Glam Nation Tour Photo Reveal – Week 3
Filed Under (pictures,tour news ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, March 15, 2011
From AdamOfficial:
Glam Nation Tour Photo Reveal – Week 3
Continuing our exclusive Glam Nation Tour Photo reveal, this week’s photos feature the dancers, musicians and people who made The Glam Nation a reality. Remember, Glam Nation Live is out next week on March 22nd.

Thanks to Adamholic!
Glam Nation Tour Photo Reveal – Week 3
Continuing our exclusive Glam Nation Tour Photo reveal, this week’s photos feature the dancers, musicians and people who made The Glam Nation a reality. Remember, Glam Nation Live is out next week on March 22nd.
Thanks to Adamholic!
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Love it...what an experience!!!!
What a glam-family Adam has around him!!
And Adam looks so proud of the group in the last shot!
Think that last shot was taken at the MuchMusic Awards, based on his outfit and also Monte's. He was lookin' good that night ... as always.
Just like Adam, this is a cool looking group of people! Love the power of LOVE!! MWAH!!K
Just got the FYI from Adam Lambert Global Store that my GNT CD/DVD is in the mail!!!! YIPPEE!!! and YAHOO!!!! Am so excited!
Me too! Yayyyyy! Can't wait to play that DVD and relive the GNT memories!!!
Adam will be presenting at the NewNowNext Awards on LOGO April 11
You are adding to the time I spend on this site, I always have to check the bottom of each page to see what you've added while I've been away from the screen. Afraid I'll miss something. My husband thinks you are a writer, is that so? I know you were a teacher. Writer too? JM
I think Adam has a very talented band behind him and hope they stay for the ride. The dancers and band are like his extended family, so I bet they won't be going anywhere.
Just got my FYI for Adam Lambert Global Store,,mine shipped today excited!!!!!!!!!!!
In that last pic, Cam drew me in (after AML of course)... and then I noticed her exposed neck... which of course made me mentally go here:
is that wrong of me?
MGF ;)
OFF TOPIC GLAMBERTS- MTV is doing thier march madness and Adam is in the running with green day. The most passionate fan base will win this with thier artist. Green day's at 70% and adam's at 30%. Get voting guys, we are without a doubt the most passionate fan base there is. Sorry don't know the link. If you google adam it will come up.
@ anon 11:25 am
I just saw the MTV March Madness Poll too! Glamberts are def the most passionate fan base so let's prove it for Adam! He gets a big trophy if he wins! Here's the link (sorry I'm not too good at the link stuff but here goes):
I just voted about 12 or 15 times in a row which was ok until they locked me out but they said they would unlock me after a "cooling off" time LOL!
Adam Lambert often causes the need for "cooling off time" now doesn't he?
"MTV's Musical March Madness: U2 Vs. Ke$ha, Green Day Vs. Adam Lambert"
coudn't find the link for this poll. But if you open this artilce you find how to vote. This is very interesting competition:
Just voted numerous times. I actually hate polls but of course will keep voting for Adam. Green Day is way ahead so we need to all vote a lot.
Vote!!!! He's waaay behind.
"Thank you, we have already counted your vote". Seems I could vote just once.
hhhhmm Eva - I wonder if it has something to do with your being outside of USA... I was able to just vote mutiple times by refreshing. Had to stop cuz I gotta go practice softball w/ my kid right now before we lose the light :), but I wonder how many times I could have continued to vote? I'm not big on these polls but I'll pop over to MTV to vote here and there when I jump online. But one last thing - I think it's kinda cool that AML is even considered for the poll to begin with (like last year) - 'ya know what I mean?!! BB's in the music and public consciousness... seems like only a good thing, IDK.
Just voted my brains out and Adam is at 21 while green day has 78. Read that green day's latest album is going to drop soon...titled "Awesom as F---." Just wondering what the music/entertainment world would have to say if Adam had f--- in the title of one of his songs. Apparently that word is not as offensive as "he" in Fever. WTF
@MGF, Mar15, 10:09 AM - definitely wrong NOT!!! That Adam"UNF"sound plus him licking Cam's neck gives me delightful goosepumps every time...Thanks for the link!
Nice pics of these talented entertainers, more than nice memories - and SOOO nice to see Longineu's SMILING face, miss his drumming, hope he's OK and having a good time...
GGD Gal, cherishing GNT memories 4ever!
I Miss Longineau,but Adam has assembled a great Glamily, the only one who I believe is not up to the level of the other dancers is Taylor, his lack of finesse really shows. But Adam always keeps his people close, so I hope this 20 year old kid will mature and improve, and add more to the ensemble.
Well at last, now I can be brave enough to admitI've always wondered how Taylor ended up in that company. His moves are awkward and jerky, at the beginning it was awful, drew your eye away from other performers who were smooth. He did improve some during the tour, but not really enough. I hope he's going to dance class daily.
And while I'm being critical (mean) he needs to learn to control facial expression....he should be schooled by Terrence. He's darn near perfect.
Now for a bit of well earned praise. I loved him for coming to the rescue on the beach in Florida when Adam was scuffling with photographer. Taylor pulled Adam away and I was so glad for that, it could have had a worse ending without Taylor. Thank You Taylor....JM
Tommy Joe Ratliff is one cool dude.
MGF, 10:09 - I didn't even open your link, but it's the neck-lick, right?? My mind went there too (because great minds think alike)...that was such a SEXY moment of the tour - MY GOD! Made me see Cam in a whole new light...hiding back there in the shadows! :) Adam is naughty.
I miss Longineau too, he was the coolest!
JAK - how's that for a little slice of Terrence for you (in that picture)? The boy is H*O*T!
- Adam Fix
I thought many times during the GNT that I'd like to paint Terrence (get your mind out of the gutter I mean on paper not flesh) I do watercolors mostly, but what would really work for me would be to sculpt him. I did a figure in college that looks a lot like him. He has a perfect dancers body.
Wonder if he ever does any art school modeling? They would snap him up.........JAK
MGF I LOVE that lick moment! It's funny because I remember us all talking about how we wish he would mess around with the females on his stage instead of just Tommy and then here he did that thang with Cam and then started taking it up a notch with Brooke. It seemed as if he was reading our posts! If I could only have been Cam at that moment! AGH!!!
He has admitted to "lurking", so who knows he may peek in at our chatter...he likes gossip.
The idea doesn't bother me...I keep my posts prim and proper (mostly), but SOME OF YOU !
GOODNESS GRACIOUS, bring me smelling salts and my it warm in here?......JAK
To answer your question (though this page is so long you'll probably never see it)..
I write continually but have never had the "drive" needed to do anything with it. I have 50 years of poetry,short stories,puppet show scripts,kindergarten workbooks,children's picture books, etc. Most I printed up and gave to nieces and nephews and parents of pupils who requested there are a couple generations reading, I was offered a contract years ago but turned it down, they wanted to chose my subjects and give me deadlines. Not for me. I write for fun.
My husband says I was born without an ambition gene. When I'm gone daughters can do what they want with my scribbles. My love to your husband.
The glamorous life of peanut butter and jelly.
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