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My Word Radio Music Station Discusses and Plays Adam Lambert Music

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 14, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Word Radio Music Station from the United Kingdom will feature music by Adam Lambert each day at 10:00p.m. UK time until next Monday April 18th.

You can listen to the program in the station's website here: Mywordradio

Info from Mahailia:

The program, presented by Angelina Kalahari, is designed to introduce listeners to the music and vocal ability of Adam Lambert. She plays 6 of Adam's songs, with commentary on his classically trained voice, and the vocal mastery of his music, and is well worth a listen.

Thanks to Mahailia!

Thanks Eva for the tip!

To listen to the rest, head over to TheSoundbath's youtube channel!

Thanks Glitzylady!


glitzylady said...

You beat me to this! LOL!! Am listening to it right now and was going to post it! I have to say, I NEVER tire of listening to Adam sing "Come To Me, Bend To Me" from Brigadoon...I have it downloaded into my iTunes acct. music player and burned to some CD's..which I have been known to give to people, with some other of his music, as an intro to him and his music.( I also include "Fever", by the way!) Absolutely no one could deny his mastery of his voice here. It is absolutely beautiful, and is the perfect example of Adam's talent. This woman truly understands and appreciates Adam's gift, and compares him to the great tenors of the world. And, it is such a shame that "Time For Miracles" was not widely played on the radio.or even generally known, because it is another showcase for his voice. Someday, all will know and appreciate him. I hope to follow this series and hoping to it will appear here as well.

Anonymous said...

€Eva, thank you!!

Just this morning I was thinking about the Grammy Nomination. Adam´s voice is so stunning and rare that he should have won the competition. At least someone in the classical music area understands and appreciates Adam´s unique voice as a valuable instrument.
Wow really!!


Anonymous said...

I was so touched that I put € (=euro) infront of Eva....
Anyway, what the heck!


Anonymous said...

Eva you're priceless! Thankyou, what a great link! GL, Knew you would also come thru' for us!Come to Me Bend to Me is exquisite, as is Time for Miracles. Love that he is appreciated by such a talent and her comments have such credibility to those that criticize Adam's vocal ability. funbunn40

Fan4fun said...

@ Ronnie

Actually I loved your «euro» before «Eva»... my keyboard is old and doesn't own the euro symbol, only «$» and «£». But hey! If Eva is for sale in any currency I want to acquire her for my collection of «good fellows always well informed and sharing»! Ha!

Anonymous said...

OMG the UK at last appreciating Adam Lambert! Awesome!

The UK has surely missed out on the wonderment
of a Superstar.(so frustrating for those Uk fans) One wonders exactly who is responsible for actually pulling the strings on promotions within the UK. I was appalled by the small venue Adam had to contend with on his last visit. He deserved so much 'better-er'.

Anonymous said...

That's a good news indeed!!!!! It's time for UK to make actions and really appreciated...

Thanks for the fans!!!! You rock!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post. So happy to hear Adam will get more exposure in the U.K. Come to me Bend to me shows the amazing vocal ability of Adam. I think one note is held for at least 20 seconds. It's so beautiful. That same voice can wail out a rock song as well. His talent is astounding coupled with his personality and gorgeous looks!

Anonymous said...

Go to the link and you can post a message to the station to thank them for playing Adam's music. Or any other comment you want to make.

HK fan said...

Speaking of the UK, I miss Glambrit/IOW, ans chezza-sherbert, hope they are OK, and come back to the site soon.

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for this. Can't check it out now, swamped with work. But will surely do as soon as have time. The posts Angelina Kalahari wrote about Adam last year and her interviews with Xena & Juneau were riveting to me. I am so grateful to her for sharing her knowledge of vocal mastery and promoting Adam's talent in such meaningful informative way.


Anonymous said...

It makes us all so happy when we hear nice things about Adam. We want other people to find him as talented as we do. AND THEY DO! More every day.

I nearly went crazy early in my obsession trying to find some way to "capture" Come to Me, Bend to Me with no luck for the longest time but I was persistant and one day there it was!!!!!!!!!
I quickly captured it and have it on 3 cd's just in case!!!!!!And the beautiful Time for Miracles came and went too fast to gain the audience it deserved.

Since I'm a relic from the glory days of MGM musicals, all the great ones are sitting in my bookshelf on VHS. I'd make room for a new one from Adam...the new proposed film of Wicked or his favorite Jesus Christ Superstar. Someday!!!

Now, to quote our near and dear Adam, I'm off to SHOP!!! It's girl's day out shopping and lunch with daughter #1..............JAK

Anonymous said...

Help! Someone please post a workable link to the radio show. No maatter what I click on now, I can't get it. Maybe it's just me. I'm dying to hear it!

Anonymous said...

As a Uk girl currently living in Perth WA, I am glad to see him getting some more exposure there. I am ashamed at how crap the pr has been for him there and one of my friends who is in to all things music has not even heard of him. The aussies have certainly embraced him more.


Anonymous said...

@Anon 6:58AM - try this link:
Let me know if it works,

glitzylady said...

Another link that will work for sure in USA anyway, is this YouTube link: go to this one, Part 1, go to "5 Videos" at the top of the page, click on it, and it will open links for the other 4 videos, parts 2 through 5. Just tried them and they work.

"The Soundbath Discusses Sony/RCA recording artist Adam Lambert on UK radio, part 1"

And as I said above, just go to "5 Videos" at the top of the You Tube page for parts 2 through 5...

Anonymous said...

@ 7am...Hello Perth! I've Just moved from that place. There are some really dedicated ADAM fans in WA...and that's Western Australia not

Anonymous said...

I love all types of music and love everything Adam sings. Even tho I absolutely LOVE, LOVE everything on FYE, his acoustic album and certainly the GNT LIVE album (went to 3 GNT concerts), his voice on 'Come To Me Bend To Me' absolutely gives me chills. If, for any reason, he fades in the pop music culture (which I completely doubt!), he still has an amazing future wherever he chooses to go. His 'instrument' is like no other and I feel privileged to be one of his diehard fans, who will love him no matter what he sings. He is absolutely amazing!

Anonymous said...

Listened to the radio show. LOVED it when she said that Adam will change the face of modern music. That's an understatement,if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

She is being unselfish, is she? Otherwise she's just another cougar.

Anonymous said...

OMG I get goose bumps when I hear 'Come To Me Bend To Me' - this is so exciting. I love his vocals in 'Time For Miracles' and if it was played on the radio, it would have been a hit. Adam can sing anything. This is a great forum to showcase his amazing vocal instrument. I hope it is heard by many and people realize what he is bringing to music and yes he will change it because that is what music icons do. KLM

The Dark Side said...

Bought a new M3 player and I am so glad that I was reminded to download some of his classical songs. So happy that he's being recognized in the UK.

Anonymous said...

@KLM I'm in complete agreement with your post. Adam is a vocal icon and eventually more and more people will recognize this. Not many people can sing opera type ballads to rock and sound so perfect.

Anonymous said...

The high brows know a genius when they hear one.
People are so preoccupied with his persona it overshadows the magnificence of his vocals.

If he was fat and ugly with no personality he would be a great opera star! He did try opera, but didn't stay with it. Tooo damn gorgeous I think.

There is no limit to what Adam will achieve and will surely be recognized as one of the geatest
voices and entertainers of this century.

Anonymous said...

I made a note on other page with these songs...
about the fact that the song Come to Me was cut out of the MGM film.........hard to believe they'd leave out this beautiful song. I guess that happens with a lot of stage plays when they are made into films............JAK

tess4ADAM said...

@JAK ... like you I too have ALL the MGM musicals on VHS & am hoping to one day convert them to DVDs .... especially my ELVIS & Howard Keel/Kathryn Grayson/Jane Powell/Deanna Durbin movies ... I have the Brigadoon movie on VHS (wish ADAM was in it) & I was pretty sure that song was included ... someone named Jimmy or Tommy something played Charlie (ADAM's role) in the movie ... could be wrong tho' ... sad part was when Charlie was killed ... I'm gonna check it out if I can bribe someone to go upstairs & get it out of the storeroom for me ... no more stairs for me .... Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...


Forget the storeroom, I watched the film this morning, wanted to see where the song would have fit in.....Charlie was Jean's fiance ,he came to the house to sign the family Bible and Jean's father hands it to him thru the window, while Jean hurries out of the room. Charlie sits and signs his name and looks ready to launch into song and they cut away from that scene completely.

It's so obvious when you know they left it out.
Harry Beaton is the one who runs away because he can't have Jean and gets killed. Charlie marries Jean and lives happily ever after 1 day every 100 years. The End

Jimmy Thompson played Charlie but his voice was dubbed. And....right up till they got ready to film ,Kathryn Grayson was scheduled to play the Cyd Charisse part!!!

I have Jane Powell and Debbie Reynolds Two Weeks With Love (abba dabba dabba) here at my elbow and Athena...again Jane Powell and Debbie with Vic Damone and Edmund Purdom.

If you were my Tampa neighbor we could have marvelous film festivals....since we are both sort of immovable objects......I miss MGM....JAK

Anonymous said...


so would love to know where i could hook up with like minded perth WA fans!!
