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Perez Hilton Compares Adam Lambert to Elvis!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 23, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 23, 2011

From Perez Hilton's Fashion site, Coco Perez:

"Adam Lambert has been rocking some new hair lately.

The singer has gone for a longer, shaggier look.

And last night, Adam was spotted having dinner at BOA restaurant in Beverly Hills before heading to a nightclub.

And we just can’t shake the feeling that he’s looking like an Elvis impersonator.

It might be the new haircut, or just that certain angle of the shot, but we’re getting an Elvis vibe."



Anonymous said...

That's a great comparison. :P

Thanks Perez.

Anonymous said...

Elvis was a beautiful man...however Mr. Perez...I don't recall ever seeing this particular hairdo on him. Adam does not have thick sideburns that go half way down his face as Elvis did. Adam does his own thing with how he looks and dresses. There is no comparison to what Adam puts on his beautiful body and the rinestone covered jumpsuits ELVIS THE PELVIS wore !!! I still love him,but the KING IS DEAD!!! Adam is the NEW STYLE ICON!!! Glitterglasses

Anonymous said...

Elvis who? It sure isn't Presley that this hair looks like

Anonymous said...

Elvis Vibe? I can live with that, it must be the sunglasses.

Anonymous said...

I see a little Elvis resemblence. I think at times he has the Elvis swagger going on and he wants to make fashion statements like Elvis did. Elvis wore stylish suits and looked stunning in leather. Adam looks stunning in leather as well!

Anonymous said...

Adam has always reminded me of Elvis in his younger incarnations. Adam is better looking, but the overt sexiness, body movements, expressions, even the sparkly dress are all Elvis-like. Elvis and the wild guys of the 50's like Jerry Lee Lewis led the way for this look with dyed hair, costumes and performance. The standing there with a guitar in hand singing a message came along a bit later with the anti-war folk uprising. Then it went back--and forth. Just the way things are. Just glad I'm around for Adam and the excitement he brings.

Anonymous said...

there was a photo snapped at Graceland where Elvis was wearing longer hair, but it wasn't thick. Elvis had a bone structure for long or short hair. I think Adam can pull off many different looks. I see longer hair for the second album.

Anonymous said...

Actually Elvis did sport this hair when he performed in Vegas. Not exactly but somewhat of a shag. However, at this point, Elvis had started putting on the weight. Hummmmmm...maybe they do have more in common. Adam, lay off the banana and peanut butter sandwitches. Just having fun folks.

Rebecca said...

wow Perez finally said something constructive i'm impressed

Anonymous said...

Elvis Presley was a good/bad boy and that was his appeal. Onstage, he had a animalistic quality and wasn't afraid of showing it. Offstage, he would give Cadillacs to strangers and motorcycles rides to fans waiting at his gate at Graceland. I was 7 when he died, but Elvis had an appeal on everyone. I think Adam is an animal onstage and doesn't care to show it. Offstage, he seems to have a boyish charm that everyone finds appealing. He has IT FACTOR!

Anonymous said...

Priscilla Presley said that Elvis would have liked Adam. I think they have similar personalities. I see Adam in the mansion with nice cars, lots of jewelry, and outlandish clothes. Sunglasses will be included!

Anonymous said...

Perez has been very supportive to Adam. I don't agree with the things he did in the past, but of late, he's been pretty decent. I sent a comment to him about his "It's Get Better" interview where he acknowledged he was guilty of harrassing people in the past to out themselves. He apologized and said some positive things. He actually acknowledged my comment. He likes and supports Adam, and we should remember that.

Anonymous said...

Elvis Presley had the fried banana and PB sandwich. I think Adam is a sucker for a good bowl of Ice-cream. Vanilla perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Elvis at Graceland, will Adam have GLAMLAND? it has a nice ring to it!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Graceland, Neverland, and Glamland. Adam needs his own playhouse like EP and MJ. Just no wild exotic pets on the property!

Anonymous said...

I don't think the long hair in the bottom layer is Adam's real hair. If you look at his hair in last concert, his hair over his ears and along the neck was really short. the top layers were very long, but if you look at this pic and the video of the RuPaul interview, I think he has some kind of temporary extensions. No ones' hair even AL's hair grows that much in a month. I think he's having fun and trying out a look. I could be wrong, but look closely!! Or maybe everyone else has already realized this and I'm just late to the party. I love all his looks, except maybe the shaved sides, I think he's just tooo handsome for that look.

Anonymous said...

I think there is extensions in there. his hair looks dark in places with lighter shades around the neck. I might just be seeing things.

Anonymous said...

Oh for sure extensions.

Anonymous said...

Elvis was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen and Adam is like a reincarnation almost. I could never get excited about another entertainer other than Elvis until Adam. They are both gorgeous, sweet, intelligent, generous, talented men with angelic voices. Love them both!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Elvis was very photogenic and so is Adam. The camera loves them and they always play up to it! a photographers dream subject!

Anonymous said...

I prefer "another Elvis" to "an Elvis impersonator". Impersonators usually aren't as exciting as the original, which doesn't apply in this case! (sorry to be so nit-picky..)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now, do I sense a tidbit of jealousy in that Perez comment? He promised Ellen D. that he'd be nice from now on!

Anonymous said...

Adam say he loves ice-cream. I guess he eats a little of it once and awhile. BB shouldn't deprive himself of what makes him happy!

Anonymous said...

Elvis would eat lots of meatloaf. I think he would eat it almost everyday. That is what Priscilla said in interviews. Veggie Burgers all the way!

Anonymous said...

A Glamland for Adam. Fill it with nice furniture and zebra skin rugs. I would put leather furniture in there.

Anonymous said...

does Adam ride motorcycles? I can picture him riding down Sunset Boulevard wearing leather! YOOOWWWWZZZZZAAAAA!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Meatloaf sandwiches are the BOMB! Elvis loved his southern cooking. Fried Chicken and grits was on the menu! Peach Cobbler was a favorite dessert! I'm getting hungry!

Anonymous said...

Adam on a crotch rocket! that could be sexy!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Adam gains weight in his beautiful face just like Elvis, and it doesn't look too good. He knows all this, and I'm sure that while he indulges a bit, he also tries to eat healthy. I heard that Elvis' favorite snack was the bananna and peanut butter sandwichs. Too much of a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I would stick to a vegetarian diet. the best diet in the world. I can't stomach meatloaf. Beef is nasty! Adam should avoid sweets at all cost. Chocolate is not good for anyone. Eat lots of veggies and fruit. Water is a must!!!!

Anonymous said...

Beef makes me gag! Beef is bad for digestion! I love Turkey Burgers and Soy burgers! I thought Adam was vegetarian?

Anonymous said...

Dip the tip of a banana in the peanut butter and suck it off! it's really good!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Peanut Butter and Banana Pancakes!!! that's what I'm talking about!

Anonymous said...

I hate steak!!!! was Adam at a steak house the other night? I thought he was vegetarian?

Anonymous said...

Vegetables does a body good! NO MEAT!

Anonymous said...

Adam loves steak, icecream, and peanutbuttercups,don't hate him for it.
And his face being fuller, if I didn't think he was so damn sexy I would say it is cute. He mentioned it himself that the way he looks on stage is all smoke and mirrors thanks to excellent make up artists and lighting.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

there are quite a lot of photos out there where Adams resemblance to Elvis is uncanny, these aren't them.
And even though Perez seems to be turning over a new leaf, the people who write comments on his site are not, so I still don't go there.

HK fan

Fan4fun said...

C'mon, people! Everything sweet Adam needs to do is HIRE ME as his cook-chef! You leave to me his health from then on, OK? hahaha...

Anonymous said...

Come on, Adam said he's just living his life. We are all so funny like mother hens trying to guide our boy. But 10:11 has a good idea about being his chef. I'll even volunteer to do the dishes :)

Anonymous said...

I volunteer to tuck his napkin into his lap!

- Adam Fix

Julia said...

I like Perez constructive comments. The guy has changed and i like people who looked back at themselves and make effort to change. It is not easy ! Elvis is a big icon in the past just like Freddy Mercury and so on....Of course, ADAM is ADAM, i dont think people want to compare, i think people want to refer to some greatness icon of the past as a big compliment. Many decades ago there was Elvis, in this decade and many decades after we have ADAM and we are more lucky because ADAM is more good-looking!

Anonymous said...

No Perez, almost everyone thought of this quite awhile now... so glad you finally noticed it. :) Adam really resembles the King of Rock & Roll‼ I really think it's mostly Adam's nose that resembles so much like Elvis'. Adam & Perez are good friends that's why Perez is a lot nicer now and Adam has great influence on people... it rubs off on them. :)

Anonymous said...

Elvis definitely wore the same shape sunglasses. His hair was also dyed black. \They both have unbelievable charisma and animal magnetism and a sexiness that cannot be denied. I was one of the lucky fans who met Elvis backstage when he performed in Las Vegas. He was breathtakingly beautiful in person,extremely charming and polite....just like Adam is. At certain angles, Adam really resembles Elvis. I only hope one day I will be fortunate enough to meet Adam in person too. How lucky can one woman get?


Anonymous said...

The night which Adam went out to have dinner at BOA, here in L.A. we had high winds of gusting up to 65 MPH. Usually it's called for a bad hair day or night in this case. Hence, the shaggy look for our BB. Adam was compared to Elvis since he stepped into AI. With short hair, emo hair, and so on. I love his long hair. He looks like a rock star.

Anonymous said...

CT you met Elvis?!! Woa! You lucky lady! Here's hoping (and me too of course) that you get to meet Adam some day soon!

And yes, those are extensions Adam is wearing!


Anonymous said...

I do not know if he's like Elvis or not. Just know that Adam is good!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam does resemble Elvis - especially in some pics. However, Adam impersonates no one. Adam is Adam - an original through and through. He is actually too beautiful to be compared to anyone on this earth. Just my opinion.

teja said...

what a comparison, both chubby face.

Anonymous said...


shut up

Anonymous said...

Nobody is perfect but I choose to stay positive. Adam looks nice overall with this outfit and I don't see any resemblance of Elvis in this particular picture at all.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Elvis have similiar looks. I think Adam has the better voice. I loved Elvis too and I am not taking anything away from him what so ever. I just want Adam not to feel secluded from the world due to his fame like Elvis did. I want him to be happy and not withdraw like MJ and Elvis did as a results of their fame. That would not be good and I do not wish that for Adam at all. I hope he handles it differantly and looks at those who have for advise. He is so down to earth and fun and I do not ever want that to change that about him. His family and friends will be a huge help with that I hope. As for Perez I think he knows they can only help each other. No one wants to be at the wrath of Adams fans;not a good thing at all.

Anonymous said...

@teja shut up!
@BS I absolutely agree with you. Also,I never was Elvis fan and never will be. But I love Adam and have to agree he reminds me Elvis sometimes. Last year Grammys Fashion Police made comment that Adam looks like Elvis nephew. But he doesn't sound like Elvis. Adam has almost 4 octaves voice. Also, you will be surprise, but I never thought about Elvis as an attractive man, he was too swwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeet as straweberry seedless sugar free jam ! Adam is certainly sweet but as a honey-this is mean no preservative:)

Anonymous said...

If you like in Hollywood life is full of extensions.

Anonymous said...

Perez is being supportive these days. But not the Elvis stuff again! Indeed a plus but this is Adam Lambert and not reincarnated Elvis!

Anonymous said...

I knew a woman once that said Elvis was one of the most stunning people she had Ever seen in person. That is saying alot! His photos were stunning, so I could only imagine him in the flesh. Adam has great face and talent that is way beyond his years. Adam could be rewriting the legacy that Elvis left behind. Only time will tell!

Fan4fun said...

Now, lets talk seriously, will we? Sweet Adam is no Elvis Presley. Sweet Adam is no Michael Jackson. Sweet Adam is no Fred Mercury. Sweet Adam is the multi gifted himself, the amazing sweet and kind Adam Mitchel Lambert, the only and the one. Period! Any resemblance may be merely coincidence... or not. Who knows? Who owns the truth to say it's like this, it's like that, because of this, because of that? We are barely allowed to «suppose»... or not.

Speaking for myself (and if you allow me an opinion), this past couple of years gave me the privilege to know and follow sweet Adam and taught me a delicious lesson: sweet Adam is CHANGING music (sounds and dances), tastes, styles and fashion, opinions, ideas and minds, e is changing the very creativity! Sweet Adam is changing limits, lives, he is changing our time.!!! Every single day he proves that besides his countless talents and his gorgeousness, HE IS A «WORTHY SOMEBODY»... someone who have never existed before, somebody just like himself and HERE, not only for our entertainment but for real and FOREVER.

Anonymous said...

Perez said Adam looks like an Elvis impersonator. It's a sarcastic comment, but I like it. Fans who want him to look like Elvis, because their Elvis is no longer here, are not sensible.

The Dark Side said...

I think Adam resembles Elvis more with his hair short and up away from his face. Elvis wore his hair long,but he also wore those long sideburns. Can't imagine Adam wearing anything that dated. But yes, 2011 is seeing a nicer, kinder Perez Hilton. Anyone else notice that whatever Adam does with his hair becomes big news.

Anonymous said...

Haha AdamFix @10 31pm - I'll help you tuck in that napkin! Might need several..

Anonymous said...

I love your comments, you guys! This is FUN! So glad I came upon your blog, Adam-Fan-Who-Designed-it!I love the good humor and openness of this clever bunch. We all love our sexy super talented guy, all the time, lean or chunk-ier but of course we prefer “rincing our eyes” (as we say if Gay Paree, wink wink nudge nudge flashback?) on him while he’s looking his best. Hey, that’s all we have, the gawking ‘cause he ain’t never visiting our bedroom, we know that! *&^%$. Sigh… I don’t know about the banana and peanut butter sandwiches, the ice-cream, I think he also likes tiramisu, but there is some serious boozing going on and other fun stuff and that bloats a man. That bloated Elvis, that bloats Gerry Butler, another chouchou of mine. Oops, we’re off topic, sorry. Sooo, before someone kills this French poodle, I KNOW Adam is totally untitled to having a great time, he absolutely does what he wants, he doesn’t give a merde about my comments. Just saying, ya know, between us.

As for the PerezHilton, I was reading his Adam archives the other day, he used to blast Adam. Though he vehemently denied it, I bet he was attracted to him and that made him bitter. He used to refer to him continuously as the “publicly-closeted Adam Lambert” during idol. So mean. Yet… I have to laugh. It’s funny. And obviously Adam didn’t hold a grudge since they hung out together recently.

Anyway, if all of you guys get together and manage to get into Adam’s kitchen to cook him delicious healthy meals that will keep him in shape, I want to help. But no, sorry, nope, no little French maid apron. Won’t work with him anyway. I can… pump the clean water from his well, like Belle (and the Beast, remember) and serve the water? He’d like that, don’t you think? Goes with his Charity…

Anonymous said...

@8:46 PM Where did he say he's a vegetarian? If he's a vegetarian, he'll be even more my hero :D (I'm one, my friends always tease me for it, lol)

Anonymous said...

I don't know how anyone can eat steak! It really makes me want to gag. I don't eat chocolate, because it does cause bad cholesterol. Adam does look like a meat and potatos kind of guy!

Anonymous said...

I love spinach! Spinach is a power food! does Adam like spinach? Spinach is so good!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Elvis looked like an apple pie kind of guy! Adam loves reese cups?

Anonymous said...

my mom said Elvis loved bacon on peanut butter sandwich. yuck! hate bacon! Adam looks like a vanilla ice-cream with chocolate fudge kind of guy!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like he would put colored sprinkles on his ice-cream. glam it up a little! yum!!!

Fan4fun said...

Some of you STOP it, please!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, you all call yourselves fans? Adam's favorite ice cream flavors are French Silk and mint chocolate chip!!

Yes, the Elvis comparisons go back to Idol. Ring of Fire. The sneer, the nose, the hair, will it be emo or Elvis.

Elvis never had hair like this. He had sideburns. Big glasses maybe. OK. Big rings. OK. Leather. OK.

Check out Elvis' look on his comeback special. Head to toe black leather. Tell me the look, the hair, the face isn't Adam. It's uncanny.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I never try French silk ice-cream. What else does he eat and drink? Got to try them all. Ha!Ha!

Anonymous said...

Adam's favorite candy are peppermint patties.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much! hehehehehe

Anonymous said...

Adam might crush up peppermint patties on his French Silk ice-cream. I'm a yogurt type of gal! yummilicious!

Anonymous said...

chopped up bananas on strawberry yogurt is like an orgasm in a bowel!

Anonymous said...

A great magazine cover concept would be Adam dressed as Elvis from the 68 comeback special. Bring the leather outfit back to life in a glammed up kind of way! Lee Cherry could do the photoshoot! MERCY!!!!

glitzylady said...

@8:57 PM
Bananas and strawberry yogurt are now on my grocery shopping list! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG - this thread made me LOL!!!! Love that it somewhat deteriorated into a conversation about food - ha, ha!

I will take brie cheese over any sweets, any day.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam driving a pink cadillac! that could get interesting!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert has amazing vocals and I just love watching him perform. From his first audition on American Idol, I kept thinking to myself, WOW...he reminds me of a young Elvis! From the dramatic and emotional performances to the bedroom eyes/brow line,along with his dark good looks and the 'swagger', Adam has it going on just like Elvis did!