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Fan Montage: Remembering The Glam Nation Tour

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Take a moment to remember all the gorgeous moments from the Glam Nation Tour!


Anonymous said...

Those moments are pretty much burned into my brain but it is nice to experience them again .
...2010 was a good year!................JAK

Anonymous said...

Wow Great job. I will never forget the excitement I felt at being at 2 of Adam;s concerts. Now at least I have my GNLdvd. There are really no words, except thank you Adam for being such a great light in our lives.

Anonymous said...

pant pant pant..drool drool drool..THUD >-->O

funbunn40 take your blood pressure med. JAK

Anonymous said...


LP said...

Agree with 6:46, was hoping that Sauli would be back today ot tomorrow, I think Adam is getting restless. I don't think he has had this much time off in years, I know he is working on his album, but you can't do that 24/7.

Adamluv said...

SEX . . . ON . . . FIRE . . .

Anonymous said...

@Eva. Thank you the link you posted last night for me. I will save it and read it when I will be upset about AMA:) Don't care about Steve so much. He is jerk anyway. I know his is very talented. But don't like his image and behavior.
I gave FYE album to my mom's friends.
JAK, I think they are same age like you,darling:) And they deff have same young hearts like yours! They are absolutely crazy about Adam!
They asked me to find copy of FYE for them. I just said that them can keep mine.
So,Adam got two more fans. They also ask me to let them know when his second album will be released.
Still not sure about giving them GNL. I think it is not good for them to have such a high "Fever":D

Anonymous said...

Here's a pic tweeted by a girl who was on the plane with Adam to New York today. Looks like he's going to visit Sauli. Love the facial hair!

Anonymous said...

Damn - Adam Lambert is walking, dancing, singing, burning, smouldering, living, breathing SEX!! He is just unreal. Thank you for capturing all these great moments!

There is not much that will make me rip my eyes off Adam when he is on stage...I didn't even realize he had a band or dancers for about 1.5 years ;) - but Brooke's midriff has done the impossible. She made me avert my eyes from Adam for about 8 seconds because the girls can move! I have never seen such undulations - awesome!! So jealous. Especially when Adam's running his hand over her!

Oh boy - must stop now - running after my mind in hopes of retrieving it from the sewer, where it went after it washed down the gutter!

Adam - we need to see you in concert soon! I am willng to wait as long as you need to make your 2nd album perfect, but you are going to have some PENT up fans, by the time you hit the road again, and I worry for your safety! ;)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Oh My GOD!!! I agree....SEX ON FIRE and so much physical talent with Adam and all of the dancers,
who are sooooo loose in the joints. MY GOD!!!!

Music credits please!

Anonymous said...

The music sounds like Enigma... Anybody know...?

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Carmina Burana befits Adam Lambert. He can do it all and we hope he'll rock CB one of these days. He's everything one can dream about. Greatest entertainer of this generation. Only saw one GNT event so thank you for producing this superb video. BTW-Still loving FYE.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for a great video of a beautiful sexy talented man.. Adam does light up our lives

Anonymous said...

Music was overproduced and sexy. Very good.

Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix Apr19, 10:30 PM

You're correct, it's Enigma: Boum Boum

"My heart goes boum, boum, boum
Every time I think of you
Inside it's boum, boum, boum
Lost control, what shall I do?"

PERFECT song lyrics to match my feelings watching GORGEOUS ADAM performing - how about you???

GGD Gal, going boum, boum, boum... :)

Anonymous said...

I just watched this again...I can't help it, I'm weak. Tried to picture him on that stage with his present beard....not a good picture...JAK

Anonymous said...

@ JAK, We have to pace ourselves! Need stronger b/p Rx; face flushed, heart palpatations. Wonder if Soaked will calm me down... Doubt it, but exciting living on the edge, lovin' the Lambert! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ 12:38, Agree, Carmina Burana has the drama and intensity befitting Adam. I used to love seeing figure skater Scott Wylie skate to it in the early 90s. It's soul stirring and passionate, loke Adam. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Oops! Meant "like Adam." funbunn40