is gonna be a big hit if Adam will want to make this music video.

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a package...he can be playful, sexy, fierce, the boy next door, alpha male when he's directing his band, alpha male with it and such a kisser...he can sing his interviews, hard worker and once again those VOCALS...I love him for making the past year so much fun...LOVE AND LIGHT BB

Anonymous said...

delilah5, my point was also that Adam does not change these songs, but he keeps twisting the other songs from their original versions when he sings them live.

Anonymous said...

This song is one of my favorite from the album. The melody and that perfect Adam's voice fill my heart with such a pure love. I love your music Adam!

Anonymous said...

Re. to the screams/screamers during SOAKED:

Reading your comments above I see that both sides point out good reasons for a «YES» and for a «NO». And it just brings to my mind some momories of my 7 years old, when several times I watched my dear Grandpa trying to stop arguments between my mom and dad telling them as a joke: «Eu não concordo nem discordo, muito pelo contrário!» (I neither agree nor disagree, much to the contrary!)...hahaha, he was indeed a funny and wise old man! I miss him...
Anyway, I have to confess that I also miss the silent moments in the Japanese audiences, when during GNT international we could HEAR A BEE between a sweet Adam's low and a high note in SOAKED. The only thing to hear (if there was any BEE in the audience) besides the voice of a sweet angel singing off all the Hevenly honey for our deligthed ears, giving to our souls the best reasons and ways TO BE OK!


Anonymous said...

I really can't add any sentiments to this thread. It's all been said and much better than I can. However, have you noticed his eye contact with the audience during this song. He is definitely scouting out the audience. Wonder if he found any potential love interests? I happened to be next to a good looking guy at one of my seven concerts in the second row and Adam played to him thus making that concert extra special for me. We were center front and Adam didn't stray to the sides as much. All I could think of that night was how strikingly handsome he was. Up close no one looks better than Adam.

Anonymous said...

Very small crowd at Birmingham concert, it was the 250 venue wasn't it?

The Dark Side said...

I think before Whitney was dubbed the voice, which I think appropriate, Frank Sinatra wore it. Robbie Rocker said it all--has the best f**king voice in music today. Or something similar. Think I read Birmingham was 800.

Anonymous said...

but the audience is given the opportunity to applaud and show love AFTER he's done singing each song when he why not just listen to him sing the song?
just sayin.

glitzylady said...

I think the title "The Voice" can be handed down from one generation to another...I kind of think its time for that...and Adam is definitely "The Voice" of his generation, not only for his vocal beauty, range, and control, but for many other reasons unrelated to music. So right now, he is that...

And this is what I think re the singing along....The videos are not done just to record what Adam is singing and doing, although they try to do that, even though that is very important and I so appreciate those who share them. It gives us the feel for what was happening around him as well, the "feel" of the concert, the audience, and the venue. The concert experience includes all of that..When I am at a concert, almost everything is filtered out of my consciousness except for Adam. who becomes my whole focus, as Paula said on American Idol. He takes over completely and everything else is not registered in my brain at that moment or in my memory of the concert..I have to watch the videos to see what was happening besides Adam. I find myself singing along, very quietly, to his songs when at a concert, except during IIHY, when he invites the audience to sing it for him, and then I blast it out there (hoping I don't mess up the words!) ...Part of the concert experience, especially Glam Nation, was the feeling of belonging and being in the moment, the experience of actually being there in the same room with Adam Lambert, and feeling this amazing emotion that perhaps can only be truly expressed by singing along with him. A little like sex (!) but on a different level..You can't completely enjoy it if you don't participate!! Okay, that might be stretching it just a little bit..but maybe you get the analogy. Another example of this would be Adam's Infinity tattoo and the Infinity pendant that I wear. Again, the connection and synergy with Adam and his audience, that he has so specifically acknowledged with his tattoo and pendant.. I think Adam is quite honored and energized (sometimes more than others...!!!) to have people singing along to his proves that they like it and know the words.. I think he would be sad if everyone just sat or stood there, and showed no visible signs that they had ever heard of him or his music..I do agree that I don't like it very much when people scream out "I love you Adam!!" or just scream out in the quiet moments during the pause in Soaked, but then again those people are just speaking for most of us..Just my opinion, based on my personal experience..One more observation:You don't notice the singing along as much when you are in the actual concert venue, usually, because the sound is turned up pretty loud...Video cameras don't separate out the sound as much and will pick up sounds that are closest to probably why the singing and screaming sound so loud at times..

Anonymous said...

The Birmingham venue could have been for 800, but it didn't look like it in a tweetpic, no way. I read that there was maybe 300.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is WowX1,0000. He can do anything vocally! As for the sing along. That is a hard call;but I agree we hear more than we normally do because it is picking up close surrounding voices. If he sang that on TV it would take people into another dementions they have never traveled. As for these video I do very much appreciate them however they are not dubbed and edited so we are hearing pure actual sounds. Really they are not to bad considering all the noise we Adam fans can make. We have turned into a bunch of critics at the key board! Yikes myself included!

Anonymous said...

Great Comments
from coloforadam...glitzlady.....anon 8.57pm
regarding singing along comments...

I first thought it was some slight UK GIG Bashing Comments..then i remember some of the USA and Worldwide Gigs with People having the time of their lives NOISE in and then thought these are silly comments..Adam was not in a recording studio lol

you try and keep it all in at a Gig/Concert....its impossible...Adam is ELECTRIC...and its a Live Concert..its to be enjoyed by the ticket holder of the night..who after all BROUGHT the TICKETS...Adam loves the reaction he gets from his fans...would be Bloody BORING if every Concert were sat down and barely breathing..IMHO
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

This is by far one of his best songs. The voice just rips the heart out everytime! He needs to sing this on Grammy night. I would love to see the crowd reaction if he did! STUNNING!!!