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Adam Lambert Talks Sophomore Album

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, March 19, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thanks Eva for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Don't lose your theatrics Adam! That's what I love about you! MWAH!! K

Anonymous said...

Must agree wih U. Love the over the top stuff he does! Oh hell I LOVE everything HE does!!!!


Anonymous said...

"This is all about love"! Adam, your are amazing person. You have golden heart. I never will tired to repeat it.
Love you, sunshine<3
Wish they will put this video on the line

LP said...

Hope he doesn't change too much, but I can see the change in him since he met Sauli, he has even gone more natural with his make up. I am sure one of his songs will be about him finding his viking.Hope he does some good dance music.

Anonymous said...

The comment I posted above is about Charitywater video:)
Like everybody said, Adam we love over the top, we love theatrical Adam, because like Simon Cowell said to Randy, "to complain that Adam performances too theatrical, same as to complain that cow MOOO!" This is hilarious comment and this is the truth!

Anonymous said...

That's what I love Adam Lambert, he is not sticking in one direction. Surprises is his cup of tea indeed and I can't wait for the next tour. From the first TOUR, he showed outrageous move and style and I loved it. For the next one he will show his fans his true feelings of the song and sincerity. I don't really mine at all if this is less than before because I love him as a whole..............

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Less campy I think will appeal to a broader range of people. Glad to hear he is creating more music!
Oh that mouth - lucky are the people he dates lol

Anonymous said...

Whatever Adam does I know it will be perfect. He is always changing things up but I don't think he will ever leave his theatrical side entirely. Especially when doing a tour because he is so passionate when singing no matter what genre of song. Cannot wait for the next album. In the meantime I have been enjoying the glamnation cd/dvd, reliving that fantastic summer!

Anonymous said...

Anon above, I think you hit the nail right on the head. I think he is now trying to appeal to a lot more. I always felt that once he reigned them in, they are there to stay. Kind of like us. No EXACTLY like us! I think that he will always change things up to benefit whatever the fans want. I think this is a smart direction though yes, I will miss it if he downplays it too much. He was and is such a showman. I hope he at least does it the way he wants to and I know he will.

daydreamin on a yucky Saturday morning...

Anonymous said...

don't get all serious on the next album. Have some fun and throw in a little sexy! all the ladies in the background? fun times!

Anonymous said...

My 20 year old thinks Fever is a great song and admires Adam's vocals on Aftermath. However, he said IIHY was the type of song they would only play in a gay bar. He just said this out of the blue when I put the cd on in the car. He doesn't really know much about Adam. He listens to classic rock, no rap or metal.
I hope Adam can get out of his niche a little bit to bring some songs for the younger crowd. It seems most of the clubs he visits are the gay ones. I would be happy to show him around some of the other ones! lol Again, this is not a criticism but just a comment with Adam's very best interests in mind, made from my real life experience.

Anonymous said...

glitter and flamboyance is in his blood and so is

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that Adam is working on his second album and is taking his time to put this one together. He has matured since his days on AI, with the GNT, life experiences and people he has met. So I assume this will reflect itself in his new music. Adam always likes to change things up including his style, his hair and now his music. I,too, believe he may be trying to appeal to a wider audience. It seems everytime I turn on the radio there is another song by Katy Perry, Pink, Gaga, etc. I would like to have heard several other cuts from Adam's first album released as singles. Maybe we will get that from the second one. Whatever he decides to do, I will still be a fan and can't wait for the fall when it will hopefully be released.

V. E. Rosswell said...

Adam has the chops to take it anywhere he wants to go. We're his lemmings, ready to go. We like his "theatrical," whatever that means and his antics are fine by us. (We've done worse.) But HE has class. Adam's FYE is a treasure that serves almost every mood. Ad astra, Adam!

Anonymous said...

@10:29 "It seems most of the clubs he visits are the gay ones."

Adam goes to gay bars...because he is gay. Just sayin.


Anonymous said...

I loved FYE and the Glam Nation was so much fun...don't stray too far BB...we love you just the way you are......

Anonymous said...

I agree 3/19 11:26am. I'm not sure 10:29 even realizes what is wrong with the line of thinking expressed in the comment. 10:29 tried to be very respectful and openminded, I see that and I say kudos, but there was still an underlying, IDK, negativity in the comment... and I think about how much Adam Lambert has to contend witht hat and I think hhhmmm too bad... but progress is progress, and this is such a happy item in this thread, so I guess I should just go with that.

Anonymous said...

At the risk of awakening "ageism" from the first notes from his golden throat I've been enchanted with this young man (I was gonna say boy, that really shows my age).

The potential for him to be one of the great voices of this generation made me wince when it appeared he was making a misstep careerwise. I agree he should make his own choices, but that didn't stop my "worrying" about him...I can't help it, thats what grandmothers do. Therefore I'm eager to see his growth and new direction.

I equate POP with FADS, all the rage temporarily then another and another have to come out to feed the masses and the "old" ones are forgotten. A classic song is sung by generations and always good music. Adam's voice demands and deserves classics.

That doesn't mean I don't listen to FYE daily!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:29 am

Just a may notice that even a whiff of possible criticism of Adam is met with a skeptic eye.

Also speaking from our real life experience can also get you in trouble on occasion.....I'm always in trouble, cause I do it a lot!!!!!

And your 20 year old son and my 50 year old daughter would be best buds....with her it's CLASSIC ROCK all the way. I bought her the best teeshirt it says I MAY BE OLD BUT I SAW ALL THE GREAT BANDS. She loves it and it's true, she did!

So, speak up, speak out, no ones gonna like everything you say and occasionally we suffer verbal stone throwing (I myself have been stoned) but nobody bites.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam is the new generation and I hope the younger ones below 18 can watch him freely for his next tour. Millions of under 18 are just waiting for him so much. Many of his fans were disappointed because they were not allowed to watch him from the first Glamnation Tour.

Mom from Toronto, Canada.....

Anonymous said...

You can sing the phone book and I would love it ! Where do I pre order your new album.

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is that Adam is dating Jesse Giddings and has been for a while now

Anonymous said...

Which street are you talking about? Pretty sure he is with Sauli.

Anonymous said...

OK. Who is this Jesse Giddings. More info please. :)

Anonymous said...

I hear Adam is bisexual and has been for awhile.

LP said...

@ 12:33
I think you are trying to start rumor, cuz Sauli is his chosen date, and Adam wouldn't cheat on him. That has been done to him and he knows how it hurts. He has been quite open that he is NOT bi.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again!!!!!!!!!He tells everything else why would he shy away from this "new truth"?

Anyway I'm here as The Town Crier......

KW has hinted there may be a Chapter III in the works..

Chapter I....Adam the Viking
Chapter II...Adam the Pirate
Chapter III..Adam the Sky King

More info available Adam Lambert Confirmed to Present page ....WAY at the bottom of comments.

The Dark Side said...

Who is this Jesse guy? Never heard of him, but that won't stop rumors. Also, got a laugh out of the Bi-sexual post. That's what the older rock stars always said, but you hardly every saw them except with women. They thought it gave them that Rock Star edge. Adam is Adam and he's not gona change, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Jesse Giddings is ugly and cockeyed, I don´t believe Adam switched Sauli to him....

Anonymous said...

Has a troll come for breakfast today?

Anonymous said...

for those who don't know Jesse, GOOGLE is your friend

Anonymous said...

Sauli sweetheart let me comfort you. My heart is full of you.

glitzylady said...

Looked up Jesse Giddings..He's a host for MuchMusic in Canada and went on a so-called "date" with Adam last year, for MuchMusic...for publicity purposes. He is also a musician, a model, and most important for information here: he is reportedly straight, not gay.....That's about it...The "date" was most likely the source of the "rumors" about them dating.. Jesse also asked Adam if he wanted to go to a hockey game before a concert in LA at some point..was supposed to be a Direct Message probably, but apparently went out to everyone..that happens ooops! Which of course added more fuel to the rumors. I can think of nothing more romantic than a hockey game....

Anonymous said...

I may just to have to laugh this time or what???????? C'mon now people tomorrow is the first day of spring, enjoy and rumors are rumors...


Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

I'm curious. Would the actual factual knowledge that ADAM LAMBERT ANNOUNCES HE'S BISEXUAL make his ever so devoted fangirls feel better or worse? Hmmmmmmmmmm? What difference is it going to make? It still isn't going to be you!

Too Bad So Sad-----------------NOSY

Anonymous said...

Adam looks more than perfect, love him, love his voice, love his 1st CD, love his 1st GNT, love everything of him!!!! Can't imagine what will be like in 2nd CD and next tour.....

Anonymous said...

bisexual NOT bi tendancies YES!

Anonymous said...

would Adam with a woman piss off his gay followers? I think so!

Anonymous said...

Adam was seen on Sunset Blvd. in a car with some blonde chick lookin' like Kesha. I couldn't tell!

Anonymous said...

Adam hangs in female strip clubs, hetero clubs, gay clubs, bi clubs, lesbian clubs, who cares? He goes where there is a good drink and music!

Anonymous said...

Adam has a bi mouth. the word keeps coming out of it!:-) ***

Anonymous said...

If that's the case then I think I saw him at the VFW Hall and Hooters and The White House The Lions Club The Moose Hall and "Oh my gosh I think that might have been him at my grandson's apartment last month!"........JAK

Anonymous said...

that's right @ 2:46 you couldn't tell just show the proof before saying anything more !!!!!! indeed. True or not it's only Adams business....

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

he was at the Pink Pony in Georgia back in the summer of 2010 and tipped well.

Anonymous said...

I think I saw him chugging down a guinness or someone that looked like him anyway.

Anonymous said...

what in the hell is The Moose Hall? is where Moose hang out? chuckle

Anonymous said...

Adam has bi mouth with bi tendancies and bi hands that keep wanting to touch bisexuals. KMA#

Anonymous said...

Mom from Toronto

I so don't want Adam watered down to insipid family friendly. When I was growing up, adult entertainment was for adults and my parents exposed us to adult entertainment (i.e. jazz, classical, theater, broadway, movies, nightclubs, humor). It was looked up to for its sophistication. Thus, children can be trusted to rise to the occasion with something to aspire to. I don't want Adam to dummy down to anyone just to please or broaden an audience. I think those GNT performances where there were very few children in the audience (i.e. Louisville, Amsterdam) were among his best because he was freed up to be himself.

From descriptions Adam has given so far I haven't a clue as to what he will be singing. I also think the more you listen to FYE, the more interesting and sophisticated it gets. I love flamboyant, campy Adam. I also love blues singing Adam. No one can sing pain or rage like he can. People relate to him on an emotional level. If the material he sings is too upbeat (unless it is campy), that could get shallow and boring. The one comment he made that did get my attention was "moody". I was hoping for "dark", but he's not said that lately. He did say he had to refer to his journal notes to get back into the dark stuff, cause (I'm assuming) he's in a very happy place right now. Wonderful for this 29 year old's real life. I don't know how it will work for his music.

I want to hear Adam sing great songs. (Hope he's taking care of that voice.) Yes, classics, new classics. I wish the profession of song writer would come back into style. Heard the big push for artists to write own music is because the music industry gets a financial bargain--2 for the price of one if the artist writes own music. I'm sick of the formula driven approach to pop music. The stuff on the radio sucks.

If Adam goes more in the direction of classic rock, why is he not writing, jamming with his own band?!! That is how that gets done. Whole process mystifies me. Producers and DJ/remixers seem to have become way too important, eclipsing the artists who can actually sing or play an instrument.

I do trust Adam's judgment, though. So far he has not let us down. He is very sophisticated.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Jesse has been seen with adam numerous times in hollywood according to twitter sources and no, he's not straight

he's in toronto for work but has been flying down to L.A when he's free to see Adam

Sauli has never been Adam's bf, even Adam himself bereted the tabloid media a while back for inventing his social life by assuming that Sauli was his boyfriend

I know that the truth hurts but a dose of reality check sometimes is necessary esp here

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I have to agree in part with 10:29 am. (Hiding behind the shield for the throw of rocks..)
I am a straight female but I go to gay bars as well as straight bars and both are fun. However, the music they play is quite different.
I think Adam really wants a career that has music played in a variety of places and clubs so he should get out there and experience the variety. It does not mean he would change himself at all or not be true to himself.

Anonymous said...

I like Sauli so I was quite annoyed at the thought of this Jesse guy, so I spent some time on google and everywhere it says he is not gay, even wikipedia. The biggest thing that they can come up with is that he asked if Adam wanted to watch a hockey game.

Anonymous said...

Hey, let's stop all this talk about Adam's sexuality, whether he is this or that. It should be all about the music with him, his vocal talent. All these comments, gossip, lies will be the stuff that "ruins" his career. Let the man write his music and focus on that for this second album . All this other nonsense and speculation is a waste of time and space.

Anonymous said...

Sauli forget Adam and Jesse and be with me. I wouldn't go to watch a hockey game with any one else but you.

Anonymous said...

Sense and Creativity Unlimited!
You saw it!


Anonymous said...

Thought Adam's sexuality a dead issue couple of years back. Anyone remember Rolling Stone story where he said he didn't think it would come as a surprise to hear he is gay. Guess he is still surprising people.

Anonymous said...

This thread upsets me. Adam's personal life is just that, personal. He said he was dating just one guy. He has repeated several times he is gay. He also has been outspoken and honest, even with his fans, remember " get a life of your own" tweet??????
I have been in a business setting most of my life, as a bookkeeper, and around all sorts of people. My husband & I owned our business for 30 years. You have to have contact with every walk of life. Adam is taking care of Adam, he is nobody's fool. Just because he is seen with someone (male or female)(gay or staight) does not change who he is.
Some of these comments are out of order.


Anonymous said...

Adam said in Rolling stone he is a gay bicurious man. KMA##

Anonymous said...

Hot chicks behind Adam. He should let them stroke his nice hair and caress his chest. mmmmm

glitzylady said...

@anon 3:43 PM
Ultimately, the only person and source of information that I will actually 100% believe is Adam Lambert himself. When and if he chooses to talk about his BF, his relationship with some other human being, is up to him. Every time he is seen with some other guy or sometimes, girl, the rumors start up. Most of it is just plain laughable. The gossip rags recently tried to link him to Perez Hilton, Adam's good friend and co-writer of Aftermath Ferras, Kesha, this guy Jessie, and others, and of course Sauli, which at least from the looks of it, seems plausible..The bottom line is, whatever makes Adam happy is all that matters..I feel that Adam is extremely fortunate that his family and close friends say nothing about his private life. May that continue. The rumors, the gossip, etc. will continue to fly as long as Adam is in the public eye, and also until he publicly talks about any relationships he might have. I would guess he is rather amused by it all, because it probably helps to distract people from whatever is actually going on in his personal life.

@Anon 4:26 PM
I rather think that some of the comments you are seeing above were written to irritate and provoke us..You are so right, speculation re Adam's sexuality gets old . He has said that he is gay many, many times so pretty sure he is right about that, since he would be the one to know.! He did kind of set himself up with his "bi-curious" comments in interviews awhile back. Does not mean that IS he bi-sexual tho, and he has also said he is not that.. And YES, soooo looking forward to his new music!!!

Icon said...

Hey, aunts and uncles, if you are interested in my «P.P.R.R. - PING PONG RESCUE REPORT», mommy Fan4fun said I should come here and tell you that «Part 4» is posted in that long thread Adam Lambert Spotted at «Bebe: The After Party»...
Sorry but mommy said it's getting late, I'm too young yet and that now it's time for me to eat something, brush my teeth, pee and go to bed.
We couldn't see any big moon tonigth in Azores, the sky's full of clouds and it's raining...
:( Meawwwwmmmm!

Anonymous said...


You are probably fighting a losing battle. Adam's sexual orientation is of greater interest than his career in most cases. All the fans admire his vocal talent but he's so darn good looking and unattainable that almost any comment about Adam's sex appeal snowballs downhill at an alarming rate of speed. Most of it is considered harmless fun, but I'm wondering would Adam find it funny? He has a delightful sense of humor that we all admire but would he find speculation about his PERSONAL LIFE amusing?

I've tried to think back over what I've said, I hope it wasn't in poor taste because from the first he reminded me so much of my adored grandson that I wished I could replace the grandmother he lost and selfishly gain another wonderful young man to love. I am so filled with joy at his fantastic talent I wanted so much for him to be successful. And of course he will be. I think most of us just get carried away and try to top each others joke.

Your statement "Some of these comments are out of order" shook some sense into me and I will be careful to THINK before I speak. Thanks for reminding me to be kind..........JAK

Anonymous said...

Looking gorgeous Adam...cannot wait for your next album..whatever mode it is..go for look stunning

Anonymous said...

some of nosy fans here aren't learn anything at all. It's Adams business and if you really a true fan, just let it be and just be supportive of him instead of spreading negative thoughts.

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

He is bicurious and he is sticking to it!

Anonymous said...

I never worry about how other people talk about Adam, who cares. All I care is Adam and his music that bring me lots of joy and happiness.

Anonymous said...

WTF!!! Thought this was about Adam's new musical thoughts, but once again, everyone is trying to live Adam's life.

Someone said they don't believe anything unless Adam says it, and I'm going with that. Everything else is garbage. BTW, he is gay--not bi--GAY. He likes DICK, so please get over it and move on.

Looking forward to anything creative Adam does. I trust his artistry.

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady- kudos to you, you said it perfectly! i feel some people here might be new fans (which is a good thing ) and maybe don't know all that us veterans (so to speak) know about Adam. Off- topic- got the new DVD TODAY- played it 3 times already and loved it. Just wish he didn't put in that kiss to Tommy ( I loved it) but my mother and many others I'm trying to recruit probably won't ( I'm buying them all a copy) Back on topic (many topics here tonight) I think Adam will go in a different direction with his next album and that's O.K. I LOVE all sides to him but it is crucial to hit the masses here in U.S. on the next album.


Anonymous said...

One of the spiritual leaders (I forget who, maybe the Dalai lama) of our day said "Whenever possible, be kind. It is always possible"

Anonymous said...

I guess as long as Adam is happy with his career, his friends, and his relationships, that is all that is important and matters to him. Once he was put into the spot light with AI, it was the end of a private life. And, of course, with the GNT, more people became curious about him and there was some speculation, gossip,and negative comments written about him. And the papparazzi came out! Only Adam knows the truth and he usually tries to set the story straight if something is so outrageous as to be harmful or an absolute lie. I guess all this comes with the territory of being a celebrity and with the popularity of social media, nothing is private or personal for very long. Hopefully the good will outweigh the negative and Adam can continue to write his music, to entertain his fans, to enjoy his family and friends and to have the best life possible with lots of happpiness and love.

Anonymous said...

I give up. This used to be one of my favorite sites, full of Adam love. But lately , there has been a lot of incorrect info, and vulgar fan fiction, and trolling. As well as the load of crap above.

Adam is gay. Anybody that can't accept it needs to grow the f*ck up! And get over it. He's not bi. He's a gay man.

Yes, he's mind numbingly gorgeous and tremendously attractive because of his talent and inner and outer beauty to us females. But he's GAY. Get over it. Sheesh!

Gay men can and do have straight friends.Just like everybody else.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I just got hot when people make some comments just to rile some of us up. Usually I don't make a comment. Adam said RS took his words and added comments of their own. I also went to see about Jessie Giddings, and the "date" was with two fans that won a date with Adam. They even had pictures of Adam picking them up. It is no secret he tried things with females, just wasn't for him. Kissing after a few drinks, yes, because he likes to kiss.
My out of line comment went to him being with this guy or that guy, making it sound like he just goes with anyone. AND I know, by what he has said, that it is not true. He has been so busy, he said his personal life was nil.

@JAK: My goodness you don't affend. You always have good things to say and have opinions, which are well taken. You are always kind and I know Adam makes us all have naughty thoughts, at times.

Here I tried to cool @Delilah5 down, and I go and spout off today. Guess I didn't take my own advice and read between the lines.


Anonymous said...

Adam needs to hit masses now with next moves to gain some longevity and quite frankly if this means he needs to dumb down his glam antics a bit this is fine for me. Is this selling out. No because for me once he has people hooked then he will be free to let artistic licence flow more. I think Adam is so talented that I want him to gain this mass appeal - i love his glam stuff - but overall he is far superior to just this.

Anonymous said...

Totally right 8:27. It is a sad fact to us straight females that lots of gay men are gorgeous creating so many fag hags or fruit flies as Adam calls them.

Adam has an amazing personality, and as he has stated, he has many different groups of friends. He's also said he's not a "needy friend" so he's basically a popular guy. Who wouldn't want to spend time with him?

Anonymous said...

oh, I love the trolls on this site and some of you guys make it so much more fun for them.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to gain music-loving fans who admire his artistry and voice and I think he wants to achieve this in his next CD. Hope he will show us what is his music all about. People who mainly concentrate on his sexuality or rumor will never able to fully understand what a magnificent talent singer he is. It is a shame that we do have those people here!

Anonymous said...

I dont care Adam gay or problem for me.coz ilove his voice,personality,his music amazing....I love Adam forever

Anonymous said...

Adam's unfiltered honesty can be a double edged sword. He chooses to be an open book in everything else but his private life is the exception. As it should be.

As fans, here is where we can show Adam the utmost respect -- by honoring his desire to keep his personal life private and not go on debating or ranting about his sexual preferences, lifesyle etc.

Let's just continue to be estatic about his MUSIC and his commitment on making songs "from his heart".

Yes, he is one smart cookie. He knows he needs to appeal to a greater diverse audience. He will achieve that with his next cd -- because that is Adam's vision.

Something SPECTACULAR is in the works that Adam is perculating now -- he already told us that his has a "few tricks up his sleeve".

Adam will be "keeping us informed" about his new CD work - cuz he is so excited about it!!

He is making GREAT music (from a recent Tweet he sent) --

Heck -- that one Tweet said it all for me!!!


Anonymous said...

The YOUNG KING looks and sounds breathtaking AS ALWAYS!!!

Anonymous said...

It seems trolls are out to play today, inventing utter nonsense. Take a hike on your trike/s.

Anonymous said...

There is no Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny or bisexual Adam lambert. Time to get over it and leave the poor guys sex life alone, as well as having him sleeping with whomever he happens to be seen. I used to go out with boys/young men that were just friends, no romance], just similiar interests. I'd go to the theatre or movies with one, jazz club with another, and one was my book buddy. I doubt if everyone that has gone out with a member of the opposite sex has always been romantically involved. Adam has a lot of friends, male and female and the bi comments are just to push buttons or there's serious denial. Glitzylady echoed my thoughts and put it so well. Sauli seems the most likely one that seems to interest Adam, but it's his business and hope he'll be left alone to pursue love as he chooses, without media or fans ruining it with false rumours. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Yes trolls take a hike, goodnight. We were discussing Adam's next album not his sexuality. It's all about his beautiful voice and the charismatic entertainer that he will always be.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert's voice does things to my mind, I can listen to him talk or sing all time of day or night, I am under his spell since day one and nothing else matters to me anymore, I can't wait for his secound album,he is a creative artist and he can do no wrong, Last years experience has made him more aware of his new direction in music, so I am happy for him, I think this will help him gain mass appeal..indigo

Anonymous said...

Posting here for the first! Anyway, I think some Adam's fans are in denial. This is a guy that lurks on twitter according to him, very opened about his life and always quick to take to the twitter to shoot down any unfounded rumor about him. Above it all, he has recently said his sexuality and preferences is a lifestyle thing that must be openly lived - ET Can.
He is with Sauli definitely. His wiki page has been amended to include this fact. And just yesterday, he still took to Twitter to thank an Aussie radio for the special they did about him that included his love life. It's surprising that despite all these evidences, loads of his fans are still in denial. I guess some fans don't actually know the man they Stan.

Anonymous said...

During the time I had a good night sleep (with my Ida-the-ladycat) you started a civil war here about Adams bi-thing... I´ve read history about the great glam rocker David Bowie who changed his style and music from glam to more rockish. Many fans were terrifyed but got used to it afterwards. Bowie was just honest to himselves and did what heart told to to. It is thye same with Adam. Whatever he does comes from his heart. And I will love it!!!
Love and hugs to everyone here on the site! (Ida-the-ladycat says hi to Icon and waits the 4. part of the rescue story!!)

Sanni with a cup of morning coffee

Fan4fun said...

@ Sanni

Tell your cat Ida that P.P.R.R. - Part 4 is already posted in that same thread. Icon is preparing part 5 and the Epilog, but he's a little confused with his many notes and his emotions (all happened over a week ago by now). But today is Church's day and he said he will refresh his memory talking to the priest!

Anonymous said...

I'll tell Ida. Love Sanni

Anonymous said...

I could care less who he is sleeping with. people need to quit obsessing over it. so childish.

Anonymous said...

He needs to quit talking about women if he isn't interested. Bi mouth needs to stay shut. my opinion on it.

Anonymous said...


Woke up this am to a fun read. My oh my a hornet's nest was stirred up on this page. I LOVE IT dissent always turns me on. I've always regretted that I was in college in the Mild 50s and missed the turbulent student rioting of the 60s (I so wanted to be a HIPPIE) I would have marched, painted a flower on my cheek and carried a sign (any sign).....except maybe one for FREE LOVE....I was a card carrying virgin till my wedding night...I EARNED that white gown! The hard way...abstinance. Now THAT shows strength of will....or fear (no birth control pills in those day).

Anyway, there I go getting personal again, I'm sorry.....THANKS for the rousing Sunday wake up. I love you all, even the troublemakers! JAK

Anonymous said...

I was still a virgin after my wedding night! go figure?

Anonymous said...

@ kentucky fan,

Just to let u know that I took my 15 years old daughter at Adams concert here in Toronto and she was stunned and amazed of Adams voice and charisma.
She told to her friends that she enjoyed the concert and her friends responded they were not allowed to watch him because of what he does on stage........... That's the fact and pathetic

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Mom from Toronto

Yes it's a sad fact, but I didn't let my daughter go to R rated films and SOME of Adam's concerts were OTT sexually. I hope he can hit a happy medium on next tour so his younger fans can go. They love him too, but I wouldn't want to explain his oral love affair with his mic. JM

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:26 pm

The Moose Lodge was a men's club. They may have disbanded when Sarah Palin and her shotgun came on the scene. JAK


You are new to me...welcome...Is that indigo for the color blue? or for the fantastic old song "Mood Indigo"? If Adam ever sang that knees would melt all over the country. Mine first. JAK

Anonymous said...

a new album in the new year? moodi moana :-)~

glitzylady said...

Re younger fans at Adam's concert: He was good about tailoring his shows for the venue. I was a the LA Nokia show and that one was a little bit (ahem..) risque, the Finale anyway (the mic, etc..) and a few more along those lines. However, I did have family and friends, including two pre-teens, who were at the 10,000 seat venue Puyallup Fair show in WA state in Sept. (one of his largest US gigs) and it was very PG. I knew he would be very "family friendly" for that one, as it was an "all ages" show. We all loved it, from ages 8 to 60 or more in our "group". It really depends a lot on whether it is an over "21 only" or "all ages" show. Hopefully the next time around more younger fans will get the chance to go..

Anonymous said...


Unfortunately ( or fortunately ) the risque shows live on in the fan videos we see on the computor (think Amsterdam) and when parents see those super sensual "frisky" shows they feel uncertain about the performance they might see.

I talked with my now grown daughter about it and she just rolled her eyes and said "Mom, concerts are almost always raunchy".

I'm glad my kids are grown...less decisions for me to make...JM

Anonymous said...

anything with the name Moose Lodge needs to be disbanded. really pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Do BEARS hang at the MOOSE Lodge???

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:27 pm

Just a question, does "vulgar fan fiction" refer to the KW Adam the Viking and Adam the Pirate short short entries?

I didn't see anything vulgar in them, he's careful to use no smut and never implies that Adam's sexual orientation is questioned. He has on many occasions berated us firmly but humorously about not accepting Adam's declaration. He likes and admires Adam's
gift and I think Adam would, as we do, enjoy the silliness. We're having fun in the company of friends and expressing in a silly way that Adam is our hero! JAK

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:52 pm

No, I think DRUNKS do!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My younger son, age 10, learned all the POP stuff, Katy and Gaga half naked in vids, Enimem "F" the whole song and rap in school, they talked "R" in class among themselves. As a parent, I guide them, tell them what is right and to take responsibility for their own actions, give them proper education on those sensitive topics with some control over their internet service at home. So far it's working fine. I have been bombarding my whole family with Adam's CD for over a year, when the DVD come, we can watch altogether. Sometimes, my older one will show me some silly stuff that he think its cool on the net.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:19 ohhh really?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to get drunk in a MOOSE lodge. that's for damn sure!

glitzylady said...

@JM 12:46 PM
Yes, I understand about the decisions to be made..we also did not immediately decide that the younger ones would be going and they are also big fans of Adam (surprise....) ...It is definitely a family decision that each one needs to make on their own, based on what they feel is appropriate. The two girls also met Monte and Tommy, by the way, which was very exciting for them (and me too!!!). Tommy was especially sweet to was Monte..Just as an aside, I went to 6 Glam nation shows throughout its run, and the only one remotely risque was the final LA show at the Nokia..The others were PG, and some didn't even contain "The Kiss".

Anonymous said...

I thought everyone settled in to the fact of who Adam is.Now over two years later people are discussing it again.It's none of my business or yours.The only thing I care about is his beautiful voice,the attention he gives his fans,and the kindness he shows.And his beautiful looks.His personal life is just that.Personal.

Anonymous said...

as long as there is a good communication and understanding between parents and kids we don't have to worry. Our kids generation are more extreme with these new technology and what they are seeing on televisionn, movies and games. This is the reality of life and we can't ignore what is going on. We just have to be open minded and trust our kids. Remember our kids go to school and learn lots of stuff at early age. Adams performance and style is not a crime it's only the taste of people if they want to enjoy it or ignore it.

He is a true artist who can deliver anything on the stage..........

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

8:24--ya mean Adam can't talk about women because that makes him bi. LMAO Get real.

Anonymous said...

he says he is bicurious, so he needs to test his curiosity. all talk and no action is what they mean.

Anonymous said...

If I'm bicurious about being with a woman, I'm gonna at least try it out. Adam is getting cold feet. Test out the waters.

Anonymous said...

If you're curious about how fast a sports car goes, you jump in and give it a TEST run. He needs to TEST IT OUT. if ya know what I mean! wink wink

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i love how one little comment makes everybody have this long conversation about adams sexuality, personal life yada, yada. I read all of it and found it very entertaining.
I think some of you are taking this way too seriously. Were fans... so why can't be curious... that's Adam's role as an entertainer.... to get us talking, confused, curious, crazy etc.
I love adam <33333 and im a big fan! Thats all that matters.
Every fan has a right to their own opinion.

Anonymous said...

just ignore these none sense and ridiculous people who just want to be notice........

You can't break the true fans indeed. You are all shallow and full of crap indeed.

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Whatever Adam does musically, I'll buy it -- he's amazing! The only problem is, we have to wait until this fall!

Anonymous said...

anon 6:12 you are an intelligent one and thank you for that. you get it!

Anonymous said...

It's all entertaining here and I'm sitting back having a good laff!

Anonymous said...

Adam has said his fruit flies are gorgeous!

Bing said...

I loooooooooove FYE and has always been saying that for a debut album FYE IS TRULY REMARKABLE, with all the great materials in it. GNT wouldn't have been possible without FYE. But i'm really excited about this second album with all the changes in it.

Adam is business savvy and must have taken a lot of things into consideration with his second project.

It doesn't matter to me anymore should he choose to dial it down since he has already proven his versatility to all of us. Most importantly Adam is creative enough to make beautiful music of different kinds.

I am flabbergasted at how Adam would always come up with the best covers of any song. And i would remind myself that of course he can do that simply because ADAM is A BRILLIANT VOCAL MASTERCLASS and the CONSUMMATE ENTERTAINER! I trust Adam and i know in my heart that he also wants longevity in the music industry which will require him to make some necessary adjustments without sacrificing his artistry.

Good luck to you Adam! Please stay healthy and safe all the time :)

@indigo it's been a while since i last saw you here. Hope you'll visit us more often. Glad to read your post :)


Anonymous said...

My mothers elder sister moved to the US in the 1950´s. Her first letter to Finland was full of comments about a "young naughty hip shaking dude called Elvis with black leather outfit!" The stage act was outrageous to many.

So now we have another naughty hip shaking dude called Adam in our hands... Hot Hot burning hot!
As somebody said Lady Gaga, Madonna etc are full of sexual energy onstage and they certainly are no scout girls! So our Adam´s stage acts with his mic and kissing Tommy are the same. Young kids are used to that kind of stuff. They understand it is just entertainment, a show. No need to cover their eyes.


Anonymous said...

Adam does has some pretty gorgeous fruitflies.

Anonymous said...

No sugar coating it here MEGAsarcASTIca^-^*~~~~~~

Anonymous said...


A new virus has attacked droves of the middle aged and elderly that has caused concern amongst the younger generation. It's symptoms manifest itself as constant and unrelenting desire for anything relating to the Superstar Adam Lambert.

No immediate cure has been found and there are
dangerous side effects and high fevers. If life threatening illness occurs, call 911 or Adam@902-l00-WLL

US Dept. of Contagious Diseases

Anonymous said...

Kentucky fan, thanks for your excellent comment!