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TVLine Idoloonies clip of Adam Lambert (Feb 22, 2011)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New video clip from TVLine, in which Michael Slezak featured Adam Lambert in his review of American Idol Season 10 Hollywood Week.


Rita said...

"Suck it, James Durbin" ..... lol indeedy!

Dinah-mite said...

Rots o ruck on anyone coming anywhere even CLOSE to the Master! Yes, we KNOW that AFL set the bar high, like impossibly high, like ridiculously HIGH!!

Of course we wish all contestants the best. As usual, super cool to see Adam getting more face time.
GORGEOUS face time I might add... (OOPS, lost my train of thought... what was the subject again???

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have read here and there that James Durbin was being called 'this season's Adam Lambert'. NOT!!! Just love the way Michael Slezak made that perfectly clear. No comparison. None. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Omg, that "choreographer"... 0_o

Anonymous said...

School is in session. LOL

Anonymous said...

Great. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over :)

glitzylady said...

Love this! Went back and watched a couple of Adam's performances..still gives me goosebumps! Just not the same after Adam....

Anonymous said...

I stopped watching Idol after Season more Adam, not interested. No one can come anywhere close to Adam! Who are they kidding? James Durbin, NOT! LOL


Anonymous said...

I can't stand James Durbin! yuck. I don't know why he is still in the contest and he is NO Adam thats for sure!

Anonymous said...

Calling Adam's fans...please note that Christ's Church, New Zealand, was hit with another devastating earthquake yesterday. One struck in September of last year; however, this one has done so much more damage and has caused a great number of lives lost. It hit the town around 12:30 p.m. their time and rescue teams are still searching for missing people. Nuuzie fans, we hope you and your loved ones are ok.

Adam truly loved New Zealand during his tour.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, James Durbin not even close to Adam, who was trained to properly hit those high notes. He's pretty raw at this point.There is a 15 yr old girl from Tennessee that I like. She sang with Steven Tyler at the audition. She has confidence and a strong voice. Much better talent than last season, but again, no one comes close to what Adam brought to Idol. Liked Michael S. making the non-comparison to Adam!funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Hey, you negative folks up thread, there is only one Adam, we all know that. No reason to say you can't stand someone or that they should suck it. Just saying

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed "Suck it, James Durbin"! Not even close what Adam did. You may hit high notes but they don't sound nearly as good as Adams. Good luck making it to top 12!

Dear Glamberts in New Zealand, our thoughts and prayers are with you all! Please let us know how you are all doing! Stay safe! Light, Love and Glitter to you all!

Anonymous said...

The producers intentionally set up the Adam comparison with showing a clip from Adam's audition in the same episode as James' audition. Which was both a good and a bad idea! Good, because it got people talking, bad, because it showed how much he wasn't as good as Adam.

On the other hand, this gives fuel for those who never like Adam, for whatever reason, to place Adam more tightly in the box of a "screamer."

Anonymous said...

Just went thru some iHeartradio performances, Adam is like a fine wine, he just gets better & better with age.
IMO, to everyone who saw Adam in concert, whether in the US or in other countries, each show was an upgraded performance, one right after the other. Each show just went up & up! Every performance, every song, every note, every dance move, each time Adam smiled, he was the most absolute, & the most incredible entertainer EVER!!! Adam Lambert is EXCITING!!&INTOXICATING!!
ps maybe this durbin kid might have a note or two inside him, but he does not have the "IT" factor! Adam was born with "IT"!!

Anonymous said...

idol can't find some1 like adam again.never. He's the best. (AGirlLikeMe)

Anonymous said...

How obvious it gets when this Durbin performance is compared with Adams. Adams high notes goes right into my heart, my soul (oh, God I wish I could explain in words how it feels)and Durbins high notes just bounces off, does not effect me in any way. What is happening? It is still a mystery. And WHY isn´t everybody on this planet feeling this magic. It must be something wrong with ears, hearts and souls.


Anonymous said...

The Adam Lambert season was so exciting and doubt we will see that kind of talent again on AI. Adam has such a lovable and humble personality then and even now after stardom. He is the whole package! These contestants should realize they need votes to stay on the show and not act cocky or mean. I guess they are who they are, and they are not Adam Lambert!!!

Anonymous said...

loved this clip. Adam is in a league of his own. New Zealand Glamberts you are in my thoughts- sending love ...

Anonymous said...

this was cool... and TRUE... and FAIR... and ACCURATE... Adam's wails are right on pitch, perfect damn pitch, magical.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a singer, all the recent news seldom talked about his music. Can't wait for his 2nd CD.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes, 6:24! Some people just can't tell the differencee between screaming and hitting a high note perfectly on pitch. Adam does it with great skill and style. Sure, he puts in a little growl sometimes, but he NEVER NEVER misses the note. Singers who just SCREAM don't hit the note in a musical way. But, to those who haven't listened to Adam sing other types of songs, he's just a screamer. Their loss. As for Idol, I'm watching so I can stay in the loop of conversation about it, but it's hard for me to watch emotionally. Adam is so much a part of my heart that I really can't get excited about anyone else. There are some good singers this year, but they're all sort of "so what" to me. Adam was NEVER "so what" from Day One. He stood out from the very beginning and just kicked ass the whole way.

Cheril said...

Adam Lambert is an extremely gifted singer who bravely stood up on Idol and gave us 100% authentic Adam. There has never been another Elvis or Michael and there is a reason for that. Every once in a while someone so unique with so much talent comes along that blows people away. Anyone trying to outshine Adam will never succeed. He is one in a trillion. If they want to shine on AI they need to be themselves.

Anonymous said...

Though I like Adam being put on a pedestal and admired, it isn't fair to constantly compare newcomers to him. There's truly a one in a million chance they will find someone as good.

We need to concentrate on what we're offered and so far, not much. Scotty (deep voice boy) is not a solo performer, he needs to head for Nashville and find a quartet...he has a novelty voice.

Durbin needs to forget the HIGH notes, his natural range isn't bad.

The only Idol seasons I've watched were 6,7,8 and they actually had some talent. Last year was mind-numbing dullness for the most part. I only tuned in long enough to hear Crystal and take a quick peek at Casey!

Doubt if I'll watch this year.......would rather watch my tapes of Adam.......JAK

Anonymous said...

So how many times did you replay the beginning of this video "My name is Adam Lambert, I'm 27 years old, I'm from Hollywood California, and I'm a singer"
Yep, me too. At least 20 times now : )

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I am not the only one who hears Adam in a way a lot of people don't. Adam said in his Japanese interview, that it was a "rocker scream", because the interviewer was so concerned about his vocal chords.
& yes, Adam hits every freakin' note like it was just a breath of fresh air. & I love it when Adam does his breathing skills with he's singing, you know when you hear that breath coming out of his mouth, omg, it gives me goosebumps just thinking about him doing that(chills)! Remember on Ellen he did his lil' acapella bit? How sweet!
Adam is a human instrument. He lives the music, he breathes the music, he moves like music, he is a wonderful sight of music. Adam is a musical genius!
C'mon AI, just hand over all credit that's due to Adam Lambert. Like at the end of the show, just say "& many thanks to Adam Lambert for being the best American Idol ever!"

Anonymous said...

Note to K.....

Had to laugh at your last line......but really isn't that what they're doing by bringing his name and face up over and over and over. He was the ONLY contestant ever with that indefinable STAR quality. Not the only good singer ,Kelly and Carrie and a few others were and are deservedly successful......but they don't talk much about them and poor Kris seems to be a forgotten man.........JAK

Anonymous said...

New poll on Flecking Records


Anonymous said...

You know, I absolutely don't care what are they are doing on AI. Many people said that after season 8 AI became very boring show. And I absolutely agree with them. Simon left after season 9. They had to close the show. Try to create something new. Simons did! X-Factor will start on September.
However, I want to make my comment about Adam.
I am tired to listen shows where they mention Adam name or to read just two or three words about Adam in magazines. Okay, you can call me troll What I want to read on 24/7 and Examiner,and every Adam's fans blog is "Adam Lambert releases hig new single on next week and new single music video in 6-7 weeks" But I don't think that my comment is very negative. I can qualify as waiting for fantasitc news and miracle. And everybody know how much Adam needs it before new CD will be released.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday I went to the dentist office (for my daughter's cleaning), the receptionist, & a few others know how much I am an Adam Lambert fan. The receptionist asked me if I have heard Adam's WWFM on the radio lately & I told her that I don't listen to the radio, I just listen to Adam's cd. Well, she said that there in the office when she hears WWFM on their satellite radio, she starts singing it & it stays with her for the rest of the day! GOOD! Cause that's what she gets for not buying his cd or have gone to any of his concerts! The receptionist likes it tho, as should a lot of people.
I have to say JAK, I am a one-track Adam-minded person. Kelly was good & special cuz she was the first idol, & as far as Carrie goes, she's just country-music. Don't do country music, it's against my religion, & not allowed in my car! If I do listen to any other music, it's the oldies rock n' roll station, which is the only one I can get on my radio.
I've read stories of fans' family & friends either supporting their fandom with Adam Lambert or not, I , sadly to say, do not have the support from my husband, just my daughter, she loves "Fever"!! & "WWFM"! I say, I think we're an openminded, eccentric, special, & magical group of people here who do appreciate life in all it's tiny lil' miracles. Because these tiny lil' miracles are what makes life beautiful! & that Adam Lambert is a beautiful miracle!

Anonymous said...

First prayers and blessings to all in New Zealand.

Secondly, I think AI hopes to recapture the Lambert magic with James Durbin. The only problem with that theory is that Adam's magic was a combination of beautiful vocals, control and personality. While I'm sure Adam couldn't care less, he's moved on with his career, I think James Durbin will suffer by comparison.


Anonymous said...

It's tough for all Idol hopefuls to be compared to Adam because there just is no comparison. He is in a league of his own and it's not just the voice. He's a seasoned performer that has the stage presence and charisma to draw you in and keep you hypnotized with his brilliance and electricity. I can't blame Idol for wanting to recreate that excitement again. When you've seen the best, it's hard to settle and comparisons are inevitable. I like the new judges and continue to watch for nostalgic reasons. There are some good talent, but have to admit I still picture Adam on that stage and find myself going back to view his stellar, mind blowing performances. I still think Ring of Fire was gutsy and brilliant. Adam was fearless and could think outside the box. He's ahead of his time and has natural insincts that will serve him well. As Cheril said, "There will be only one Elvis and Michael Jackson." there will also be only one Adam Lambert. He is his own entity that may try to be duplicated, but never achieved. He does have the "it factor" and also the creative abilty to whet our appetite for what's coming next. We can't get enough. There is an insatiable need to experience all that is Adam. Who else has that power? funbunn40

Anonymous said...

You take his music, his personality, his vocal ability, his innovativeness, his courage, his stage presence, his moves, his humility, his thankfulness, his articulation, his helpfulness, his humor, his style and then you add the man himself with his body, his unimaginable hair, his eyes baby eyes, his face and his lips and then you try to put it all into another person? Are you kidding me? It just is NOT going to happen. EVER AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

@anon 2:39pm OMG! What a great comment! You are fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck for the contestants this season 10.
Adam is really gifted human being. You will be amaze how he controls the intensity of his voice.

I am surrounded with good singers in my family and it's not easy to maintain that voice.

Adam is one of a kind and his charisma my gosh, you can't compare with anyone.

I wish he is my son oh dear!!!! Amazing voice indeed.

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Mom from Toronto

You can't have him, I have first dibs on him, he's going to be my second grandson and he can bring Sauli too!

Anonymous said...

I was so tickled to hear "For Your Entertainment" in JC Penny's today!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just had to share that. I have NEVER heard it besides when Ryan Seacrest first debuted it and when Adam sang it on AMA's,and on my CD or watching the music video. I was so excited!


adam luv said...

@daydreamin, that is good news! FYE is da bomb!