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Pairs skating to "Time for Miracles" by Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 17, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tiffany Vise and Don Baldwin skating to Time For Miracles by Adam Lambert at SkatersCare - A Benefit for Japan.


Anonymous said...

Why does it make me so over the top happy to hear Adam's music played.....I really have gone over the edge in being proud of him!!!

Do you suppose hearing that lovely song and others that have been used by skaters cause record sales to nudge up a bit?....hope so.JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK My heart just soared with those dancers. So proud too. Where was that? It's time they played that on the radio. Come on there is already an amazing video for that song. It's one of my faves, so appropriate for what is happening in Japan and other places in the world. Unfortunately did not look like too many people were in the audience, Love the girls comments. She was so happy to hear Adam's song.

Anonymous said...

You know just about all the songs on FYE would be good for skaters....up tempo ones and the soaring ballad ones....maybe the practically unknown Pick U Up could get a shot at being heard!......I always feel sorry for that song it seems so neglected! :( .....I love it! JAK

Anonymous said...

I love Pick U Up..Eber said it was his favorite too..all Adam's song would be great for skaters..this is also one of my favorites...but like Adam I have a hard time picking favorites..

Anonymous said...

What a great way to start the morning...listening to Adam's magnificent voice and watching the beautiful skating to Time for Miracles. How I love that song. I just can't understand why it didn't get radio play at all! I made friends of mine go see the movie 2012 just so we could hear Adam sing TFM at the ending credits! I was so proud of him then and so proud of him now. His voice is just so amazing. I also love Pick U Up has always been one of my favs on FYE.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful!!!


Anonymous said...

A lot of Adams songs are so good for ice dancing and this one sure proves it.

And I love Pick U Up for my trampoline exercising which I really need to get back to.


Anonymous said...

I loved the girls singing to the song every now and then in the background. I love the story behind this beautiful song.

Anonymous said...

Totally OFF TOPIC: Does anyone know if adam will be touring this summer? His album doesn't come out till fall, so will he tour before that or after that? Glizylady if your here- you'll probably know?

Anonymous said...

OT - there are only 10 more hours to vote for OMA in the "must follow on twitter" category:

Anonymous said...

You don't usually tour unless you are out promoting a new album so his next tour is PROBABLY pretty far away..Sad :(

Hope I'm wrong!......JAK

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jak for answering, it might be a very boring summer.


MiMi said...

I LOVE this song. Should have been a mega hit. All Adam's songs are great, but this one is really emotional.
I love Pick U Up too. Also should have been a mega hit.

Anonymous said...

This song should have been promoted more. It is my favorite. Adam sang it so beautifully and the video he made was out of this world. Seeing this made me so happy. Love this song so much!

Anonymous said...

Radio plays POP and RAP....but there's hope, Adele may help bring back real music. I think The Time for Miracles and For Your Entertainment were too close to the AMA blowup and it hurt didn't help that the movie 2012 was a flop.

Can't understand why Pick U Up wasn't released as a single, it's definitely dancey POP like IIHY. In fact I like it better. I've wondered if maybe it was because of the long thrilling
"I need someone to be my lover, all my life I've been waiting.........." that all one breath passage would have been difficult to sing live again and again in public to promote it.

Also think that's the reason Can't Let You Go is practically non existant.....too difficult to sing outside a studio. But I'm still sad we didn't get it on our album like UK did....Oh well, complaining won't change a thing.........
Since Adam has said he wants second album to veer toward a new direction, I have hope for it
to maybe join Adele in new found fans.....JAK

Anonymous said...

I'd like to remind that Adele is soul- and jazz singer. I do like soul, but the 70's soul music was way better.

Anonymous said...

Adam did a sound check on time for miracles during GNT, I thought he would sing it oversea and never happen. It is unfortunate that this song (many of Adam's) is not on radio. I am still waiting for CLYG to be released one day and I think Adam will sing those beautifully live if he wants to.

Anonymous said...

Time for Miracles is a great song. I absolutely love it. It's one of my favourite besides the original Aftermath. Never seen the US fans praise these songs, but Europeans and Asians like them. Different taste in different parts of the world I guess.

Anonymous said...

Time For miracles is such a Beautiful song. Adam has the voice for movie soundtracks and probably will do more in the future.

glitzylady said...

@ JAK: Thanks for answering the question about when Adam might resume touring! LOL! I WISH I had a direct line to what he might be doing but I really don't...As JAK said, no album until Fall, so no tour this summer. : ( . I would assume he will have a new single out a month or two at least, before the new album comes out looking forward to him doing some promotion for that single, for sure! The usual places: Leno, Ellen, etc...maybe some morning shows, and maybe the View, The Talk, etc.., (please, please, please!!).

Back to the next actual tour: if he follows the same pattern as last time, I suppose we won't see a tour until spring or summer 2012, but sooner would be more than fine with me, and maybe this time around he'll have it all worked out sooner, and ready to roll, perhaps even late winter! Mostly wishful thinking on my part obviously. Its certainly possible he will do some appearances, unrelated to an actual tour, like he did last time, but who knows.. I went to his Fantasy Springs and River Rock performances well before the GNT tour started, but those were "testing the waters" for his tour, I think. Not sure he will feel the need to do that this time! He knows he has an audience! But if he does do that, I'm ready! Now....LOL!! Its been too long since my last live performance opportunity and I'm feeling very deprived...and a little cranky!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I was thinking that Adam would hit some of the countries that wanted him like South America, South Africa or China even Russia with his Glam Nation Tour.....just to stay in the spot light....
I read that his recording company is not very good at promoting...Some former AI winners and runner-ups dropped them as soon as they could...
Seems to me the Glamberts do more promoting then them....

Anonymous said...

Sad news.. a 9 year old glambert died this morning from cancer

Anonymous said...

re: 11:30

I wasn't comparing Adam's and Adele's voices I was hoping that since she is something new and seems to be making a move up in the business, maybe tastes are changing. Which could only be good for Adam.

Personally I'd love to hear some soul and jazz from we know he can sing anything.
He was in a JAZZ group....was that in high school or on cruise ship, I've forgotten?..JAK

Anonymous said...


Was that the child Adam called from Europe who was in the hospital?

Whether or not that is always sad news, cancer is cruel and can take one at any age. But a child's death is always devastating. I hope someone somehow can comfort the family...JAK

Anonymous said...

Beautiful song by Adam. 2012 has been playing on Starz. I listened to him sing while the credits rolled. Yes, you are correct when you say it makes your heart proud for him. I always get a little teary eyed. Can't explain why, but I will gladly live with the feelings.


Anonymous said...

The girl Adam called from Europe died a few months ago.

Adamluv said...

TFM should have been on the radio! It's beautiful and his "look" in the video was smouldering hot.. . . Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

My condolences to the young girl's family. I think this song is a true match to the beautiful skating duo.

Anonymous said...

Sad news, my heartfelt condolences to the family.

Anonymous said...

When the video of The Time for Miracles came out my daughter #1 was a huge fan (she's the rocker).
She had been a fan of Adam on Idol and was sure he would go ROCK. I teased her that she was drooly over The Time for Miracles and she said
"Mom, It's a rock power ballad!" I had never heard the expression so she made me a list to look up...Aerosmith, Guns and Roses, etc. a lot of their songs were similar and I really liked them. I was getting a lesson in Rock 101 from an expert. But FYE lost her. Mostly POP so that
ended her as a potential Glambert.

She's one of those aggravating rock purists. Well
she is 51 now so her young years slid from disco right into rock where she remains today. She's the one who has the tee shirt I MAY BE OLD BUT I SAW ALL THE GREAT BANDS.

She still plays her video of TTFMiracles!...JAK

Anonymous said...

They should re-release it or have Adam sing it live at a benefit. He was sooo hot in this vid - looks and vocally. C'mon RCA - make it the monster hit it deserved to be. Well, at least have Adam sing it live once in my lifetime.

Anonymous said...

My condolences to the family of the 9 year old Glambert child that passed away. That is very sad news indeed. I hope the beautiful, angelic voice of Adam Lambert may bring some small comfort to the grieving family.


Anonymous said...

I went to see 2012 just to hear Adam sing Time for Miracles. It is my opinion that if the song had been blended into the soundtrack, it would have been a hit. The crowd left as the credits came on. So there I sat in an empty theater grinning from ear to ear with tears on my face listening to that voice.

It is also my opinion that if Brian May and Meat Loaf hadn't praised it so highly...who knows? It is what it is. It wasn't promoted at all by Adam's management which didn't help.

HK fan said...

Its great to hear Adams music being used in this way, and the skaters were great, at least he was, unfortunately couldn't see the woman, only her head, white dress, white background and white spotlight doesn't go well together!
Love TOM, and the story nehind it makes it more poignant.

HK fan said...

oops, Behind....must learn to proof read!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

JAK - "Pick You Up" is not neglected by me. I have it on repeat on my IPOD during my 45 minute walk every morning. It's the perfect beat for brisk walking. Plus, the lyrics are so appropriate for Adam and me " more's my time...".

Anonymous said...

from Rodgers and Hammerstien's Cinderella : I wonder what the King is doing tonight? the King of Rock ...and all music styles

Anonymous said...

....what merriment is the King pursuing tonight?
How goes the final hour as he sees the bridal bower being regally and legally prepared? I'll tell you what the King is doing tonight, he's scared! He's scared!

Your brain is singing Camelot and your fingers were typing Cinderella. Bad fingers!

Wouldn't you love to see Adam as King Arthur or better yet Sir Lancelot! If Ever I Would Leave You? That would be a dream come true.

The stage i

Anonymous said...

@4:23 OMG the same exact thing happened to me. I only went to 2012 to hear adam sing. They ROBBED him of that song, whereas everyone left because it came on way too late. I and my non fan husband and 2 other girls were the only ones that stayed. I was so pissed. That song is epic in so many ways.

My heart goes out to the little 9 yr old glambert that passed, so sad, I'm so blessed I made it to 50 years so far


Anonymous said...

What about Can't Let you Go!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about crying I do almost everytime I play it--It was the only song i played after my mom died!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

love this song, the dancers were amazing. pick you up is still my favorite. it was sad adam did not promote the song.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, Adam makes people cry and that's why it is not easy for me to listen to 'Come Home' and 'I Just Love You', heart-wrenching and beautiful. I think Time For Miracles is a very relevant song for presnt times, wars and quakes. Peace, Japan. RIP nine-year-old Glambert.
The skaters are highly-skilled and graceful; Adam's power voice hitting the highest notes ever. He must do a movie because he looks so good and natural on camera as seen in the short video of Time For Miracles.
-lam my

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about that song Can't let You Go, when I hear that song I get goose bumps all over. Please, Adam I bet there is a million of us that would love to hear you sing the lost forgotten song that should have been a hit. There is so much emotion and feeling to it. A song to relate.

Anonymous said...

This was so cool! I also think Pick U Up is the best on the album. JAK it was about the only song that has had no play/singing anywhere and it just makes me so sad. I so looked forward to hearing it at the one concert I went to.

On a happy note, I went to my son's college visit day on Saturday and low and behold, right there in the quad where there were masses of people all lined up waiting to view the different dorm room building options and none other that "If I Had You" filled the airwaves! I was soooo excited I started bopping to the music and singing it till my son said "Mom, don't do that! You're embarassing me"! Huh! Well, I never... So, I turned around (out of his line of site and quietly sang the song along with Adam!!) It was so cool!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the videos of these fantastic, high-calibre ice-skaters, skating to Adam's profound, beautiful singing; an epitome of voice and dance, a coming together of perfectionists.
-lam my

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to the parents of the nine yr old and the child that passed a few months ago. No parent should ever outlive a child. Nothing is more devastating. These little angels are no longer suffering, but a loss like that is almost too much to bear. My prayers and energy go out to them..A Time for Miracles is a song that can be interpreted in so many ways and is so powerful. It just was lost somewhere along the way and it is one of Adam's most astounding vocals. Those high notes are magnificent. Pick you up and Master plan got lost also. Don't know what it will take. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

The skaters chose a fantastic song and even tho' the video quality wasn't the greatest, they skated beautifully. I've always been a big fan of ice skating. It was my main passion before Adam. Now it's in 2nd place! Beldon/Agosto are my favorite ice dancers. Japan has some wonderful skaters. They are all incredible athletes and hope they will use more of Adam's songs in their routines. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Are you still here? I left you a message at Sauli and Katri's post'


Anonymous said...

Thanks anon 8:05 for the was Camelot..not Cinderella..

Anonymous said...

They actually do play IIHY out there in the world. At my granddaughters middle school dance recital they danced to it & I almost jumped out of my seat, but I refrained & just bounced.

The DJ at a function in a night club played IIHY as I was being honored at a ceremony. It was requested for me by the family & I just loved it!! Of course, my family thinks I'm Adam nuts but it was fun. Did a little dance that time!

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! The song really fits there!! Thanks for finding this link!! I enjoyed so!


Anonymous said...

I saw/listened also "Soaked" and a young guy skate dancing it so well. Very impressive!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

You have been spent as much time as us on this blog lately, you must admire Adam very much as you may not aware that. Be positive, be a HAPPY.AL and you will be a winner afterall!! :)

Anonymous said...

1:09 am

This is 8:05 pm.....aka JAK

As you can see the computer swallowed part of my original post and name....I always identify myself. I was so thrilled to hear your reference to my favorite musical I was compelled to jump in. Since the original cast album in early 60's (long play 78 record) to my present cd's ingrained in my brain. And in my daughters! My bedroom stereo (a huge clunky cabinet model) was against the wall to their bedroom so since it was my calm down,feel good before sleep medicine I played it every night.
They were 5 and 8 at the time...they will soon turn 49 and 52 and we all 3 can still sing every lyric in every song....Happy Brain Washing!!!!!!
Julie Andrews and I are the same age so I always claimed her as my pretend English twin.

You brought back lovely memories, thank you.JAK

Anonymous said...

I do think the name SAD.AL pretty much covers it.
Listen to Pick U Up, you need it baby.

Adamluv said...

@daydreamin and @LBS - still makes me smile when I read stories like these about Adams music being played. I'm actually thinking about throwing myself a birthday party in July with the theme being . . . . Adam Lambert! Just his music all nite! Any suggestions? . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@anon 10:11am I love "Pick You Up".
And I think this song is perfect for Trevor Project!
Aftermath is poor choice.
As a result of this choice, Adam lost his game again.

Anonymous said...


As a joke (since they all think I'm nuts) for weeks before Christmas I cut out every photo of Adam I could find of any size and hid them away.
Mine is a house filled with family photos in every room but especially in living room two console tables with the pretty jeweled sparkley frames..20 or more. Christmas Eve day I put photos of Adam in every frame of every size....
kept the room dark all day so husband didn't notice. I took a large gold framed mirror off the hall wall and put it in center of table, filled it with white candles and scattered gold glitter around them.

As family arrived I only had lights from tree on and the white candles, fixed everyone a drink and we chatted in the lovely dim lights. When food was brought out I turned on the lights in the room. Everywhere they looked there was Adam.
They got a good laugh and took dozens of photos.
As the evening progressed everyone exited the bathrooms laughing.....yes a sparkley jeweled Adam by each sink......

We always have some kind of joke or theme at our Holiday gatherings. Can't wait for Easter at my
daughter's house, she has two live in inherited
granddaughters, 4 and 7 they have been busy making decorations.

Hope your birthday party is a blast!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

@JAK! What a hilarious Christmas surprise with all those Adam's pics and glitter! You are so funny and creative woman! Enjoyed reading about it. Thanks for charing! Ronnie

Anonymous said...

That was hilarious JAK. If it wasn´t for that awful climate and palm trees where you live, I would move in with you.


Adamluv said...

JAK, Love the creativity!!!!! What fun that must have been. ....... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Hi this is my video, thank you to whoever posted it, for getting the word out!


Anonymous said...

My real test of fandom and silliness comes tomorrow. I finally decided to frame the Charity:Water photo of Adam. Since it's black and white I took Great Grandmother Missouri Ann
(yes that was really her name) out of her frame.
It's a really pretty Art Deco style in black and silver......suits Adam perfectly. I attached a long silvery chain belt and hung it on a narrow section of bedroom wall.....matches the decor.

When my housekeeper (#1 daughter)came to clean today she fiendishly dared me to wear it as a necklace when I go in to get a perm tomorrow! This is the hairdresser I turned onto Adam a few months ago.....What to do? If I do it, and she WILL verify, she says she'll give me a gardening day and plant pansies and petunias for me in big
clay pots around the pool. I'm so tempted!!!!!!

My husband says "go for it". I'm actually considering it!............JAK

Anonymous said...

I like the stadium acoustics on Adam's singing Time For Miracles. I hope someday Adam will be awarded a trophy for his power singing of Time For Miracles, touches the heart and soul. Is it possible to make the video of the skaters clearer because when Adam sings "Baby you know..." the lady skater spurts above the ice, with perfect synchronisation.
-lam my

Anonymous said...


Well did you/are going to wear Adam´s framed photo as a necklace while getting perm!???? Just curious...


Anonymous said...

@ Jak, Go for it! Loved the Christmas surprise!..@ LMB Will go to site now. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

To Whom It May Interest

Yes I wore the photo...chose a black shirt and charcoal gray jeans to "match" the frame and photo. Fortunately only 3 other customers there.
Hairdresser and 2 of the customers started laughing, one was puzzled but we all 4 explained and she promised to check him out on comp. when she got home. I told them all about this site so we may have some new "friends".

Best part was when manucurist came in.
Adorable Asian girl, hairdresser said "Kimmie come see this beautiful necklace." I pulled up my "bib" and she squealed "Ah-dum, it's Ah-dum!"
So I took it off so she could look at it. She carried it to her table and propped it up opposite her and said, "Okay Ah-dum what color do you want...I have black or midnight blue?"
Then we talked Adam till I was permed and ready to go.......she's a great fan of his. While I waited for my husband to come pick me up I took the photo out of the frame and just before I left I gave it to her. I got a really big hug!

It seemed like the right thing to do! JAK

Anonymous said...

@JAK your story is hilarious and wonderful! You go girl... And now you have your gardening day and new pretty flowers! I LOVED your Christmas story too!

Adamluv, go throw yourself an Adam themed birthday party and we will be there with you-in spirit at least! Sounds like so much fun!
