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Adam Lambert holding Riff!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, April 11, 2011

Posted at : Monday, April 11, 2011

Via @Idolme922:

"Adam holding Riff at The Cherry's listening part... too adorbs for words."


Anonymous said...

That's beautiful- Thank-you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, how sweeet! Is that Sauli on the right eyeing Adam holding Riff? Hmm..what's he thinking?

Anonymous said...

HA! They put earphones on the baby!

Anonymous said...

Adam is too handsome for words in this pic. Love the jacket too.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is Sauli on the right. Maybe he is thinking his twin sisters babies or .....
Girl from Finland

Anonymous said... so sweet.

And that smile, well it's past midnight here that's a pretty picture to take to my dreams with me.........sweet dreams to all.....JAK

Anonymous said...

So Cute (:!
AMG! I'm dieing cause of the cuteness <3

Anonymous said...

So cute!!!!!

LP said...

Oh so cute, baby too. What happened to Adams plaid shirt, he must have changed for some reason.

Anonymous said...

That is one gorgeous man and a beautiful joyous look on his face just makes it perfect. Thx for posting. What a man! Whew!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

9.50 I replied to 9:02. Maybe Sauli missis his twin sisters babies when he watches Riff. Adam is so cute.
Girl from Finland

Anonymous said...

Sauli has to notice what a natural Adam is, holding Riff in his protective arms. I hope Adam will experience the beautiful miracle of having his own little one someday. I wish that for Sauli too, but not creating any scenario for their relationship! Adam would be such a loving dad. funbunn40

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:17 PM
Different night different occasion: the plaid shirt was Sat. night. : ). This is Sunday night at Lee and Scarlett Cherry's "Labor of Love" CD listening party.

Love this picture! "Glamfather Adam" looking very natural! And looking very handsome. Someday he will undoubtedly make a great dad. Look at that smile!

Anonymous said...

Oh jeez - my ovaries just involuntarily released an egg, just LOOKING at this beautiful picture!! *sigh* Adam - please have babies with me!?!?!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

10:08 You are so right that let´s not start creating any baby scenario for their life. Adams carieer is just begun and their relationship is soooo young anything can happen as we everyone know from our own lifes. Let´s be happy what we have now and see what the future holds for us and them and and enjoy Adam's music.
Girl from Finland

HK fan said...

this picture is just too precious for words, I just melted.....

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwww so sweet Adam and baby Riff! HaHa! earphones on baby...never saw that before! Smart!

Anonymous said...

Riff has on ear coverings to protect his ears from noise. I saw the pic of just Riff with them on, and Lee Cherry explained why he was wearing them.
Adam is going to make a great Godfather, he seems a natural with children.
Does Sauli's sisters have children? Maybe @Sanni or @Girl from Finland can tell us. He looks like he is interested in Riff. I wonder if Adam brought Riff over to see Sauli. That would have been a precious picture.
Adam looks so good in this pic.

Anonymous said...


When Sauli was living in the Big Brother house, he was allowed to get a private phone call from the "world outside". His sister had just given birth to a child! Sauli started to cry for joy when he heard the news. It was so touching to see it.

Anonymous said...

Can a man be any more beautiful! Such a great god father and that baby is a lucky boy! He will have so much support for whatever he wants to be.
Football player, ballet dancer, doctor....Adam will support him all the way!
Adam looks SO GORGEOUS! Love that jacket and Sauli, once again, giving Adam space but shining on his whole experience. So happy for Adam!

Anonymous said...

Magical Godfather! What a lucky baby.

Anonymous said...

P.A.S now Sauli´s twin siter have two kids. Older is about three years and second some months.
Girl from Finland

Anonymous said...

Cuteness overload! How will I ever be able to concentrate on my work after seeing this pic? Every time I see a baby I go all goo goo ga ga. I think I might be suffering from the Cute Baby Syndrome. *sigh* Adam looks happy...


Anonymous said...

Before I go to work this morning I need to stare at this awesome picture of God father and God son!!

What a gorgeous face indeed.....
Very protective love it...

Ok, have to go to work now...

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

When the Saints won the Super Bowl.....Drew the quarterback was holding his son who had earphones on.....that also was a great picture.

Anonymous said...

BTW Adam's nails are looking real nice...I read he found a salon that does something so they don't chip .......he could wrap those hands around me anytime.......:)

Icon said...

Meeaaaaaw-ohhh!!! So good sweet Adam is not allergic to little Riff. I guess we are the same weight, last time I checked it up I was 14,20 pounds. Meaw-oh, sweet Adam will never hold me like that even if mommy Fan4fun gets me a M&G some day, shame on me!!! Maybe if I shave off my fur... (it'll be a pitty, sweet Adam likes my gray colors, they are so rock&roll). Mommy said sweet Adam is sooooo allergic to cats that if he holds me, instead of sing «SOAKED» he will sing «CHOKED». Too bad, indeed!

Icon (again) said...

When is little Riff 1th birthday? Mine is TOMORROW, meaw-haaaa! I'm so happy!!! Mommy is making me a big white coconut «Hello Kitty» cake. I asked a «Tom Cat» cake but mommy said I'm too young for him!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photo. :D

Are we sure that's Sauli on the right in the photo?? He only vaguely looks like Sauli to me.

Anonymous said...

Icon, Riff was born on Adam's birthday. That makes the bond between them even stronger, Adam looks so beautiful and happy holding little Riff. Adam seems to be in such a good place right now. Loving family, friends, and Sauli. Plus working hard on his next album which I just can't wait for. I usually don't want time to rush by but waiting for the new album is an exception.

Anonymous said...

It's is Sauli and it looks almost like he is playing peek a boo with little Riff!

Anonymous said...

How will Adam have a baby of his own????

Anonymous said...

Ugg... I still think Riff is such a horrible name for a kid.

Anon 6:23pm April 12 - it isn't legal for same-sex couples in some states in the US, but here in Canada he could adopt. Artificial insemination of a willing woman is also possible.

Fan4fun said...

@ Anon. 6:23AM

C'mon, you don't want us to make you a drawing, do you? Have you already tryied to ask your mom?

Anonymous said...

Somehow I don't think, should the need arrive, that Adam would find any difficulty in finding a woman willing to carry his child!!!!!!!all he'd have to do is hint at the possibility and he'd be trampled with volunteers.........JAK

Anonymous said...

I go all gaga and goo goo over Adam - oh I've just seen there is also a baby in this picture!


Anonymous said...

6:37 a.m.

Riff's parents are both musicians so they gave him a name pertaining to music. A "riff" is a melody that is played over and over in a song.
A piece of the song that stays in and plays in your mind. I think it's kind of neat!

Just be glad they didn't name him Tempo or Melody (they can save that one for a daughter)!
JAK :)

Anonymous said...

Riff is for the music, probably, but another thing is that Lee played the part of Riff in Greese.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks absolutely fabulous and so happy in this picture. I am sure when Adam is ready, he will find some way to bring a child into his life. Just look at Ricky Martin, Neil Patrick Harris and Elton John. They all seem to be remarkable fathers and enjoying their children. Adam has just started on his career and his road to superstardom, so I don't think that having a baby in his life is in the picture at this point. He has Riff and I am sure that is very fulfilling for him now. I know that babies drool, but I am drooling over the cuteness of this picture.

Anonymous said...

the Stori/Lambert baby would be a beauty. make it a reality Adam. such a lovely child that you are holding. All that beautiful dark hair.

The Dark Side said...

Hate to be a lone dissenter on this post, but I cannot see Adam settling down with babies at this particular time in his life. He's working on his second album and building his career. That's a big order. He's 29 and it's not like he got a biological clock ticking!

Adamluv said...

@The Dark Side , you are not the lone dissenter on this topic. I agree with you. Adam is at the beginning of his career right now and needs to focus on his music. . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Godfather embracing godson. so sweet! The innocent moments are the most beautiful when captured on film. Lee should get some professional shots of them together.

Anonymous said...

Professional shots in a studio setting would be really sweet. Adam loves children.

Anonymous said...

Good comment about the biological clock. It seems some of the movie star men are becoming dads often quite late in life.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Im allergic to children and even I think this is cute.

Anonymous said...

10:18 Adam Fix:
you made me laugh out loud. v. funny.

Anonymous said...

Riff was from West Side Story. Not Grease.

Anonymous said...

he has such great fashion sense. The jacket looks khaki green and black. so cool.

Anonymous said...

Uree - HA HA HA HA!! Right. We believe you. Yeah. Um - you can't even see the kid's face in this picture, yet you think he's cute? thinks it's not the baby that you think is cute. ;)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Another midnight has come and gone, just dropped in for another sweet dreams I'm off to Nevernever Land. Adios......JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam is a photographers dream... he is stunning

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:49pm ... I know what a riff is thanks, that doesn't make it a good baby name

coloforadam said...

I agree, loulou.... What baby??? Loook at that MAN!!!

Anonymous said...

8:28 am

I like Riff better than Zuma, Apple, Bronx, Moses,Tallulah, Rumer and a bunch of other celebrity names we hear now!

I can picture it now Staples Center "Coming June 10, 2031 RIFF CHERRY AND THE PITS----Sold Out"
......I like it!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Love this photo - Adam looks beyond gorgeous! He has the most beautiful profile of any man I have ever seen. For the golden oldies in cyberspace, he reminds me of a young Cary Grant!