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Child Jessi Gets A Surprise From Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, January 24, 2011

Posted at : Monday, January 24, 2011

Read about this heartwarming and amazing story HERE!

Thanks to ZZ!


Anonymous said...

Healing thoughts and prayers for Jessi.

Anonymous said...

I hope Jessi will get better, sending her love and light. Adam has such loving heart and this make me realize how lucky we are.

glitzylady said...

This is so beautiful. Everyone must watch both the video and listen to the audio link as well. Also be sure to have a Kleenex ready..This child is so special. Adam has obviously brought Jessi great happiness in her life, not only with his music, but with his special message to her. As the host (Burt) says, you hear about all the things performers get into trouble about, and he was so impressed with Adam's caring generosity. As we all are, and hopefully everyone else one day will be as well. One of the things that makes Adam the beautiful man that he is. And yes, prayers and thoughts for Jessi. All any of us need is a "pocketful of Adam"!

glitzylady said...

Here is a link to another great article (by Kerry Kolsh) about all of the many charitable causes and events that Adam has participated in, including before Idol...It gives in-depth info about the events, his performances, and just shows once again why we love this man so much...truly a beautiful and generous soul. It is definitely worth your time.

MiMi said...

Adam is the dearest man. If anyone can help Jessi, Adam can with his loving caring spirit and his beautiful voice. We will all be sending our love to Jessi.

Anonymous said...

I started to cry immediately when read this story. Adam has golden heart

Anonymous said...

There are many people and many things to admire with this story, obviously, but I must say that one of the things I love the most is how AML "spoke to" Jessi... what he said, how he said it... didn't talk down to her in the message, didn't talk above her - just right!

Anonymous said...

Boy, what an amazing story and yes, brought tears to my eyes. He has such a heart of gold and once again, there is no age group for being an adam lambert fan. prayers go out to jesse and her family.


Anonymous said...

I just read this story about Jesse and Adam's message to her....what a sweet, caring, kind soul he is! We all know he is a treasure and he keeps proving it to us over and over again. He is truly an inspiration to mankind. I have learned so much from Adam! Bless you, Adam and bless you, Jesse, may you be strong and bright.


Anonymous said...

Jesse is an amazing little girl and such a fighter. Adam's heartfelt message further solidifies what a caring and loving person he is.

A child's love is precious and unconditional and Jesse's "pocketful of Adam" speaks volumes. Praying that Jesse recovers and will be able to see Adam in person. If there is anyway Adam could make this happen he will.


Adamluv said...

Very moving story. Stay strong Jesse and to Adam, thank you for being the kind and generous man we all know you to be.

Cheril said...

Light and love to Jessi. The pure heart of a little girl sees the good in this world...and she loves Adam Lambert and has a pocketful of Adam Lambert pictures...she sees the man and hears his beautiful voice. All Adam has ever asked for. No judgment. Just love. Perfect.

Anonymous said...

As the mother of a profoundly disabled son this certainly had me reaching for a hankie. A few years ago I was in a similar position (not with Adam phoning...I wish...), where my son was critically ill, my thoughts and prayers are with his parents at this tough time. A very heartwarming story, a beautiful gesture which meant so much to Jessi and her family.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Stay strong Jessi - I'm so proud of you! The perfect words from the perfect man. We've heard Adam say them before to heal those who are being bullied and tormented. To Adam - you've become a beacon of hope to all without even knowing it. All your fans have a pocket full of hope thanks to your bright light. To Jessi, her sweet sister and adoring family, many people are praying for you. I'm sure Jessi's beautiful song has reached God's ears. Bless you all. nancdruuu2

Nickygupton said...

Adam you are one special kind of guy to take time out of your life to help a child in need of simply hearing her heroes voice...All my prayers go out to Jessi and her family and to Adam for all that you do and all that you are...
This world sure could use more heroes like you!

Rebecca said...

he is such an amazing young man and my prayers are with jessi

Anonymous said...

Jessi is such a sweet child, my prayers go out to her and her family, and a big thank you to Adam for being so sweet.

Adamluv said...

@HK fan, I hope your son is doing well.

Anonymous said...

thank you. He's doing pretty well, 20 now, and I must admit an age I didn't think we'd get to see. We just try and keep him as healthy and happy as we can.

HK fan

coloforadam said...

Kinda makes all the other stuff seem unimportant when you know that you have reached somebody like little Jessi in such a profound way. Blessings to Jessi. Smart little child to grab onto the message of courage and love that shines from her BFF, Adam Lambert. Who needs a teddy bear when you have that sweet face and voice in your pocket and in your heart?

Anonymous said...

Ahh, Adam my heart just melted. As soon as Jessi heard your voice message her heart beats went from 90 to 130... that's what I call "Time for Miracles". This was awhile back, I hope Jessi is feeling better now. :)
This is how Adam makes me feel ♥♥♥ ♪ ♫ if I said my ♥ was beating loud ♪♫ cuz you feel like paradise ♪ ♫ ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow. Cheril, 3:02...Glitzylady...everyone...great comments.

Adam is more than a performer/singer...he is a multi-dimensional, caring human being. It's what makes him so special and a notch above the rest. He has humility, he has compassion...he cares. He is a walking, talking, living, breathing message of possitivity. So awesome he heard about this story and lent his support.

I hope Jessi is doing well.

Oh HK Fan, my thoughts go out to you and your son!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@HK fan, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your son as well as sweet little Jessi. It's a hard road to travel with a disabled child. My dear friend's son is 52 now and she is the most selfless person I know, as you must be. I used to work for a world renowned orthopedic surgeon in Chicago, Irwin Siegel,that specialized in muscular dystrophy and devised a procedure to enable children to remain mobile longer. Children came from Japan and other countries to see this brilliant man. It was an honor to meet the brave, strong, dedicated parents and these very special, bright children. I saw courage in it's most beautiful form. This video had special meaning for me and brought to mind how powerful love and a caring message can be to give strength to those in crisis. Adam has quietly given much not only to Jessi, but 2 other fans that were in dire physical shape, Adam_smiles and another fan that recently had brain surgery. I wish I could recall her name now, but Adam sent twitters to them and it made a difference, as well as the many prayers sent their way from Adam fans. With all of the small differences of opinion on this site, for really inconsequential topics at times, when the chips are down and someone is in need or suffering, all of you have the kindest hearts and step up to give support. People are good... funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Cheril, Glitzylady, thoughtful posts as usual and those all above as well. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Adamfix and Funbunn40,
thanks for your kind thoughts

HK fan