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Fan Montage: "Do It Like A Dude"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 23, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thanks to JamieGlambert!


Anonymous said...

love the pic at 0.57, and its good to see clips from other things apart from GNT, but would prefer not to have the fall at the AMA's in.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Agree 10:12 That fall still haunts my dreams. After that, everything went downhill on that performance.

Anonymous said...

Was this a look at Adam's more alpha, masculine side? ;)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Aww! HOLY HOTNESS‼ :)) needed to replay it... can't just watch it once... you'll need a double dose of this one‼ ;) ♫ do it like a dude, ♫ grab my crotch, wear my hat low like yo ♫ sugar, sugar, sugar ♫

coloforadam said...

JamieGlambert - you RRRRRRRR the best!! Another great (gasp) experience of Sir Hips-alot!! You have done so many perfection-vids. Hope you never stop!! Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks

Anonymous said...

HOLY SHIVERS!!! This clip has put me in an exceedingly good mood!!! :D Love the back of head shot .... I could look at it all day!!! :D In fact, I could look at the whole clip all day and then some! :)

Rebecca said...

fans are so creative

Anonymous said...

I agree becca... was just thinking that this weekend when taking a little time away from 24/7 ;) and delving into fanvids (I love me a good AML fanvid, what can I say??). Funny thing is, the only reason why I came onto 24/7 just now was to post this other JamieGlambert vid that I came across this weekend, and bam, a new JamieGlambert fanvid - link below not a new one, but so good (and for you peeps that don't like the overly sensual vids (I get your angst about those fanvids, don't share that view, but I understand your concerns about those vids) this link is to one that is a more well rounded portrait of BB :), and some nice AML audio clips too, think it's been posted here before, but worthy of another look :)

and this thread's vid - LOVE IT... was hoping one of the more creative and skilled fanvid peeps would use this song - love that too.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Loved this so much and awesome song perfected for the video.

Adamluv said...

Thanks Jamie for another great Adam video! After the video ended, did anyone else click on the David Bowie video? It combined Bowie with Adams AI performances plus Zodiac ones. Interesting to see the comparison between the two and to remember how much fun Bowie was to watch as a performer.

Anonymous said...