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Adam Lambert out and about in West Hollywood, CA. May 25, 2011

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, May 26, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, May 26, 2011

Source: socialitelife


Anonymous said...

Saulis new hairdo looks so familiar so does that white shirt and skinny black tie . Looked best on original wearer

Anonymous said...

Paps are everywhere...

Anonymous said...

Those expensive boots are the uglist boots Adam has.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:06 you are pathetic

Anonymous said...

I do like his other boots better. Tho low ones with pants over, but hey it's Adam. IMO he can rock anything he wears. I love that he just wears what HE likes not what everyone else has to approve of.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like he is protecting Sauli from paps.

Anonymous said...

Caption for last picture - Sauli thinking "nice ass!" haha

Anonymous said...

i actually love his boots.. haha
adam and sauli are so cute together!!
you can feel the love!! :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1. Sauli please ditch the ragged pants and the

hairstyle. More hair on sides please.

2. Adam don't button your jacket.

3. Buy Sauli boots with higher heels. Ditch

skinny black tie. Shorten hair at least an inch

on top of head....cockatoo has moved on.

4. Adam accept my compliments for best male legs

I've ever seen!

Anonymous said...

9:10 SO AGREE! Hate those boots; the others that he was wearing on the street a few days back were totally awesome. And why does he wear so much foundation and hairspray at these events? Adam, you look totally handsome with less foundation and just bouncing hair :) like in those pics that were taken on the street a few days back. But, if this look (heavy makeup and hair) pleases you, that's all that matters I guess.

Anonymous said...

9:06 AM -What or who do you mean? Original wearer? Adam, Tommy? I'm from Finland and dont't get the point. Sorry. Has Adam had such a hairdo? I've seen here in Finland many men wearing white shirt and skinny black tie. Is that kinda outfit in America someone's privacy? Please, explain. I don't understand. Stupid me. Oops, or did Adam wear white shirt and skinny black tie on some vid? My memory starts refreshing. But still, explain.

Fan4fun said...

@ Anons. 9:10AM, 9:11AM and 9:28AM

C'mon!!! Never mind the boots! Whatever they are, the real important thing, what really matters is «the most beautiful pair of male feet we find inside them». Ha!
Rock on in your boots, sweet Diamond Boy!

Anonymous said...

I don't like those boots, too. And I hoped that Sauli would not have had he's head shaved (It was already a bit longer on the sides last week). The longer hair (in BB-time) was much better, but he had it cut last summer 'cause it's easier to take care. But still, love them both. And it's not my business to say what to wear an how to comb the hair. They are grown ups. And brave ones.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's outfit but not the hairdo and too much foundation magnified his skin problems and wrinkles on his forehead. Sauli gotta buy some new outfits here in L.A. I travel a lot and I know how expensive things are in Europe. Use your Euro Sauli to buy some nice outfits. You are not famous here L.A. Go to downtown L.A. garment district and you can buy bags of cloths with $200.00. I don't think Sauli does any favors to Adam's career if he keeps on wearing his two ripped off outfits at all occasions.

Anonymous said...

wow... where was adam in these pictures? hehe

Anonymous said...

Sauli's outfits do not Adam's career make ! Jeezzz !

Anonymous said...

Hello, how and why you post these terrible, childish comments here? Whats your point? I think that Adam and Sauli just do what they want to do... Let them be what they are!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it does. If I take my husband to office parties and I am all dressed up but husband wears ripped off clothes it will be too embarrassing and it will damage my career in the long-run. Maybe if Adam knew a little bit of math he could have figured things out instead of acting spontaneously. #realness

Anonymous said...

I only see two lovely boys enjoying a good night out and showing everybody they are so much in love that money does not mean anything to them anymore.

Anonymous said...

I so agree with You guys, adam´s boots are not cool. Glad to hear I´m not the only one who thinks this way. :p

what comes to Sauli, I like his hairstyle. it´s better than that he had in the Big brother house.

I so wish they would come to helsinki after the moscow gig !!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:23.
Maybe your office party crowd is different than LA hip and young crowd? Maybe Adam and Sauli wouldn't be caught dead in what your husband is wearing?
I personally think that it's nobodys business what these two gorgeous dudes are wearing.
Stop criticising.

Anonymous said...

Wow, critical group this morning. I think I am going to a happier place with my comments.

Two beautiful boys out on the town. Sexy. Authentic. In love. Rockin the town.

Is this a whole thread of trolls???? Why so pissy this morning?


Anonymous said...

I check this site daily for Adam's news and pictures.
I am amazed by amount of negativity I read here every day.Are you REALLY Adam fans?????

Anonymous said...

Hate the Hair...totally distracting.

Anonymous said...

9:57 AM - Sauli has not had this same outfit in every occasion if you have watched the many pics there are about him since he came to US on March. And I've seen Tutka-Roadshows made in US where he is having many kinds of outfits. I don't know why he likes these jeans, but for some reason he likes them. I could try to get some message to him via Radio Aalto or IS (newspaper for which he´'s been working) that people all over the world dislike them and hope that he should destroy them. But I'm sure he would only laugh. Or is it our business at all to teach him what to wear. He is 26 years old man. You can't be serious to think he's outfit ruins Adam's career. I've seen pics of Adam himself and his ex-boyfriends Cheeks and Drake wearing such clothes (transvestite style, dresses) that I wonder why people still listen to him.:) Sauli could not take whole his wardrobe to LA and he is not as rich as Adam, so you can't expect him having new clothes everyday. I hope his family members read this thread and give him some advice if his coming now to visit Finland.:)

Anonymous said...

Troll usually come out in full force when Adam receive tonnes of attention in the media. The troll fansites must be boring that they feel like to come here, Just ignore!!

Anonymous said...

10:23 AM (1) Is your husband a rock star? How old is he? I suppose you live in quite a different environment than Adam and Sauli, who were not attending any office party. Come on... Not serious. I love these guys whatever they wear. Their happiness is glowing in their eyes. That's what's important.:)

glitzylady said...

I have to agree with @Sister and others..What is all this negativity?? These are the same makeup/clothes/hair, etc., that Adam and Sauli were rocking at the Idol Red Carpet..and the comments were extremely positive..I think perhaps because these are poor quality paparazzi pics and the guys really are just trying to get to the car, and not posing. Nothing like a bunch of cameras flashing in your face as you walk out into the night from (probably) a dimly lit bar, to make you look your best...I personally think they look great, ripped pants, hair, clothes and all. This is Hollywood/LA, not small town USA..they fit in very well in this city and community. But that's just my opinion. The important thing here too is that they are together and in love, and proud to let everyone know it. As far as Sauli hurting Adam's career because of his ripped pants: Really???!!! Sauli is a darling, handsome guy, and no one is going to care what he his pants look like, especially since they fit him VERY well.... He looks great. Ripped (distressed) jeans are trendy and they are in "Trendyville" USA. If he wore some baggy old suit, there would be a lot more criticism, I'm guessing. Just enjoy the view! I am!

PS: Just go back to the previous threads of the guys on the Red Carpet and tell me they don't look gorgeous! ; )

glitzylady said...

Okay...on to a bigger and better topic! This is a short interview from MTV with Jim Cantiello, talking to Adam on the Idol Red Carpet yesterday about his new music; Adam has already written 18 to 20 songs so far! Yay! Music is coming along! So glad to know he has so much personal input in his music this time..

Anonymous said...

Hey! There is a lovely collection made of the Red Carpet pics in AO (thread Sauli).

Anonymous said...

You don't get it. Sauli is wearing ripped pants to impress GQ magazine. :)

Anonymous said...

geez these ppl..

I am a glambert and I have my own opinions. i don´t care if You don´t like it when I am saying (for example) that i don´t like his boots.

I like adam´s music and look etc, but i may not like his boots ! But I still call myself as a glambert.. LoL

I think some are very naive if they cant handle any negative comments seen here.

Sauli has his right to wear clothes he likes. I bet he doesn´t care if You don´t like his outfit.

so no need to give him any advices. he has his own style which he likes. enough said.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:03 AM do you men this collection? Love is in the air <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

some are fans here and some are trolls. 10:46am says it best!!

Anonymous said...

I just love Sauli's pants. He'd look ridiculous if wearing GQ-pants.

Lady x

Anonymous said...

Well...Adam has a hair that is out of place on the side of his head...and his belt is a little lower one side (he really should have his belt even) ... and... I don't like how he reaches to his back pocket to grab his wallet...WHY was he doing THAT! And...then...he has his jacket buttoned. And then is it UNBUTTONED! Adam! Make up your mind! And I notice that your pants are more wrinkled by the left knee...more than the right! I am SHOCKED! have your head turned away from the camera! WHY ARE YOU NOT SMILING!?!?! And why do you have your back to Sauli? That doesn't seem very nice! You should have opened that door from the other side? Don't you know how to open a door properly? Oh...and Sauli...where do I begin? Your tie is hanging off center!!! Straighten it up! ......................................................................and BOTH you!!!........your pants fit too well, you are too fit and are too two are just too damn sweet and so much in love. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam again has set the stage for a new trend with his boots. I love them and you will too when you see them all over Hollywood. Amazing how a new pair of boots can bring out the hate.

Anonymous said...

Why does Scotty's song, I Love you this Big, always make me think of the GB? teehee

Anonymous said...

To 11:46 great post, right on the mark.

I suppose people would have preferred Sauli in the white tux Beiber wore, including a big bow tie?

Well, if I knew how to do it, I would make a fan video of that "This Big" song with assorted views of the pants. Anyone up to it? no offence to Scotty
just can't see how we can miss this golden opportunity

Anonymous said...

@ 11:50am
Because GB sell and it does matter what kind of songs you sing, lyric and title need to be provocative . Gaga had sex on top of AI stage. Of course all these need to have some vocal to kill it. Ha!Ha!

Anonymous said...

What mean comments from some of you!!Let Adam & Sauli be themselves.Adam's boots are ok with me..You know he likes to change the hair all the time..( just don't shave it again,Adam,ok?) He can comb it into many styles @ this length,& he will,I imagine.I want to see long hair @ the Moscow concert.Even tho I bought the CD/DVD of The GNT from Indiana where his hair was shaved on both sides,I sill enjoyed the music & the show.Trolls here today?Looks like it to me.Adam was @ a fav.vintage store in LA above, & had been in the dressing rm.He prob was in a hurry to get to the A I finale,& maybe buy jewelery or anything there.

Anonymous said...

11:29 AM - Yes I do! I love this collection! Many gorgeous pictures. Aww!

glitzylady said...

@11:46 AM
Exactly! Of course everyone has an opinion, and is entitled to it, but I just prefer to look at the big picture (not referring to Scotty's song "I Love You This Big" but then again....that COULD enter into the discussion..Ha!) and see these two gorgeous guys and their happiness. I don't always like everything they wear (wasn't a big fan of Adam's leather tunic-thing) but doesn't really matter..They always look fabulous to me. And of course, discuss away!

The really important thing here, too, is that we can all agree that these are two amazing guys and we are happy to follow and support them. Every day brings something new to love and admire about Adam for me...and that may be a little gushy, but very true. His latest endearing and very brave thing, holding Sauli's hand publicly and proudly, just about sent me over the edge (as if I'm not already there..) with admiration and joy for him and Sauli...Everything else is window dressing.. : )

Anonymous said...

"Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land, And don't criticize What you can't understand" By Bob Dylan

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to take some height off his hair. it is a skyscraper!

Anonymous said...

LOL! JAK?? I agree, this site has totally gone down the rabbit hole. So much rubbish and bulls**t. It´s no fun anymore.
Today Adam and Sauli showed their love on the red carpet in front of Fox and American Idol logos. That means something. It´s important even groundbreaking, and all you talk about is that you hate Adams boots and Saulis pants and their hair bla bla bla! Who cares!


Anonymous said...

I for one loved to see a little bare thigh on Sauli!
Bet it kept Adam alert for the whole night.
Good quote from Bob Dylan.

Anonymous said...

Well, I would hate for anyone to look at MY picture and disect it. And most of us aren't as cute as them..

Anonymous said...

"Eyes have never seen.. this big"
Oh parts of that song just have me doubled over thinking about AFL lol

Anonymous said...

I know everyone has a right to their opinion, but my challenge with all the picky critcism is that Adam, and now Adam and Sauli, like many in the gay community, are already hated for who they are, their lifestyle and who they love. They get enough of the hate, just in general, in life. Why should we, as fans, add to that lack of acceptance. This is why all this criticism is so hard for me to read. Life is hard enough. And, yes, it is only comments about boots or shirts or hair, but when you live in world that hates on ya daily...everyone "little comment" just adds to it. Walk is his boots (whether they are your "favorites" or not) for a day and you will know what I am talking about. It's a hard world out there. We all need to be a little kinder to each other. That's just my opinion. Feel free to tell me I am wrong.


Anonymous said...

@glitzylady and @ eva

@11:46am was my unsigned comment. glad it gave you a chuckle. :)

And where is JAK?????


Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^_____^cute:
nice to see adam and suil .adam so cute

Anonymous said...

OMG this is too presh!!

"Season 8 runner-up Adam Lambert arrived fashionably late to the Idol finale with boyfriend Sauli Koskinen in hand. After some endearing nudging by Lambert, the two later posed together on the red carpet."

Anonymous said...

"endearing nudging" how sweetly stated...

Oh, sweet love! The world is finally "getting it"!

Anonymous said...

I am glad they have the balls to show the world that they are in love. Good for them.

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant statement! Bravo!

Anonymous said...

No more negativity, please. I have a serious question. Does anyone know if Sauli is going to Moscow with Adam. They are probably leaving within hours, so this must have been decided by now. Haven't been able to find any confirmation. Anybody know ??

Anonymous said...

I've heard that Adam's management has asked for extra security for him in Moscow because a favorite passtime there is to beat up gays.

Anonymous said...

I think it's the neo nazis who like to beat up gays in Russia. Right-wing extremists and neo nazis are a problem in Europe. Google it.

Anonymous said...

Don't know if Sauli is going to Russia, but Katri (Sauli's co-reporter) confirms that Sauli has no twitter-account:

"ps. Moni on kysellyt Saulin Twitter-tilistä: Sauli lähettää terveisiä, että sellaista ei ole."

Anonymous said...

Adam with a lollipop and Sauli in hand. Cute.

Anonymous said...


"ps. Many people have asked about Saul's Twitter Account: Sauli sends greetings that one does not exist."

Anonymous said...

Sister.......glitzylady and Eva

JAK here, I sort of skipped this thread today, there seemed to be so many similar and same things being said on several of them.

Flattered that Sister's unsigned comment was mistaken for was great. Pick Pick Pick

Are we the most opinionated of all the Adam sites? I don't read any others.........JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK - Don't skip. We don't want to let the mean people to dominate here (or anywhere).

LP said...

So we still don't know if Sauli did go to Moscow with Adam. It's very expensive. I suppose 19 or RCA sets it up then deducts it from any money earned from the concert. Adam couldn't sit in econemy, legs too long. He could go first class, and Sauli could sit on his lap LOL LOL

Anonymous said...


LOL Sharing a first class seat! :)

I suspect Adam has TONS of frequent flyer miles, so he could easily get Sauli to Moscow on a free ticket. But, honestly, I like your idea better. What a great visual! hahahaaa.


Anonymous said...

Off Topic: watching showbiz tonight- Boy gaga's getting shit for simulating sex last night on idol. They will talk about this for probably 1 day not two years though.

Anonymous said...


I just filled in for you while you were missing! I pass the baton back to you! :)


Anonymous said...

Some 1st Class flights have beds you know.....

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

So agree with Sister about all the negative comments, they have to deal with negativety enough, why pick at the little things. Of course Adam and Sauli are not going to choose what we wear, or what a business man would wear to a meeting. Get over it people, love them for who and what they are, I am pretty old (64) and I love to see what these young men are choosing to wear.
Most of all I love Adams voice and cant wait to hear it again, and I am so glad he is happy and in love, it shows.

Anonymous said...

Sauli has a mowhawk! :-O

Anonymous said...

What's all this utter nonsense about Adam's boots? I think they look FINE and who are we to criticize what Adam and Sauli wear ... huh???

Adam's outfit is great - love it - he dresses so well - and I would oh so love to have thick, luscious hair like his.

Anonymous said...

@sister and JAK
So glad we sorted that out:-)
Sisters comment was hilarious and then there was this.............kind of a JAK signature.
The negativety on this site is disturbing.
You are so right, Adam gets so much shit from haters so why do fans have to pick him apart everytime we get to see a picture of him.
It is HIS hair HIS boots HIS boyfriend and if it´s not in your taste, it´s not nessecary to always air your opinion. If you don´t have anything nice to say, please don´t talk!
Do you critisice you loved one or your friends like that? If yes, do you still have friends or a loved one?


Anonymous said...

EVA, How old are you ? seriously ?

Should everyone juts comment like " aaaawwwwww he´s so cute?

You must have very low IQ if you can´t handle any negative comments dealing with Adam lambert´s boots or etc..

if you don´t like any negative comments seen here, feel free to leave.

Anonymous said...

Eva, yes I can say to my friends if I don´t like for example her outfit. and we´re still friends..

true friends won´t get mad because of negative comments, in case U didn´t know.. LoL

(LoL´ed so hard at Eva´s silly comment)

HK fan said...

@anon 4.03 and 4.07
Eva sounds a lot older and more mature than you 2, or is it the 1?
@Eva , we all think you're great, please ignore these 2

Anonymous said...

well, to me she sounds to be a teenager because of her comments.

only teens can´t handle negative comments, IMHO mature ppl would accept them.

I always thought the glamberts would be cool but now I am not sure anymore..

Anonymous said...

what comes to me, I am a fan of Adam Lambert but I am not crazy fanatic one. i have my clear opinions and also am not ass kisser like some ppl..

I don´t see any wet dreams abt AL for I have my life. some ppl really should get their own and stop acting like AL was the only man in the world.

also, I have my own family, i don´t need to call strangers as my sister, cousin etc.. that sound very retarded to me.. LoL

very low IQ here. enough said.

Anonymous said...

I know the internet it full of freaks and mentally unstable ppl and U guys just proved it right ! LoL

this place would be much better if ppl couldn´t comment the news.

Anonymous said...

I´m 28. How old are you Anon?
No, I don´t just want to see the aaaaaaw so cute comments. It´s so obvious he is cute and we all know it. We don´t have to repeat that on every post. Flailing and gushing is fun but Adam is so much more than a pretty face and an incredible voice. On AI finale he stod in front of the FOX logo holding his boyfriends hand. 2 years ago FOX didn´t let Eber Lamberts girlfriend sit next to him on AI. He was next to Leila who wasn´t his wife anymore. Fox is a conservative network and family values must be held high. Adam holding his boyfriend hand on that red carpet is groundbreaking and is probably doing more for gay rights than all speeches and BTW videos in the world.
This is why I think he deserves respect, not petty remarks on hair and clothes that mean nothing. It´s boring to read one silly hair- or boot comment after the other. And really!? If you keep criticising your friends taste in clothes and hairstyles, I bet they get bored with you any day soon, but I don´t think you´re doing that.
You are right though, I don´t have to be here. I spend much more time on Adamtopia, a nice and sunny place.
@HK fan
Thank you! You and many others are the reason I´m still lurking here. :-)


Fan4fun said...

@ anons. attacking Eva, here above:

Who the hell are you guys (maybe just one person... oooops, person?) trying to bite our darling Eva's butt?

Eva is one of our best commenters in this site, always so well informed and sharing amazing links with the Glamberts. She loves sweet Adam a million times more than a thousand people (fans?) of your kind. I guess our dear Eva is living her 30s, I believe she's very mature for her age and I'm pretty sure her IQ alone is much higher than all IQs of commenters like you together.
Before you even think about asking her to leave 24/7 Paradise, you all can GO TO HELL 10 times and fry there all your opinions about her. Have a nice trip!

Anonymous said...

Love the boots, and have been wearing some that look identical so figured Adam pinched my idea!

Anonymous said...

Clearly with so many ridiculous comments many do not know Adam Lambert. If you did you'd show some respect.

Anonymous said...

Gaga fans boss around here. Stop obeying them. They are the biggest shit stirrers.

Anonymous said...

Go figure the comments about Sauli's
pants. They are very cool.

Anonymous said...

Haha! I can count on you, woman. Thank you dear! It´s good to know:-))


Anonymous said...

Do yourselves a favor and take a trek to
W Hollywood and check out the amazing pants,
and many of them are destressed style.I
cannot believe people have the nerve to
critise Sauli and realise that they don't
recognise a fashion statement when they see one.

Anonymous said...

I guess Gaga's album is a lot about the Sacred Prostitute and in the AI performance she was Ashtarte, a goddess from the ancient Babylon. The performance was blasphemy of the worst kind and I condemn it. She managed to be anti christian and anti semitic at the same time. She finally managed to shock, in a really bad way.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:21 AM what means a fashion statement?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:27 AM I don't know but I have noticed that Sauli likes to use old looking boots and ripped jeans. Actually I have began to like his boots but not these black ripped jeans but in the same time I feel that it takes balls to wear ripped jeans in the Red Carpet.

Anonymous said...

@Anon ...who wrote nasty comments about Eva (you are clearly just one person with repeat comments, as noted by "ppl" in each of your nasty posts)

Just know that this "Sister" does not appreciate you ragging on Eva. You were disrespectful and it was completely undeserved. @Fan4fun - ditto - perfectly said!

Clearly Anon, you are very young, immature and not a regular here. Now, regarding your comment of calling each other "sister or cousins" - if you were a regular - you would know that "Sister" indicates, in MY case, a female member of the gay community (yes, dear child, that does mean lesbian)...and that is how I CHOOSE to be identified. Deal with it.

So, dear child, *please note the sarcasm here* (you do know what that means, don't you?), leave Eva alone. Play nice or go away...and... since it is pretty clear that you don't play nice, I suggest you just toddle away.

Trust me, dear child *again sarcasm*, I could out do you in a spitting match any day. And believe REALLY do NOT want to deal with an ANGRY "sister".

Anon, I don't normally write posts like this one, but I thought this was written in a way that YOU would understand.

And @Eva

You are so right. Adam and Sauli holding hands on the red carpet IS groundbreaking! I so agree. It made me SO proud and hopeful. Eva you rock!

And, honestly, I don't suspect anyone will come back to read this post, but I just HAD TO post it anyway.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I can't help myself......"Sauli's pants are cool".......I would imagine they're downright drafty!!!!! Please just a joke!!!!Even in parts of the country far far away from trendy L.A. we see lots of distressed very expensive clothing in the stores. We understand it's in fashion at present.

Though it "distresses" me to pay big bucks for jeans for my grandson that at his age I would have torn up for scrub rags!

I have no room to play critic. I wore full circle skirts and dresses that required 7 or 8 crinoline ruffles sewn on half slip to hold the skirt out so that I looked like a bell tolling back and forth when I walked. Between the scratchy net crinolines and the stretchy wide waist cincher belt that was so tight I could barely breathe, every day of high school was torture..............but I looked good!!!!

So I declare freedom for each generation to dress as foolishly as they wish.........JAK
Long Live Fashion!

Anonymous said...




glitzylady said...

Ha! I think your language was understandable even to the very young. : )

Ignore the people who chose to make their ignorance known...We are all here to celebrate our favorite trailblazer for human rights and dignity, who also sings......