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Charitywater Thanks Adam Lambert and Fans For Donation

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, March 19, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, March 19, 2011

from northern Ethiopia: thank you, Adam Lambert and fans. from charity: water (special donors) on Vimeo.

In January 2011, Adam Lambert gave up his 29th birthday and asked for donations instead of gifts -- he shattered mycharity: water records and with his dedicated fans, raised more than $290,000, all for clean water projects.

Thank you, Adam Lambert and your incredible community of support.


Anonymous said...

What a genuine and sincere thanks from charitywater to Adam, especially in that it was filmed in a country that is actually benefiting from all of our donations. Gave me a big ol' smile. Once again, I'm proud to be an Adam fan.

Anonymous said...

Adam is all for charity. I voted for adam on mtv march music madness green day vs. adam lambert, have you voted? vote many time keep on clicking "return to poll" and vote until they block you but you could go back after few hours. poll ended end of march.

Anonymous said...

Less than $3,000 from $300,000 with 22 days left. I hope this inspires additional giving and we reach that milestone. It is such a worthy cause. I'm so happy Adam drew his fans attention to it. This vid makes me so proud. As a mostly "lurking" Glambert just had to comment.

Anonymous said...

So proud of Adam and all us glamberts that helped reach this incredible milestone. Adam's generous heart spilled over to his fans and now so many have clean water. This was a wonderful thank you from the charity water org.

Anonymous said...

good job everyone and more to come. We celebrate this accomplishment and more power to all the fans around the world.........

Peace and love...

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful, heartfelt video from this fellow.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thank you to Adam and all his devoted fans who donated to this cause. Yes, one person can make a difference. All Adam had to do was ask for the donations on his birthday, and all the fans came through above and beyond the initial goal. I think that Adam could ask his fans for just about anything and they would contribute whatever they could to the cause or project.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:07

Nothing wrong with this type of lurking.Lurk away.

Joining in these charity drives give me a feeling of community, a world community. Little by little I'm adding organizations to my yearly must give list. My husband who has never questioned me about our charity budget in 54 years finally asked me (after this year's taxes) "How many charities do we give to and why?

I started my list with Habitat For Humanity for obvious reason,Boys Town,World Wildlife Fund(because I want my greatgrandchildren to be able to see Live polar bears, St. Jude's Hosp.,Operation Smile cause it makes my heart glow that one child everyyear will have cleft palate repaired and face life with a lovely smile
Heifer International (cause Susan Sarandon told me to) on and on and on, now I've added Donors Choose because I was one of those teachers who spent a good portion of my monthly salary to buy my students what they needed and now Charitywater because I thank God everytime I take my two showers a day. My husband finally said "STOP" I trust your judgement, we're still solvent".

I've never really went along with the old saying "Give Till It Hurts" the more I give the better and betterer I feel.

I don't want to leave anyone with the idea that perhaps we could do these things because "THEY HAVE MONEY" as I said I was a teacher for only 20 years after my kids grew up and my husband was a grocery store manager....just folks!


Anonymous said...

I love being part of such a passionate and giving community as the Glamberts! Adam inspires in so many ways.

What fun to see all the people in the video. It really grounds the giving in reality.


Anonymous said...

Forgive me

I forgot my first ever charity...The Salvation Army cause they fed and sheltered my dad during a cold winter in Chicago when he was a 16 year old abused runaway in 1924!

On the other hand the main drawback to giving to a variety of charities is I now have 563,212 return address labels!..........JAK

Anonymous said...

yes, us Adam fans are incredible and dedicated and of course generous :)

Anonymous said...

Just a thought. believe about 5,000 people donated. Therefore everyone including myself had to donate multiple times which is fine. It made me feel I was contributing to a great cause. My thought is if the over 900,000 twitter followers he has, had donated just one dollar, wow almost one million dollars could have been raised. But we did great I don't want to sound negative because this was a lot of money raised and proud of Adam and all who contributed.

Anonymous said...

used to respect the salvation army but no more since they are against gay rights for religious reasons. educate yourself before donating money to any group.

The Dark Side said...

It is very nice to see where the money we give actually goes and it is helping those who have a need. I like Adam's charities as we do know why we are giving and how it is helping. You will always have my support Adam. Just ask.

Anonymous said...

Anon l:13

Wouldn't you be grateful to a group that saved your father's life?

I don't hate Catholics because of a number of scummy priests.

I don't hate Muslims because of fanatic embittered mullahs.

I don't hate Protestants because of witch trials.

I don't hate Jews because Jesus was a Jew and I think it would make him sad.

I don't hate gays or lesbians because they are my fellowman or woman.

I don't hate people who disagree with spices up conversation.........JAK

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:03 pm

A genius idea! If celebrities would tweet their followers to each donate a dollar why couldn't that be a fantastic contest and the millions could be sent to Japan....their disaster is only in it's early stages of despair. Thousands need to be moved out of dangerous areas and the reprecussions for future generations may be tragic no one really knows the extent of damage there.

I'd tweet Adam myself but I'm not a tweeter ?
twitterer? Whatever....JAK

Anonymous said...

Didn't Adam send out a brief message about donating to the Red Cross at the beginning of the tragic situation in Japan? I thought I had seen it somewhere and I am not on Twitter either.

Anonymous said...

i love me my adam, but now i find i'm falling in love with JAK. hey, lady, you are an absolutely doll. i love your posts and i think i love you, too.


Anonymous said...

OH! santo Dios, cuanto amor en está entrega del vital liquido, hermoso el canto y la danza de nuestros hermano de Etiopía en señal de gran agradecimiento, deseando que las ayudas sigan
Dios Bendiga a ADAM por su generoso gesto de
solidaridad y apoyo a una comunidad del Mundo.

Anonymous said...

everyone should from time to time revisit the mission statement and activities of non profit groups since they can change over time, at one time maybe in agreement, after 75 years, maybe not? surprises me that at an adam fansite, people see nothing wrong with giving money to a group against gay rights?

Anonymous said...

Anon. 5:27 pm

You mean like The Republican Party?
You mean like The Tea Party?
You mean like the Sunday donation plates in any
....number of churches?
You mean like Congress?
You mean like The Supreme Court?

I could go on and on but I'm starting to get snarky, that's not cool.

I assume this was addressed to JAKs reference to the salvation army....perhaps you should read it again. She said it was her FIRST charity not necessarily a present charity, but I'm inclined to think she would always be grateful, I would!

Perhaps I should add MOUTHY to my tag NOSY

Anonymous said...

Forgive me, but what I want to know why isn't this in the news anywhere, gaga is, black eyed peas, the list goes on and on for a fraction of what us fans have done for water charity! i hear it everyday how this one did that and never even a mention ever of Adam's compassion and how he has made a huge difference and US fans. i loved this video and made me cry but why is it always such a secret to the mass media here in America? Maybe I need to stop watching showbiz tonight and E enertainment and I'll feel better. Sorry, just venting!


Anonymous said...

To glamma

I accept your offer of Love Sweet Love.....That's What The World Needs Now...sounds familiar musically speaking..JAK


I've always wanted a Knight (or Lady) in Shining Armour ? Armor?......Gracias..Merci..Danke..Grazie..Thanks

Anonymous said...

To lb

Face it nobody is gonna love him like we do......platonicly speaking. I don't get it either.

EXTRA has mentioned him occasionally favorably,seems like it would be a nice mention tying in the $29 for birthday that leaped to $290,000. I FIND IT AMAZING . JAK

Anonymous said...

Sitting in my living room in the middle of the night crying just to hear all the happy people in the background! So happy to help!

Anonymous said...

This was such a heartfelt video in appreciation for this monumental amount raised for Charity Water! I was happy to be a part of it and so proud of the many that donated in Adam's name for such a deserving cause. I have sponsored a boy in Kenya for the past 11 years whose village just 2 years ago was the recipient of a well which not only served personal needs, but irrigated fruit and nut trees that gave them a livlihood... The Chicago Salvation Army did much and still does for my old Chicago neighborhood. I personally have never heard anything about them speaking out against gay rights. I lived near Wrigley Field with the Salvation Army close by and my children and I would fill a shopping cart every year with gently used toys and clothing that they wished to donate. We had very little and lived paycheck to paycheck, but it taught my children to give back and I saw firsthand how the SA helped the needy. I can't assume because they believe in God that they are against gays and act upon it. That's like being critical of all religion, no matter the denomination or diversity among the people. JMO funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@JAK Thanks for the thoughtful comments. When I first became a gay activist I heard that the Salvation Army wasn’t “ gay friendly” and so for a time I quit plopping my loose change in those kettles at Christmastime. But for some reason that always made me sad. Then at one of our PFLAG meetings a Methodist minister was the guest speaker. He said that we can’t win this fight through hate . Hate actually activates more hate. That reminded me of MLK’s quote: Hate cannot drive out darkness – only love can to that. So this last Christmas I plopped my loose change in the little red kettles while wearing a rainbow button that said Straight Ally…and I did it with a smile. I got a lot of smiles back. This is how we will change minds. I love Adam for the example he sets. He went on the AI summer tour with some who were not “gay friendly” but I remember him referring to the tour as a family. That is why when the “God Hates…group appeared, other AI members defended Adam as if he were a brother of theirs. Long live the Glamily!


Anonymous said...


Have you noticed we often turn this site into a LOVE IN? I like us! For those who wonder, yes I still drop a bill into the red kettles...55 years now. I love the response when they see it's a $50! Often they say "did you know the amount? Thinking I'd made a mistake and would regret it later.

I always say "it's my thank you for letting my dad have food and a warm place to stay one winter". Let's see, 55 years times $50 that come out to $2,750.00 of gratitude. Now I'm ashamed it's been so little.

Just to let you know his story had a happy ending, the next year he lied about his age, changed his name and joined the army, fought 2 wars, married and had ME....JAK