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Adam Lambert - "A Dream Come True" (Fan Video)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Video credit: SureFireWinners

Thanks Eva for the tip!


Anonymous said...


I thanked you already on another thread but thank you once again! This is so marvellous!! Our boy is so cute, hot, lovely, awesome! Love him so much!!
Thank you Eva<3<3<3


Anonymous said...

This is beautiful....

Jojo said...

Very well done video!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've taken the test and passed Adam 101.
I am ready for the advanced class. I recognized every piece of film, every interview, everything!

Maybe my family is right, I am obsessed to a spooky degree. But I'll only go to rehab if I can take my cds and GNT dvd.!!!!JAK

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful video indeed!!!

I've been voting a lot today on Adam at Fuse-Tv, now i received a message that i have reached the maximum votes for the poll and i can't vote anymore...i didn't know there's a limit!

Anonymous said...

Applauds! *standing ovation* Very well done!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful indeed! The vid, & the artist, Adam Lambert!!
Thank you very much. I needed his inspiring words! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Like JAK said seen this all but you put it together beautifully. I got tears in my eyes, Adam is truly an inspiration and superstar!

Anonymous said...

I cried too! Adam , you are a wonder of this world! Thank you !!!
Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

"I took action"

Thank You Adam for doing that. How many people can say that? What an amazing inspiration you are, every day of my life! Am I now taking action? You damn right I am!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Adam sure does love his Glamberts - and we love him right back. Adam Lambert is the 8th Wonder of the World.

Adamluv said...

Loved every second of this.

Dinah-mite said...

GREAT vid!!! #Realness...

In the words of Silly Daniel:

"Take a bow Adam, you *ucking legend". Agreed! :)

Anonymous said...

OT: Check this pic, Adam looking really blonde...

Anonymous said...

Love this video - put together really well. Reinforces everything we love about him.

OMG I can't say enough about how much this man is giving me so much enjoyment and inspiration.


Anonymous said...

What a lovely, heartfelt video - I feel quite teary now. Gorgeous footage of Adam.

The one where he opens his mouth, holds his face and leans backward .... can someone tell me where I can find that intervew, please. Many thanks in advance.

Thanks so much, SureFireWinners and Adam 24/7 for posting it. :)

HK fan said...

@ anon 9.47
I think that was the My Bliss interview, when he was in the UK. Just youtube Adam Lambert my bliss interview, several links come up.

Anonymous said...

Very nice for Adam to be put in light that is so positive. Great job and are you sure you did not miss your calling? this is great work!