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Cute Fan Video of Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, March 27, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, March 27, 2011


Anonymous said...

I really like the music........the dark haired guy is not bad either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JAK

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful. I cried watching it. It's our story, read to few. Lovely, just lovely.

Fan4fun and Icon said...

So sweeeeeeeeet!!!! Hope they see it!
Happy Birthday Sauli!

laurieb said...

very nicely done..thank-you

Anonymous said...

We are waiting too long to see Adam falling in love again. It is the most beautiful and hope it last forever!!!

Anonymous said...

The singer is called Jenni Vartiainen, and currently she is the most popular female singer in Finland.

Anonymous said...

I have watched this fan video many times, it's lovely.

Anonymous said...

Is Sauli here yet? Are they going to Perez Hilton's birthday party tonight?

The Dark Side said...

Tall, dark and gorgeous with that cute blond. Doesn't get better than that. BTW, thanks for the info on Jennie Vartianen. We are suddenly interested in anything Finnish.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately as we all know nothing lasts forever. We really know very little about Adam and Sauli's relationship at this point in time. We hope he does find someone who will make him happy .If it is Sauli, that is fine since he makes Adam smile. They do look so good together. We also know how the papparazzi can ruin a relationship just by being there and so intrusive. Hopefully Adam and Sauli can find some private and personal time just to be alone and enjoy each other's company or to spend time with friends. We know that Adam is focusing on his career and writing for his second album, but there is always time for love and just finding someone who can make you happy and content.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful video and love the song.The words are so perfect and her voice is pretty. Imagine Adam in love with you as he may be with Sauli. Sauli is so lucky because of the beautiful person Adam is inside and out. I am sure Sauli is wonderful if Adam thinks he is. Wish them so much happiness.

Anonymous said...

Thanks I posted a link cute

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just got done listening to the 2-hour special from last year (Joy 94.9 Australia)still gives me goosebumps when I hear his Idol songs....
Who is this man with the voice of an angel (and the moves of a devil)that takes my heart and mind to a place of joy........who makes me want to "Listen to Music Again"

mniki criscoe said...

they seem so connected and happy...hope they can overcome the "PUBLIC EYE" and stay private...all we want is for ADAM to be happy and have love in his life...he said he'd been in love only once...i believe the count is now 2...come to MASSACHUSETTS if you want to get married...we believe in your LOVE!!!!! peace & love...

Anonymous said...

Adam is very protective of his friends and family.

Very sweet and gentleman indeed....

I wish them both the best and I will support Adams wishes just to see him happy and content.

Adam give us beautiful song and he deliver with conviction. We do the same for him, love and respect about his private life....

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Please keep requesting the Billboard Aftermath Remix to your local radio stations (especially the Kiss chain affiliates). We can not control if they play it of course, but we can control how we show our interest in hearing it! It's usually very easy to email in a request, check it out.

Anonymous said...

Just woke up in the middle of the night to see this sweet video! Happy birthday Sauli! I hope so much happines to both of you! Sanni

Anonymous said...

Let me out of this dream!
You saw him!


LP said...

Just googled in to "sauli koskinen,Everything you want to know"
What a fantastic site!!! Some I had already seen but also a lot that I haven't. Highly reccomend you googling if you are interested in Sauli and Adam. I just spent the last half hour absolutely entranced.

Anonymous said...

Thanks LP just watched for awhile and entranced is correct!

Anonymous said...

please sign up on to sign a petition to boycott ABC dancing with the stars chris brown appearance.

Anonymous said...

errr, sorry the site is
adam lambert fans to boycott ABC dancing with the stars chris brown appearance.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!
This is the best compilation ever. I saw it a week or so ago & couldn't find it again,even in my favorites,been going nuts.

I call it Brothers From Another Mother.
Call me a romantic, but fate has brought them together. If it was meant to be.....time will tell.

The picture of Adam & Katri was taken before Adam met Sauli. Katri & Sauli were not together
that night. Next trip to Finland Adam meets Sauli as he was leaving the club after his show.


Anonymous said...

Well if it ain't my favorite Finnish lesbian anthem! Fits the boys' story nicely as well :)

Btw, happy 26th birthday Sauli!


PS I wonder if Sauli has very sneakily got past the paparazzi and is currently accepting birthday wishes from a certain dark-haired beauty?

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli is more of a private person, when it comes to his personal life. Our adorable Adam has never hid to much. I haven't seen a picture of holding hands, kissing, in US yet. Only pic was in Finland when they first met. Adam wasted no time kissing Sauli after he met him. Is there any other kissing pic's out there? Maybe Adam is going to try and keep this relationship more private. Happy B'Day Sauli.
What do you all think?


Anonymous said...

They look so happy together. Happy Birthday, Sauli!
@anon 7:16pm I just signed this petition. So far, 396 people signed it. I think not so many Adam's fans know this link.

Anonymous said...

P.A.S. and Mom from Toronto

I think if Adam's heart is truly in this relationship he'll do his best to keep it as private as possible. They are still getting to know each other....courting!

P.S. Left you a note end of Clarkson page.JAK

Anonymous said...

I hope this petition has nothing to do with Adam. If CB is on the show and you don't like it just don't watch it, why the big kado?

Lili said...

Lovely video and song! Love it!

Anonymous said...

It will be impossible for them to have a private relationship unless everything is behind walls. Anytime they're in public, they will be hounded. Just the way it is. Sauli "seems" cool and use to the paparazzi. He also doesn't "seem" the jealous type. I imagine it would be difficult to be the boy friend of either one as they are both beautiful. For the moment, Adam appears in love, and I'm very happy for him. We'll see how this progresses. Don't think Adam is quite ready to settle down, but he has expressed wanting a special person in his life.

Anonymous said...

AWWW HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAULI!!!!! love and peace

p.s I hope we gets some cute pics of you and adam together.

Anonymous said...

anon at 8:29, in the long run this is not a good thing to do for Adam. Adam has to work with all these people and if Adam even gets mad and slams a door and cusses TMZ will be there to throw it up to him.CB is showing some serious red flags and needs help . I agree with you, just don't watch the f show.

Anonymous said...


Italy is beautiful. Hubby is 100% Roman, he came to US at age 24. We spent a month in Rome and area, with both sides of his family.
I get a chuckle out of your trip.


LP said...

I read that Sauli will be staying until the fall. So from that I guess they are giving it a year to see if they can live a life with papps in it. I don't know if Adam is planning a tour this year or early next, depends on when his album is done. Sauli's visa may be up by then.If they are still lovebirds, I don't think Adam will go on a tour without Sauli. He might not do as many concerts next time, that was pretty grueling.They kept adding concerts along the way.
Sauli has to find what he wants to do for a living, I am sure he won't expect Adam to support him. That's one of the things that might mess up a beautiful relationship. It would be nice if Sauli could work in some type of job that would coincide with Adams schedule. But I think he wants to make his own way in this world.
Wonder if he is any good at song writing. He did say he would like to be a stylist.

Bing said...

When i watch any Adam/Sauli fan video i can't keep myself from smiling & sometimes giggling too. There is definitely something in Adam's eyes that tells me that his heart is really good, full and is in the right place. There is something in their smiles that give me so much comfort just to see them so happy together. I guess anybody who has been in love will understand what i see & feel about these two wonderful souls. Whatever comes out of this seemingly beautiful friendship is no longer that important to me. All i can say is GO FOR IT BOYS! All of us who have experienced this can only be reminded of the overwhelming joy such brings to anyone's life. There is a certain glow when people are in love and one can only wish for it to never end. But who knows what the future holds for both of them. For now what matters to me is that it is a joy seeing them together and it just warms my heart. 24/7 thank you so much for this!

@ANON March 27/2:57PM - thanks for the info about Jenni Vartiainen :)

@HH & LP - thanks too for the links :)

Advance HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sauli!

Anonymous said...


Beautifully said.


Anonymous said...

Nice couple really! I hope peace and happiness to them both. Somebody did a great job with all those pictures. That dark long hair suits well to Sauli by the way!
And the music from Finland was very beautiful. Nice to have the words along. They fit perfectly with the pics. Must check that Jenny Vartiainen too. I love to listen to clearly singing women as well as Adam of course!!!


Anonymous said...

At first listen I thought the language sounded Russian, Finnish must come from same family of languages.??? JAK

Anonymous said...


It's obvious you have been in love! I was so young when I met my forever guy I didn't know WHAT was wrong with me. I was estatic or weepy for weeks....finally my mother said "how do you feel about this boy?" I said "I have little fires in my heart and I want to keep him forever!" She hugged me and said "you're in love,be happy, everything will work out." And it did!..................JAK :)

Anonymous said...

I don't like it either that the Glamberts use Adams name to attack some other artist. Be it Chris Brown this time. You need to focus more on the people who make the decisions.

Anonymous said...

very good point 8:05 am

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jenni is the leading female artist in Finland at the moment. The song is about a lesbian couple and some like to use it also in their wedding. She has got 9 Emmas, finnish Grammys. Actually Jenni was discovered in a reality show called the Popstars many years ago, where they were looking members for a girl group. Jenni said recently that she is a bit ashamed of that, but I don't think many people remember or even care about that. This song is from 2007. I like her Duran Duran song, which reminds me about A and S too, and Mustaa Kahvia. There are more good female singers in Finland and some of them came from Idols.

Anonymous said...

"At first listen I thought the language sounded Russian, Finnish must come from same family of languages.??? JAK"

Finnish language is a member of the Baltic-Finnic group. So as a Finn I don't understand Russian at all but Estonian sounds so familiar that it's funny.

Anonymous said...

JAK love your 2:42 pm comment!
Had me giggling!


Anonymous said...

I have watched this video over and over. I love the song...LOVE the song. The video is perfect. Watching it gives me absolute joy.

Anonymous said...


Giggles are good for you......on a somewhat similar note.........I read in the paper recently that the brain cannot distinguish between a sneeze and an orgasm!!!!!!!!!!!!

So now everytime I sneeze my husband says (with raised eyebrows) "Was it good for you?"...JAK

Anonymous said...


Finnish and Russian... You couldn't really find two languages that are more different from each other if you tried. They most certainly do not belong to the same language group, thank heavens! And if I sound offended, this is why.. During the 2nd World War, the Soviet Union attacked Finland for no other reason but to occupy the country and use it as a buffer between them and the Nazis. At the time USSR was a superpower with hundreds of millions of people. Finland had a population of 3.5 million. It's only due to our brave soldiers amazing willpower and determination to protect our country that we didn't end up under the Soviet rule.

I know it's been decades since the war ended but it is still the single most biggest injustice ever to have occurred to our country. I know the Russians living today are not to blame, but in the words of the great William Faulkner:

"The past is never dead, it is not even past."

Sorry about the long rant. But that's what you get when you compare anything Russian to being similar to anything Finnish.

Anonymous said...


I meant no offense....I was asking for info. I recognize languages that stem from Latin, but this was new to me. You did notice my ????????
indicating I didn't know.

"That's what I get"???......Damn, I'm always getting in trouble. Sorry Sorry Sorry...would it make you feel better to know that during WWII my uncle was killed by Germans and my great aunt was a nurse taken prisoner on a Pacific island by the Japanese? That didn't end well either.

Actually I've been feeling quite fond of Finns.


Magiclady said...


Giggling again!
However, I really don't get the same feeling from sneezing that I do from an orgasm. Just sayin...

Anonymous said...

There is also this other fan video where Jenni Vartiainen is singing song Where is my sweetie:

Anonymous said...


Not you,,,,but your BRAIN does ! .....JAK

Anonymous said...

Finnish sounds more like Hungarian and Estonian, the Finno-Ugric stem.


Anonymous said...


Well, I guess whatever makes my brain have those feelings is worth doing! I will remember this next time I have a headcold.


Anonymous said...

Even the experts cannot decide where we Finns came from, but the most popular explanation is that we came from somewhere behind the Ural mountains. :)

Anonymous said...

You are forgiven, JAK :)

And sorry for my earlier history rant. It's just that my blood pressure skyrockets every time somebody makes comparisons between Finland and our Eastern neighbour. To tell the truth, some days I'd rather just forget our geographical location...

Anonymous said...

If my brain doesn't know the difference between a sneeze and an orgasm - then I must be the most fulfilled woman on earth (and frequently at work!).

Anonymous said...

Note to forgiving Finn

Thank you....Thank you....I know the memories of
persecution last a long time and can be triggered by even an inconsequential remark. I promise to be good......JAK

Anonymous said...

To All

Just remember if you want to do something nice for your brain you may choose either method of stimulation . The choice is yours. There are several choice videos I could recommend that might inspire you.....No, you choose!


Anonymous said...

AH CHOO.........AH CHOO........AH CHOO, there that's all you're getting tonight brain! NOSY