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The Soundbath Introduces Adam Lambert to UK radio (Complete Program)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 15, 2011

Posted at : Friday, April 15, 2011

Thanks glitzylady for the tip!


Anonymous said...


Thank you my dear lady, you are good at taking care of our Adam needs.


Anonymous said...

I'm on the second video. This is a great program.

Thanks glitzylady!

Anonymous said...

And of course we can´t watch this great program in my country.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I complained too early. I can listen on YouTube.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. I went to the site and listened but it is so much easier to come here. I wish everyone could hear what Angelina says about Adam's voice and how she compares him to the great tenors of the world. The amazing fact being how he can change his voice up to suit rock or pop. I just can't get over Adam' talent. Absolutely can't wait for his next CD. Hope by then the U.K. will play his music there.

Anonymous said...

What a treasure.....I tried to listen to this early afternoon after a morning of soon as Broken Open started I couldn't stay awake. That's on my Lullaby cd I made myself of Adam's "softer" music. It works better than a sleeping pill and since that song makes me feel like I'm floating in space I always have such lovely dreams.

Now that I'm fully awake I'll start over..JAK

Anonymous said...

brigadoon is my favorite song of all times and when I discovered Adam singing it all my dreams have come true..just beautiful...thank you Adam

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From Adamtopia: They are excited. Adams music on radio in UK. It seems like Angelinas program broke down doors and blew down walls and now it is a FYE tsunami. Let´s hope so.


Anonymous said...

After I watched Part 1,I went on Youtube to listen again and emailed it to many friends, some Adam fans already and some not fans. I don't see how anyone, fan or not, cannot be awestruck by the beauty of Adam's voice. What amazing talent. As much as I love Adam singing rock, pop, ballads since the first day he auditioned on AI, now that I've heard his "musical theater" voice (at age 22) I think this type of music may actually showcase his spectacular voice even more. I know Adam has said he wants to explore different genres of music now but I hope one day he goes back to musical theater (far in to the future time) so the world (a whole new fan base) can be mesmerized by Adam Lambert.

What a pleasure to hear a professional classically trained opera singer praise his "mastery of his vocal instrument." I'm so glad the UK is opening up to the idea of Adam Lambert!


Anonymous said...

Bravo my dear Adam.............................

It's remarkable to hear his voice like this......

One of a kind indeed.......

Magical voice....................

I really love and adore his unbelievable voice...

I don't know how to describe him anymore....

I'm just gonna shut up and listen........


Anonymous said...

Ct Great idea to email to friends and those who are on the fence about Adam will surely fall in love with his voice. I did the same, so if we all get the site out to others we can add lots of new fans. Does CT stand for Connecticut or your initials. Because I used the live in Ct. for my whole life minus 3 since I have moved.

Anonymous said...

To: Mom From Toronto, Canada

As the young people would say today, "I feel ya"!!!

65 and came alive again, excited about music...again!!!! because of that sweet boy!!!


Anonymous said...

When you listen to the albums songs like this, standing alone, I once again am just blown away by the tone and sweetness of his perfect voice.
Do you think Adam is aware of this program, I know hw doesnt miss much, and I am sure the twitter world has enlightened him. I am starting to think his beauty and talent is being wasted in the "Pop" world, you know what I mean?

glitzylady said...

I have emailed this to many friends, tweeted it out several times, re-tweeted the link for this blog, @AdamLambertTV, on twitter, sent it to a friend with another Adam Lambert blog, and she posted it right away, etc., etc..I really echo all of the comments here, and commented on other threads that I love Adam's beautiful tenor voice in "Come To Me, Bend To Me", and I have it burned to some CD's with some of what I consider to be Adam's best music, and listen to it often. (I also pass those around..people are amazed when they hear his voice.."Thats Adam Lambert??? Wow! I had no idea!")..I also do agree that at some point it would be so nice for the world to have the opportunity to hear his classically trained voice in all of its stunningly clear, pitch-perfect,, and powerful glory. I say this with trepidation because this could bring out those who want to believe that those who love Adam's pure voice simply presented are anti-pop or anti-rock, which is not true at all in my case..I love ALL of his music, including "Fever", with the Tommy kiss or not ,which is SO much fun to watch Adam perform on stage, and listen to anywhere, anytime.. He can sing anything, and make it fabulous. But his tenor voice at its purest may perhaps ultimately be what will bring him the widest recognition and adulation in the years to come. He can sing whatever his heart desires and I will be thrilled..But the occasional opportunity to let the world experience what he can do with it will also be welcome. To those who say "all he can do is scream", which is pure BS anyway, I say this is proof positive that that statement is unsupported and ridiculous, and supremely false..Not to mention he looks good too..but that's a whole other subject.......... ; )

Anonymous said...

@ cougar65,

Adam is in his own league and nobody in his generation can do what he is doing in the Music Industry. He is shaking it up completely indeed.

I'll rock with him any time ha!ha!ha!ha!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure many of you have listened to Adam singing "My Conviction" from the musical "Hair". If not simply goggle (Adam Lambert / My Conviction) and listen to him, he's unbelievable. Sounds like a mezzo soprano.........

Anonymous said...

I listened to "My Convictions" thanks for the tip Wow he can just do anything!

Anonymous said...

This is FABULOUS! Sounds like this woman has exploded the barriers and is getting that voice out where it belongs! The UK has been stubborn about Adam, but they can't ignore this endorsement. I hope this knocks their socks off. BTW, Adam's "My Conviction" from Hair is a tour de force. The control he has of his voice and the nuance, personality and strength he displays is phenomanal.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady Thank you, my dear friend. This show is miracle. Like dream became true. When I opend the first part I was in shock! Finally, somebody talks about Adam as a very talented musician, talks about every details of his unique voice. Fantastic! It is some kind of magic! Adam's magic "music instrument" was compared with opera's geniouses of 20th and 21st centuries! Hope, one day we will have this kind of show in US. And it suposed to be on TV. And nobody will mention "openly gay. Adam Lambert", "AI runner-up Adam Lambert" and include the video or pictures from AMA.
Can't describe all my emotions and feelings. Probably it will take some time.

Anonymous said...

When I first found Come to Me Bend to Me I loved it but couldn't remember ever having heard it. I have the VHS tape of Brigadoon and had watched it probably 20 times at least and know all the songs and in which order they are sung.

So I watched it once again.....Come to Me is NOT in the film. I later found out it was cut ,can you believe that beautiful song was left out.! I read up on it and found that it was on the soundtrack recording but definitely not in the film...........................JAK

Anonymous said...

@anon 5:41

Sorry it took so long to reply to your question...RL got in the way! Yes, CT, are my initials. I've never visited Connecticut but would love to some day. I live in Los Angeles (same city as Adam!). My hope continues that I may run in to him one day while he's out shopping or something LOL!

Anonymous said...

I remember when Adam was on Idol there was an article from three opera singers that tweeked Adams singing on Idol. All 3 gave him a very good rating.
I agree that Adam is one of a kind. Perfect!


Anonymous said...

Glitztlady, I guess thats what I was trying to say, but you said it so eloquently, Thank you.

Anonymous said...

LOve this article..makes me cry but fills my heart.....

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting this..Adam's voice awakens and plays across all the forgotten pleasure spots in my brain..he is a blessing..then to watch him perform and listen to him talk is just an incredible topping..cannot wait for his next venture..for some reason I cried the whole time this lovely lady was talking about Adam..the music was just over whelming in the most wonderful way

Anonymous said...

The UK really need to get it together when it comes to Adam Lambert. Feel sorry for the Glamberts there because of the lack of exposure for Adam. Heavens above where is the promotions and why are they holding back with the genius
of Mr Lambert?

Anonymous said...

To anon 3:36 My words exactly. I don`t know why I cried. The program felt so elegant and respectful towards Adam. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, My message was to anon 3:46.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting this...your critique of ADAM is spot on. It's great listening to comments from someone who really knows about the nuances of his incredible voice. He's one in a one has a voice with a range like his. He can sing anything...I agree when he sings ballads his emotions come thru loud and clear...unbelievable. I cant wait to see how far he goes in his career...he'll be around forever. Besides his incredible voice, he has a wonderful spirit and spreads love and good feelings everywhere he goes...he's truly one of a kind!

Iliya said...

Hey guys,
First tnx 2 Glitzlady and 24/7 for posting this.
Guuuuuuuuuuyssss!!! :(( I can't watch the first 2 parts, it says it's not providing the service in my country...
Anyone has an alternate link plsss?! :(

Anonymous said...

Nooooo! Stupid Youtube won't let me see/listen to the first two parts...


Anonymous said...

The opera critique program is outstanding! It's a must for Adam fans and for non-fans who just don't get it yet. Adam is so different in so many ways from other music stars. There is a depth of feeling that touches all those who love him. BTW--good discussion on AO about other fan bases for other artists and how they compare to Adam's, the amount of activity and especially the ocntent. Adam's fans seem to talk about deeper, serious stuff, social issues, etc., along with our usual gushing over his fabulous voice and sensuality. We seem to be a pretty smart group that likes to dig deep into the psyche of Adam-mania! Check it ut if you haven't already.

Anonymous said...

Try Paste the link and hit hide my ass. It works for me.


Anonymous said...

@ Eva

Tack så mycket! *hugs you*


Anonymous said...

what is AO?

Anonymous said...

Of course she would like the acostic version of the songs because it showcases his beautiful vocals....

Anonymous said...

AO stands for Adam official website.

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for providing this link and for everything you do to promote Adam. You are amazing. And Angelina! Her take on Adam is absolutely brilliant and she is so passionate about him. It is inspiring. I know that they met briefly once. I hope they meet again. I would love her to interview him.


Anonymous said...

I just adored this piece on Adam - put together so eloquently. As a Brit living outside of UK at the moment I have to say I am embarassed and ashamed at how the UK is taking its time to embrace our Adam (they will have to eventually though). I always thought UK was pretty good at recognising talent and keeping up with the latest in what is good on music scene but they have let me down - for the moment. The country and people I know are in a state of depression which is why I think Adam is needed now - to bring some of that shining light to the masses.


Anonymous said...

3:46 A.M.

I hope you won't mind if I jot you down in my "quotes" journal. Whenever I find words that "move" me or perk up my amateur poet genes or just plain tickle my fancy I save them to enjoy. I am a word sound, use and history nut.

I absolutely love "voice awakens and plays across all the forgotten pleasure spots in my brain"......Whew....thats a keeper.

You are in good company...Eva's "plot bunnies" is in my journal too. Don't worry, these are for my eyes only to enjoy.

My house is so full of books and journals my daughters say when their dad and I are gone there is no way they are hauling everything out, there will simply be a small contained controlled fire.........:)........JAK

Anonymous said...

3:46 A.M.

On second thought send that phrase to Adam to use in a song!...................JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam, wish you good luck! Move to Canada, New Zealand! Unfortunately you can't move to Japan!!
Adam, run away from US, please!

Anonymous said...

Adam, if you want to have Rio, Wembley and Europe, RUN AWAY FROM US!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am anon 3:46 AM and I am so honored you want to keep my is hard for me to express myself sometimes..see Adam what you have done to me?

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a multitalented person that he will have a fruitful tomorrow in the music scene where ever. Thank's a lot for the links. Ronnie

Anonymous said...

re: 2:29 AM

If your brain came up with that lovely phrase, search around some more with pen in hand.....whether it was Adam inspiration or not, it was lovely. I think your brain wants to write! Indulge it and you'll find expressing yourself will come easier and easier. :)..JAK

Anonymous said...

I can't listen part 1 & 2. It's blocked in my country :(


Anonymous said...

part 3 and 4 was the same as part 1 and 2.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much glitzlady for bringing this link up. I also agree that it's Adam's theatrical voice is his most precious tone for the world to hear. But I am just as excited about his rock tone ! Adam is MAGICAL!! TFM brought tears to my eyes because I love that song just as much as the others. I know it's been said before, but any song that Adam sings is special in it's own way. What other artist can this be said about?
I am truly glad that Miss Angelina can truly hear what we hear. Any time I show off Adam's voice to someone , they just don't get it or "isn't he gay?" . I'm so sick of it & I get real defensive. I feel this will always be a battle for Adam & for his fans, & it makes me cry , as I am right now. I just want to tell Adam that he is loved & that's all that matters! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...


I plead don't have plot bunnies..

Elli does!!!!!!Wrong country!...........JAK