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Adam Lambert and Fred Karger at Elton John AFER Event

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, January 20, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Adam Lambert and me at Elton John AFER $3 million fund-raiser!" - @fredkarger



Anonymous said...

Check out this video of Adam leaving the AFER event:

Anonymous said...

Does this means Adam is getting important in politics? Politicize him as some sort of figure in the future.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I don't really follow politics that closely or sometimes not at all. I wish I was, then I can relate to what Neil is mostly talkin' about... heheh Now Adam is getting into politics too... o_o better learn somethin' about politics too. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is involved and is a political figure whether he likes it or not. He is so beautiful, intelligent and articulate that he will do well. He's also a bit opinionated :)) And he's had significant life experience already that will help him. I just wish he had a little more formal education and/or a reading list better than Twilight and Hunger Games. They are good books, but he needs a bit more than light fiction at this stage. He is so bright that he would easily absorb anything thrown his way.

Anonymous said...

Dont know how to bring it over here, but I just googled and clicked on "Elton John Rocks for Equality" and it took me to a good article and explanation of the meaning of this cause and Adam featured quite predominately.

The Dark Side said...

Guess with 500 power guests 3 million is not hard to achieve. Adam is becoming more prominent and thus will, of course, be put more on the political stage. Good thing he is intelligent and not just gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Fred Karger is a huge political figure who has worked closely with a number of presidents. This is good company indeed. And he looks like he might be a fan. Read somewhere that this private party costs a minimum of $1,000 to attend.

Anonymous said...

Adam sure has fans from all walks of life. He is making lots of connections in the industry. I say he should work with Elton on a song.

Anonymous said...

I think a person can be into politics without being to political. does that make any sense?

Adamluv said...

Very pleased to see Adam at this event.

Bing said...

Me too @Adamluv. It is really an honor for him to be invited in relevant events like this. Adam looks gorgeous in this photo, love it!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like his mom.

Anonymous said...

I love you 7:59. To throw that in amid all this
serious, politial stuff is hilarious.

And I agree. He does.


Anonymous said...

anon 8:47 that's sweet to say! he does look his mommy. They have the prettiest eyes! I'm not political, so I threw that in for the heck of it! xx

Anonymous said...

Adam has mentioned several times that he does not get into politics though he sure seems very grounded politically and always seems to know what he is talking about on most issues. I guess that is due to his brother and Dad who are definitely into politics.

Thanks for that tip Jadam. I think I'll go check that out.


Anonymous said...

Would be impossible not to be politically savvy with Neil and Eber Lambert. They are both very outspoken on their views, in particular Neil. BTW think Neil would make a great politician once he learns to tone the rhetoric down. LK

MauriceTheJoker said...

Move over Palin, move over Mitt...