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Adam Lambert's "SLEEPWALKER" #6 on Germany's mainstream radio chart!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, March 27, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, March 27, 2011

Adam Lambert's new single "SLEEPWALKER" moves up to #6 on Germany's mainstream radio chart this week. It was #12 last week. It has been on the chart for 6 weeks!

Source: German Radio Charts

Thanks to @BeckPatrick and Adam Lambert News Network!


Anonymous said...

Damn! Sleepwalker is going to be a Global hit! Is the German release sleepwalker a live version of GNT? Anyone know? The European definitely has a better taste of music.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well , Adam is at #6 and moving U.K. crush is at #2 I'm FEELING GOOD!JAK

adamluv said...

Love looking at this list. No bieber, katy perry, rihanna, gaga, and all the rest that are played non stop here in the US. Good for you Germany!!!! . . . Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

Yes! Looks like Sleepwalker has legs even without promotion. Way to go Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Got to thank Germany now for loving Adam so much. I have now thanked quite a few countries who realize what a true talent Adam is. I wish the U.S. would sit up and take notice. Sleepwalker could have been a big hit here with a video and promotion. I know Adam's time is being very well spent on album #2 which I feel will sky rocket to stardom everywhere. Get ready everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

adams 1st Album was a rushed preperation and it was a big hit around the globe.....

The 2nd album will give us an electrifying experience and for sure Adam will get more bigger venues for this. A hint is something big already when he mention that the second album has a rock edge....

So excited can't wait for the tour.....

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Please keep requesting the Billboard Aftermath Remix to your local radio stations, especially the Kiss affiliates. If it's not played then it's not played, but let's show our interest in hearing it nonetheless!

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam will still want to play the smaller venues on his next tour.

Anonymous said...

Good news from Germany as well! Absolutely excellent idea to make a single of the Sleepwalker. Yesterday morning as I turned the radio on, there it was! The man on the radio said: "And now Adam Lambert's Sleepwalker, among the best of the week!" Yes! They play it every day and several times! I love the song more and more every day! Sanni

Anonymous said...

My 5:54 was about charts in Finland. Sanni =D

Anonymous said...

@5:54 so glad that they play Sleepwalker a lot in Finland. You are so lucky. At least even though it is not played in the U.S. Adam's beautiful voice is being heard in other wonderful countries.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for Adam that all these other countries love his music. Thank you to all other countries.

I am so sad with the millions of people in US that Adam isn't as popular yet. I know, I know things are getting better here. Adam is breaking ground. Hope 2nd album sells millions.

Anonymous said...

I'm so pleased Sleepwalker is doing well in Germany. :) It' an awesome song. There was a rumour going around a few weeks ago that Sleepwalker was going to be released in Australia but sadly not so in the RW. :(

Anonymous said...

^Oops ... I meant ... It's an awesome song.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Sleepwaker is #6 in Germany, GNL is #5 in Australia! I can't wait to get the results of GNL the first week sales
Congradulations, Adam! I am so happy for you.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

JAK!!!!!!!!!!!You shock me you have a crush on someone other than Adam?????????How dare you!

Anonymous said...


I just don't seem to be able to convince ANYONE that my love and affection for Adam is MATERNAL!

Now James Blunt is a different story,,,totally "MY TYPE"....Pale, bony,occasionally scruffy looking,smart,English,(graduate of Sandhurst and veteran of the war in Kosovo)..........My affection for him is decididly different. He wakes up what few hormones I have left!!!!!!!!!JAK

Anonymous said...

Maybe I should explain that my husband was not "MY TYPE" he was too good looking but I forgave that and married him anyway.

Some years ago my daughter came home from seeing Good Will Hunting and said "I just saw Dad in a movie....a kid named Ben Affleck". I have wedding picture you see, not my type! But he's been quite satisfactory. JAK

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam wasn't my type. If I don't stop watching this DVD daily, I'm going to turn into a Sleepwalker. I have raccoon eyes from lack of sleep.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Nancy zzzzzzzz
Husband is not thrilled!

Bing said...

It thrills me to know that people in Germany do have excellent taste as well that they can appreciate Adam's brand of music. I am so proud of you Adam and it can't be denied anymore that you are indeed a global star! People around the world may not be as crazy and invested as we are but you have definitely made your mark in the international world of entertainment.

Anonymous said...

And again this morning while listening to our best music channel NRJ and their morning show "morning boys Anssi and Renne" it happened! Renne, a very tough looking and sounding guy announced three (3) times that next we´ll hear Adam Lambert´s Sleepwalker. Renne just came home to Finland from the US. He spent a week in Brooklyn, New York City and told us some interesting views about the visit.

Hey and Adam is definely my type! My homones say grrrrrrrr when I look at him!!!

Adam was again in my dream last night. A group of very jealous men surrounded him. They could not bear his fame and popularily among women. They tried to push him down to the ground. Adam looked at me, winked his eye and said "It´s all right, I can handle this ok". I caressed his cheek and gave him an encouraging smile and left.

Anonymous said...

He He! Up there in my 1:28 AM should read: My hormones say.. (not HOMOnes, which is quite nice too..)

Anonymous said...

I visited Adamtopia yesterday and there someone told that a DJ had thrown the playlist out the window and played WLL from Fantasy Springs on the radio! He also told peeps to get horizontal before listening. I think that is so great! So DJ:s have been growing balls now. How about that?


Anonymous said...

Oh Sanni, you lucky girl with your Adam dreams. I have just once dreamt about a famous american and that was President Carter. Well he was great but my "homones" didn´t rush and grrrrrred.


Anonymous said...

Eva Wouldn't it be amazing to have more DJ's like that. Do you know what radio station and DJ it was? Let's keep requesting Aftermath remix on the radio. It can't hurt. Saw Q102 actually has it on the media request list!

Anonymous said...

@5:46 AM
Sorry, I don´t know what station it was. I went back to check just that, but it didn´t say. Indeed it would be amazing with more DJ:s with balls and guts. And WLL from Fantasy Springs is not even on a released record, so to play that song is amazing.


Anonymous said...

If you want to try to sing Sleepwalker, here is the background music and some black and white pics of our man:


Anonymous said...

Eva !!!!!!!!!! PRESIDENT CARTER?

I'm gonna have to teach you how to pre-program your dreams.

I did admire his honesty...ever the faithful husband...he did admit to having "lusted in his heart!" in an interview while he was President.

Anonymous said...

JAK, I don´t know who programmed my dreams. I don´t remember what the dream was about. I just remember Jimmy Carter being very nice indeed. I wasn´t born when he was president so it must have been something else that triggered this. Perhaps the Nobel Price a few years back.
Geeez, now we are way out of line. Sorry, folks! Just skip this!
I wish I could share Sannis dream world and fool around with Adam.


Anonymous said...

I am loving this string, even though it's totally off-topic!! :)

I dream of Adam quite often. The difference, however, is I'm not asleep. Hubba-hubba!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix !!!!!!!!!!

Hubba Hubba? I haven't heard that since the 40's
.....not my 40's the 1940's ! That made me laugh, thanks, just read the People Mag. above slam of Adam and I was steaming. lol JAK

Anonymous said...

Let's ressurect "hubba hubba". Dust it off, prop it back up -it's hilarious! Beyonce even uses it in her "video phone" song...maybe that's why it popped in my head! :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@ Eva, You made my day, relating the DJ playing WLL! Wish there were more like him! @ JAK, I'm trying to keep my feelings maternal, but it's a struggle! I have better luck viewing Adam as a beautiful work of art to keep me grounded in reality! haha I remember how creepy it was to have older men hitting on me when I was younger! funbunn40