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German "Sleepwalker" CD Single Artworks!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Scans courtesy of @AdamNews_de!

You can purchase this single on Amazon! (Imported from Germany)

Source: AdamNews_de


Anonymous said...

I have several copies of these songs. If I send them $10.18 will they just send me the cover?

Pretty please!........JAK

Anonymous said...

I ordered it and I'll get it either today or tomorrow via DHL Global.

Anonymous said...

"The great voice of ADAM, demanding only"
Sublime deep
You saw it!


Anonymous said...

What does the cover look like??????

glitzylady said...

Off topic:
Just saw this post on AOL regarding the reaction to Chris Brown's appearance on Dancing With The Stars..The participants weren't too happy he was on there either, and didn't want to have anything to do with him. We aren't the only ones apparently...

glitzylady said...

I'm on such a roll today...raining outside, so here I am! Again...

New 5 Star review of GNT Live!!!!!Really positive! Yay!!!

Adamluv said...

@Glitzlady, thanks for the link! Good reading! I'd take the rain anyday since it's suppose to be over 90 degrees tomorrow here in LA. UGH!. . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady - THANK YOU for the link to GNT DVD review!

Admin., that article deserves its own post!
Everybody should read it, especially the NAYSAYERS!!!

GGD Gal, all smiles

glitzylady said...

I will seriously trade some of that heat for some of this RAIN!!! Oh well, could be snowing! Spring is taking its own sweet time getting to the rainy NW! Was in NoCal Napa Valley three weeks ago..perfect spring weather there..Maybe we should meet there! Loved it! : ) Win/win!!

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, thanks for great links.

Adamluv said...

@Glitzlady, I wish that PRS, Adam Fix, lmb, Ebbtide, you and I could meet up somewhere between Seattle and LA and just "talk Adam". We could relive Puyallup and Nokia and just "gush" (to use Adam Fixs word ) over everything Adam. Oh, if only . . . ! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know which UK radio stations are playing the Aftermath single?

Anonymous said...


Did you read all the comments on DWTS site that you linked? I can't believe how many stuck up for CB, both male and female. It really blows my mind that violence is so acceptable.
No wonder they keep putting on the news video of kids beating kids. CB must be their hero.
Good God help us!.


glitzylady said...

I learned awhile back not to read the "Comment Section" of those stories...especially on Popeater. That one seems to attract the "nasty's" and the ignorant, maybe because it is so widely read. Its sad, but the comments are often just ridiculous on Popeater in general. You are right though, its a very sad commentary on some of the "heros" of today, in the minds of some.

glitzylady said...

Wouldn't that be fun! Not to forget the Music Box show! I hope we can all do that again one of these days! SO MUCH FUN! Now if Adam would just hurry up with that new album...LOL!! Meeting halfway would be great too...

Anonymous said...

Anon 12;33 p.m.

I hope the cover looks like the photo at top of page.....the hands on temples pose or as my daughter calls it his "not tonight I have a headache pose"! What does she know!...JAK

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam has any fans for real. First week- 17,000 albums!
And you hope his second album will be #1?! Never ever! Or just go and buy 10 or 20 albums more! I don't think it will help anyway!
Good luck, Adam! But you are the LOOOOOOOOSER! Your fans are poor old ladies who can't afford to buy even one of your album!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well and welcome to you. I must point out that

this old lady could afford to PRODUCE an album

for Adam if it were necessary. What makes you

equate old with poor? Go away you irritate me.

DW (KW's Mom)

Anonymous said...

@DW(KW'Mom) So, go for it and buy 4 or 5 GNL albums! Unfortunately, most of us can't do it.

glitzylady said...

@DW 10:20 PM
Great response to the silly troll..

Anonymous said...

Good for you!
Really! KW's mom? So glad your're here. You might get hooked and not just peek in but join in. We miss your son and hope he returns soon!

LBS (sent you a few shoutouts)

Anonymous said...

I do not intend to join your hen party but my son asked me to "watch out" for his ladies and that nincompoop got my dander up! K won't return for several months but he is quite fond of you all. DW

Anonymous said...

@ DW, Thankyou for your comment. I am a "seasoned" lady [ prefer to think of us like fine wine] and quite able to afford to buy Adam's DVDs/CDs or anything else I fancy. It's a shame that some feel the need to generalize, not only "old people" but gay as well. I would have missed many gifts in my life if I had not seen people as individuals. Your son being one as well. We enjoy his input and appreciate your "minding the store",watching out for us while he's gone. Hope he has a wonderful, safe trip. Most of us are pretty rational and appropriate in "real life", but have fun and let our free spirits loose on this site. All in good fun. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

DW’s presence in here is the most interesting thing that happened since...I don’t know...Grammys?...last GNT show?... The 24/7 ..Berts are shepherded by KW’s mom!!? How precious is that??! She stretches the crook to shoo some annoying beings! (Btw, thank you, Anon. March 30 9:30pm, for buzzing in) “Go away”, she says... LOL
Thank you, ma’am, for your comments and non-intention to join ‘the hen party’. However, we are not all hens in here, you know? You have a mixed flock to guard. I consider myself to be more of a chamois; yes, a horned and sure-footed wild goat. There are lots of sheep and cattle, but also some wild animals. The 21st century’s glamfauna... Anyway, please keep being vigilant and staying away from avian glaminfluenza! The pandemic could stop with you!
So precious indeed! I’m having fun again! I could even play a hen! See? I’m flapping my wings and roaming round and round in excitement...and, oh, choking with all the dust I’m raising around me...Yup, a happy, breathless fowl I am! HaHaHa

Anonymous said...

You don´t think Adam has any fans for real?
Can I ask what Adam is to you? You have been here before to tell us that he is a "LOOOOOOOSER". Why do you feel you have to come here? Is he on your mind a lot? Is he making you angry? It seems like you can´t get him out of your head. This is an Adam Lambert fan site, and the natural thing for you to do is to stay out off here because you dont like him. Or do you? It seems like you are as obsessed as we are. Do you follow him on twitter too? I bet you do. It´s ok. It´s nothing wrong in being attracted to a man especially in such a beautiful man as Adam Lambert. Just open your heart. Peace!
