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Adam Lambert's Reaction to Being Nominated for A Grammy

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 2, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, December 02, 2010

Adam Lambert took to twitter to express his gratitude for being nominated for a Grammy.

Thanks to daydreamin for the tip!


Anonymous said... I'm crying...I was OK up to this point....So proud of Adam and the whole Glam Nation!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is probably the same reaction he had when he woke up & opened his twitter... WOAH‼ Probably just flooded with tweets from well wishers! I wonder what was Adam's reaction the second he found out about the great news?! ☺

CONGRATS again Adam!... and you're in the "big boys or big guns" category... yaaaay‼ ☺

Anonymous said...

I just caught the weather in Europe...freezing and snowy...Hope BB comes home soon to sunny California.....CONGRATS TO ADAM AND EVERYBODY INVOLVED WITH ALBUM....Already missing the Glam Nation Family!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam deserves not only the nomination but the award!

The Dark Side said...

Thanks to the artists who voted for Adam, as the Grammy nominations are not picked, but voted for by other artists. Hopefully, the "ban" against Adam has been lifted. He is up against some heavy weight artists, but thankfully, not Bieber. Emenin has the most noms and will probably be the big winner. His album producers are up for awards also, as are Carrie and Fantasia. I am f**king happy!!!!

wghluvsadam said...

You deserve it SWEETIE!

Anonymous said...

You know what strikes me about this (other than the obvious humble attitude and gracious spirit that accompanies most of AL's comments) - what strikes me is that neither Lambert nor anybody should be overly flabbergasted by a Grammy nom for this work... and that sort of... saddens me (but after this comment, back to totally supremely happy I promise). This Grammy nom (and quite frankly a few others) should have been completely UNsurprising as they are completely warranted and deserved. I fully realize that many good artists go their whole professional lives without being recognized in this way, so of couse, of course it is unexpected, never to be taken for granted, and tremendously exciting that AL got this nod from his peers, I get that; I guess I'm just saying that I think it's too bad about all the underlying reasons, the undercurrent of it all, of why it is indeed so astonishing to so many that AL got this nomination. Well anyway, back to total high about this great news... and back to work :)

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS, ADAM! This is the first of many. What a proud day for Glamberts everywhere. Wld be great to see Adam perform, but am looking forward to seeing his gorgeous face in audience or on stage. Think I'll go throw some glitter!
GOOD LUCK, Adam; we love you!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So happy for Adam! Wishing him the best.

OT.... Just received my Adam's very good. Because of the internet, I've seen most of the pictures, but there a a few that I have not. All of them are spectacular though.!!!


Anonymous said...

Let's celebrate...sparkle and glitter all over the friggin place.....Love You Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is Anoop Desai the only AI8 contestant to congrat Adam to the nom on twitter? Not even his "friend for life" Kris Allen? But of course they can honor him in other ways.


The Dark Side said...

MGF you pretty much said what all of us are thinking. I believe our excitement stems from us knowing how much he deserves these awards, yet understand how blatantly he has been overlooked. As over the moon his fans are, I would suppose that Adam is feeling this tremendous sense of relief and validation. This is a well deserved nod and many more will follow. Going to see Burlesque today--good to get off the net for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Adam, you are the best international singer right now. We love you and congradulate you many times, different way, and I am sure this is just start.
@anon 11:43am. I put a lot of glitter eyeshadow today and found sparkling eyeliner! I don't think it was good idea to appeare at work with all of these glitter on my face, but one of my bosses always calls me sparkle:)
Love you, Adam<3

Anonymous said...

Absolutely FANTASTIC news....and so well-deserved. Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so thrilled for Adam! After the Idol show, I thought that he would sweep all the awards for the next year...then the AMA's show that was almost his demise happened...I am so glad that maybe people are realizing that he truly IS the voice of this century and has a beautiful soul.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam pays attention to this nomination. It means the people that really count in the industry think he has talent and star power. Adam, please stop covering it up with the on stage shenanigans. Maybe with this SINGLE nomination, they are trying to tell you that you don't NEED all the extra layers. That remarkable voice is the only thing that anyone should ever talk about.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to say Happy Hanukkah for you and your family!

Anonymous said...

This is anon @12:24 again. One more note to Adam: With that voice sweetie, you don't even need the glitter.

Anonymous said...

Tend to agree 12.24.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Adam -- well deserved!! His dreams are finally coming true. Note to the naysayers: Stop trying to change Adam. He is who he is and he is comfortable with who he is. This nomination not only says that the industry is validating his vocals, but they are also accepting him for who he is. I don't want him to change a thing. I love his stage performances which is why I keep going back to see him live. He is the whole package and the beautiful thing about it is that he is honest, genuine, humble - he keeps it real and is a nice guy. Who would want to change that!!! KLM

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulation Adam! You got the golden vocals, don't let other things get in the way of achieving the sucess you deserve. EYES ON THE PRICE BABY.

Anonymous said...

Adam being recognized by his musical peers is a big compliment. I hope he will be able to perfom on the Grammy stage.

Anonymous said...

Some of the ridiculous antics can go...but NOT the glitz and glitter! We all love him...and we're so happy he has received this validation. Yes...although IS a genuine honor. Does it sound like I'm talking in circles?

Anonymous said...

MGF and The Dark Side are right. Because of past snubs by the powers that be, this is very encouraging. Maybe now Adam will get more recognition for his amazing talents. Maybe even RCA will show more respect and help promote his music more.

Anyway...congratulations Adam. You deserve the AWARD too. I'm so happy, proud and excited for you.


Anonymous said...

Anon 12;54, any chance you can let us know what Michael Sarver had to say. Very happy for Adam as I never expected any recognition for his talent regardless of much much deserved. Adamluv

Anonymous said...


Thank you, my thoughts exactly. Yesterday I had a small discussion with an Anon who claimed that Adam never would get a nomination bc he only cared for the minority of fans who followes him everywhere and Bill Kaulitz fans(?!). I had a hard time following the logic of that. He would never be nominated because there´s a risk he would piss the majority of fans off with his "shenanigans". So the majority of fans would leave him if he continues with this kind of stage performance?
I really don´t think so. This is Adam Lambert. It is not an ordinary artist. I think you agree. He is a "drug of choice" MGF is right there. He´s an addiction you don´t want to be cured from. I have no explanation to how he effects me. It started with the way he sang. I needed to hear those glory notes every day or I go crazy. A change is gonna come was my daily Adam fix for a long time. Now it is WLL Foxwoods, Fantasy Spring or Cologne. I can watch Donor Chose Live over and over. More than once I worry about my sanity. I´m a grown woman, 27 years old with a boyfriend and have never had a crush on a total stranger like this. It is something about him...and I know I´m not alone feeling like this, and that comforts me a bit. (Oh God, how I ramble!) So I don´t think Adam will lose fans being naughty on stage. And he got the nomination without conforming to Disney style. Thats a victory for a more open minded US. Sorry, I´m boring as hell.


Anonymous said...

His post was on twitter.(Mike Saver) It was so nice and humorous to boot. I agree that Adam needs to let his instrument do the talking more that is if that is he wants to be known for. That is if he infact means what he said about not wanting to be known as the "openly gay singer" or just a singer of extrodinary talent. All the other ofcourse is just for "your entertaiment" ofcourse and mostly will be seen in life performances in the moment. For now it is my hope that his voice will be the instrument of choice. There is so much shock value to so many performers out there right now that really what can one do to out do the other? Not much really. Being sexy and having a hell of a voice just about does it for me. Ofcourse I won't complain obout the alacart either. It is time for the future and the future is now. Embrace it Adam and enjoy the ride. Your Amazing and don't let anyone ever tell you differant. This Non in phenom!

Anonymous said...

Michael Sarvers tweets:
@adamlambert you have got some sweet fans man!

ncredible news @adamlambert. Congrats on your Grammy Nomination! Not shocked at all though. It's your destiny bro!

He seems like a nice man and many AFL fans tweets him.


Anonymous said...

EVA, thanks so much for the Sarver tweets! and the tidbits into your real life. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Tweet from my special favorite, Dadam Eber:

.@adamlambert Congrats Ad! Next major milestone according to my scorecard is a caricature cameo on Simpsons or FamilyGuy.


Anonymous said...

Adam...don't change a thing about the crazy fun stuff you do on stage. I traveled to 4 countries in Europe just to hear you sing and see what you would do next. You are a once in a lifetime performer that has given so much joy to all your fans. Your Grammy Nomination is not shocking to me or anyone else that has experienced the joy of watching you sing and perform. Long Live King Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

So happy for you, Adam!!! I got tears seeing your reaction to finding out about your Grammy nomination.

To: KLM and Eva,

I'm with you. I want Adam to be Adam. Acceptance for being himself seems extremely important to him--so he can finally come out from behind a safer non-Adam character on that stage and finally see that others love HIM just the way HE is. This nomination by people in the industry who want to recognize his undeniable talent means not just acceptance, but appreciation for who Adam is.

I wish there were a list of posts of others' twittered congratulations @adamlambert. Some of the best were his father's, Edin Espinoza's, Tommy Joe Ratliff's, and Scarlet Cherry's.

I was surprised to see none from Kris Allen and not so suprised to see none from Cheeks. I would love for Adam to get Cheeks out of his system. Maybe I'm wrong, but I find this man to be very shallow and self-serving. Adam's too sweet, genuine, complex, and fully formed for this guy. (Like so many others, I just happen to know a man that might be a perfect match for Adam!!!! LOL)

Yes, I, too, am hooked on Adam. I have no history of being a fan girl ever--to anyone. I remember the 1st time I heard him sing on AI: "I Can't Get No Satisfaction", saying to myself "Who in the Hxxx is that?!!!" That doesn't sound like anybody I've ever heard on this show before. He's way too good. He subsequently became the reason I even watched the show. I also youtubed him to find out more--to see what he was working with in the way of a singing voice. Then I heard Brigadoon. An opera fan, I could not believe my ears. The clincher was when I heard him sing "My Conviction". Not only did I proclaim he's not just a tenor, but a countertenor!; I declared him then and there to be the BEST male voice I had ever heard in my life!

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Adam Mitchel Lambert hope you stay humble as ever while you continue to aspire for greatness. You have long paid your dues and it is about time that they credit you for your artistic integrity. It is also good that more and more people will now remember that you made WWFM a hit song and will know that Music Again, Soaked, Sure Fire Winners, Time for Miracles and FYE are indeed very good tracks in your debut album. This Grammy nomination will surely generate a lot of interest again in you and it's all good.

Congratulations to Adam for this momentous recognition!


Unknown said...

Congratulations Adam! This is well deserved and about time. I too was won from the very beginning auditions that we were able to see and hear. And I also fell in love with Brigadoon and amazed at "My Conviction". He truly is a countertenor, I don't know if a lot of people understand what his capabilities are! He so deserves to win a Grammy and to be acknowledged for his unbelievable talent and for the amazing person he is.........

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan - i can relate with the last part of your post, exactly what happened to me and i've never been happier in my life ;-)


Anonymous said...

You ROCK Adam and you are the best!!

Peace and love from Norway

Anonymous said...

I too have never felt this way about ANY singer before. If Adam sang it, I found it and when I heard The Prayer and Brigadoon I was more astounded by the depth and breadth of his talent. He makes me feel like I was back in my early 20's again and has ignited by love for music again.

He is the complete showman and I never want to see him change who he is. He has learned soo much this past year about the music industry as a business. He will only continue to hone his talents and ability to entertain.

Next year at this time, I believe he will be racking in the nominations and awards -- just stay true to yourself Adam, keep your family and friends close to keep you humble and grounded.

Your fans are here for life!!


Anonymous said...

I'm from the school of thought that believes this nomination is all that much more sweet because it came within a time frame in which Adam has certainly been himself, professionally and otherwise, but especially as an artist he has performed this past year (during the nomination process) in a way that felt right and natural to him. And still the nomination came (from his peers no less). Bravo. I would not ask for one DNA strand in that magnificent man's body to be changed, professionally or otherwise. I respect fully the opinions of those who are concerned enough for the longevity of Adam's career to wonder whether a different path might be more prudent and business savvy; I do not subscribe to that way of thinking personally, but I would also submit that it is not without merit and validity. But again, how all the more sweet this nomination must be for Adam as it is coming after a time (and during a Grammy nom voting cycle) where he chose to be who he is, both personally and professionally on the world stage.


ps. and oh, Brigadoon, no words.

Anonymous said...

MGF yesss! You said it so much better.

By the way, is Brigadoon really live? Hasn´t it been tampered with in a studio? That last long note is not of this world and I think the applauce in the end is like in a church. They should be screaming their heads off if it was live and real.


Anonymous said...

Brigadoon was a live performance. It has been analyzed over and over again by the best music sites and all concerned are universally amazed by his vocals.

Anonymous said...

@Eva - Brigadoon - recorded live and a one-take scenario, stunning.

And thanks Eva - so many here, in this thread and everywhere, including you, speaks/writes so intelligently, it's part of why I like visiting here. And I don't mean perfect "writing" - nobody needs to employ perfect grammar or comment with impressive vocabulary etc. - their sentiments are intelligent, that's all that matters, that's what's most compelling to me, just my POV.

Anway, blah blah blah - too much seriousness maybe for such an awesome news day in Lambert fandom... I really am giddy as a child on Christmas morning... and in fact have been continually catching myself with the biggest smile on my face today... as if Santa Claus squeezed down my chimney 23 days early and placed Adam Lambert himself under my Christmas Tree :), (a girl's gotta have holiday wishes right, LOL) But really - holy hot hell the Grammy nod is so f*cking fantastic... can't wait to see AL on the carpet, in the audience, all that sh*t. Thanks too for the tweet info Eva.

MGF (sorry to be a thread-whore peeps :))

Anonymous said...

@ Kentucky Fan

Where have you been? I missed you! Welcome back!
Great comment, as always... I'm so glad to understand that you also fell in love with sweet Adam during his first «Satisfaction» on AI-8th. That's what happened to me. I was so dazzled watching him «live» on TV that I couldn't even stay on my feet... by the end of his performance I was on the floor, feeling completely weak, subdued and dependent on him forever, at the same time that I finally could see a new horizon for my life! And I'm still feeling like this, only much more satisfied and already a little beyond that new horizon, totally proud of this «sweet package» called Adam Mitchel Lambert, full of the best artistic and human qualities! Someone who I've never supposed to find out in my lifetime...
Let's toast to his deserved Glammy Nomination. Do you get your glass, Kentucky Fan? So... let's go:
Cheers, sweet Adam! Long live and God bless your long life, sexotic singing bird!


Anonymous said...

@ 12:39 p.m. well said my dear..............

We don't change Adam Lambert. He is the real package who is not afraid to push the envelope. He is the real artist indeed and I don't care if people feel awkward to see him like this. They are not real fans of Adam that's all I can say....

Peace and Love for you all.

P.S. Congrats Adam...........

Mom from Toronto Canada

Anonymous said...

i will wait apprehensively for the official announcement! hopefully he will grab the title!

Anonymous said...

@@ Kentucky Fan
Oh my God, I can't believe my «another one» typo mistake!
I meant gRammy nomination
not gLammy nomination
Hahahahaha! C'mon! That was cute! Lol

Anonymous said...


I sat down after just getting home from the office and just happen to have a glass of wine in my hand when I read your post! LOL So hear my glass clinking against yours in a toast to our s-exotic singing bird! for obtaining his 1st Glammy nomination.

(BTW, We psychologists might refer to your mispelling of GLammy as a Freudian slip! I loved it. Thought you were doing that on purpose!)

I so hope Adam checks into this site from time to time. Lots of love for him here.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I loved his Neil's tweet to Adam - "well well well!" - he is too funny. KLM

Anonymous said...

I am wearing a party hat, tooting a little horn, and tossing glitter in the air...all by myself, in the dining room, while my boys are all asleep! WOOOOO-HOOOOO!!!!

This is one big, giant love-fest...all in Adam's honor! Let me wiggle in to the middle of this giant group hug, please!

Congratulations are not nearly enough, Adam. You have worked so hard for this, and been true to yourself along the way - and your fans thank you for your refreshing attitude on life.

Since I'm late to the party and everyone had already posted, so eloquently, prior to me...I just decided to be the class clown - but you all know how monumental this news is for me!

- Adam Fix

PS - Kentucky Fan - we have MISSED you...don't be gone so long, next time!
PPS - MGF/Eva, love your posts, as always. Just haven't told you that in a while.
PPPS - Fan4fun, you little fireball, love to you, as well!

...and to all the other fans and regulars (if I named all the regulars, this post would be 20 pgs. long)'s to the happiest news a Glambert could hear (unless he WINS, of course)...cheers!!!...

glitzylady said...

Reading this thread has been SO nice! I agree with so many here (Kentucky Fan, MGF, Eva, Bing, Fan4fun, KLM and others) and add my congrats to Adam on his Grammy nomination! Hot damn!!! In a way, I feel like it came out of the blue...I always had hope, but was still nevertheless caught by surprise, which is not a good thing for a hard-core Adam fan such as myself to admit! I felt that this year was definitely the year for Adam to regroup, to gather his true fans around him and give us his fantastic and "uniquely Adam" show, and to present himself as he truly is, which is definitely not your average safe singer and performer. Some would have him do that: become "safer" and less "Adam". (I would venture to say that Adam will be constantly reinventing himself for many years to come...) He picked himself up, dusted himself off (so to speak) after the uproar last fall (you know what I mean!), and just went forward. He really wanted to entertain his fans on his concert tour, and do it in his own unique way. Lesser mortals might have just faded away into obscurity..which is what some people were obviously hoping would happen.."OH SHOCK HORROR look what he did!!!" as the Brits would say (love that phrase!!!)..But then, after all the "fuss", Adam's Grammy nomination!! OMG!!!

I have always felt, in reality, that the Grammy is the one that "counts" because as others have said, this is an award that is bestowed by peers in the "biz", those who recognize and value true talent and/or achievement in the music business. They go beyond the TMZ catty gossip and can see the substance and talent that Adam has displayed and are acknowledging Adam's vocal skills with this nomination. And this is a show that gets millions of viewers, "THE" music award show that really means something..Thankfully they did not say "Well, because some people think you were a little naughty once last year, we have to ignore your beautiful voice and are passing you over..better luck next time".

Part 2..continued next post : )

glitzylady said...

Part 2..continued from above : )

Other award shows are more in the way of popularity contests and those who "win" are not necessarily those who have great talent, just lots of dedicated fans who vote over and over again.. I have mostly given up on the reality talent shows because they are often not won by the most talented and deserving but the "most popular" contestant. (IMHO)..And I have been known to vote, don't get me wrong, American Idol Season 8 being a prime example of me voting (first time ever...along with my husband, which surprised me more than you will ever know!..), for Adam of course...but we know how THAT turned out and how much sense it made!! ( not to bring that up again..such old news...) So for me, this nomination has HUGE meaning and importance...Whether he wins or not really doesn't matter (well, yes it does...) so much as the fact that he was nominated!!! Such an honor for him. And OF COURSE I want him to win!!!!! It is a giant milestone for him in his career, and a stellar opportunity for him to overcome the speed bump from last year and start zooming ahead again, in the eyes of millions of viewers. I am so hoping that he will be performing on the show and will once again impress the world as he did on Idol. Prime time, baby!!! How many popular singers are never nominated for a Grammy!! And here he is, just one and a half years after Idol Season 8 was ended, nominated for a GRAMMY AWARD!!!!...not too shabby!!

I have always believed that 2011 was going to be a fabulous year for Adam and that seems to be coming true. Although I think 2010 was quite fabulous as well!!! His two LA concerts are going to be one giant love-fest for Adam and his fans, I have no doubt, and am so thrilled to be able to go..I don't know if Adam will even be able to sing, because the applause will be deafening and non-stop!! Less than two weeks and counting!! Yep, I'm just a little excited!!

So, instead of the somewhat depressed moaning and groaning that we were doing just a couple of days ago, lamenting the end of the Glam Nation tour, and the beginning the long winter and the relative absence of concert vids to watch almost every day,compliments of Suz526, we are now awaiting the Grammy Awards in Feb. and no doubt this will open up some opportunities to see Adam in interviews, etc., leading up to the Grammy Awards. And of course there is the new album to look forward to next year....Just can't wait!! There is great joy and celebration in Adam-land tonight!!

glitzylady said...

And PS......... not to forget Adam Fix and her party hat, tooting a little horn (or perhaps a Glambugle??!!-LOL!!!) and tossing glitter in the air!! Joining you in that big 24/7 Group Hug!!!

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm new to this site, but I'd like to be part of this hug. I so agree with everything that all of you have said. Eva, you are a grown woman of 27 years as you said and I feel exactly as you do. And I am a grown woman of 62 years with a son who is 35 and a very gifted musician, himself, I might add. But I have never, in all my years, with a extreme love of music, felt this way about someone like Adam. Perhaps that is because there is no one like Adam! He is amazing...........

Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix - yes count me in the 24/7 Glamily group hug ;-)

@glitzylady - thank you so much for this inspired posts. Shall be looking forward to your recaps on the LA GNTs and i can't even contain my excitement for all of you who will be there ;-)

@Rosemary - I'm so glad that you have decided to join the 24/7 Glamily. I started posting here two months ago. It's also nice to know that you have a gifted musician in the family too. Yes Adam is indeed a special performance artist who has been enriching the lives of many people like us. Thank you so much for your post Rosemary and hope that you'll visit us more often ;-)


Anonymous said...

Adam stay as you are and don't let anyone change you. We love u and support u all the way.....U can do what ever u want on stage and who cares about those idiot people who critize you. They just envious of your ability and success. Lots of love from your loyal fans around the world especially in Toronto, Canada.

Mom from Toronto