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Adam Lambert Confirmed To Present At 'NewNowNext Awards'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The "NewNowNext Awards" is often known for its' eclectic line-up of presenters – and this year is no exception. Presenters announced today include: Adam Lambert, Aubrey O'Day ("All About Aubrey"), Busy Philipps ("Cougar Town"), Brittany Snow ("Harry's Law"), Keegan Allen ("Pretty Little Liars"), Carmen Electra, Gretchen Rossi ("The Real Housewives of Orange County"), Perez Hilton, Lisa Vanderpump ("The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills"), Ross Mathews ("The Tonight Show with Jay Leno"), Josh Kilmer-Purcell & Brent Ridge ("The Fabulous Beekman Boys") and Christina Perri (Singer). Additional presenters and special guests will be announced as they are confirmed.

Source: AInow


Anonymous said...

Nice earrings

Anonymous said...

Exactly what are these awards? Anyone know? Will Adam also be performing? I guess I will have to catch it on You Tube, at least Adam's presentation of an award.

Anonymous said...

Love his cool, edgy look in this picture.

Anonymous said...

Finally put those gauges to use & not just in Lee
Cherry's photos.

Expect to see the Blonds outfit soon!?

I warned you that the ultimate Entertainer would be back soon. Well, he's heeerrree!!!

On with the Show Adam!!


Anonymous said...

I laughed when he was questioned about those sunglasses on the red carpet (I forget where), he answered "they're vintage".

I had the same ones, in the 60s I think it was, they were same color of my swimsuit and very dark to keep out beachside sun.

If I'd just saved all my accessories I could open a vintage shop....I do have my wedding dress which was copied from the one Audrey Hepburn wore in Funny Face.

All my clothes were designer knock offs,,,,My mother was fantastic seamstress. I'd drag her to the movies with me and say "I want that and that and that" I was best dressed highschooler.
We mostly stole from Hepburn and Cyd Charisse, same body type. That was back when I had a body.

All those 50s and 60s vintage outfits could make me rich! Alas, only my Hepburn wedding dress survives!.................JAK
I agree nice earrings!

Anonymous said...

can't wait for more details, will deff be watching if televised.

Anonymous said...

JAK: Message of importance for you.

Please do not worry about Adams low cut jeans anymore.....not only are they flattering but that's how he reaches those high notes.


LP said...

@7:38 Very funny remark, I laughed out loud,prolly quite true. LOL

Adam will not be performing, you can get all the info just by googling "NewNowNextAwards"

Anonymous said...

The NEWNOWNEXT Awards show will be on LOGO channel.

Anonymous said...

Nope- not preforming- he didn't qualify for the Ru-Paul Show. Maybe next year.


sorry Adam I LuvU

Anonymous said...

Note to lbs

I will no longer worry if squeezing accessories produces those notes, so be it.

However, if he should ever decide he wants to father a child, he's gonna have to loosen and cool accessories off, worked for my son in law and I now have my precious grandson.

Who knew boxer shorts were so powerful?...JAK

Anonymous said...

okay, when i see this shades i just want to say' whataya want from me?' i can give you everything you want right now.
when i see this extra big chocolate ecler between these f..... legs, i want to eat immediatly...

The Dark Side said...

Just opened my new copy of Elle and guess what the 60's are baaaaaaaaaaaaack! Seriously, all the tight fitting dressed, covered in lace. Had a red lace sheath party dress. Personally I thought the clothes in the 60's and 50's sucked. BTW was hoping someone on this site would mention what the NewNowNext Awards was? Haven't a clue.

Anonymous said...

Here is an interesting article on Tommy's new bass that he played on the American Idol performance

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:49 pm This is joke, right? have you ever watch Victoria Secret Catalogs? They always have lace tops, pants, jeans, and shorts. And these are clothes you can wear at work (except shorts) And this is not 60's! Because I was born at 70th and had few lace jeans an tops when I was 16!

Anonymous said...

@TheDarkSide Sorry, didn't see your name:)
But I am sure you didn't see VS catalogs. Because, they sell great clothes not just sexy underwear. As a matter of fact I have lace top, few shoes and boots from these catalog. And they are not very expensive

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! I just noticed the beautiful earings Adam was wearing in this picture. Damn, that man has style, taste and class!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys Jadam here. Just wanted to say bye bye for now am off to Australia for 10 days. Hope my DVD will be here when I get home. Hope there is a lot to catch up on when I get back.
Keep up the good work, love you guys, am going to miss my Adam fix. Still wondering if I can get a physical single of"Sleepwalker" over there, or if it is just a download.
Bye for now Jadam NZ. x

LP said...

Adam wasn't supposed to qualify, he went to the event to support Sutan, Adam wasn't in drag. I don't think he has done that for a few years. He will be pleased to be a presenter though.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't serious.Bad Joke. Just wanted you all to know what some of this show is going to focus on.


Anonymous said...

The picture above is from when he went to the GLAAD awards, sang and gave a speech about equality of all types of gay. It was one of his first really outspoken moments about gay issues after the AMA's. He met many celebs, posed with Johnny Weir. In fact, on one episode of Be Good Johnny Weir, they show film of Johnny on the Red Carpet, and Adam is next to him being photo'd and interviewed.

He wore those earrings several times on tour, usually just one.

The glasses have made several, several appearances.

Adam appeared in a little cameo in the first episode of RuPaul's Drag Race in support of Raja. He went to the RuPaul party in his long hair, poncho, and high heeled boots. There were also many celebs there.

And, for full circle, Johnny Weir was the judge in this week's episode of RuPaul. Raja is safe. Yahoo. He rocked an Indian headdress, just like the one we saw Adam wear at the Pullyaup Fair.


Anonymous said...

His hair was streaked the same cobalt blue!!! So FREAKIN SEXY!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam, by his own admission, doesn't do drag.

LP said...

any more! he used to but has gotten away from a lot of stuff he used to do.

Anonymous said...

Damn! Shoulda watched RuPaul sooner! (have it taped) Now I know Raja is safe again. Oh well, half the fun is getting there!

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Adam up for a NNN award last year as break-out artist and won? I can't remember for sure.

Yes!!! My GNT package shipped today!!! Pity the poor UPS guy though, my driveway is too steep and narrow for those trucks. He has to walk it in about 1/8th mile! At least that was the case with my Acoustic CD.

No, Adam doesn't do drag, but wouldn't he be beyond stunning?


Anonymous said...

A few new tweets from Adam-he's tweeting quite a bit right now!:

Recent Tweets
Adam Lambert
adamlambert Adam Lambert
@Jakeshears WTF is that sloth doing in your imagination? Mmmn?
34 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply

in response to:

Jake Shears
Jakeshears Jake Shears
Sometimes I just want a bowl of Lucky Charms. Or a little bag of Cheetos. Other times I want a pet sloth. Tonight, i want to send u my love.
21 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Adam Lambert
adamlambert Adam Lambert
It's so sexy!!
2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

adamlambert Adam Lambert
Omg @officialnikka upcoming album is bananas. Ching Ching Ching.
3 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply


Adam Lambert
adamlambert Adam Lambert
I'm hooked on FUSE. Actual music content!
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply


Anonymous said...

Here is an ok vid, but I had never seen Adam and Kris's room they shared on AI before...check it out about 1:00:


Anonymous said...

Adam is featured on MTV's 'listening booth' for the new AI compilation CD:


Anonymous said...

Adam says his new CD will be less campy (ShowbizSpy article):


Anonymous said...

@jakeshears tweet response to Adam:

Jake Shears
Jakeshears Jake Shears
@adamlambert haha, I dunno. A boy can dream. :-)
12 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply


Anonymous said...

One more...response again from Adam to Jake:

Adam Lambert
adamlambert Adam Lambert
by Glambert4371
@Jakeshears :) make sure you journal it in the morning. And email it to me.
13 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply


Anonymous said...

@Jadam NZ

Hope you have a wonderful time in the land of my origin. :)

The not so good news is that RCA Ed advised on AD that Sleepwalker is not going to be released in Oz. I know .... very sad indeed. :( I was so looking forward to supporting it.

On a much brighter note, this is one HOT photo of BB!! :D

Anonymous said...

Off topic,
Ha!Ha!Ha! Saw the Glee boys kiss on TV last night.
US TV are evolving. Glad to see this happen.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the links, you are so resourceful, it is appreciated.

Love reading and seeing anything about Adam I am truly obsessed as I think everyone else who visits this site, ha, ha.

This is one of the many looks I love of Adam.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a B-list of people (except for Adam), for an unknown silly award so, I'm not so sure this is really a good career move.The "Housewives" listed make it very low-brow imo. Adam can and should do better.

Anonymous said...

this is a gay site, is very respected and probably not as low brow or snooty as some people that post on this site.

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, and those adorable little freckles on his bottom lip, just so fricken sexy!

LP said...

@ 5:21
I agree with you, BUT Adam would have all his gay friends up in arms if he refused the honor of being a presenter. I think he got cornered in to it. Won't do his career any good, but hopefully the whole show will slip by un-noticed.LOL

Anonymous said...

IMHO, Logo has some excellent programming... and it has some less than stellar programming LIKE ANY CABLE CHANNEL needing to fill 24/7. I went to the source article too, many of these presenters are not necessarily B-listers, just up and coming (which btw, Adam is too, I'm an uber fan but it's true). The housewives, well sure, gag me with a spoon, but many others are hot ones-to-watch. NewNowNext is pretty hip, I'd venture to guess Adam will have fun with this, no worrying about career necessary, sheesh. I don't know the guy, not one little bit, so I certainly don't know, but man, hurt his career... yikes... that's not my favorite statement I've read here today.

Fan4fun said...

Being a gay himself and supporting gays ARE PART OF sweet Adam's private and public life, therefore part of his career. I understand that ANY TIME sweet Adam appears on TV is another openning for his artistic horinzons... how could his attendance to this show possibly be harmful to his career? Am I missing anything in this thread?

Anonymous said...

The gay community is part of Adam's life and always will be. He will always be active in it. The other celebs at this event, I agree, are up-and-comers, just as Adam is. I don't think his being there will hurt his career at all. It's just one thing he's doing. He's a friend and he's loyal. No harm in this event, IMO.

Anonymous said...

Some of you still don't GET IT. Take off the blinders.

Anonymous said...


Don't think of it as a long,narrow,STEEP driveway think of it as aerobic exercise..JAK

Anonymous said...


There you are ......"I'm ba a a k". I see someone has been messing with my Senior Ladies and a cat I am uncle to....naughty naughty, I have "connections" in D.C. don't mess with my girls......some of us like to listen and learn.

I hope you won't be offended if I say .................Go Grannies Go!...Love KW

Anonymous said...


Adam is looking must be love! KW

Anonymous said...

Hey there KW

The Viking is sailing in soon & the boy's in ship shape!!!


Anonymous said...


I noticed that......I'm taken....not blind!

I've never met a Viking I didn't like and they have good taste!.................KW

Icon said...

@ uncle KW

Welcome back, uncle! Thanks for calling me your «nephew» and threatening crabby people who called «old» my aunts and messed with me with your connections there in Wahington DC. You indeed showed your claws here today, didn't you uncle? Like me!!! Meaw-ha-ha!

glitzylady said...

Liked and agreed with your comment "Never met a Viking I didn't like and they have good taste!" because I just happen to be married to one, so it must be true on all counts! Is your partner perhaps a Viking as well??!! And ditto to the "I'm taken...not blind" comment..So VERY true!

And just a comment about Adam appearing on NewNowNext: Whoever thinks it will damage his career in the least..why would anyone think that?? ! Its a nice honor and opportunity for him to be invited..and I believe they have been good supporters of his. And yes, Adam is an "up-and-comer"!

Anonymous said...

@KW lol you think it's love?? Adams lost a lot of weight & looks DDG, pining away for Big Brother. Not supposed to talk about Adams private life, so we'll have to talk fast.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back, KW! We grannies appreciate you having our back! Adam does indeed look happy. Sauli should be arriving soon, think sometime in April, if I remember correctly...As far as New, Now, Next, Why would this even be an issue for Adam? He supports the gay community, being a part of it, and I'm sure he's honored to be asked.Nothing to debate IMHO. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

KW here.....I must have been missed, what you ladies need to do is find yourselves a gay friend for when I'm not around. We make great best friends!

Icon....hows it hanging..or are they? Ouch
glitzylady....married a Viking did of
..........those rascals. My partner is Scots-Irish a real Celt, funny and gloomy all at the same time. Now that I recall my history the Vikings did a lot of raiding and , well let's call it forcible "courting" on the Irish coast so my guy may well be a smidge Viking.

lbs...Is it love, who knows I think that's what they are trying to find out...let's give 'em space.

funbunn40..this is a NON-ISSUE, straight people support Gay causes too....not enough, but some.
I feel things getting better in my world.

Thanks in part to so many who out of the blue fell in love with YOU KNOW WHO. Adam opened a lot of hearts and minds.

I'm glad to be guy blabbed and told me my Mom now reads your site to snoop and see if you are being nice to me. You've been warned!...........Love to all (Mom too) KW

Anonymous said...

Thanks for replying-I'll go easy on them, maybe.
I do have a master plan though about them having a family someday , if they choose. Sauli could actually be the D&A uncle & Adam the Dad. Figure it out yourselves.

OK send us a friend. We need more interesting guys here,all my fab gay guys died.Things are getting better.

glitzylady said...

Well, I'm part Scots- Irish, my grandmother was a red-haired, blue eyed Irish lass, and you know where they got that red hair...., so yes, those Viking "rascals" did get around... !!! And still do, it would seem..As I recall, Adam is a bit of the Viking himself..on Eber's side..Norwegian to be exact..guess we Irish lasses still go for those Vikings....they do have their "ways", and it might not have all been one sided either..just sayin...

Anonymous said...

This is so weird for me to read. My brother was a history professor & we are European, not Scandinavians or Irish(lots of gingers too)& I asked him "how did we get blue eyes?" He said those Vikings raped & pillaged our villages. I laughed my head off.Did they get to Europe too? Maybe Sauli,Adam & I are cousins!!LOL LBS

Anonymous said...


We may get in trouble for talking about something other than Adam's blue eyes and bulge, but I'm game if you are.

Love love love History. Viking means raiding. The Norsemen went a-viking. It was their business you might say and business was good. They were exceptional sailors and would sweep into the rivers of Ireland and other countries and "shop". After awhile they started intermarrying making peace pacts and building their own fortresses. Strongbow's Tower is still in Waterford he married a princess (the story goes) to bring peace.

When I'm in Ireland I stay in a hotel across the river from the tower. Whether you have Irish blood or not it's one of the most enchanting lands I've ever been in.

Raping and pillaging sounds so harsh, let's just refer to it as "trading".

Eber does look a bit Vikingish! End of story. Just one more thought. Tonight when you close your eyes and lay your head on your pillow ,picture Adam, long copper blond hair billowing around his shoulders, wearing wrapped leggings, strapped boots and a fur vest hopping ashore from his longboat in Cork or Galway Bay, definitely up to no good! Happy Dreams KW

Anonymous said...


I'm a bit feverish and will never get to sleep tonight.

I did a little PR to share this dream with a few of the girls....Thank you JM

Anonymous said...

KW: A/K/A Award Winning Romance Novelist

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner but, I have been tied up with my "trading business" and have acquired some marvelous warm clothing from this charming rogue of copper blond hair & eyes of blue.

Fairtheewell LBS-AL

Anonymous said...


How are we doing Mom?
Mighty fine son you raised.....

Idol's on in a few min

Fan4fun said...

@ KW

Man, you sure got my curiosity awake and my imagination driving my hands under that fur vest you painted sweet(?) vicking Adam wearing... but to your nephew Icon it happened to huddle and now he's shaking all over, under my bed (his panic room)! Bad uncle, bad uncle!

Anonymous said...


Not to worry. In those times cats had free rein of all abodes......a good "mouser" was an asset.
They slept when and wherever they wanted and had all they could catch to eat. They were well off.

You've heard the expression," he's a fat cat!" KW

glitzylady said...

Oh dear.....We rather started something here didn't we??!!..And yes, Eber really DOES look like a Viking..I sat directly behind him (and Leila) for half of the Music Box LA GNT Show (almost spilled a drink down his back-not why he moved, he just made room for Scarlett and Lee Cherry to sit)..and again a few seats from him at the Nokia LA GNT show (no, not stalking him..just the "Luck of the Irish" I guess..) so I've had plenty of opportunities to study him up close (for scientific purposes only..) and I can assure you there is definitely some Viking blood in there..Tall, Reddish-Blonde "Eric the Red" hair, and wide shouldered...pretty much the same as "Viking Adam"......yep, definitely Viking ancestry......

By the way, THANKS!!!!, now you've gone and done it!!!!...I was assuming that you were going to be the calming "male perspective"- thing. You know: help us tone it down and be more dignified ( well, where's the fun in that anyway??)) , but now you're just feeding the fire! (Thank you BTW ; ) )... Should have known!!! Now everyone here is going to be having "Adam the Copper Haired Viking", with his long hair billowing around his shoulders, tight leather clad and up to no good (depends on how you define "no good"....) pillaging and ... ahem, .."trading"... dreams, and maybe not just when they (we..) are sleeping either...Well, if you must, you must, stop by anytime. By the way, have you ever read Juneau and Xena's book "On The Meaning Of Adam Lambert"...they have some pretty good imaginations..along the same lines...Some other nice bedtime stories. ; )

Icon said...

@ Uncle KW

How fat? You mean... like Garfield? You mean... besides mice & rats (yeeeek!) they had lasagna too? Because Garfield is red (like my boyfriend Ping Pong)... do you think they can be cousins from those vicking raps in Europe? Ohhh... I'm not one year old yet, uncle, haven't got all those lessons on History, Geography, Gastronomy or S-E-X... I'm confused and scared, you didn't say whether or not that fur vest you pictured sweet(?) vicking Adam wearing was cat skin. I guess those vickings weren't allergic to cats as the real sweet Adam is, were they?
Sorry but I'm going back to my «panic room» now. To you all g'night, sleep tight, be aware of the «vicking sleepwalker». Brrrrr-eaw!

Anonymous said...

I remember your saying you were sitting behind them at the Nokia & I couldn't believe your luck.
Thought you would be sending pictures & telling us their reactions. Well, did you get any pic.?

Ebers grandfather lived in Trondheim,Norway, and he spent a year living there with him in his teen

Gotta go keep the Viking warm now since I "traded" his clothing.


glitzylady said...

Quite honestly I tried to get a couple of pics, but the lighting wasn't good for that, and didn't want to use a flash...didn't want to be obtrusive. People were very respectful of their privacy and space..especially at the Music Box. I do regret not going to shake Eber's hand and telling him thanks for helping to raise such a nice human the end of the Nokia show, but there was such a steady stream of other fans doing that, I just decided not to..but wish I had. As for their reactions, they were enjoying Adam's show as much as everyone else, Leila was up dancing all of the time, and Eber was beaming with pride for his son..He also got a kick out of the more "risque" parts during the finale at the end of the Nokia show...I would guess he was thinking "That's my Adam!".

Yes, by all means..keep the Viking warm and cozy....that "trading" thing...has its advantages...

Anonymous said...

Well its happened, hanging around with you gals, I assume you are all gals, has driven me over the brink-so says my guy-he read my "story" and is thoroughly fed up with my "hobby".

Actually he's just mad cause I'm poking fun at writers and that's his, not a novelist, a book critic. He gave my Adam the Viking an I take that back knowing some of you racier gals....lets say a Failing Grade.

I told him I'm working on Adam the Seaman, no that won't do either....Adam the Pirate, thats better and safer. Stay tuned.....KW

glitzylady said...

@KW 8:33 PM
"Resistance is Futile......" LOL!!! Most of us have been "over the brink" for some time now, but we're happy amongst our peers, so welcome! And BTW..tell your partner I like your style. As if that will reassure him...("Adam the Seaman" tho, have to admit...NO...LOL!! your partner would be justified in hiding your computer..)

Waiting for your "Adam the Pirate' story...this could be rather good!!!! Especially since Adam has been known to BE a pirate on renting the pirate ship in Bali....and at his New Years have at it!

Anonymous said...

I can't write for the life of me,not like these other gals(I assume they are), but I'm given you an F Good Fun!!!! So there Mr.
Book Critic!! We buy the books, and sometimes the critics are way wrong. Stay with it KW & screw the critic.

OMG what's happening to me? Sorry Mom

Gotta go,the Viking wants some hot tea.

Anonymous said...

It hss occured to me this will be on my hard drive FOREVER! Where is the best place to dispose of computers? Japan, I think.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your interesting response! I would have reacted the same way.
You do have the luck of the Irish & a Happy St. Patrick's Day to ya!!!!

Anonymous said...

KW here Chapter II Adam the Pirate

It was a blistering hot day in 1813, the Gulf of Mexico was calm and pale green when Adam dived from the deck of the sloop to the cool depths. It had been a fierce battle he'd witnessed between the American frigate and the British merchantship. The frigate had sunk from sight and the British ship was burning, would he and his men have time to salvage any of the cargo?

He, Monte and Thomas swam to the ship's ladder and climbed aboard. All on deck were dead or dying. Adam called "search the hold!" There were cases of French wine, well wrapped in oilskin bolts of silk and a trio of large leather trunks.

"There's a woman on board, see those trunks, find her!" he ordered. He returned to the deck carrying 2 of the trunks. Just then Monte dragged a young woman, her clothes tossled and scorched onto the deck. She collapsed at Adam's feet. He reached down with a gentle but calloused hand and helped her to her feet. At first sight of him she was startled. In the setting sun he seemed to glow all golden. Long hair with red tints, a sunburned face and shoulders and his arms and chest covered in a fine copper pelt. He was dressed in the faded canvas chopped off pants of a common seaman, but the dark haired man addressed him as Captain.

"Bring up as many bolts and cases as you can carry,choose smartly, there will be no time for a second trip the fire is quickening!" The girl cried "and my small trunk!" Thomas looked at Adam and Adam nodded...."Go". " This small trunk is important to you?" "Oh Yes" "Very"

Soon they were safely in the one small boat left intact and rowing for the sloop. "What is your name Captain?" He replied with the slightest of accent" Adam Le Renard". "French, she cried in fear?" "You are well named, Adam the Fox, you fooled me into thinking my life was saved".

His blue eyes bored into hers as he said "Lovely lady, your life is saved, but I'm afraid the fortune of jewels in that small trunk are lost."

"I knew it , you're a dirty thieving pirate, what else will you take from me?"

"What else do you have of value" he asked with a cocked eyebrow and gave her a smile of such stunning sweetness she was shocked into silence and spoke not another word.

Thomas spoke up to reassure her "Ma'am I assure you Captain would never lay hands on a lady".

The End or Beginning

Anonymous said...


That's it, I got an even worse review from my live-in critic. He red pencilled it to death.
He had a plethora (I love to use that word, it's so SHOW-OFFY) of nasty words to crush any slight wish I might have to join the literary world.
......It's over I retire defeated..

By the way I was gently accused of leading you to believe my hero was straight, not so, just your fertile imagination.

Love and Happy Dreams KW

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm Nancy

Nice to meet you KW

I Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

@KW - Mar18, 5:33 PM
Have enjoyed reading all your comments and correspondance with the lovely regulars, Icon included, here in 24/7 Paradise. Not to mention your latest post…oh my...
Congrats! Never mind (!) your house critic - just wait until you get the feedback from the ladies…They'll love it!

GGD Gal - I get it (and I’m no Lady, lol)

Anonymous said...

KW Crazy bout you baby

Readers don't forget go back about 30 posts and scan. You won't be sorry and you wouldn't want to miss Adam the Viking (Chapter I)

We are getting sillier and sillier....JAK

Icon said...

@ Uncle KW

Oh man, you ARE a tale teller!!! Thanks cat's God I'm not a young lady and can be hidden in the ship with my friend mice... Tell us more!!! I'm waiting for!

@ GGD Gal

Errrreeeeawww... listen, I'm only a young glamberCAt and don't want to offend you or anybody, but what do you mean you're not a «lady»???. Are you my «uncle» instead of my «aunt» or you're just like my mommy Fan4fun an old (or a young) GLAMBITCH? Please answer soon, I have to go back to part 3 of my P.P.R.R. - Ping Pong Rescue Report.

glitzylady said...

; ) Thank you for this new story...I have a houseful of people who are distracting me right now (grrrrr...).I DO have some comments, as you might will be back......

Anonymous said...


I love your stories, very entertaining. At least now when it is a slow Adam news, we know what to do...have KW tell us a story. Tell your other half, we ladies and cat, love you.
I think this would be good for a movie, and Adam would make a wonderful pirate, he already stole our hearts and, by the look of the written words, our minds.
P.A.S. formally P.S.

Anonymous said...

Take that--love of my life--trash sells!

I keep telling him that but he insists on literary integrity....GEESH....He's insulted me twice today. First he said my writing was a pile of....merde....then accused me of faking my college diploma and degrees.

Jealousy thy name is SAWYER! That'll teach him..he hates when I call him that. Shaved off his stubble the second season of Lost cause he kept getting the " you know you look like that guy on Lost." I tried to explain it was a compliment but he didn't more stubble. He's crabby but when and if this state recognizes everyones right to marry the one they love I'm gonna snap him up, he's a keeper!..KW

Anonymous said...


Sorry dear, forgot to answer your "way up there" question. Did the Vikings get to Europe too?

They "got" almost everywhere, British Isles, Greenland Iceland North America France Russia Spain Arabia Italy and more and more.........

So, as your brother said those blue eyes of yours could be from a long forgotten liason.

I remember reading one time, I think it was a DNA study that said that all blue eyed people came from one common ancestor....I can't swear thats true but apparantly a group of scientists believed they'd proved it. Curiouser and curiouser!!!!! Ain't life grand?.....KW

Anonymous said...

KW:aka Award Winning Romance Novelist

LMFAO!!!! You will have to try harder in this class KW. I'm giving you another F! Frickin Funny!
Obviously, you did not do what I told you to do well enough with SAWYER!
Smut(not quite sure of the merde thing)is the name of the game. You will be rewarded with accolades and designer clothing and more chi ching than P Diddy,& a 6 car garage.

KW, I am so confused. Do you mean the Viking I "traded " was Fabio and not Adam? I should have known..Adam never would have treated a lady in such a degrading manner. Where will I go? What shall I do? Whatever will become of me?


Anonymous said...


I just saw your post!!!!! Do you see my happy?
I have a world of friends & family now. I know where to go.and what to do & what will become of me!!! Hooraaayy for HOLLYWOOD!!!!


Anonymous said...

Are you sleeping? Go to Bebe-funny stuff, but you got a blurb telling people to read your stories!! Told ya Sawyer! Maybe you need a different ....nay, never mind.


Anonymous said...

@Icon Dearest, Mar18, 6:58 PM

Sorry, had to go to bed early (in the morning… the time difference, glam it!), busy day today.

Didn’t think you would be allowed to read KW’s ”bedtime stories” and our comments to those stories…Thought mommy would not let you…Icon, you are still so very young… however resourceful and clever glambertCat you are! You should have been sleeping by then…or at least napping. Or catnipping.
To answer your question (no offense taken): Towards clever & lovable cats like yourself - and other lovely creatures of nature (like sweet Adam) - I try to behave like a lady…but otherwise I guess I’m just a regular bitch (so my friends keep telling me!). However, I would love to be your bitchy auntie, if you’ll have me? Maybe you should ask your mummy, what she thinks?

Gotta go now, have a nice Azorian (?) Saturday, Icon and give your mommy a nose poke from me and tickle her with your whiskers! Hear from you soon…

GGD Gal, waiting for your P.P.R. report to continue…

Icon said...

Meaw-ha! Meaw-haha!
I have already a bitchy mommy (Fan4fun), now I've just got a bitchy auntie (GGD Gal)!!!!!
Now I'm soooooo ready for another bedtime story from my uncle KW!
sweet(?) «ADAM, THE VIKING», sweet «ADAM, THE PIRATE», what is next? sweet «ADAM, THE FORMER HOMELESS?»

glitzylady said...

So, do you have any plans to continue the "Adam the Pirate" story?? Because it is just begging for the next installment..Or is your slightly frustrated writer's ego so tweeked by your "Sawyer"'s critiques that you have given up the "Glambert bodice ripper romance novel" genre in favor of going back to commenting (very capably indeed, I must say) again, because you KNOW there is more where that came from, much more. Or are we to be left hanging on the words of "Thomas" : "The Captain would never lay hands on a lady..." What sort of meaning do we find hidden in that statement? And if you are not feeling the inspiration or desire to go on at this moment in time, I might have a little something in mind, to perhaps shed light on the questions we might have...PG of course...but equally bodice ripping.....

By the way, if "Sawyer" looks anything like the "LOST Sawyer", I can see why a little crabbiness is forgivable (as it should be) and not a big issue in the whole scheme of things.. (my own partner/husband is a little crabby on occasion but I keep him around too because he is also a gem: he's an Adam fan after all, and apparently ditto re me on that crabbiness thing..). May Marriage Equality arrive in your state soon....and you and "Sawyer" can make it official.

Anonymous said...

Just read that a new Viking movie is in the works with Leonardo DeCaprio & Mel Gibson. Guess Adams management was not in sinct with the foresight of his devoted fans & the skills of an unknown writer with only 2 initials to identify himself. The next Tony Curtis was waiting in the wings.
Another oversight by the industry of blind-sightedness. Lets all go out and buy tickets to see the upstanding citizen Mel Gibson. LBS

Anonymous said...


No plans to continue Adam the Pirate, thats the whole purpose of these "exercises" you are supposed to (?) suppose to (?) finish these stories in your own fertile imagination. I know you have all do!

I have the greatest respect for fantasy but I don't want anyone to lose touch with reality.

LBS.......I'm forming a picture of you and I think you may be a minx!

I've pulled out the passport and am off to work again, I'll be gone awhile but way in the back of my mind an idea for Chapter III is forming.
How does Adam the Sky King sound? We'll see.

Live well and prosper.........KW

glitzylady said...

Have a safe journey..and "see" you when you get back! We'll be here!! As for "Adam the Sky King"..the mind boggles with possible scenarios..Hmmm....(thinking......)

Lose touch with reality?? Nope, just enjoying the mind exercise... and flexing my writing skills..for my own enjoyment!

Anonymous said...

How we will miss the Frivolity!

Have a safe trip, take care & "Don't let anybody pull you down." Keep those chapters of Sky King
coming and your head in the clouds.

Part minx-I'm working it out.


Icon said...

@ Uncle KW

Have a nice trip uncle KW, have fun! Don't forget to bring me a souvenir, my birthday is on April 13... my first birthday! Will you come to my party? I'll be with my mommy Fan4fun waiting for you, watching the GNTdvd, living well and prosper.

Anonymous said...


I won't be in your part of the globe on your birthday, sorry. Tell me, do you speak 3 languages? English....Portuguese and cat?
Amazing!...........Adeus KW

Anonymous said...

How fascinating stories of Vikings here! I laughed a lot. Actually I was thinking the same about Adam. He has lots of freckles in his sweet face. He is a genuine Viking prince. I´d love to see him in a film. He´s an actor as well after all. Adam the Valentino!! Women would faint, I would.


Anonymous said...

Ah, what a joy to find this thread!

Thank you KW!

Still laughing and smiling.....


Anonymous said...

Singnings will begin when Author Returns
from world tour.

The Critic must be hiding in shame. We will forgive him.
We are kind and gentle souls.


Anonymous said...

@KW, Oh what sweet dreams I'll have tonight! Just read Adam the Pirate and my imagination is working overtime! We need a little trash in our lives to keep us well rounded individuals! Time to hide the red pencil from your discerning literary critic! He needs us to bring a little levity into his life! Let us know what we can do to legalize same sex marriage in your state. We glamberts can move mountains! lol I do hope that will soon be a possibility for you and all others. Looking like Sawyer is indeed a compliment. Bet you make a stunning couple! Have a safe trip! We'll miss you and will anxiously be awaiting your next bedtime story! Welcome KW's mom! You raised a fine gentleman that has a great sense of humour! What do think of Adam? We're really a harmless bunch on this site and it's all in good natured fun! funbunn40

Anonymous said...


We have all sort of taken KW (as well as Adam) under our wings to protect them...I often wonder if Leila reads these comments. I'm a nosy Mom, I would. Yesterday on another page I had an awakening and vowed to mend my ways. Sometimes I wonder just how harmless some of our comments are,some walk a narrow border-tastewise.

I was discussing it with my daughter and POW right between the eyes she let me have it. I always told my girls that old advice about gossip. Ask yourself the 3 questions: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?

Some lessons taught 40 years ago stuck with her.

Anonymous said...

However I do not consider KWs stories gossip. They are just fun. JAK