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Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen -holding hands outside nightclub in Hollywood

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Source: Iltalehti Finland
Thanks to Adamholic!


Anonymous said...


I LOVE seeing Adam so happy. It just brightens my day.

Plus, COOL boots Adam!


Anonymous said...

Finally all speculation can be put aside (for those who needed photo "proof")

Wow! Love it! They look so happy together! Fun night out!

These pics make me smile. :)

Anonymous said...

So sweet! Happy for Adam and Sauli. I know Adam told Ryan Seacrest his heart is full and happy. It sure looks that way. First time I have seen pictures of them holding hands in public, so I think that says a lot about their relationship. Hope it lasts. From what I have read about Sauli he seems like a guy with a lot of integrity like Adam. Always want the best for Adam, love him so much!

Anonymous said...

Pic #1 --- WOW. Those are some legs Adam!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! They are so adorable together! I have a huge smile on my face looking at these pictures. They both look so happy and wonderful for both of them. Adam's gonna be making sweet music now for sure!


Anonymous said...

Hope Sauli's style won't rub off on Adam. I thought Europeans have the best taste in style. Come on Sauli, we know you make Adam so happy but you gotta keep up with Adam's style. Not the other way around. Love to see Adam's happy.

Anonymous said...

Who cares styles. That only outside. But look those faces!!!!!! Happiness makes life worth living.

Anonymous said...

" All the crazy shit I did tonight. Those will be the best memories..hey hey, yeah yeah.." :)

Anonymous said...

There! So cute! I love to see their happy faces. Now it is "official" and they are really lovebirds. Oh Adam! I'm speechless! Sanni=D

Anonymous said...


What a way to deflate the joy of the happiness in these photos. Commenting on the clothes? Really?...when there is joy in the air?

And...I think both look GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli look so happy. I guess this is the picture we have been waiting to see, the two of them holding hands. It shows there is something happening between them and I guess time will tell if it is lasting or just for now. Adam deserves to find love and happiness whether it is now or in the future. Let's just hope the papparazzi leave them alone most of the time so they can have some privacy to develop this relationship and see where it takes them.

Fan4fun... AND Icon said...

They are soooo happy! So loose... cool! So am I!

- Meeaaawwwwwwwww??????????

Errrr... OK, correction: So «WE» are!

- Meaw!

(PS: Please God help me! I have NO privacy any more)

Anonymous said...

Mama knows...."I Am Bound To You".

Please don't be negative,hurting Sauli hurts Adam.

Let's let them enjoy their new found happiness and give them space.


Anonymous said...

Holding hands, sharing jewelry, clearly enjoying each others' company... Yup! MAybe it's not love (yet), but at least extreme like.

And man, they were drunk, especially Sauli ;) This is the first time I see Sauli salute (or something) the paparazzis, before he has always hung back. Maybe it's the alcohol talking!

Anonymous said...

SEx is happening between them. that is what makes a relationship. it would be dull without it.

Anonymous said...

Adam's tunic-length shirt, leggins-tight jeans and girly boots sure make a fashion statement. Unisex clothing for the win!

Anonymous said...

My comment on the clothes, is also REALLY???? Fashion comes and goes and have nothing to do with really life. Grow up 9:48. What matter is what is inside, that what has Adam said too.

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:48. Their common style is British/NewYorkish postpunk. I've noticed Adam relaxes with Sauli and wears that style when they are out together. When Adam is on a red carpet he is more glamorous of course. Sanni

Anonymous said...

I couldn't sleep/sex with just anyone. I just think people should be careful with choices being made. Adam is a grown ass man, so he'll figure it out for himself. Alcohol usually leads to sex. Wrap it up!

julia said...

ADAM is so happy. But what makes him happy because this time , his date (Sauli) seems like the right person . Someone who is comfortable walking with him no matter how much flash lights from the paparazzi. They are both comfortable with fame. They both kind, honest, fun loving person. They both independent but caring for each other. Who cares the rest !! From the beginning, i can sense that Sauli is a good person inside out before i read all the articles from Finland talking about how nice Sauli is. Love to see them together like this. Hope to see more and more of pix like this time to time.

Anonymous said...

are those heels? Adam, you are tall enough :P:)
at lease taller than Sauli~~
they are happy and WET :)haha

Anonymous said...

Here's a really cute pic!

Anonymous said...

10:31 That was the best picture, thanks! So so cute, happy and full of love.

glitzylady said...

They are looking so happy and I think what they are both wearing looks fine. Not sure why the criticism of their clothing. And maybe we haven't seen them holding hands before (aww!) but awhile back during Sauli's first visit to LA on Adam's birthday week, Sauli was holding Adam's arm coming out of a restaurant. I've never understood why anyone wouldn't think they were a couple from the beginning. And the comments about Sauli being drunk..???..Maybe so, but nothing like a bunch of paparazzi flashing cameras in your face to give you a squinty eyed look! Just so happy to see Adam happy and able to spend time with Sauli, and this time not just for a few days. Guessing we'll see more pics of Adam and Sauli out and about, since paparazzi hang out around all of the LA hot-spots, including Bardot, waiting for photo ops. Just part of being the star that Adam has become. I think Sauli is a cutie, and seems to be a great guy. My absolute best wishes to both of them, wherever this may lead in the long run.

Anonymous said...

They are adults and in birthday it's allowed to take one or two or three and maybe more drinks. They don't behave aggressively towards paps. They behave like cuple who just have fun and enjoy their time together. Some wise man had said my heart is full and good place.

glitzylady said...

Another picture of Adam and Sauli in front of Bardot's..

Anonymous said...


Your comment about Fiona Lewis video & administration made GOOGLE search!


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww--Everyone check out photo number 12!!!!!!!!!! Adam is looking into sauli eyes it looks like he wants to kiss him!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry its!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Omg holding hands and smiling!! That proves they are truly in love and totally committed to each other. Just like with Adam and Drake!! Together forever......oh wait...

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:39
Actually photo #4 on go to the link I gave above at 11:02am and click through the pics...there's a great one of Adam by himself too!...

Anonymous said...

to me it's not about how long they will or will not last it's about how thet feel about each other right now.Unless we have some bookie fans out there lol

Amy Stuik said...

Oooooh my god,

Adam looks amazing <3
His hair is fun..

So happy that the two of them can be together again (:

LP said...

I always thought it was odd that Adam saw Sauli in a bar and told him to follow him. I just looked at an interview that Adam had when he was in fINLAND doing Xfactor. The interviewer mentioned that they have been able to watch AI for the last 4 years. So If Sauli was watching Adam he might have been attracted to him some time ago. I think when he heard that Adam was touring in Finland, he could possibly have contacted Adam that he would be at that bar. I can't see Adam picking up someone without even talking to them, and Sauli was invited up to Adams room. May be I am off base here, but isn't that what twitter and texting is for?They may have done a lot of talking before Adam took him to his room. Also in Europe Sauli said that they don't hold hands, so maybe some of Adam is rubbing off on Sauli, he will teach him tha american way LOL

Anonymous said...

Perfect! Everything! Love and sex, what's more to ask when you are in love!! Great couple!!

glitzylady said...

Off Topic here:
Just saw this post on AOL talking about the reaction of the participants on Dancing With The Stars to Chris Brown's appearance on the show..They weren't happy that he was on there either, and didn't want to have anything to do with him...We aren't the only ones, including the host Tom Bergeron.

Anonymous said...

Me thinks some of you don't hang around young people very much. Both dudes look extraordinarily COOL. It's LA, and they are right on trend. It's the way people dress. Hey ladies, get out of your house and go to some clubs and see for yourself, especially if you're in a larger city. Sauli and Adam look splendid. But who gives a shi*. They are obviously happy and gonna get some...woohoo.

Hope this isn't offensive to anyone. Just a reminder to broaden your horizons a bit. "We are the face of the new generation. Don't give a damn 'bout your cold calculation."

Anonymous said...

OH 12:35, that made my day. Don't watch that stuff, so appreciate the update.

Anonymous said...

If someone wants to know how Adam met Sauli go here

It's also known that when they met they did talk for a long time, before Sauli left with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10;14 a.m.

Sex makes a relationship!!!!Life would be so dull without it.!!!!!!

Oh Honey, you must be very young...if you feel like that you face a bleak future.

As you grow older you'll learn "It ain't necessarily so!".......JAK (the voice of experience)

Anonymous said...

They look so adorable. I feel good because they look so happy.
Clothes! hell, who cares?

Adam must have been lurking again, because we wanted to see hand holding, kiss etc, or he is a mind reader.


glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:39 PM
Spot on! They're out clubbing in LA, I think they look great too!

Anonymous said...

A: Better get you home you are soooo WASTED
S: Hai Hai Captain !

Anonymous said...

Yea, the 18-30 something are clubbing like this all over the world. Even in Finland.

Anonymous said...

OOOOPS! I made wrong comment again! I mean my comment on diff page:(
On this time, I am very sorry. Adam is perfection for me. Sure, I don't have to pay attention on spot on t-shirt or his boots!
They are look so happy and deff don't care about paps. And love is in the air.It is spring time! Everybody have to be in love!!!
JAK, including you, okay? Are you reading my comment?

Anonymous said...

Sorry for wrong comment again, Glamlovers!


Anonymous said...

1) So cute!
2) So openly holding hands
3) So young, chic, stylish
= Happy Fan

BTW: Adam's hair is hilarious, wavy and all over the place.

Lots of clothes recycling, especially the jacket. It's from the Idol finale night. No Boundaries. And, I think he wore it on Regis too.

What they drink, what they do as adults is their own business. Once again, grow up people.

Anonymous said...

Helsinki is a good place to party. I think the boys from Hurts were the latest who said compliments. :)

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:11 I agree with you. Two adults do what they want and when they want.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:39 PM
Just saw another post re and the pic WAS #4 like you mentioned..Funny how in one place its one #number and another place its another! Either way, cute pic! Here's the exact link...

Anonymous said...

Adam was kissing Sauli and everyone else in the room! Spread the free love!

Anonymous said...

anon 12:50 you don't know me. do you?

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli are having lots of sex. being in LA and all!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:53

Sooo funny -- Hai Hai Captain!!! Sauli is precious!! It's like he is saying OK Adam lead the way -- you got me and my hand in yours -- all is right with the world!!

Anonymous said...

long legs is what I like wrapped around me.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much clothes came off after all those drinks? hanging on the bedposts this morning.

Anonymous said...

my hand on the glam tush would look nice!

Anonymous said...

Gimme all your lovin', all your hugs and kisses too..

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how long sauli is staying here, just curious?

The Dark Side said...

Wow, people on this site need a better love life!!! Me included. What a riot of fun all the posts are. Think Adam is in love, and this is his way of announcing it. Must be a happy guy if he is kissing everyone in the place. Nothing says love like kissing, and even better, holding hands! Yep, holding hands, big indicator!!! Good luck Adam and Sauli--it's a cold cruel world out there.

Anonymous said...

If there is a relationship developing between Adam and Sauli, how are they going to maintain it with both living in different countries in different parts of the world? Lots of travelling back and forth?? Sauli spending lots of time and staying in Calif??? What does he do? Adam in Finland??? I don't think so; he is working on his new album? I know that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but this could be tricky. I wish only the best for Adam in life and in love, so let's see what happens. All these comments above about what did or did not happen is strictly speculation since none of us was actually there. They are holding hands so something is happening, but that is all we know. Now that we have seen these few pictures, the papparazzi will be all over them whenever they are out in public. Remember how they hounded Adam and Drake? Let's hope this relationship turns out better.

LP said...

Sauli is supposed to be staying until the fall. I suppose then they have to make plans for Sauli's visa and if Adam is going on a tour, his album is supposed to be ready then. I think the Roadshow was for between April and June. Hopefully they can work out something that will include Sauli on the tour, if indeed that is when Adam is doing one.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sauli will move to the USA, it's been done before, LOL It doesn't have to be long distance. The papps will be there wherever they are, just part of the game.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so happy, and Sauli seems like a real sweet guy. Thats all that matters to me.

glitzylady said...

@anon 2:29 PM
I'm guessing they'll figure out the logistics of their relationship. I'm just enjoying the fact that Adam is looking very happy, and they are together right now..One day at at time, as the saying goes! : )

Urethra_Franklin said...

Wow the pearl clutchers are out tonight...

Anonymous said...

Look at his glowing smile. Adam looks genuinely happy! Good for him.

Anonymous said...

Why do some of you get so upset about paparazzis? You obviously want pictures of these two to speculate over. Hair, clothes, how much alcohol they had and (God forbid)how much sex they have and ARE they REALLY in love?
Without paps, no pics and that would be boring, wouldn´t it? They know the paps will be there, if they wanted to be unnoticed they would go to an other, not so well known club or eat at home.


Dinah-mite said...

LOL! I know that's right!! All I see if 2 people having a good time, period...

I don't recall Adam asking our opinion on hair,
clothes,drinks,livingarrangements,WRAPPERS(unbelievable)... Me thinks this is 2 adults living their lives.

Try it, you might like it! :)

Anonymous said...

I see Lust, Love and I smell Sex! I see edgy and wedgy clothes and boots, I see Two Peas in a pod! Adam is pulling in all the Real Rewards!
I am just indulging in watching it all with sheer Joy!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Adam wants the paprazzi attention. all celebrities like showing off their arm candy for the paparazzi. They go where the shutterbugs can snap away and throw obscene gestures at them.

Anonymous said...

@ Urethra...

BANG... that was my head on the keyboard LMAO...
You always prompt a spontaneous burst of laughter. (crap, next time I see your name I'm gonna move the keyboard before I read!) lol. pearls, omg... what a hoot.

Aaannnyway... WHAT adorable pictures, especially the one first given by anon @ 10:31
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWwwwwwwwwwwww. Ya gotta just smile. Whatever is going on or not, it's just
GREAT to see Adam look so relaxed & happy.


Anonymous said...

absolutely frickin' love BB's ensemble... and holy hot hell does it look good on him


Adamluv said...

@MGF, was going to say the same thing - that shirt, pants and boots are so yummy!. . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Looks like the boys need a driver and I'm up for it!!!

Anonymous said...

great minds Adamluv...great minds... ;)

Anonymous said...

I look into those eyes and the clothes don't even accure to me. I guess I am just an old softy for love. Those boys are smitten as two purring kittens. Stay happy guys!

Anonymous said...

Also love Adam's ensemble except that the tunic top is too long = no GB haha.
These two are SO baked, good for them, I think they are smitten at the moment

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam spilled a drink on his shirt in the car and doesn't even care - must be love haha

Anonymous said...

how old is sauli-looks a bit older than adam

Anonymous said...

It is great to see 2 people so attracted and happy. I have been hoping/waiting for this experience for myself for most of my life - starting to get a bit discouraged as I'm almost ready to retire! I'm getting weary of all my friends talking about their great trips with their great husbands, sigh.. I guess this is OT, sorry... no one else to tell.. guess we can't all have a mate like JAK, but I must admit, it's hard to hear about all the love I'm missing. Still, can't help but be happy for Adam - he SO deserves it!

Anonymous said...

Sauli is about 4 yrs younger than Adam. Adam's round face and exuberant style make him seem younger than his 29 yrs imo..

Anonymous said...

They were just celebrating Sauli"s 26th birthday thats why they were out partying. He is everything that was on Adam's list for the perfect partner. I wonder if he has given up smoking, I don't think Adam likes that.
He is 3 years younger than Adam.

Anonymous said...

Well, huh! Obviously many of you would like to be under the same sheets with the boys... I love to see Adam looking so happy with someone. Wet shirt, sleepy eyes, holding hands, laughing. So romantic hmmmmm..

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with Adam's boots (and legs). Are these the high heeled men's boots he bought in Paris? Have seen them in other photos, but we finally get to see them from the side. And those legs that go on forever! How tall is Adam with those boots and then his hair?! 6'4"-6'6"? Can Adam even see Sauli from that height? LOL

There is an old photo of Adam dressed in drag for a Halloween contest in which he wears a silver wig, tall boots, and a dress that reveals those legs. Unbelievably gorgeous. I'm so jealous of those gorgeous, magic legs :) Love you, Adam.

P.S. Yes, Adam, you look so happy in love. But, my hope is that Sauli is paying equally for all activities involved in this relationship (i.e. all dates, hotel expenses, air fares, etc.). A healthy relationship is reciprocal--not one-up, one-down. (I still have someone picked out for Adam when he is ready for a serious relationship--several years from now--after both have careers off the ground. Could hold his own with Adam ;) Fantasizing about Adam can be fun if we don't take ourselves too seriously LOL.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Adam, you look damn hot - absolutely loving the wedge-boots! Want to steal them out of his closet! Very fashhion-forward.

Sauli, this will be a birthday to remember! Oh wait, you don't look like you'll be remembering ANYthing from this night! Both these boys looked bombed, but Sauli more so. Well, you can go online to check and see if you had fun or not. :)

What a fun night - this is how my husband and I used to spend our weekends before having a we just get bombed at home (kidding!). I recognize those "drunky" eyes on Sauli...all bleary and kind of unfocused. I honestly think Adam's holding his hand 'cause Sauli couldn't walk in a straight line and Adam didn't want him hurting himself. ;) Jeez, hope Sauli has SOME memories of the REST of the night...I'm sure they went and had more fun after they left!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan You don't have to go to France to get this boots. $75 on sale on Nordstrom Rack!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam stole this boots and t-shirt from my closet! This is women's boots!

Anonymous said...

All I see are two happy guys having a great time celebrating Sauli's B-day like any other two people attracted to each other enjoying the moment, wherever it leads. I don't think Adam's objective is to be seen to further his celebrity. He's always gone out to clubs and lived his authentic life. I think Adams doing exactly what he wants to do with someone that has a special meaning in his life. The papps are something for which he has to contend, but I don't think he's seeking them out. I think he's proud to have Sauli on his arm and he's so open about his life,there's nothing sensational for the rag mags to report, just Adam living his life. I'm happy for the two of them. They both looked great and happy. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@10:55 PM No Way! But where do I go to get legs like that?! LOL

Actually when I heard about Adam's shopping for the boots I looked them & the designer up at the time and they were designed specifically for men & were super expensive. I'm fascinated by Adam's fashion sense. He is so freed up to try just about anything his heart desires. He has been doing this for such a long time. So smart and way ahead of everyone else.

@LBS You found it on a Google search?! LOL This is such fun, following Adam and his fans. I LOVE this site. It is pretty much the only one I go to besides Twitter. There is not one day that goes by that I do not get a great big smile on my face because of Adam :) He brings a lot of joy with him.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Have to add tho' that in some of the pics Adam looks like he has a rosy glow and is looking out for Sauli holding his wrist as if to steady him. Think Sauli had a very happy B-day which is how it should be. Adam seems like the perfect date, gentlemanly and protective. He seems like a true romantic. Gotta love him! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@11:16 PM At men's size 11 1/2 I don't think these are your average lady's boots. If Adam is like some of us with heels, and goes an extra 1/2 size up, they might even be size 12! LOL They are truly gorgeous, though. Love the color.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:17 p.m.

There is all kinds of love waiting out there in the world. I found the right guy for me when I was very young. So did my eldest daughter but my youngest just married 6 years ago at 43 and became an instant grandmother. She's swamped in love.

If a big guy doesn't show up,consider spending some time with a group of little guys. As a kindergarten director for many years the volunteers and aides we had were life savers and you are lifted to hero status by a room full of 4 and 5 year olds who will love your socks off.

Plus many of them have single dads and grand-dads! I sound like a commercial, sorry. It's just that I know that there is a lot of love needed if you have any to spare.....JAK

glitzylady said...

@anon 3:58 PM
Oh come on! Paparazzi hang out at the celeb hotspots! Adam likes to go to Mr. Blacks at Bardot in Hollywood, as do other celebs. There are always paparazzi hanging around outside Bardot's, waiting for those photo ops as they walk in and leave. There is always something going on at Bardot. Even yours truly has been there (!)..but they took a close look at me and my group as we left in the wee small hours of the morning and passed on the opportunity to take pictures..actually might have been fun to be in some paparazzi shots..but one big chance! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan, I had to laugh cause we all must know things such as Adam's shoe! We are fan...addicts!


Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan!

Yes Yes that pic!! I remember! Just this morning I was thinking and dreaming about Adams thighs and the length of them. They make my heart go wild! He is so masculinfemininmixed, so perfect!
Hey and Adam´s eyes are green! I saw it in a closeup pic on another thread. Sauli has blue eyes. There is a difference.

HK fan said...

I found my husband when I was very young too.

p.s Can't stop looking at these photos, they just look so cute and happy....and just a little bit tipsy!

Anonymous said...

They look so happy together. What has Sauli done to Adam's hair LOL. It looks cute though.

Anonymous said...

Lots of love is in the air and it has been so for a long time! :) They are so happy and so in love.

When Sauli was in LA last January, I try to tell, that of course Adam and Sauli are a couple, can't you see? I graduated from the university, and I studied a lot of psychology and communication sciences there. So, of course it was easy to me notice and see, that they really are dating. But then here were some people that did't believe me. ;)

Adam's and Sauli's fan from Finland

Anonymous said...

Hearts in my eyes <3 I see this could be a long-term thing.. They are so happy together <3

Anonymous said...

Someone here needs glasses .... Adam does NOT look younger than Sauli!

Anonymous said...

OMG Adam looks gorgeous why of why can't I find a straight man like him!! Love his outfit. Sauli looks a bit tipsy and giggly and Adam looks like he is laughing at him for this reason. How delightful!

Anonymous said...

Sauli certainly had the most amazing b-day ever, good for him! It´s so great to see them both relaxed and enjoying themselves. Sauli can be pretty wild sometimes - in a good way though - so Adam won´t get bored with him.

It seems that they both live their lives to the fullest and don´t worry about the future too much. And it´s wonderful because we have only one life and today to live, no one knows about tomorrow or what will happen in six months time.

If you always concentrate on those things that may go wrong, you will be too afraid to do anything.

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:10 AM Love your comment! It's brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Sanni, Yes those legs.

Adam's eyes are the palest gray blue. Got to see him in person from just a few feet away. The man is breathtakingly beautiful.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I wanna see you strut, strut, c'mon walk for me.

Anonymous said...

It makes me happy to see these two so happy together, especially Adam. Sauli seems to be the perfect guy for him and I wish them all the happiness, luck, and love in the world.

P.S: Love Adam's strut! C'mon walk for me!

Anonymous said...

Where can I get a pair of legs like these?


The Dark Side said...


Anonymous said...

They are HOT!

Anonymous said...

Adam has on ass kicking boots! I need those! They could come in good use! MEGGAA*SARCASSTICAA*^-^*~~~~

Anonymous said...

To JAK at 11:51 pm Thanks for the kind response.
Don't know if you will still read this thread or if it is getting past the date. I actually am an elementary school teacher, but I am looking more for a partner who I can snuggle at night and maybe go on trips with. The little guys will not be the same kind of affection and their dads are much too young. Oh well, yes, maybe their grandpa haha

Anonymous said...

The best pics of Adam and Sauli:

Anonymous said...

I looked all over the online Nordstrom Rack shoe/boot page and couldn't find those cool hoo.....
