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New Pictures of Adam Lambert at NNN Awards by MLG Photography

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thanks to MicheleDE!


Anonymous said...

Don't be mad, I'm just learning about this drag queen thing, but honestly I hope adam never dresses up like them. Just sayin, maybe I don't understand, but I want adam to be a huge,mainstream,iconic superstar he was born to be.

Anonymous said...

Drag artists are mainstream entertainers and they dress up to entertain the mainstream audience.

Anonymous said...

@3:55 thank-you for enlightening me. appreciate that.

Anonymous said...

I see the publicist behind Adam and the pretty blond..

Anonymous said...

FYI - Adam said in a previous interview that he doesn't do drag.

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun - It's already TOMORROW here, so please deliver this "modified poem" to Icon as a Birthday present from me:

Happy Birthday, Icon!
You're lovable, playful,
intelligent, bright.
Perhaps sleepy by day
and active by night.
Gracefully beautiful,
impeccably groomed,
no need for fine feathers
(Sweet Adam LOVES feathers),
nor expensive perfumes
(Sweet Adam loves perfumes).

Sultry, provocative,
seductive and MUCH more…
(like Sweet Adam)
You're the one your Mommy’s heart
will always adore
(incl. Sweet Adam).
When the day has been bad
(in Hell’s Kitchen)
and life feels flat,
She returns home
to her darling Glambertcat.

Enjoy your Birthday Party, Icon Dearest!
Eat lots of coconut white cake
and get (or listen to) SOAKED
with Mommy & all your Friends

Best wishes
GGD Gal, Your Bitchy Auntie

Anonymous said...

although i don't like it either, there are a ton of old pictures on the internet of adam in drag at various parties. i'll try to get used to it/understand it if you will.

Anonymous said...

Key parties! I'm a straight Grandma and there are lots of pictures of me dressed up as pirates with mustaches, Hell's Angel biker,
Captain Kangaroo and even Santa Claus.....all male you parties!

If Adam starts appearing on red carpet affairs in full female garb then there would be validity in suggesting he was a drag artist.......JAK

Anonymous said...

A drag queen or drag artist is completely different to a gay male. Dont worry guys this isnt who Adam is.

Anonymous said...

I believe some of those pictures wee from Adam's theater shows, like when he sang my conviction in Hair. Adam said he does not do drag,but supports his friends that do especially Sutan his makeup artist.

Anonymous said...

Adam is gay and proud that's all !!!!!

He has his own mind what to do for himself.

I respect him for being honest with his life style....

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Adamluv said...

@GGD Gal - love your poem to Icon! So sweet and kind of you. Know that Fan4fun will love it too! Happy 'Early Birthday" to the Glambertcat!!!! Icon should be the mascot for 24/7! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam has said that he's done drag for Halloween. There are a few pics of him out there. So What? Who cares? He's not doing it as a performance thing, not in his personal life, but he does have friends who do drag. Sutan is one.

And, he said that a queen who had a costume closet or storage thing helped him with those angel wing shoulder cages he wore on the Idol finale with KISS.

Geez, when he came on my TV in that outfit with that single rhinestone on his eye, my heart skipped a beat!! I just knew we were going to see the "real" Adam, and honeys, we did!!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing cookie cutter about Adam Lambert He is not your typical gay man. He is not a typical man period. He is an amazing artist and human being trying to make music with the voice God gave him. It just seems day after day he is scrutinized by someone saying he is to gay or not gay enough. Can't we just love Adam for who he is. It crushes me to see what he goes through and the bullshit who puts up with everyday. People don't want him to dress a certain way or date Sulli and put him with Tommy his straight base player. What planet are some of you on...can't Adam just be himself;be happy, and not be judged? This is his life and he is entitled to be happy and have success and most of all peace.

Anonymous said...

I take anything Adam offer to us , in any form. Life is short and live it with no regret. Go Adam, do and sing and perform whatever you like.

Anonymous said...

@Icon HAPPY BIRTHDAY meow meow, happy birthday meow meow, happy birthday dear Icon, happy birthday meow meow!! Ida-the-ladycat send her RAKKAUS-love to you (Aunt Sanni send rakkaus too!)

Anonymous said...

I don't exactly understand drag, but I am open to learning more so I have been watching RuPaul's show. I think the girls are funny and entertaining and enjoy what they are doing. Adam is honest and needs to be himself. There are plenty of straight entertainers that attend and enjoy the drag shows. Adam will be fine and should be true to himself. I don't think drag is his thing, but don't expect him to turn his back on his friends for the almighty dollar - I don't think he would do it. Love and friendship is more important to him.

Anonymous said...

In addition to being his own person, Adam is a product of his generation. I think he would rather dress as a vampire than a drag queen! I don't understand this vampire rage on TV and movies now. Hope it soon passes. But whatever Adam wants to do, as long as it's legal, I'll support him.

Anonymous said...

A must read - 8th comment at 12:26 am on Celebrity Footage's Clip of Adam Lambert on the NNN's Red Carpet. Historical Hysterical

Anonymous said...


I´d love to see you dressed up as a Hell´s Angel Biker!! Wow! Love you lady!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam looks great in these photos. :-)

I've seen photos of Adam in drag on the internet. Maybe that's a thing of the past now for Adam. Whatever, he's one gorgeous man. :-)

Anonymous said...

Those who love Adam, please vote for him ....

We can vote every 20 minutes.

Anonymous said...

@anon 1:17 AM, just voted.

Whatever Adam is wearing there´s Adam inside!!
If I only could be Adam´s t-shirt for one day!!! (Someone would like to be his pants for sure, but I´m a decent girl and stay to the t-shirt...;D)

Anonymous said...

Drag artists are Amazing.Carmen Carrera in this picture is really beautiful. Doing drag is not a crime and Adams look great in a dress,but I think he has chosen to be a singer(right guys????) (but he looks amazing in pink dress and fishnets). Watch RuPauls Drag Race to see how talented you have to be to be a drag queen.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Is that CARMEN? Cool! She is so beautiful! Glad to see Adam meeting all these cool people!

Anonymous said...

Drag is not mainstream .Adam has done drag at parties and has been in drag contests many times, Rupauls Drag Race doesnt = mainstream . Adam has been a part of this gay club community for a long time now and altho he butched up for Idol this is who he really is and its time his fans stop trying to misrepresent him as the boy next door Lots of Gays are not involved in this lifestyle . He is a great talent and I wish him well Do watch RU{AUL to learn a lot about this culture its just what it is and not for everyone

Anonymous said...

I don't really know much or have read anything about Adam and drag contests or dressing in drag in the past. Who cares? Does it really matter? His true fans all know he is gay and enjoys his frienships in the gay community as well as with all his friends who are straight. I don't think he was "butched up" for his AI appearances. He had a different look each time he performed, each very special and suited to the song that he did. His fans do not misrepresent him as the "boy next door". We know who Adam Lambert is and we respect and admire him for his self-confidence, self-awareness and his message of love, understanding, acceptance and respect. He is a great vocal talent, probably the best in the music industry today. Let's focus on that and the charitable affiliations that he fosters. Adam Lambert seems to be enjoying life these days and looks to be happy. Good for him!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is a beautiful butterfly that has morphed and experimented thru' several stages of discovery and personal development. I think he has tried drag in the past because he loves to dress up and embody different characters and indulge his artistic side, or as mentioned, dressed for partie,shows or Halloween. For whatever his personal reasons are, I think he's moved on, been there, done that and has found himself at a place where he's satisfied and comfortable with who he is. It's growing up and trying different things. It's his individual journey, as we all have ours and he is the product of his life experiences that excite and bring us so much pleasure. Adam seems to enjoy the creativity and entertainment quality of his friends and performers that do drag. It's an art form that many straight people also enjoy and appreciate. Adam did look amazing and beautiful in a pic I saw of him with a green face. There will always be a concern over what conservative folks will think, but with Adam there are few secrets and what you see is what you get, a unique individual that isn't afraid to express himself and be real. Adam will never be boring or mundane and I love all of him! For purely selfish reasons I am awed by the leather, maleness look that smolders and the natural, boy next door look that melts my heart. He is a work of art and beauty in any way, shape or form. funbunn40

Anonymous said...


Hearts and flowers to you from a fan....JAK :)

Anonymous said...


I was a spectacular as a Hell's Angel! My brother was a motorcycle cop so I borrowed his "leather". I had long sideburns and a flowing mustache....I'm sort of partial to mustaches (should that worry me?)

Every speck of skin that showed had a fake tatoo
tattoo ? (spell?) I wore my husbands old air force jump boots.

It was a great party....but I vowed "never again"to leather.....IT'S HOT!........JAK

Anonymous said...

OT..@ JAK, Thanks! You must have been an incredible sight! I can picture the flowing mustache and sideburns! I dressed my husband and I up as the bees from a SNL party I had where we all had to dress up as any of the show characters. We also had a party where we all had to dress as famous lovers of all time. Hubby was Clark Gable and I was Carole Lombard. My neighbors were Kermit and Miss Piggy. We had a lot of theme parties that were so much fun with outrageous stories to tell. When you've lived as long as we have, there's a lot of colorful history! I know you have your share of fun-filled memories that I've enjoyed hearing. Oh no, it's 4AM! I get in so much trouble losing track of time on this site! Nitey nite! funbunn40

Anonymous said...


HE-HEE, thanks for sharing the sight!
