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Entertainment Weekly's Review of 'Glam Nation Live'

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, March 16, 2011

EW's grade: A-

If there's any newish pop act worthy of a live release, it's American Idol runner-up Lambert, whose vocal acrobatics make this a terrific complement to his 2009 solo debut. Because he incubated before us in a perform-or-die setting, Lambert's ability to work a crowd is audible. Everything from his hit ''Whataya Want From Me'' to his take on ''Ring of Fire'' sizzles more than the too-too-perfect studio versions. Bonus: Glam Nation Live includes an expertly produced DVD of the concert. A–



The Dark Side said...

My thoughts exactly. Wow what a review!!! Can't wait for my copy to get here. Bought one for my daughter who is my GNT cohort. If you didn't get to see GNT then you absolutely must buy this video. Adam is a consummate performer. BTW not really stalking this site, just keeping it handy to vote for Adam on MTV whenever I can.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic!!! Well stated EW. As a fan, my thoughts exactly. But, of course, my grade must be A+++++

Anonymous said...

How can any man wear all those feathers and still look so masculine. He is truly the most masculine of men. Seems strange to say that, but I know most of you understand. Ah to be taken by someone like that once in your life. Guys, are you paying attention.

Anonymous said...

Saw 2 concerts. They were amazing!!! Of course watched all the others online. Every day running to my computer to watch his performance. Always something new and exciting that Adam would bring to his show. Yes he had the crowd eating out of his hand from the second he walked on the stage. Waiting for my DVD to arrive and relive those moments. Personally I would give Adam an A+ because he nailed every concert he did and never missed one!

Anonymous said...

@3:15 I totally get what you're saying!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

that's a sexxxi azzz pic! just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Adam + Live = Adamgasms

Anonymous said...

I also saw 2 concerts in Michigan--both sold out! He is an amazing performer and I know that I will never again be able to get tickets to his concerts because they will be sold out immediately! In fact, his concert in Royal Oak was sold out in 30 minutes--it was a fairly small venue--1500 seats. When he tours again, it will be in large stadium or auditorum type venues with more than 50,000 seats!

Anonymous said...

New Adam Lambert song to hold us over til the new album drops:

Feel The Love (w/Fonzerelli ft Digital Glitter):

You can download the single here:

Anonymous said...

OMG, EW said something nice about Adam for a change?
The end of the world must be near.
And (-) minus was because ..????

Anonymous said...

Love the article, but seems strange to talk about the GNT and show a photo from Fantasy Springs.

Anonymous said...

I had so given up on EW saying anything nice about Adam. Maybe he'll make the bullseye someday too!

Anonymous said...

Nice, although i'll give Adam A+.
OT, but has anyone seen this picture of Adam in Grease?


glitzylady said...

Ha!! I was just going to post the link for this, and here it is! YAY!!! And after seeing ...ahem...6 Glam Nation concerts, I have to completely agree with the review..the only thing that would be better would to be there live again..and in the front row.. (was once..momentous, especially the touching of his hand part.... : )....I'm such a silly fan girl..I admit it..) but this will have to do..I have a rather poor quality with bad sound full length vid that a friend gave to me , and some of my own fair to lousy quality video (always forgot to look in the camera so lots of ceilings and feet...) but this will be fantastic! Excellent quality which I know will bring back that feeling of Adam Lambert's first international tour (first tour period..)..Just a few more days! And I am thrilled at the" A minus" grade..Pretty impressive considering it was his first tour, and he had a limited budget. What made it SO special too was the man himself, his immense talent, creativity, energy, and love that he put into it, plus the really great group of musicians and dancers he put together..Their chemistry was very special..and all nice people too. Have met Tommy, Monte, and Isaac twice, Sasha and Terrance once..and all of them very personable and generous with their time to meet with fans. Adam really knows how to put together an amazing show with a great group of artists. The intimate venues were such a genuine treasure as well.. Guessing next time we'll be talking big venues...and for some, Adam will be a faraway figure. I loved being so close to the stage, even to the furthest back rows..So, all in all, can you even begin to imagine what Tour #2 will be like if this was #1 ??!!..Will most likely be an A+++++++++.....

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling his next tour will be to venues much like this tour was. With the exception of ones with seating under 1,500 or so. The 2,000 to 5,000 seat venues are more common and sell quickly. Don't forget, he could do 2 nights in some cities, in that size venue. The arenas, alas, I don't think would fill for our boy, yet.

Why the FS picture for GN?

Anonymous said...

@3:15 PM I agree he is so sexy and masculine doesn't matter what he is wearing.

@navika thanks for the link but it seems anytime I try to access Idolforums I get a virus and/or maleware warning. Does this happen to anyone else???


Anonymous said...

Would never put down a great review, but the minus - is for their inability to dig up a picture from the GNT's millions of pic.


Anonymous said...

Hooray Hooray for our Adam today!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to haunt the mailbox till that eagerly awaited package makes its appearance.............perhaps I should phrase that differently.....till the DVD arrives.

There, that sounds better..........JAK

Anonymous said...

I was lucky and saw the AI Tour and went to the Indio Concert. It was the first time Adam sang Whole Lotta Love the slow and the most amazing way anyone has ever sang it....slow motion Adamgasm. Truly the best artist to come along in years. I look forward to all that he is capable of showing us. He is BEAUTIFUL inside and out!

Fan4fun said...

Oh, my God!!! Where is FF (Florida Fan)??? She's been missing for months! She must see this picture, she has to! Do you remember she was always asking us why the glamhell sweet Adam had lost his feathers???

PS: Oh, yes, YES!!!! Sweet Adam performing

= {[(A+++++)2] 1,000,000]2}2

that's for sure and for real!

Anonymous said...

no brainer

Anonymous said...

What a sexy monster in this photo! Good God almighty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those lips!
That body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Truly! Sigh!

Anonymous said...

IreneRose,I also got a Malware Virus warning when I tried to go to Navika's link!


Anonymous said...

More complete AI interview with Adam Lambert only. It's over 2 minutes. None of the judges interview. Only Adam. Gotta watch it:

Anonymous said...

Good review but c- to the guy who did not find the correct photo. Oh well it was a hot one so I won't complain. He is just plain amaazing.

Anonymous said...

OMG! That YouTube interview. Thanks so much for posting the link. Adam looks truly MORE than fabulous with minimal eye makeup and I can see a little eye shadow there. His eyes are so flirtatious for want of a better word. YUMMOS!!! :D

Great EW review >>>A-.

Adam's GNT>>>>>>>>A++++++++++++++++++++

Anonymous said...

leather, feathers and black eyeliner. mmmmmgood

Anonymous said...

Been playing/watching my GlamBox DVD of Adam (which is great) while waiting for my GNT DVD, which will be much, much greater, I'm sure!! Stalking the mailbox everyday ....

Anonymous said...

Thank you 6:49pm for the Interview. That was sooooo great!!

Anonymous said...

I guess the writer was forced to tell the truth but I guess he thought to find, what he perceived, the worse pic of our BB ... Now if that's the case and this is the best of his worse!!! He wasted his time...BIG TIME!!! The camera LOVES OUR BB!!!!!

judys dancin said...

Does anyone know how long Adam's contract is with RCA? I sure would like to see him go with someone who would support him and get him out in the public's eye! I think his talent is kinda being wasted! I would be happy to manage him and his career!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

I felt the same way, it was like a stab in the gut, as if he was going to really get his revenge for having to say something good for a change. Well, it backfired. I mentioned the picture earlier @lbs 5:38.


Anonymous said...

oops that was in response to anon:8:35

Anonymous said...

I like the article, but don't like the pic used accompanying it. Still, A-, pretty great review.

Anonymous said...

I mean 8:25 - I'm so tired.


Anonymous said...

Anon 313 - Yes, this man is the essence of manly and masculine. I'm glad you said it. That is why he is so attractive in so many ways. I went to the Fantasy Springs concert...sounded great, not a huge fan of the look. But, really...Adam is always attractive no matter what. And, this GNT DVD/CD is so eagerly will def not disappoint as he never does either.

Anonymous said...

Got email notice my Glam nation DVD has shipped. Looks like it will arrive before the 22. But my DVD player is broken. Waaaahhhh!

Anonymous said...

Here is another (old) fan vid that shows all of Adam's 'high' notes from AI. That boy's got such vocal control...don't give up at the end when the words come on and there is not sound, it continues...unbelievable.


Anonymous said...

Feathers! What feathers? Look at the face and those eyes and lips. He was looking at someone, maybe it was one of you lucky ladies who went to the FS concert. He loved to look at his fans. Wish I could have seen him live. Guess the GNT DVD/CD will have to satisfy me.

Agree totally with Anon 9:11, that Adam is very mascline and attractive from head to toe.

Anonymous said...

Anom @8:47 I'm so with you on what you are saying about Adam's talent is sort of being wasted by his management and his label. I watched his materials before Idol and I thought to myself when he was on Idol that truly he'll be with best of the singers in the industry. I don't think 19M manages him right and his label doesn't promote him as much on the radio.

I was watching Idol tonight and thinking my goodness JLo got her stardom by playing Salena. Getting a role in a movie that didn't get her any nomination, put JLo amongst the best actresses, singers, and performers. Talk about luck! I would like her to sing acoustic on Idol to see how she sounds raw without any big production, dance move, or hip-hop as her back-up. I wonder if she'll sound any good!

So yes, I think Adam is totally understated in entertainment industry.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the links daydreamin & @6:49, I sure do miss watching Adam's performances on AI! You can tell he was a true entertainer back then & is still to this day! I don't recall any other idol being so colorful on stage as Adam was.
The review was good, so glad to see Adam got an A no matter if it was a plus or minus, it's still an A, & A is for ADAM!!!!
@12:06, I agree with you, I cannot hear anyone singing acoustic live like Adam did, & remember on Ellen?, Adam went acapella(?).
& as for the FS WLL performance, well, that was a very rare performance indeed. Let's see if anybody else could make their fans have gasms like that!
My Walmart better have that GNT dvd, or I'm gonna be one unhappy Glambert, nearest record store better be prepared! MWAH!!! K

Anonymous said...

I am hoping the GNT DVD will wake people up to what they are missing if they haven't been following his career!

I think it's given Adam an idea of what his fans love...LIVE Adam vocals and not over produced music. I love FYE but GNT and Acoustic Live! are really better showcases for his amazing vocals.

glitzylady said...

Just wondering what the fuss is about the picture accompanying the actual EW article??? The picture above, from Fantasy Springs, is not the picture used when you click on SOURCE . That one isn't from GNT either, but it is one of Lee Cherry's wonderful pics of Adam. Just thought I would mention that. Maybe not everyone has seen the other one, or maybe I'm just confused (its possible!!). The FS pic is just a random one that the admins of the blog picked to go with this post...and since I was there to hear his unbelievably fantastic, and yes, ultimately sensual and sexy, improvised practically on-the-spot version of Whole Lotta Love, I also have positive feelings about the above picture. It WAS one of Adam's more interesting outfits, but he is always looking good.

So, since several brought up the subject of WLL Fantasy Springs, here is Lambossed's "Improved Version" once again, guaranteed to start your day (or night...) with a bang, so to speak..and if you by any chance haven't seen this performance, you probably won't think of feathers and Adam quite the same again..and the above pic will have a much more positive vibe for you. ; ) Just as Suz526 has been doing "Fever" Fridays on Twitter to get us through the time of no new concert is Fantasy Springs Thursday...And even if you've seen/heard this a million times (who, moi??!!) , its still worth another look. Still my favorite. And proof of Adam's artistry as a singer/performer.

glitzylady said...

Ooops! I should have said Suz526 does "Saturday Night Fever" on Twitter (sorry Suz...).. although ANY night is a good night for "FEVER" in my opinion!

And if @MGF stops by this post, I just wanted to mention I left an answer to a question she asked of me on the "Skingraft" thread a couple of days Cassidy Haley...

Anonymous said...

So funny Fantasy Springs WLL subject has come up - watched it two days ago, for the first tiime in quite a while actually... and...well, no words really necessary. (reminded myself why I need to NOT watch it too much... total addiction develops!)

It's genius. All "Adam-centric-ness" and uber-fandom aside... it's living breathing unfolding genius, by any standard.


Anonymous said...

HA glitzylady - hilarous... I just posted (as you can see!). I've only jumped online for a sec - but I did see your CH post and THANK YOU very much. I was just heading there now to reply, but I'll just say thanks here. I thought that was the deal, thanks again. Will have to finish lurking this site another time (it always makes us late glitzylady doesn't it?!!! LOL)


Anonymous said...

Love the review and agree: A- review. A+ concerts!

Also -

Here is a link to the Adam in Grease photo + article that I found on the San Diego News Network site. (Safer source I hope!)


Anonymous said...

I am always so jealous (in only the nicest way) when you fortunate people talk about seeing Adam in a live performance. My euphoria at seeing Elvis nose to nose wore off decades ago. I need an Adam Fix!

By the way my husband is back from his trip I'm glad to have him home even if it means keeping normal hours and cooking proper meals again.

I'm wondering if feathers would jazz up my old rooster!............JAK

glitzylady said...

That old saying "great minds think alike"..LOL!! You're welcome for the info..glad I could actually get the answer for you! And yes, Adam has been making me late to all sorts of things for the past two years and probably will continue to do so in the future! Lucky for me my work schedule is flexible for me today..but not usually the case! Off I go now...

Anonymous said...

P.S. I just now read the San Diego News article I posted the link for, and it is really, really nice. It has a photo of Adam in The Secret Garden as well as the Grease photo. Plus very high praise from directors Adam used to work with that makes me even more proud of Adam, if that's possible!


Anonymous said...

:) Sweetie

Tried to get your link and Google said they couldn't take that many characters. That's the first time that's ever happened to me. Should I have broken it up and made into two links?

I'm really puzzled, JAK

glitzylady said...

Good thinking..I just used this much of the web address and it took me to the article, no problem...maybe you have already done this..

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady, you bad girl you! That WLL performance was intended for the woman! Not saying anymore! MWAH!!! K

glitzylady said...

LOL!! I take it you enjoyed it then??!!

Anonymous said...


I thought that link looked suspiciously long, but didn't want to jinx it by saying so.....usually they'll open anyway.

I actually found this article by just googling Adam Lambert + photo of Grease, so you could try that way. But yes, like Glitzylady did, you can probably easily find it by just putting in the shorter version - or even the title "Adam Lambert's Theater Days are Fondly Remembered" + San Diego News.

Thanks @Glitzylady!


Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun - Yes where is florida fan been? Since I live in fla and I need someone to go with me to adam's next tour or meet up (hell I'll go by myself if I have to) Hubby won't go- have a while to work on him however


Anonymous said...

@brownie Oh yes you have to talk your hubbie into it. I went with friends the first time. The second concert I talked my hubbie into going. Even though he is an Adam fan he wasn't sure. Well he loved the concert and was a riot to watch.Dancing and screaming ,talked about Adam the whole way home.

Anonymous said...

I left you a message on the Adam confirmed site.
lbs or LBS

Well I nearly burned my house down the other nite
forgetting a pot on the stove while mesmerized by an HD compilation of 6 interviews Adam did during Idol days. Probably saw them before but they seemed fresh. You would be amazed the foresight he had & how much has come to fruition in his career. He basically hasn't gotten jaded in the least.
Not that computer savvy,but try googling American Idol Season 8-Adam Lambert Top2 videos.
Scroll down to the videos brown leather jacket & all 6 will be there. Invisible interviewer,no stupid questions.

Anonymous said...

If I were a Pap, I'd be outside that studio 24/7.
What's the matter with them?

lbs (the stalker)