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Another Interview of Adam Lambert at the Premiere of Rupaul's Drag Race

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 23, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 23, 2011


Laurie said...

Thanks for posting this great interview. Just great to hear from him what he is up to. So glad he is taking a much deserved vacation. Happy to see him out and about doing what he wants to do for the next few weeks. He alluded to his interesting fashion for this event. I like how he takes control and is dominant rather than passive about his career direction. He's his own man and doesn't want to be told what to do. A true artist - that is Adam.

Anonymous said...

Oh, such a nice interview. So nice to hear Adam sounding like his old self but a lot more relaxed. I may have to save this one.

Anonymous said...

Great interview. He seems very happy and relaxed, yet in control and a good sense of himself and his future.

Love the man and the hair, too.

Anonymous said...

Yea, he needs his own record label and a tv channel just like Oprah..

Anonymous said...

I love that Adam is getting some rest and out and about BUTTTT...I'd much rather see him singing on Jay LEno w/Ricky Minor playing or Ellen for her birthday or on Glee or SOMEWHERE...Where and when are his managment? I see no info of upcoming engagements and I'm so missing the VOICE. Received my Glam Gold Box set and cried at the AOL session of Soaked...his soul just crys out in that song and his voice is like no other...Please let's get a visual of him singing soon...

Anonymous said...

We fans have to be a little less selfish. Adam has just told us in this footage that he's doing what he needs to do right now. We probably will not see him singing much on TV until he begins to promo his new album and single. Lets just be patient and above all - happy for him.

Anonymous said...

hahah, Sutan just butt in there, we're just doin' an interview & yeah Adam! WHIP him cuz he misbehaved‼ :))... love it! such a casual interview‼ :) I love my dominant Adam & not passive... no kidding Dude... heheh Oh, I ♥ this man SFM it hurts‼ ;)

LP said...

He looks and sounds great, I noticed that he has trimmed the front of his hair, it doesn't hang down the side of his face any more. I like it a lot better.He will have a relaxed hairstyle this year, probably until he goes on tour again, whenever that will be.

MiMi said...

Adam needs to be on TV NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful !!!!!! # p/u/5/ofrYpexCGHo


Anonymous said...

link won't open

Anonymous said...

After watching Mr. Gorgeous in this video about 5 times, I did notice Tommy and Terrance in the background. Did anyone else?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Tommy was there and I noticed when Adam said he was "dominate" he looked over to where Tommy was, ahhhhhh.

Anonymous said...

Repito el enlace:

suerte !!!HH.

Anonymous said...

Let's quit being selfish and just let Adam have time to decompress without expecting him to entertain us every minute. Give the man a break! He gives so much with interviews, shows and appearances. Geez! Show him your luv with patience.

Rebecca said...

loved this interview

Anonymous said...

very well said indeed........... Let's give him some vacation and we will not be disappointed for his next album. I have a feeling that the next tour will be wild and more surprises indeed.

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

I always crack up when he's chomping on gum during an interiew - keep it real, Adam! :-D

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

that interviewer must be really tall, Adam 's about 6 3" in his boots, maybe more, and that guys at least 2 or 3 inches taller.

HK fan

Fan4fun said...

The naturally inspiring sweet Adam I love to death!!!!!

Anonymous said...

HK fan - I was thinking the same thing!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I wasn't totally sure a week ago if I liked Adam's new look, I LOVE it now, it really fits him. I could listen to talk all day long and with a huge computer screen, life doesn't get much better lol


Anonymous said...

I thought this was a great interview! I loved the interviewer's questions...he really liked Adam! Adam looked totally in control and happy. What a gorgeous smile Adam has! Wow! He is so pretty...such beautiful facial features. I just can't stop looking at him when he speaks in an interview.


Anonymous said...

Just watched a short interview where this guy spoke to Adam at The Blonds fashion show, he said the same thing about the Tears for Fears song, and asked him how his life had changed since he won Idol.....

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link! That was beautiful. I have never heard him sing A Loaded Smile live before. I couldn´t hear what he said in the beginning when that man screamed "I love you Adam". Perhaps someone could translate for me?:)
And he looked gorgeous.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for saying that Eva. The first link wouldn't work for me. Here's the link I got for it in case others still couldn't get it either.....beautiful.

I think he says you guys don't listen to a word I say, and then that they just want to hear him sing.


Anonymous said...

So beautiful! ADAM so refreshingly brilliant and out there. Total perfection! Love Sutan too...he is so awesome!

glitzylady said...

Thanks HH and Sweetie for the link to A Loaded Smile at River Rock in Vancouver in April! I was fortunate to be there and it was really special to hear Adam sing that song in person, since he rarely does. Just SO beautiful..seems like he has said it is a very difficult one to sing live and one of the reasons he doesn't do it often...puts a strain on his voice. So glad he chose to include it at this concert (before GNT). I think the guy who yelled that was literally sitting right behind me...It sort of made me a little mad because I LOVE listening to Adam speak and it cut him short..But he is such a trooper he took it all in stride. And judging from the angle of the vid, Suz must have been practically sitting next to me! Who knew where this would lead her! I'm sure she had no idea she would be following Adam around the world! None of us did! It was such a fabulous concert, great venue, the audience was so enthusiastic and Adam just looked so happy...shades of things to come for him. This was literally just the night before his mentoring gig in Las Vegas with the Season 9 Idols. Again, thanks for posting the link.

Oh, and loved this little interview too. I really wish we could hear more interviews with Adam. I know we have to be patient for awhile, but he really has spoiled us with the almost daily GNT performances, appearances, etc., that it feels weird not to have them..He has definitely "created a monster" and it is us!!! We are insatiable (at least speaking for myself LOL!!) and need to be "fed"!!! Hopefully we'll get little crumbs here and there to keep us going until the next round. And as it looks now, probably (?) no tour until spring-summer of 2012....although I suppose some appearances here and the River Rock one (I hope...). Performing is in Adam's blood so I'm guessing we'll be seeing him before then! Hoping that GNT DVD comes out soon....... : )

Anonymous said...

I did see Tommy , Terrance , and Taylor in rhe background along with the guy who later got into the front seat of the van and left with Adam . Tommy was in the back seat with someone who looked like Sutan in the silver outfit but I'd like to know who the guy in the front seat is . Anyone know his name ?