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ABC's GMA mentions Adam Lambert May 17, 2011

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, May 17, 2011

ABC GMA Adam Lambert mention May 17, 2011 from devenlane on Vimeo.

Thanks to Devenlane!


Anonymous said...

i can see Adam and remember this concert with the rude girl talking on mobile.......
but there is NO SOUND on this video lol
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

I guess we should be thankful that ABC is acknowledging Adam at all since they just practically shun him now. I still would like ABC to show him more respect with a scheduled appearance rather than a clip from You Tube. BTW, Adam had every right to ask that girl to turn off the phone. Have to respect and admire him for that.

Adamluv said...

GMA can go f*** themselves over their treatment of Adam after the AMAS! And yes, I'm going there!!!!!!!!! ....... Adamluv

Dinah-mite said...


Ha,ha,ha, you sure as hell DID go there, and I'm right there with ya!!

And may I also add how damn HAWT Adam looked? And don'tcha just LUV a man that is in charge???

Anonymous said...

Adam is so incredible! He was so right on and even polite asking that girl to get off her phone and pointing out that she was loud.

I love you Adamluv. Love your passion and humor!

Adam is SOOOOOOOOO HAWT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and so alpha. Grrrrrrr!!!!! Ok I have to stop now, getting a bit hot and bothered just thinking about him.

Anonymous said...

I agree about GMA. What kiss ASSES! If they had a brain in their head, they would have used that as an opportunity to talk LIKE ADULTS about the show.

Adam has sooooooo moved on though so maybe we should too?


Anonymous said...

GMA will probably never have Adam on as a guest because then they would have to bring up the AMA show once again as the reason he was cancelled from appearing on their show. We should all be past that by now. Adam has gone on to bigger and better things and he doesn't need to be on GMA to promote himself. Jay Leno and Ellen are where he should be especially once his new album is ready for release.

Anonymous said...

I think we need to move on period. They used a bit of Adam and I didn't hear the "gay" singer that we heard for so long. It was national exposure and in no way derogatory. He looked gorgeous and not everyone on that network or show is anti-Adam. It was a poor decision made on the spur of the moment by SOMEONE. Adam would say "let it go" I'm pretty sure..JAK

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Big thanks for pointing us in the direction of these latest photos. <3 My, Sauli's pants are tight!

Anonymous said...

I could certainly hear this clip. It was so loud and I couldn't turn the volume down!!

It is EXTREMELY RUDE to talk on a cell phone at the most inappropriate places e.g. weddings, funerals, CONCERTS and public transport etc etc. Well done Adam for asking that person to turn off her cell phone while he was singing. How rude she was!!

Anonymous said...

Adam moved on and also the real fans because hes is very intelligent enough just to sit and cry about it. He is an Alpha man and he owns it baby!!!!!!!

We all love u Adam and you are freaking gorgeous indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm getting nuts here!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think they were just saying EVEN Adam Lambert(in a good way) was anoyed by rude cellphone use. I am a sales person and people answer their phones and talk for 30 min while you stand there and twiddle your thumbs. I call it the "new rude" No harm done with this and thank the Lord they have finally quite refering to him as the first GAY artist. I think we are over the hump people.

Anonymous said...

Talking loudly on cell phones is very rude but ABC and GMA are rude, too for what they did to Adam. They owe Adam an apology big time. I never watch GMA or DWTS. My personal boycott.

glitzylady said...

As I have mentioned, I work on teeth for a living, and it never ceases to amaze me that a few people (typically teens..) will answer their cell phones in the middle of a dental appt.. and carry on a if we are not there, and coincidentally trying to work on their teeth. Unbelievable. We occasionally have to request they not do that..Hello????????!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay everyone get the pile of stones ready you will not like this!

Adam chose to change his rehearsed performance at the AMAs, whether it was spur of the moment or not
he has admitted it was a surprise to the producer.
They were getting phone calls before the show was over, people were offended (I was horrified cause I knew it would hurt him) and they were blaming the network. They felt they had to do something and the decision was made to try to appease viewers by cancelling the next mornings appearance. What would they have talked about?
They couldn't have ignored the whole thing and just chatted about the album being released that day as I'm sure was what they'd planned. It's a news show and boy, was he news. The network was in a bind.

Decisions were made and grudges held cause they felt he betrayed their trust. I think they went overboard in their reactions but there was fault on both sides. He did not do the performance they had okayed. As Adam has said since,
he'll be more careful to adhere to approved rehearsed performances. You don't mess with networks!

As you know he pretty much did as he pleased on his tour but he's been a perfect gentleman on network shows. Lesson learned.

Maybe it's time to move on......he was on GMA
no matter how briefly. Let it go...please..JAK

You may now throw stones!

Dinah-mite said...

I think it is good that they showed it. Adam was CLASS all the way (as usual).

O yes, and did I mention HAWT???

Anonymous said...

JAK spot stones from here.

Remembering back to when Adam asked the lady "Can you please hang up your phone?" he also turned to Monte and said "Dominos, we deliver." I laughed until I cried.

Anonymous said...

JAK------GEEZ you are very good at scolding. It's the teacher, mom and grandmother showing.
I agree with you, fair is fair. Fault on both sides.

Would you please come scold my mother in law for me?

Anonymous said...

JAK I applaud you for making it real! I couldn't have said it better myself. We can all adore Adam but he did change his performance. I understand getting caught up in the Gaga moment, but as you say, lessons learned. Dinah-Mite I agree with you...he looked adorable!

I am thrilled GMA gave Adam this positive exposure without mentioned the gay thing nor the Grammy FYE incident.

Glitzylady...seriously? They talk on their phones while you are working on them?


Anonymous said...

Adam actually was on ABC since then...was on one of their talk shows...So we all need to just move on...Adam has...we can.