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Adam Lambert - 'Pick U Up' Remix by Wilcox Arms (Fan Mix)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, May 13, 2011

Posted at : Friday, May 13, 2011

PICKUUP destroy by Wilcox Arms


Anonymous said...

How can one of my favorite songs sound so awful as a remix? Sorry but it's not very good (IMO).

And I was so excited when I read these headlines.

Anonymous said...

I completely ditto what 9:24pm says above. And this just reinforces the tragedy of the FYE album -- not the album itself, which is amazing, but the tragedy that is the management of RCA Records and/or 19 Management who didn't have the balls to release more tracks. PUU is actually my FAVORITE song on the album and barely saw the light of day. Hearing this remix doesn't help.

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:24 & 9:31 PM Be carefull with your comments, girls! You can't make such a comments on this blog! They will terminate you and remove your comments as soon as possible!Same as my comment!
How is it possible to make such a sh.....( excuse me, JAK) from the glorious song as "Pick You Up"?
However, I think almost all of the Glam Family members will agree with this version of "Pick You Up"! If Adam likes this remix all Glamberts will like it!
What's going on with you, Adam? Are you out of your mind?
Troll of the House!
P.S. Still Love You, Adam<3

Anonymous said...

Sorry, don't like the remix. Adam's vocals are amazing on the FYE version of this song. It's one of my favs on the album. the remix not so great.


Anonymous said...

Puuuulease vote here for Adam for Idol of the Month.Bucky C is catching up almost.The URL is: (200 is NOT very far ahead on this poll,even tho it may look like it is.) B C's fans can catch up,and maybe pass Adam this weekend easily, without much voting.( and, The Direct Link to the q102 ultimate idol poll is: VOTE on both.I sure don't know why the q102 one won't move up or down more,but am still trying to get Adam up,even a little above"Archie".Votes are needed!!!!

Anonymous said...

@anon may13th 9.42
It doesn't say anywhere on this thread that Adam likes this remis or approved it, but that it is a fan made remix. Adam probably doesn't even know about it. So not sure where your comment comes from.

Anonymous said...

This Pick U up "fan remix" is a mess, may it RIP.

Now I go wash this bad noise from my ears by listening Pick-U-Up by Adam-the-Original, which just happens to be my Monday morning anthem.

Anonymous said...

Who talked him into this Electonic Mess that sounds like BEES trying to get it on !!!
Go back to Your Voice only Adam, that's what we wait for.....
Love You but don't try to get too "current" and start sounding like all the other electo-pop shit.
Your devoted Kelowna Fan

Anonymous said...

Another thing,I don't have twitter & have to vote using the "I am human" thing everytime( which is fine) but it's not coming up for me much the past couple of days,& I don't think some of my votes are counting...Please try,everybody & see if it's working for you..Thanks,if you have twitter( & maybe Facebook,too,it may work every time. Whatever B C's fans are using,it's sure working for them)(About this remix,I agree that Adam's vocals are covered too much).Last night,I watched "Soaked" & others on You Tube..all so pretty.No remixes for "Soaked",please!!just love it live.It's 2:24am here..very late.need some rest,& HELP voting,esp for Idol of the Month.I guess the q102 one will end in a couple of days,right?

Anonymous said...

I too was excited when I read the headlines.

However, this fan mix is utter cr@p!!! What an insult to Adam and this fabulous song!!! Pick U Up is my absolute favorite on FYE and some ****** has desecrated it!!!

Shame on you whoever mixed it. PLEASE LEAVE ADAM'S FABULOUS SONGS ALONE!!

Anonymous said...

There was an American Idol of the Month poll a little while ago and Adam won it.

Why ANOTHER one of these stupid polls - it's getting beyond the joke - but I will vote of course.

Ultimate Idol poll - well, we all know what's happening there. It's not about voting for David Archuleta, it's about voting AGAINST Adam Lambert!!! All the haters (including Claymates et al) are voting like crazy and obviously using some auto-voting software system so if David Archuleta wins (and it's looking very likely that he will), it will be a hollow victory, made possible by people who hate Adam!!! :o(

This remix sux big time. I adore Pick U Up and this version is ugggghhhhh!!!

Anonymous said...

Tis I......just woke up with severe pressure on my chest......fortunately it was my computer.
Fell asleep a couple hours ago and woke up to this news.......Pick U Up was actually mentioned!!!!!a miracle! A dream come true!!!!!!

Then I saw those poisoness words REMIX! DAMN!
Well most of you know my feeling about remixes, but for a brief moment I thought, well, maybe this one would be bearable.....sfter all it is naturally a "peppy" song.

With trembling, eager hands I lightly touched that arrow. With hope in my heart I waited.....
praying "let it be good, please".

Well, MERDE !, all my hopes were dashed upon the rocks of disappointment and despair. It's dreadful! The pain in my chest worsened, I think I was about to cry!!!!!! Since it is now 2:40 in the MORNING, I am going to close DELL-A down and
head for the healing comfort of the yellow flower bower bedroom and attach my sleeping ear buds and listen to Adam's acoustic marvel till I am calm enough to sleep.

Life is just full of disappointments sometimes!
Poor Pick U Up, poor me! :-( ......JAK......:-(

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Eber will think of this remix. Pick U Up is his favorite song on FYE and mine too.

People should STOP meddling with Adam's gorgeous songs.

Anonymous said...

There's a NEW (tweeter faxo)IDOL of the month every MONTH..It starts on the first day of each month & ends on the last day of that mo.Adam has won every mo this yr,but is in danger of maybe losing this mo.If anybody doesn't want to vote,then don't.I agree about the q102 poll that Clay's fans AND D A,& maybe more are voting AGAINST Adam..must be it;just must be.

Honey said...

The poll pleads are getting ridiculous and annoying, and they are out of topic.

Keep going, poll harassers, and you might get banned... Or maybe the admin sets a "no poll pleads" -rule...

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:49pm -- where did you read/hear that PUU is Eber's fave? If it truly is, then it is DOUBLY baffling why this song not only wasn't performed at least ONCE in the entirety of last year by Adam, but why Adam BARELY ever even mentioned it, or mentioned Rivers, in any interviews. Actually one of the very rare times he talked about it was only because Lindsey of Yahoo! Reality Rocks asked him about it (her fave song too). There has to be some behind-the-scenes story why this song was so buried. Don't know why, because it is so EPIC! (the same could be said about "Can't Let You Go," by the way)

Anonymous said...

@Kelowna Fan
Don´t blame Adam for this remix, please! It´s a FAN remix. He had nothing to do with it.

Poor JAK, this spoiled your day. The humidity, the heat and Florida palm trees and now an awful REMIX. It´s a cruel world! Wish I had a stunning Adam pic to cheer you up. Instead I give you Cassie from Adamtopia and her James Durbin/Adam comparison. Cassie is a song coach and is always interesting to read. I hope you know how to copy/paste


Anonymous said...

i dont like it and i use to like trance , van Buren , and i love PUU , is one of my fav , delete please from here .

Anonymous said...

I read about Pick U Up being Eber's favorite on the FYE album a good while ago but I can't remember exactly where at this point in time. I didn't take note of where I read it (more than 1 place) but I THINK it might've been on his twitter page (others feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). He talked about the "bridge" in the song which is difficult to sing live, and that could be the reason Adam hasn't sung it in concert.

@Honey .... what is your problem re Adam's fans asking others here to vote for Adam?? Voting for Adam is one of the ways we can show our support and love for him. It's the least we can do after all he's given to us, and continues to give to us and it is a way to promote him. If you don't want to vote for Adam, fine but don't expect people to stop asking others to vote for him here and in other appropriate places.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon 3:20am.

Adam's 24/7 News site often posts polls where Adam is included which indicates to me that they want people to vote for him, and vote for him I shall.

There's an Adam v. Enrique poll happening at the moment. Anyone care to join me voting for Adam on this poll??

Anonymous said...

Pick U Up - LURVE IT!!! :D But this version should be banned!!!


Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^______^ cute:
adam so cute and sweet i like this photo i wanna see photo more young

Anonymous said...

@Eva - what a fascinating link! (I know you sent it to JAK, not to me, but I peeked lol).
Did you hear Angelina Kalahari's show where she played the original versions and Adam's versions of the same songs ("One", for instance)? Afterwards she talked about this show with Xena & Juneou, and admitted she wanted to show that Adam's better.
Cassie (the other one...)

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE Pick U Up but this remix is woeful. :(

Honey, not everyone shares your negative views about voting. I know it's boring and time-consuming but it's all about doing our best for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Apparently this has been in YouTube since March: Australian radio station talking about Adam's BF, and they're having such fun with it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Anom.3:40am & to 3:20am for supporting me posting the direct links to the two polls.I will keep trying to vote for Adam on the two( & maybe more poll sometimes that I don't post)Also,I stated that I DIDN'T CARE for this remix.Adam's vocals are too beautiful to do this to them.Don't worry about the q102 poll.It will all be over very soon on that one,but the idol of the mo.will continue.I have seen that FUSE POLL with Adam Vs Enrique,but remember that poll where Michael J beat Adam about the Grammy( vote for best male performance,I think)That poll was rigged for sure & maybe also now.Somebody said that when they voted for Adam, Enrique gained more & Adam lost some-same thing happened to me,you can't hardly cheat on Idol of the mo.cause you can't vote & vote again one right after the other.You have to wait 20 mins between vote.Please bookmark the idol of the mo.,esp( & any other poll so I won't keep posting it here)Some more help there w/voting,& I'll also post fewer times here.Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

@Cassie, thanks for the YouTube heads-up re Adam and Sauli on JoyFM. They love Adam and have given some great interviews with him. :D

Anonymous said...

from twitter:

We think that Adam Lambert is an excellent choice. He's possibly the best male vocalist of our generation. Agree?
6 hours ago

Totally overwhelmed with the MASSIVE amount of replies from the Adam Lambert's fans! We would love to see Adam perform too! @NBCTheVoice
6 hours ago


HK fan said...

yet again...when I copied and pasted your link from Cassie above it justs comes up with a direct link back to this page, yet I know it worked for our Cassie....What am I doing wrong, or maybe its something to do with me not being in the US?
re the remix, it took me till 37 seconds to even realise it was PUU, then I gave up at 50 seconds. Not good at all.

sheila said...

This is awful!!! I dont think Adam would approve of this.

Anonymous said...

I dislike this remix as much as I dislike acoustic Aftermath.. a lot.

Anonymous said...

Of course the link to the other Cassie was for everybody.:-) Yes I have read and heard Angelina Kalahari. What a trooper she is, promoting Adam in the UK. She is a real fan indeed. I read her story about when she was at GNT in Houston and when Adam came on stage and she heard his voice her hand flew up to her heart. When the concert was over she just sat there with open mouth and hand still clutching her heart.
There is also a Finnish opera singer (Johanna, I think) who is also a big fan. She´s on twitter.
I don´t know what you are doing wrong. Seems to me like you are not pasting the link in the address field on top of this page. The address to this page is in that field, so if you press Enter and the new link is not pasted in there, you come to this page again.
You have to highlight the address to this page (you right click it - it turns blue)
then click "paste" in that box that poppes up. The link you have copied should now be in the address field.
Now hit Enter! Hope it works.


Anonymous said...

My ears! My ears!
This remix is awful.
I'm tired of these endless pools, seems that every site has one by now.
People vote with their pockets, not internet hits.

Anonymous said...

I remember the interview when Eber said that he loved Pick U Up, especially that beautiful, soaring passage where Adam's voice is just beyond belief. This remix doesn't do anything to make the song more enjoyable to me. As for polls, I'm sick of them, too, but they do show the world that there is support for an artist, whoever he or she is. Also, I hope The Voice DOES has Adam on. The Voice sounds like a juiced-up, quirkier type of show that would fit Adam to a T. Idol has never given Adam the support he deserves. I say bye bye to them.

Anonymous said...

@Eva - when I asked you about Angelina Kalahari, I felt right away it's actually a rhetorical question. Of course you've heard it! :)
I'm glad to hear there's another opera singer fan of Adam - it sort of gives it more credibility (not that we in here need it, but others might).

Eleonora said...

Excuse me - here is the article about Adam Lambert`s visit in Moscow, don`t you miss

Anonymous said...

This remix says it is fan made so don't worry that is why it's bad. His Aftermath remix on the other hand was professionally done and that one is really good. Make sure you all have downloaded it off itunes cause it helps donate money to the Trevor project. On Q102 max's 10 at 10 you can vote for the aftermath remix to be played at 10 p.m. so it is important so it gets airplay.

Anonymous said...

remix not as bad as I thought it was going to be reading these comments. lol. It's nice a fan took the time and interest to do it. Thanks fan.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning everyone...

Finally slept a couple hours and woke up to the chatter of mockingbirds outside my window and sun making my room all golden and "glowy".

Gave remix another still stinks!
I shall expunge it from my brain and move on into this lovely Saturday.

Thanks to all for link suggestions, I will be busy..............JAK :-)

Anonymous said...


I couldn't decide where I would have the best chance finding here goes!

Since my husband is a newspaper freak, we get 3 daily papers.....consequently I read all 3 news items about Uganda passing up voting on the horrible anti-gay bill. Perhaps it's only a temporary victory but it gave me a happy tingley feeling that just maybe your plea to us to sign the petition actually helped. Tiny trickles of protest can become a flood when the world community joins together.

Bless you and all the LGBTQ members and friends who are trying to live the Golden Rule! <3 JAK

Anonymous said...

Absolutely horrible!!!

Anonymous said...

Ruined Pick U up! Pick U up has not been played on radio, so please do not try and change this beautiful song. People don`t know how beautiful this song is

Anonymous said...

@Anon 6:45 AM
"As for polls, I'm sick of them, too, but they do show the world that there is support for an artist, whoever he or she is."
So if Archie will beat Adam by measly .45% would it show that fans of both artist are equally dedicated? Or for the next JingleBall, Q107 will invite David but not Adam??

Anonymous said...

I think the polls are mostly a waste of time.
I'm sure there are some valid ones......but in the long run, Adam is already on his way to being a winner. Mentions on The Insider, ET and photos in People (even current silly one) all mean he is gaining in recognition and have you noticed the lack of "gay singer" reference? Yea!

Adam is "interesting"....David Archuleta isn't.
David Cook isn't. Clay Aiken isn't. They are good singers but that's not enough. Adam is doing fine......JAK

P.S. I do vote!

Anonymous said...

Hate this remix!!!! Love the song, Pick U Up!!!! Want to hear it in concert or anywhere, for that matter. My favorite from the beginning!!!!!!!!Anonymous 11:43- You are hilarious. Enjoyed your post!!!!

Getting tired of polls (but I still vote). This is just another way for sites to get 'hits'.

Anonymous said...


This was the perfect place to find me. :) A plea is just that a plea. Without people responding, it would only be that...a plea. So, to all who took the time to sign the petition, you all rock! And yes, EVERY signature played an important part in making a difference.

I'd just like to take a moment and think of those Ugandans who were able to sleep one night without fear of this bill passing. True, it may return at some point, but, for now, there is a release of fear in the hearts of thousands. That is a beautiful thing.

I am so proud to be part of the Glambert family, especially those who gather at 24/7, a group of diverse global brothers and sisters who understand Adam's message of love and acceptance and are willing to act upon it when injustice, hate and intolerance rages its ugly head.

And, changing topic...JAK your comment of waking with severe pressure on your chest made me laugh out loud. I love starting my day with laughter and you did that for me today. Thank you! Tears were rolling. :)


URANUS said...

Sister and JAK:

The bill didn't pass? YAY! I'm relieved! I signed the petition a week ago and I was very disturbed about the news. I'm glad Adam tweeted about it and thousands of glamberts signed it.

Anonymous said...


Yes! It passed!

Adam brings us pleasure in so many ways. But, beyond the obvious, what a difference he can make in awareness and call to action in just one tweet! And then the Glambert family, filled with such huge hearts, responds! Inspiring. :)


Anonymous said...

Love original Pick You Up. Hate this remix!

Anonymous said...

I appreciate being reminded of how much I loved the original, and I love driving dance songs but the quality of this remix just isn't good.

Adamluv said...

@anon - Couldnt read the article about Adam in Moscow since it's in Russian! Too bad but thanks for the link anyhow.

Anonymous said...

That was painful

coloforadam said...

I hope Adam meant what he said, that the new album will focus on "vocal strength" ...(and not all the surrounding noise). Fans have been saying that for year and a half and may the powers that be, LET IT BE!! He could do an entire album, acapella and it would be perfection. It took a long time of listening to FYE, over and over, to train my ear to hear his voice as the center and now I do it with no prob. But I remember the first time through, it was like, "can't hear ya, babe!!" and just a tiny, tinnsy bit of disappointment. Now, I just eat up everysong on FYE like honey on toast. The next album will be sweeter still but I agree with all above.....we just need Adam's voice, set to ANYTHING they come upwith. Save bucks on the drowning background and just give us Adam. ........" that boy is a Monster....he ate my heart".

HK fan said...

Mope its not that, pretty sure I'm doing it right as sometimes it works, sometimes it says not known, and sometimes the only link is back here. The link definitely goes to blue, and changes from this address to the new linked one before I press enter. Hey ho, probably will never understand, these computers seem to have minds of their own.
you will probably be getting more and more typing errors off me as my letters seem to be disappearing off my keyboard, so far A and N have completely vanished, M and D only have a tiny trace left, H is beginning to go.....mmm I wonder why its those particular letters!

coloforadam said...

One remix that is .... way cool, FYE remix by Bimbo Jones!! It is great!! Talk about great driving dance energy - this one should probably be banned for behind the wheel of a car!!

Anonymous said...

No, 8:50am. Adam and David are NOT equal even if the poll comes out 50/50. I understand what you mean, but polls in general keep an artist's name out there. This particular poll is so filled with anti-voters, it isn't funny. This ruins what a poll is supposed to show--true support. David is a sweet guy, good singer, etc., etc. ADAM is a multi-talented, edgy, sexy, mega-star on the rise. This poll doesn't reflect that, of course. It shows jealousy, revenge and other negative stuff.

Anonymous said...


I "second" every single word your fingers typed!!

Let the voice shine through!.............JAK

Anonymous said...

LOL! Seems your computer has gone bananas. But now that you speak of it, I see that those particular letters seem to fade away from my keyboard as well. What is going on? :-))

I wish the links we post would be clickable. Is that impossible to do 24/7?


Anonymous said...

Seems my comment must have offended someone ... I'm too old & too tired to re-type it again ... can only use ONE hand now ... sorry ... I won't bother to try to respond anymore but I'll just keep reading & enjoying all the posts here ... Keep voting & keep the FAITH ... Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...


Your thoughts and opinions are just as valuable and important as the rest of them here. We have all at one time or another said something that got someone else riled. Please continue to join in the conversation. You are an important part of the 24/7 Glambert family!
Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...


Who did you offend? Definitely not me and please don't stay silent, we would miss you.

One hand typing is okay, keeps your fingers exercised. I'm slow as a tortoise since I lie down and type. DELL-A is on my chest above eyesight so I'm reaching up and typing blind.

Fortunately my 1954 typing teacher burned the keyboard into my's still there.

Like you I'm pretty limited physically, I get on comp. when I come in to elevate my legs because of poor circulation. Maybe the fact that all my blood rushes to my brain can be blamed for my frequent crackpot comments!!!!!

I promise to vote and YOU keep the Faith <3 JAK

glitzylady said...

Did your comment disappear?? If that's the case, perhaps the Admins will find it in the spam folder. I happens sometime and has nothing to do with offending anyone, not that I could in any way imagine you would offend anyone! My comments occasionally disappear and admins have said it just happens once in awhile..they find them in the spam folder...crazy but true.The other thing that has happened to me on occasion is when the comment doesn't actually post and I don't notice it..I click out of the page, go back, and it isn't there. I always check now to be sure it actually posted. Just a hint.. Hope it helps!

Hk fan said...

most of the time I have to press the post comment button 3 times for my post to show. Maybe that happened to you and you didn't press enough. There are several reasons as Glitzylady said why the post doesn't show. Don't worry, you're a very unoffensive lady. Keep posting.