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NO H8 Campaign Wants Adam Lambert!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 23, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thanks to LambertUK!


Anonymous said...

Who is David Immerman?

Anonymous said...

keep the right way to the stars , we are behind you
much love

Anonymous said...

you better be home tomorrow Adam ,David is a commin for your picture.

Anonymous said...

I think David Immerman is the guitarist who played for Alison Iraheta during the GNT. He has a haircut like Adam used to. Before the SoDo concert in Seattle, he and Tommy were walking down the sidewalk, on the other side of the street and for a split second from a distance thought it was Adam. It was the haircut. :) ...and Tommy by his side.

Anonymous said...

Are there fans that are against this or why isn't he doing the photoshoot? He should do it now.

Anonymous said...

Why don't they just call & ask him to do NOH8? Does he have to volunteer?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam doesn't wanna be a visual poster boy and just wanna be a silent supporter. Adam knows what's best for Adam. Rest assured Adam is no "SHEEP"... he is a LEADER... K :)

The Dark Side said...

Probably because he was the one who got the press at the Elton John Concert, the powers that be think he would be a high profile factor. Read where he is becoming a very large person in the Gay Community, undoubtedly even if he doesn't want it.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture of Adam with black leather jacket. Does it have to be with white t-shirt picture? I wish they could just use this picture of Adam for NOH8 campaigne!

Anonymous said...

Adam has already done the "It get better" video and also being himself to set an good example for others. Shouldn't he have a right to choose if he want in this campaign? If he wants it, he would have done it long time ago. One has to be prepare to go into politics, the smarter you are, the harder you get hit in the face. Stay out of it. Just saying.

Rebecca said...

i would love to see him do a NOH8 photo

Anonymous said...

Immerman should stop throwing his name out there for buzz. Adam it completely aware that he is wanted for a shoot, and he does it when he is ready. They should stop asking because now it starts to feel like begging.