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Gif of The Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thanks Eva!


Anonymous said...

This is fantastic....

Anonymous said...

he looks like he wants to cough up a hairball. funny stuff!

Serena said...

I cant' stop staring....

where is this from?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

So this definitely is a proof that Adam is a gifted vocalist.

Anonymous said...

This is from the Nikka Costa clip, very funny.

Anonymous said...

Funny stuff!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

He doesn't have a strep infection what you talking about!

Anonymous said...

Don´t pay any attention to SAD.AL! He´s just plain stupid and should not be taken seriously.


Anonymous said...
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sunshine said...

Not funny at all - unrespectful!

Fan4fun said...

@ SAD.AL (2:11PM)

And you have an infected infamous carbunculum in your brain... oh wait, almost forgot, you don't have one... brain! So it must be in your tongue.

Anonymous said...

The troll is back. Yawn.

Oh and Adam looks great. I couldn't stop laughing when I was watching that video.

Anonymous said...

this is alittle wierd

Anonymous said...

Terrible! How it was possible to put this gif here?! I think administraion has to remove it! No respect to Adam, no respect to his fans! Where did you get this discussing stuff, Eva?
Probably, I don't have any sence of humor anymore!

Anonymous said...

THIS is strep throat.
Adam doesn't have strep throat. He definitely wouldn't be singing that well if he did!


Anonymous said...

Good news; Adam ranked at #43 on Out Magazine's Fifth Annual Power 50 List:

Anonymous said...

Kids humor.

Anonymous said...

Adam wanted us all to see this. He tweeted that we should look at it. It's all in fun.

Anonymous said...

Umm... Am a little creeped out by this gif. But hey, that's just me... I'm sure lots of people find this to be funny and cute.


Anonymous said...

Okay, ladies. If Adam tweeted that we should look at it and he was not drunk, I deff lost my sence of humour. Hopefully, I get it back soon.

Anonymous said...

Okay, the white dots are the reflection of the camera and not infection. This clip simply shows us how he do the vibrato and what a human instrument (adam's voice) look like when he carry out the high notes. Just relax, enjoy the beautiful throat biology of our Master Adam. LoL

Fan4fun said...

@ delilah5

Oh, well darling, here we go again! It's not disrespectful at all! It's supposed to be fun and IT IS REALLY FUN!!! Have you seen the thread of him mocking with Nikka Costa? It's amaaaaazingly funny, c'mon! Even Icon was mocking with them...

HK fan said...

maybe you should watch this in the context of the video it came from, its not just some random clip, its from Adam and Nikka Costas 'box' video that Eva linked on a previous thread.

Anonymous said...

This is fun! Why are people getting worked over about this? The Glam is all about FUN and ENTERTAINMENT.

Fan4fun said...

@ HK Fan

Hey, fellow, we both gave quite the same advice to delilah5, almost at the same time. How fun is that?
Icon is asking you to bring your 2 snakes-pets to his 1th birthday party tomorrow (well, for you in the other side of the globe it will be already the day after tomorrow... LOL)

Anonymous said...

Now we have seen up close and personal another part of his body to love. I hope he always takes special care of this body part. There are some other parts we'd like a peek at.

@Eva: thanks for the gif.

Bing said...

Not all celebrities have the ability not to take themselves too seriously and not all are brave enough to makes faces in front of the cameras for fear of looking foolish. Not everyone can afford to distort nor twitch their faces and yet still look good and never awful at all. I know a lot of actresses who can't even cry in the movies for fear of looking ugly. But the great ones couldn't care less for as long as their acting is authentic.

People who are confident are the only ones who can do this. Adam is such a great actor and the movie industry must have already taken notice already. It will just be a matter of time that he will be asked to do one.

I envy the way Adam has been enjoying his life! It is not always in winning that we get to celebrate but in the simple things that could bring fun and laughter. Go GO GO Adam and show us how we should live our lives to the fullest :) You are hilarious and ILYSM!

@Eva thanks for the link to source of this gif :D

Anonymous said...

Some of you guys' comments reminds of the first Da Vinci Code movie where Tom Hanks talks about how people's perception is when they look at a picture for the first time. This Gif is part of Nikka Costa's video posted on YouTube today . Adam even tweeted this link. There is a thread about this video on this site. Watch the video before you judge. Consider yourself lucky to see Adam's vibrato close up.

Anonymous said...

This is just a glimps of what they all say.......
they have a lot of fun at these sessions that
Adam so funny & does't take himself seriously.
It does look pretty red down there though. Is there a doctor in the house?


Hk fan said...

Not sure if Icon would appreciate my snakes, especially as they haven't eaten in a while!!!
Don't know if I ever mentioned that I have a cat too, a very pretty little thing called Cleo, found in a very busy part of HK when she was 3 weeks old. Shes now 6 1/2.

Fan4fun said...

@ HK Fan

Nope, you've never mentioned that. A female cat? Wow! «Cleo» is indeed a beautiful name, reminds of the beauty itself, reminds of Cleopatra.
Why are you starving to death your poor snakes, you bad mommy? Do they like to EAT coconut birthday cakes? How about TROLLS?


Nope, I'm not a DOCTOR but would love to «play Doctor» with sweet Adam in Icon's Panic Room... LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow, the conversation's getting pretty heated. Just wanted to say that I personally meant exactly what I said in my earlier comment and nothing more. I had seen the video of Adam and Nikka, loved it, funny as it was, and I even commented on it in an earlier thread. So, just to reiterate what I said; the gif creeps me out slightly, but I'm sure other people see it differently and to them it's just funny. Didn't mean anything more by my comment, and I hope people won't go looking for some hidden meanings between the lines.


Fan4fun said...

@ Elli

About your «looking for some hidden meanings between the lines», my mother used to say «procurando chifres em cabeça de cavalo»... it's Portuguese and means exactly «looking for horns in a horse's head». Lol

Anonymous said...

I think Adam should insure his voice/vocal chords. Seriously, didn't JLO insure her body? And other celebrities insure some part of their body or something.
This was funny but it makes you think.....Mwah!!! K

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4fun



Anonymous said...

@Bing 3:47PM - Great post and nice to hear from you!
You make me almost as happy as looking at Adam singing his toncils out and laughing with Nikka Costa!!!

@daydreamin and @Eva - thank you for all the links & services here in 24/7 Paradise!

GGD Gal, totally nagged & ready for bed

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun ----
Left you a message to be delivered to Icon in the previous thread (why there? Just because it's a shorter thread and my message is quite long...)

GGD Gal, sleeping on the keyboard..............

Anonymous said...

Thank you GGD Gal! Gnite! (Where do u live?)


Anonymous said...

Bing agree with you. Adam is silly and loves to have fun. We shouldn't take this all so seriously.
He is such a confident person which makes him even sexier.

Anonymous said...

you are so funny Adam!!

You are giving me a gassssssssssssssssssssss explosion eh!!!!!!

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Well, the braces he wore on his teeth did a beautiful job and I believe he still has his tonsils...lip freckles stretched to max.

Everything seems in order......JAK

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mom and Dad Lambert for taking care of Adam's mouth....

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun and Icon
I deff suposed to watch Adam and Nikka video before I watch this gif! Love this video, can't stop to laugh
Icon, aunt delilah will be at work tomorrow. But want to be person #1 who will wish you to get many gifts, have a blast, and dance with you Mom and your friends. I think FYE and IIHY will be greates songs of your party.
Now, I want you open these two links.
Second link will give you idea where from aunt delilah got her name:)

Love you, honey!

Anonymous said...

AH HA HA HAHAHAHAHA!!! This is freakin' hilarious! And the nearly crossed eyes...OMG, cracking up!

How on earth did they get that's so...clear?? Not the tonsil-cam, no!

I can tell his throat muscles have been getting a great work out. Notice the way they undulate? His throat is ripped! HA!

Oh many directions these comments could go, no? :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

that takes some skill. all that throat action going on!!!! He is such a damn good singer!

Anonymous said...

This is truly Adam, showing the back of his tongue. In my native language,Dutch, this saying means that you have nothing to hide and don't stuff your emotions.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

When someone puts a video on their Facebook, it probably should be left in it's original form. By, isolating the scream as a gif you attracted a bunch of haters. By the way, why show an old American idol tour picture of Adam that's not as flattering as the one from the Out article? There's a passive/aggressive undercurrent on this site towards Adam disguised as entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Feliz cumpleaños ICONO, que tengas un lindo día
con Fan4fun, PingPong y todos tus amigos!!!

Delilah5 good idea, I love your blogs to Icon.


Anonymous said...

@HH Thank you, dear. I hope Fan4fun & Icon will open this page today or tomorrow.
May be I'll try to post these links somewhere else tomorrow. Unfortunately, I can do it only after work:(

Anonymous said...

Lizard Eyes

Are you from The Netherlands, how interesting! We have collected so many different countries on this site.

I spent a short but happy time in Vollendam and Amsterdam shivering in a cold June! I must ask since your "name" is Lizard Eyes have you eaten at The Five Flies restaurant?.........JAK

glitzylady said...

So...I look at teeth, tongues, and mouths every day in the dental office..this just looks like "a day at the office" for me..ho hum (yawn..)... although...... being that Adam Lambert is attached to this mouth, I would be more than happy to do a personal of charge....

Anonymous said...

What a classic. This clip of Nikka and Adam is one in a million. they are really sending themselves up but at same time giving us a sneak preview of fab vocals in store on next album. Love their sense of humour. FANTASTIC!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi JaK, Though I lived in Amsterdam for many years I have never eaten at the Five Flies but heard many incredible stories about the restaurant, It was totally out of my price range in the days that I lived there.
I have lived in the States now for 20 years. Seeing Adam performing in Paradiso really made me want to move back, such a different vibe.My husband and daughters love it there also. Who knows.....

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

A must read - 8th comment at 12:26 am on Celebrity Footage's Clip of Adam Lambert on the NNN's Red Carpet. Historical Hysterical

Anonymous said...

Well, if I knew how this little gif would make some people all worked up, I would certainly not have posted it. I thought it was interesting to see how his throat muscles are working (and they ARE working) on his high notes. I would like to hear a voice coach opinion on this.
@delilah5 darling, you are freaking out over nothing again. Sorry to upset you.


Anonymous said...

This gif reminds me of the Vevo gif but not as dramatic, and I LOVE the Adam/Nikka clip. Such gorgeous voices and so funny as well. :D

Adam had braces?? From where/whom did that emanate, JAK??

Anonymous said...


First there was his gorgeous Back & Butt and now his beautiful Throat!!

Darling, min kjaereste Eva, you are absolutely wonderful with these links and gifs!!! Keep on sending them, please!! I enjoy every one of these!!!

Humour days vary with us here. There are days when I laugh aloud to @delilah5´s humour for example.

Kjaereste darlings, I love your company very much on this site. You are nowadays kind of a second family to me! Hugs and kisses!!


Anonymous said...

@Ronnie, gullegutt!

Thank you sweetheart! It´s nice to be appreciated. I love to share things I find on the net and the best this week was the Adam/Nikka video. I see you are a "back-and-butt" obsesser too. Good! I thougt I was the only back freak here :-)
Ha de!

Anonymous said...


Actually I commented your Back&Butt pics already on another thread, but you perhaps did not see it..
I said something like; his back is touching but strong. Very sexy and mysterious. The pic of his butt with that silver hmm... overalls was quite hm... trained!!


Anonymous said...

ROFL!!!!! What a HOOT! I love Adam being so relaxed and silly! HAHAHAHHa! Great view of the magic pipes!!

Anonymous said...

Too much attention is paid to the throat. In actual fact, it was a master class singing lesson. Adam and Nikka did such a fantabulous mesh of high notes.
-Lam My

Anonymous said...

@Eva 1:14AM You probably didn't read my latest comment. May be because I address it to Fan4fun:)
I watched Adam & Nikka page where they got high notes and I coudn't stop to laugh:D
After this I understood where from you got this gif. Sorry, dear.
Hope, Icon will get the birthday links I posted on this page.
P.S. Sorry, if I made some mistakes but I don't have chance to check spelling:)

Anonymous said...

Anon l:59 a.m.

In one of the many photos of Adam as a teen, he has braces on his teeth. I'm glad they worked so beautifully..............JAK

Anonymous said...

Lizard Eyes

I loved the tall skinny houses in Amsterdam, it's a fairy tale looking country. My friend and I ate at The Five Flies and it cost my entire souvenier budget, plus we ate bread and cheese for lunches the next few days. I ended up with a lovely adventure and one tiny Delft magnet for fridge.......Dag.......JAK

Anonymous said...

@ Eva,Keep posting your delicious links of any part of Adam! I see he still has his tonsils and if I remember correctly, his mom at one time was a dental hygienist. He doesw have a healthy looking throat and mouth with great muscle control. Nothing wrong with that part! I volunteer to hold his hand in the dentists chair. One MD said I used to hypnotize the patients that were going thru' difficult procedures. Not so, just human touch, soft voice and eye contact. Will travel for Adam.. funbunn40