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Adam Lambert appears on the most important network in Argentina again (Telefé)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Adam appears in the minute 2:25-2:40

Thanks to vanglam76 and Adam Lambert Help!


Anonymous said...

She´s calling him an "extraordinary singer". He is!!

Anonymous said...

Adam should book the GNT in South American....

They look like they can handle him!

Anonymous said...

Even though I didn't understand a word I enjoyed this long enough to see the 4 newspeople talking to each other in the studio.

If I wasn't told it was Argentina I would have sworn it came from Italy.....the chatter was enhanced by the "talking hands" you see in Italy!

Charming! South America needs a quick trip by Adam!.....................JAK

Adamluv said...

@JAK, Latinos speak with their hands too! Spent so many years in Mexico that I cant say a word without using my hands. True story! Love it since it shows passion!!!!!! LOL! ...Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv Can you translate what they said about Adam?
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

OT but...I am amazed that the pic of Adam and the girl making out hasn't hit here yet! When it does, I expect about a million comments, lol!


Anonymous said...

It's here:

# @AdamLisSexy woops. I meant chicks. about 3 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to AdamLisSexy

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@AdamLisSexy NOPE. :) I've made out w plenty o fish. about 3 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to AdamLisSexy

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#From Adam' tweet:

I just came across this photo. I think she was nervous. I had fun though. #heteroeroticism about 3 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone


Anonymous said...

Sweet Liam has thanked us all on the Flea thread.


Anonymous said...

I've just found this YT video of FYE. I had forgotten how good this iheartradio version was. Go see:

LP said...

Thats an old photo, looks like when they took pics of him with a naked lady, I am sure most of you have already seen them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Argentina for loving Adam too. I know many countries in South American want Adam to come down. Sure he will try on his next tour. Does anyone remember the poll for who will rock in Rio?Adam was I think in second place.I don't know when that is but a few bands were announced.Any info anyone? it is huge!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:23 PM

The iheartradio videos are my favorites.........
just the real Adam. No formula, no choreography,
just him dancing and chatting with the audience during songs. Plus the ragged hair and ragged coat................I would have loved to have been there!............................JAK

Fan4fun said...


They repeat twice the same information,
at 02:29 and 9:15 the girl says: «We will talk about Adam Lambert (at the botton it's written nuevo disco = NEW CD), this exceptional singer who took off on American Idol, let's say it was the plataform to start his career.»

The rest of video they «call our attention» that they will talk about Justin Bieber's film that had arrived to Europe and all fans have gone crazy (London and Paris), Nick jonas X Jonas Brothers for favorits on Teen Choice Awards, Dulce Maria and her new video «Ya No» (Not Any More), Selena Gomez very grateful for have been nominated Best TV Actress and Favorite Female Singer for Teen Choice Awards, Miley Cyrus who will tour South America very soon, someone called Anahi and guess someone else... basically calling us to see the program.
Nothing special, but it's always good for any Glambert to know that Argentina sees sweet Adam as an EXCEPTIONAL SINGER.

Translated by Fan4fun

The Dark Side said...

Believe I heard Adam say somewhere that he will definitely go to South American on his next promo tour. I am sure he will take them by storm.