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Adam Lambert Getting A New Tattoo Done!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This is happening right now!

From Nathan Anton on Twitter:
"Yes, it's really happening."
"Adam Lambert and his friend at High Voltage. Getting tatted up!"

Source: N8__the__Gr8


Anonymous said...

OMG - so excited to see it...can barely wait!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Paps are waiting outside. I hope they sneak out the back door. LOL

Stephy said...

I wonder what kind of tattoo he's getting....Interesting...

Anonymous said...

i think it has something to do with sauli....

sooo excited!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope it's not a sleeve like Sauli's. Looks like Sauli is there too.
Hope he is drunk - cause I hear it really hurts..

Carlos said...

Really intrusive but well.. We all want to see the new tattoo lol.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to get drunk right now, but it would go against my 2 drink limit and might kill me! haha Wish Adam hadn't done it! Sorry, Adamfix!lol Know you're a fan! Don't think JAK will be lovin'it either! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I with you funbunn40 although sometimes I go over the two drink limit lol I'm not a fan of tatoo's at all, but as long as he doesn't get one on his face lol it's no huge deal.

Anonymous said...

I am a hopeless romantic -- I also hope that the tatoo both Sauli and Adam get represents something about their relationship too!!

They really are meant to be together. It was fate how they met and their astrology seems to mesh soo well together too!

OMG - can't wait to see what this is!!

Anonymous said...

I am over my 2 drink limit. (not the norm) I hope it represents their love. :) I am feeling a little sappy at the moment. ha.

Anonymous said...

I hope this means some more pendants and earrings.

Anonymous said...

some places hurt worse than others. I got a tat on my outer ankle and it was a breeze. My Aunt got one on her back and she could barely let them finish it, it hurt so bad.

Anonymous said...

does this fandom ever have a dull moment? because I haven't run into one yet!! lol

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are each doing the others astrological sign. That would be very Adam.

Anonymous said...


Nope. :) Adam keep us VERY busy! LOL

Anonymous said...

It is no good if you are drunk when getting tats. The blood circulation shouldn't be increased with alcohol. I have tats on my arm. It wasn't so bad there, but another one on my anckle hurt shit much. The pain is actually THE issue. You suffer and survive. Ronnie

Honey said...

As long as they aren't getting matching tattoos! :D

Anonymous said...

I guess they went out the front door as the paps and fans were waiting out back. ha!

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40! Are you ok there? Seems to me that when something very special is happening to Adam ladies open their bottles! Last time Sanni was drinking her 2 glasses and crying for Adam's tweets. Our boy is on the road again and wants to be hot and cool for the Moscow gig. Relax, it's just a tat. Ronnie<3

Anonymous said...

i hope tommy is here... he's an expert!!!

Anonymous said...

I opened the bottle BEFORE he got his tat. :) Celebrating sun in Seattle! And am now excited to see Adam's new tat. One day I will get one too. Maybe. :) If it weren't too late I might get one now. ha.


glitzylady said...

Hey @Sister! Another Seattle Adam fan! Wasn't it just glorious today! Finally.....Next two days look good too..Indeed a good reason to celebrate after months and months of rain...Not to mention Adam's new tat..Adam's new pics.... Adam's Russia concert...Adam's great look yesterday..always something in this fandom!

Anonymous said...


YES! Glorious!

Always fun in the this fandom! So much going on. Like the twitter tweets are saying - Adam Lambert is an event. LOL So true!

Here's to a GREAT day tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm sure they are getting matching tattoos after physically spending the equivalent of only a few weeks together out of the "6 months" they've been dating. How stupid do you think Adam is? This relationship could end at any time, they're not married.

Anonymous said...

Having a bad day?

Anonymous said...

@12:04 I'm not having a bad day, I just have a brain and don't live in fantasy land.

Anonymous said...

Here's Adam leaving the tat shop...

Anonymous said...


Sorry. You just sounded a little angry. Enjoy your day.

glitzylady said...

Video of Adam leaving LA tat sighting tho... : )
And the one guy with the video camera pointing it into his car.. : ( Not cool...At least the person shooting this vid is not running after him. Adam looks happy here...

glitzylady said...

Ooops! looks like it was just posted above me! ..

Anonymous said...


Thanks for posting this!

I love how the guy from the tat shop walks between the car and the pap. ha.

Anonymous said...

12:10 AM; I agree, the tattoos will not be matching. And the relationship can end any time,you're right, but a week ago Sauli said he's very happy and the situation was solid. And that's enough for me now. Let's enjoy this day! With or without brains.

glitzylady said...

New Adam tweet: a few minutes ago...I feel like I've been following him around tonight in "real time"!

Watching dvr'd idol. HALEY!!!! mopped the floor. See?!?!

Anonymous said...

Arghh, I hate tatoo's. Remember these beautiful arms? Love his laugh!

OT, but can't believe it's been a year ago since Adam was a guest mentor on idol. What a world of difference to the 3 seated judges:


Anonymous said...

@Sister! It was you! Not @funnbunn40. Sorry dears!<3 And I was trying to be humorous by the way. Sigh! Love you all! Ronnie<3

Anonymous said...

@ Ronnie, I've been reciting my new (Ronnie) mantra,"Relax,It's just a tatt!" I have to get with it and adjust to the 21st century! Don't know if I can stand Adam getting any "cooler!" Thanks for looking out for me! Daydreamin's last link has "mellowed me out" and think I'll survive! Have to suck it up and deal with it!haha Btw, I have tatts too, eyeliner on my eyelids! That's as far as I can go unless I had Adam's face done in a good spot, but no one could do him justice and his face would droop! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

What happened to that invitation from Adam to Tommy to go have tats together. Tommy was happy to oblige but I see now it was just another dissing of a loyal friend . Adam soesnt seem to care about anyone but himself lately . What an A.. hes turning out to be.

HK fan said...

Just watched that short vid of him leaving, certainly doesn't look like a sleeve....So I think you can breathe again for now Jak, and seeing as he has his clothes on in the shop and we can see a lot of his arms when he's leaving I'm guessing it must be fairly small.........unless the picture in the shop is just him choosing a design!!!!

glitzylady said...

Adam's further tweets tonight: Asking fans to guess what it is..and then disappeared again...He certainly stirred up some fun responses, but so far no hint of what it is. He just kind of left us hanging! I mean, what could be more fun than talking to fans......can't imagine! Well, maybe I can.......

Tweets (read bottom to top..)

@adamlambert Adam Lambert
A UNICORN?! really guys? Seriously?

@adamlambert Adam Lambert
(this should be fun)

@adamlambert Adam Lambert
Do you all wanna guess what I got?

@adamlambert Adam Lambert
@TommyJoeRatliff thanks for telling me bout Kevin at Kat Von D's high voltage tattoo! I wish he coulda tattooed us at the same time!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:52
Adam is in love, and not with Tommy (and never has been). Time for you to take a reality pill and stop living in relationship fantasy land. Besides, maybe Tommy was busy.

Anonymous said...

Omg.. Adam and Tommy are not two kids playing in the same sandbox and doing everything hand in hand. They are both adults, workmates and friends.. They are not a couple, never have been. I don´t see how Adam would diss Tommy if he goes to get a tattoo with his boyfriend. Do you really think that Tommy is sitting alone at home, feeling sad because Adam didn´t ask him to come (or maybe he did, we don´t know that).. I bet Tommy also has a life, girlfriend to spend time with and other friends to hang out with. Stop making Tommy some sad and lonely character he obviously is not. #getreal

Anonymous said...

I was hoping for NO MORE tats for Adam!!!The 2 small ones are ok,but please no big ones,Adam!!I really don't like tats @ all,& esp not on you..He doesn't need any more!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:52 Trolollol!

Adam just thanked Tommy on Twitter for recommending the place ans said that it was a pity that they couldn't get tat at the same time! What a shelfish ass, yeah, right!

Anonymous said...

O-o. I read through the comments and I´m so surprised to find no stupid one-liners about Adam with women, Adam with Kesha, Adam a playa and so on that´s been polluting this site lately. But it didn´t take long before an Adommy fan had to speak out and kill the joy. "Another dissing of a loyal friend" "What an A.. hes turning out to be."
I´m quite sure 1:52AM knows nothing about Tommy and Adams agreement and desicions re the tattoos, and what other "dissing" she talks about ...well, who knows.
But dissing Adam is OK?
NO! To call him an ass on an Adam fansite is NOT OK! It´s not OK on ANY site. But ignorant morones are doing it everywhere, hating him, threatening his life without knowing him at all. So why can´t this site be for us who love this man because he entertaines us.
So you Anon 1:52, why don´t you try to tell Tommy what an ass Adam is. I think you wouldn´t like the response.


Anonymous said...

adamlambert Adam Lambert
Based on drawing by Hans Haveron and tattooed by Kevin Lewis!


Anonymous said...

Maybe Sauli took a lock then :D

Anonymous said...

They took matching tats:

Anonymous said...

How we know that they took matching tats? We haven't seen what Sauli took.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it says "Exclusive”…………………………Adam & Sauli Get Matching Tats???" not that they took.

Anonymous said...

I'm awake and though I'm sorry he is continuing to deface himself, I promised I would complain no more. So Zip!......I don't consider tattoos moving with the times and getting into the 21st century. I think of it as reverting to early man with tattoed naked bodies at the dawn of time dancing around a fire in a primitive cave...barbaric!

Oops. sorry I painted that picture in your minds!

It's a little early for a drink so I'll just fortify myself with 2 teaspoons of sugar in my tea instead of Equal...I shall defy my diabetes in protest!!!!!

If he's hurting I'd be glad to kiss it and make it well!.........JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam's new tattoo looks very nice, a skeleton head key, very artistic, love it.

Scroll down the page

Anonymous said...

Another direct link of the new tattoo

Anonymous said...

Adam's tattoo is a very large key on his arm. Maybe represents the key to his heart. It's cool looking even though I'm not a huge fan of tats.

Anonymous said...

The tattoo looks great. Adam must be happy, because he was smiling from ear to ear when he left the place.

Anonymous said...

A Skeleton Key...Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sauli got a lock tattoo..

Anonymous said...

How awesome! I know many in the US find it so differcult to accept tatts but here in Oz many people adore them. They are symbolic and meaningful and are not just done on a trivial whim.
Plus, ADAM and Sauli got them done at one heck of a fantastic location! Way to go ADAM!

Anonymous said...

I'm heading to the beach for lunch, I may risk death and have 2 Pina Coladas. Saw the
tatt.......hideous.......WHAT is attractive about skulls? I don't get it!..........JAK :-(

Anonymous said...

I'm not one of the Aussies who adores tatts.

It's an interesting design and it's not a sleeve (yet).

Have a nice lunch at the beach, JAK.

Anonymous said...

Tattoos remind me of Neanderthals.

Anonymous said...

Its not the big its just a close up picture that is his lower arm not his top arm.

Anonymous said...

Tatts aren't my scene but if Adam loves them, that's all that matters but please, NO sleeve Adam (as if he'd listen to me ... lol).

Looking forward to seing a photo of Sauli's matching tatt, if possible but I guess that's off limits.

Anonymous said...

I meant "seeing" not "seing"!

HK fan said...

mmmm, it looks pretty big, judging by the size his forearm looks in the picture.

Anonymous said...

Its not that big when you take into accounts it on the same hand as his other tats so they take up room already then there is this one so it is most likely alot smaller then it looks in that picture this picture gives a little more perspective

glamberts suxx said...

omg , good news :D

Anonymous said...

I would bet a hundred bucks their tattoos look nothing alike and have nothing to do with each others. Speculation on a gossip site is only that until we see Sauli's tattoo. People here love their fantasies though.

glitzylady said...

More pics from Adam Quote Daily:

Anonymous said...

Skeleton key stands for Sauli kosiken is the dumbest idea I've ever heard. Talk about reaching.

Anonymous said...

he's putting TJR with a spitting dragon on his arm.

Anonymous said...

it's a rose with the initials KRS.

Anonymous said...

I would get a tattoo done in calligraphy with the initials KMA!

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing Adam and Tommy only want their tats done by that same artist( who is Tommy's friend), thats why they couldn't get them same time or first one of them and then another one, the guy was prolly busy.. geez what a drama over a visit to tattoo parlor!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzylady for the Adamtopia link. There are some GREAT photos on that site but I'm not keen on Sauli's tatts at all, but then I don't have to be. :)

Anonymous said...

7:58 AM; Who is Sauli Kosiken? I only know Sauli Koskinen (ha!). And trolls start dancing. I'll run away.

coloforadam said...

Love our precious "Neandrethal", all 6'2" or so of his "barbaric" hunk of man!! A tattoo is an ENHANCEMENT, not a defacing. A key with a skeleton head - can only speculate, he will give much of himself (and we know he does) but his soul is his own and no one will take it. Just my read.....Adam will define it when he is ready. Maybe in his next interview - maybe in Russia - (maybe I will never recover from this obsession!!!) Gotta get to work so I can pay my Comcast bill and keep the computer running so I can check in on Adam every freakin' day!!! How life has changed in two years (and TOTALLY for the better).

Anonymous said...

Notice Sauli's "into" a big checked shirt now or has he been wearing it for a while and I just haven't noticed? #toobusylookingatAdam

Anonymous said...

Love the extra Parisian photos on Adamtopia. :=)

Anonymous said...

I've seen Sauli wear checked shirts before. Finnish guys often wear checked shirts with jeans.

Anonymous said...

here's a pic of Adam's new tattoo!:

Anonymous said...

I want a tattoo to represent this journey I am on with Adam . Tats can mean anything , I think in new Zealand tribesman have facial tattoos for being courageous warriors. yea well, like we're not suppose to cover up our beautiful bodies of art anyways. I still want a tattoo & I have my own design.
I think Adam 's tat is cool, simple, clean, & it's so him. Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

I recently heard that some tatt parlors are using cheap ink from China containing lead, causing blood poisening and in some cases death. There were also concerns over posts in earrings that contained lead and another lethal metal that I can't recall at the moment.[Cadmium?] Just a word of caution for any peeps out there inspired to get a tatt. Think these are maybe cheaper discount places. You just have to be careful. Just heard also that UV nail drying machines used in salons are causing an influx of skin cancer in nails that was considered rare. Hope Adam doesn't use them. Have to be careful nowadays. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

It's scary when you hear made in China right????

Just follow your instinct and nobody can get hurt right????

Just take the risk then..........