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Adam Lambert Reveals His Favorite Lady Gaga Song From New Album

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, May 23, 2011

Posted at : Monday, May 23, 2011


Anonymous said...

GASP! Hope this is not an indication of what we will hear on new album. I couldn't hear the lyrics, too much MUSIC, so I looked them up.

GROSS GROSS GROSS.......not sexy-------sick!
Sorry but that's my opinion.............JAK

Anonymous said...

I'm going back to photo of Adam with Riff to calm down and calling it a night......JAK

Anonymous said...

Here's a hilarious sketch with justin timberlake and lady gaga from sat nite live- it's the one with JT wearing a beer bottle costume. Hope that cheers you up. (I'm not really a fan of either one but found this lol)

LP said...

I agree with you Jak, But if I had said that I would be told to go watch re-runs of Hee-Haw. Or he is young so its OK.
I don't like a lot of the music he says he likes, sometimes I think he tweets stuff like that cuz he admires Lady Gaga, and is just trying to make points with her. The only song he did with her was too risky for radio, I hope he never does another one with her, she is sick, sick, sick.

Anonymous said...

did she say the word "cunt"? dirty gaga

Anonymous said...

Wish Adam would quit trying to butter up Gaga. She never responds. Don't like these lyrics either

Anonymous said...

sounds like a remix of a remix. I never got the popularity of BAD ROMANCE either.

LP said...

I think the problem with Adam these days, everything sounds sexy,even hearing a can opener,LOL If he quit looking at Sauli, he would hear it for what it is, crap.

Anonymous said...


I am expecting to get some static, but it won't change anything. I meant what I said. I don't expect Adam's tastes to run in line with mine and I don't agree with a lot of the comments my fellow Glamberts make. That doesn't bother me either and hopefully we can disagree and still be "friends".

My best friend since 8th grade and I are polar opposites....I'm a liberal, she's a tea party conservative, she packs a gun, I pack gum...I inherited a 10,000 bank account from my parents, she inherited $7,000,000 from hers!

But we write 5 letters a week to each other, love each other's children, tromped all over Europe together and she introduced me to my husband 56 years ago and I introduced her to hers 55 years ago and held her hand when he died.

You are entitled to your opinions and everyone else is entitled to agree or disagree and will.
That's life!

I think Gaga has talent and I have liked some of her songs but hated others....this is one!

I going to ask a favor of you and everyone else on this site....please use JAK when you chat with me. There is also someone who uses Jak or
jak that I have been confused with and quotes have been made that are definitely not mine!
I would appreciate it.......Thanks in advance.

Now I really am saying good night, it's after midnight again......raccoon eyes tomorrow when I get up at 5 a.m...............JAK

Anonymous said...

@8:51 I agree. Adam's always tweeting nice compliments to her and she never tweets him back.
Also, it wouldn't kill her to say something nice about Adam in the media one time like he's praised her so many times in interviews. I think she's too full of herself.

Anonymous said...

I just tuned in, is this the JAK and LP show?

LP said...

So sorry JAK, didn't mean to misspell your name. What you mad about, I was agreeing with you, it's a lousy song. Why would me agreeing with you, upset you? Have a good nights rest, and you will feel better in the morning,JAK

Anonymous said...

That's my least favorite track. Total trash. Hope this is not what Adam means by Scheißen, because it is totally dreck. Oy Veh

Anonymous said...

i wish adam will stop patronizing gaga, sorry she is not my cup of tea. too vulgar and thick skin.

Anonymous said...

Do not get what is sexy about this song and I don't always agree with Adam's taste. I do hope I will agree with what he puts out on his 2nd album.On his twitter party he described his new music as melodic, dreamy and honest.So I can't imagine it sounding like what Gaga is doing now.Liked her older stuff better. Well he does love Adele and I agree with Adam on her music.

Anonymous said...

My above comment didn't want to sound mean about what Adam will put out. I love his voice and will buy anything he records. It's just that his voice is so beautiful he's way too talented to waste it on some of this new crappy sounding stuff. I have to trust in Adam and I know it will be great. It's late probably not making much sense right now. Night night.

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry if you felt I was angry with you, it was just the opposite. I didn't want you to feel bad if someone disagreed with you.

I didn't make myself clear. Perhaps I'm a poor communicator even though I'm a blabbermouth.
I apologize. In reference to the JAK, someone is making really unpleasant remarks and they use jak and Jak as their "name" too. I want the people on this site to know it's not me, they have been posting much much longer than I have.

We are in agreement, Heavy Metal Lover stinks!
........JAK :-)

Anonymous said...

Gaga doesn't have to say anything about Adam and Adam shouldn't stop tweeting about Gaga. Just like all of us he is just a fan of her and he is entitled to his opinions. You all don;t have to agree with everything he says. He is just like you and me, a fan of a pop star, a fan of a genre. I am sure he doesn't expect her to tweet him back because whatever he tweets,he does it out of admiration for her talent.He doesn't need Gaga's approval.Btw, the fact that he expresses his opinions freely on twitter abt other celebrities, music,TV shows and everything makes him "Human" just like us and "NOT FAKE" like most of hollywood stars. He is just a regular guy living his life and I am sure a lot of us appreciate him for his honesty.


Anonymous said...

9:42 p.m.

Yes, it seems to be the JAK-LP show. That happens sometimes on threads. You may safely return and chat away, I really am calling it quits for the night, it's 4 minutes to 2:00 am.

Anonymous said...

Gaga is a genius with an amazing voice. It hurts me that she puts out this artificial nothing with a beat. She's not vulgar. She's real. I don't like some of her music, and I guess that's the point. We all have opinions. How boring it would be if we all liked the same thing.

Just as a side comment, Gaga seems to be pushing more towards mainstream. Interesting to follow her progression. She is a brilliant gal.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of this song but I like "Hair" and I love "Bad Romance".

It's amazing that Lady Gaga releases one single after another so quickly.

Adam is a fan of hers and he's always complimentary about the artists and songs he likes. That is a very favorable trait of his to openly give credit where he thinks credit is due. We don't have to like every song he likes and if we don't like it, we can say so too. #freedomofspeech

Anonymous said...

^Oh apologies, I just realized Lady Gaga hasn't released this song as a single.

Anonymous said...

@10:51 Adam is not just some nobody fan of her like other fans. What she doesn't recognize and you don't, is that Adam is also her musical peer. She's a pop singer, he's a pop singer. Gaga, Adam, Katy Perry and Kesha are all in the same league. Gaga is not so far above him that she can't be polite and tweet him back once in a while or give him a mention. She really has no cause to be up on a high horse either. If this latest CD of hers is anything to go by, her music is turning into repetitive crap, ripping off herself and Madonna over and over. Her first album was great, this one is lame.

Anonymous said...

Can't hear her voice or lyrics, just a cheap
beat for the dance crowd but - blah.
Not sexy. Is dreck.

Gaga is behind you now, quit sucking up Adam.

Still luv U though !

Anonymous said...

Ghastly, didnt mind some of her earlier stuff tho.
Adam is free to like whom ever he wants, we all dont have to blindly agree.
I love to hear Adams pure voice, but dont mind if the album is a mix of styles.

Anonymous said...

@9.29 Had to laugh at your comments! You could have a good point amongst the humor.

Anonymous said...

Ga Ga is out the box and in your face big time
and she is an amazing performer. So gusty and strong. How can Adam not love her!

Anonymous said...

I walked by the sales rack in the Walmart store with this particular album , & it was a gross looking cover!!!! Not an opinion , a fact! I told the dept manager I was going to cover up all of tthose CDs with Adam Lambert CDs , Adam's cover is much prettier!!! Mwah!! K
Ps the dept manager agreed that the gaga cover was not pleasing to the eye!

Anonymous said...

You can listen to all Gaga new songs under VEVo and I find Adam's FYE is a much better CD than this one. Gaga sound so similar to all her dance beat songs, with her "ballads", it almost carry the same tune. This makes me more appreciate Adam's ability to provide different genre of music. You can feel the joy, the sadness, the love and sexiness of Adam. But with Gaga, she sounds too mechanic to me. Trying too hard to be edgy.

Anonymous said...

Snore. Sounds like cyborgian trance-dance noise. I'd rather listen to FYE or Adam's Live the LIfe by J G Morello---A little touch of cyborg goes a long way, IMO. I really think Gaga is running out of gas and I hope Adam doesn't echo her recent stuff. Yeah, I know he likes to explore and experiment but somebody's got to remind him that U shouldn't try to make a silk purse out of a pig's ear.

Anonymous said...

I've just listened to Scheisse, the other song Adam tweeted that he likes on Gaga's latest album.

Schiesse is a German word and it means sh!t.O_0!
The song .... oh well, I prefer Bad Romance, Just Dance and Hair but I haven't heard all her songs. She certainly makes a statement, both visually and musically. Let her enjoy it for as long as it lasts, and she has a big supporter in Adam. :)

Anonymous said...

Yep! it sucked!

Anonymous said...

Adam is in love and sometimes it makes you deaf ha!ha!ha!

I experienced that when I'm in love too LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

This was tweeted to Adam: melodic, honest, and dreamy" sounds amazing but I'm also hoping 4 some nasty, real and dirrrrrrrty tracks on @adamlambert s next album!

ADAM Tweeted back: oh don't worry--- there's plenty of that. :)

Anonymous said...

I NEVER understood Gaga's music and so called TALENT! I hate her new music. Liked the old much better.
Saw her on SNL and she sounded TERRIBLE!! I can't find ANY talent in this CD so far. #SCARY and untastfull.


Anonymous said...

This video is from 2006. Gaga performing FEVER

Anonymous said...

This is a nearly unrecognizable Lady Gaga 2006 singing FEVER:

Anonymous said...

Tweets are definitely in favor of dirrrrrrrty
songs on Adams new album!

Anonymous said...

Anyone knows where/when this pic of Adam is from?

Anonymous said...

Gaga fans are gullible.

Anonymous said...

Cassie, it's from l/y Jingle Ball, Q102 in Philly.
Don't ask me how do I know that stuff..:)

Anonymous said...

The picture is from December Q102 Philly jingle ball

Anonymous said...

Wow.........Adam this new Gaga album is indeed different, but sweetie, if you turn out that kind of in your face crap, you will certainly lose lots of support from people that could easily be your new supportive fans. Gaga has to keep pushing buttons trying to shock. It is a shame because she has a good voice. Shock and crap get old........I don't find this song romantic, I find it sleezy. It's like Gaga is making a parody of herself.....she used to stand for a strong woman that wanted to be known for her she is turning out trash. If Adam enjoys this dribble, oh well. It surprises me a little because he is so much about how music connects with people. This song will connect with twelve year old boys who love to say dirty words and think little of women in general. She is taking us back ten years in the hope for women to be viewed as something besides a cheap sex toy.....Adam honey, your being in love is affecting your great mind.......all you can think about is getting some loving.....and this song certainly graphically shows that kind of feeling. Oh Adam, enjoy Sauli and your love, but don't suck up to Gaga anymore. She has never been kind enough to even acknowledge you and your wonderful talents....she is too self absorbed. I used to love her and her music, but wow, the stuff that she has put out on this album lacks class, taste, and melody. Gaga...let's have some more songs like Speechless....wonderful message of love. Just saying.....Gaga has changed herself and it is a loss to all.

Anonymous said...

Hey ít´s me so it´s OT!
Listen to this promo of the Maxidrom Festival.
No worries that Adam would be too tame for this hard rock thing.


Anonymous said...

9:29 PM You may be on to something. :) Agree with you.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

@Anon 5:59 AM
@Anon 6:00 AM
Thank you!
I'm not asking you how you knew that, I'm asking myself how I missed it ;)

Anonymous said...

The stars of this Gaga number are the rhythm & special effects. Any human voice will do for the distortion.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

The problem of Gaga to me is that she does not have a nice tone in her voice. She can sing live very well but without the best instrument "voice" most of her song sounds very blunt to me. Adam is totally different, his voice possess this fine richness tone to make him very special and very palpable to the ears. This song is not sexy at all, it is computerized and lack of human touch.

Anonymous said...

Idol finale is going to be so embarrasing. Last years winner wasn't invited. Why do they want to bully people like that, or is it just a stupid way to create drama. Bono and Gaga are selfish natured. They use the oppressed for their own benefit. U2 did great music in the beginning and Bono was very charismatic. I don't know what happened to him.

Anonymous said...

NOT A FAN!!!!! Can barely hear the lyrics and that may be a good thing after what I have read here. Certainly isn't something I'll be humming, or buying!

Anonymous said...

I dont' think we have to worry that Adam will try to emulate Gaga's shocking crap on his CDs. He may enjoy it but he won't try to sound like her or be like her. He knows his fans want his voice "up front" and that is what he says he is doing on the CD. He won't over-produce it or cover up the voice. Gaga, who I sometimes enjoy, is all about the over-production, not her voice. I can't imagine how long she can sustain this stuff. Adam, on the other hand, has the potential to evolve into a life-time singer whose voice outshines all the fads that come along. If I were to guess, I'd say that's his career strategy. BTW, Adam is an adult man with a healthy sex drive. He loves sexy stuff and feels sexy and loves sexy music.

Anonymous said...

Let's not hold our breaths waiting for Gaga to give props to Adam on Twitter. She's way to "busy."

Anonymous said...

I had a good laugh about this tweet. Maybe it was meant to be humour. Gaga fans are very visible in the Adam fandom and they must be noticed. So I've learned.

Anonymous said...

Adam Likes a song about a cunt. interesting.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam and Sauli are having second thoughts about going to the Idol finale now. Might not be the coolest thing to do and it isn't. I thought that in the first place.

Anonymous said...

hmmm ...i dont like lady Gaga much...her song is too weird for me...sorry to say....I love Adam nd cann't wait for his new album...;)

Anonymous said...

I heard very little of her lyrics in this song because there was so much other stuff going on.

The melody isn't great and if I don't like the melody, it doesn't matter if they're the greatest lyrics ever written, I won't like the song.

How she churns out song after song so quickly is amazing. She seems to be constantly firing on all cylinders but I suppose she has some down time, otherwise she wouldn't be able to do what she does.

Maybe Adam and Gaga tweet each other privately or txt each other (or call each other), hence she doesn't feel the need to tweet him publicly. That's the best I can come up with at the moment.

coloforadam said...

Come on....the clue here is in the title - Heavy Metal Lover! Throw back to heavy metal rock with lyrics that would make this song sound like Sunday school. It's edgy, defiant and meant for club dancing with everybody somewhat drunk and nobody's concentrating on the exact lyrics. You know generally that it is about sex and that's the motion of the dancing on the floor - the theme keeps things moving. There is something cathartic about being out there and just letting it loose with a lot of other people who are feeling the same thing. Jobs are far away, money problems on hold for the night and self image hold ups are shredded and blown away. She and Adam and other pop singers are NOT condoning stupid behavior, just a loosing up and celebration of some of the things that make us human. The realization that flirty, romping sex in the form of dance, is uniquely human and it can be enjoyed safely, maturely and in large groups!! (as it has been since time began). The people who are going to do dumb/dangerous stuff are going to do that with or without this kind of music. 99% of people, young and not so, who love this music and access it's joy, lead very productive, responsible lives are benefited by the time spent just letting it rip. Adam is one of those people .... you cannot argue that he is mature, responsible, loves his family, kind to people, contributes to his community, manages his money, treasures and supports his friends and he ROCKS to this music. When will the criticism on this site - STOP!! If you love the guy, listen!! think!! and trust!! He WILL be himself, go with his instincts and that appears to be more important to him than world wide allegiance.

Anonymous said...

Coloforadam, I find Gaga's songs difficult to dance to, because the tempo is too slow or something. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

We need to remember that Gaga GAVE Adam "Fever" and it's a fabulous song for which I hope we all feel grateful.

Adam is a big fan of hers - he admires her work enormously so whether people like her music and/or her image or not, it's not going to change his perception of her. Adam isn't asking people to like her - he's giving his opinion and we need to respect that whether people like her or not.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:47, ok.

Anonymous said...

Adam borrowed $20 and has to repay $2000 after he becomes famous. He will never want to borrow $$$ from others again.

Anonymous said...

OK, here is my thought on why he tweets about Gaga so often.

She has 10 MILLION followers on twitter. If he tweets her name the tweet shows up on her twitter feed...and any little monster will see his tweet and name when his tweet comes up on the feed. It's all strategy. Adam is strategic. Adam gets the 10 MIL little monsters to see he likes Gaga and they may go check out his music too. They may decide to follow him on twitter. Then HIS tweets go directly to their feeds. Strategy. That's all.

I hate this song, but I do love how smart and strategic Adam is. He is a twitter master. Sometimes I have to laugh when I think about him pondering his next move. LOL


Anonymous said...

Sister (Scissor?), I thought Adam was more impulsive than pondering.

glitzylady said...

I agree with what you said above. This song is a dance song, meant to be blasted full volume at dance clubs. The BEAT is VERRRY sexy, and I think that is perhaps more what Adam is referring to, although I would not want to put words in his mouth. Even though I don't hang out at Clubs very often, the occasional opportunity has come up in the past year, and this music is REALLY fun to dance to, and what is very popular right now. This one is perfect. Just sayin'...Listening to it from Adam's point of view...

I bought Gaga's album yesterday by download from iTunes and have yet to burn a CD from it it listen to it properly: ie turned up and blasting in my car or at home alone...(I've been out of town with very limited Wifi access..) Guess I'll get busy on that. I haven't listened to any of the other songs, other than snippets here and there. Will reserve judgement until I've heard them all. That said, the general buzz on the new album is rather mixed from what I've heard. I have to say that even my first listen or two to Adam's album FYE took me a few listens to decide I loved each and every song. I doubt that will be the case here (Gaga's album) but I would guess there will be some I like. And like many here, I am a fan of her first couple of albums and will see what happens with this one.

As for Adam's new album, just because he likes music that may not be what everyone here likes..I again agree with @Coloforadam: I have a huge amount of trust that he will give us some amazing music. He is one smart man who listens to his fans, treats us well, AND wants to be successful in this crazy music business. Just because he likes this track of Gaga's doesn't mean his music will all sound just like this. In fact, pretty much the opposite from what he has said: ....CAN...HARDLY...WAIT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gaga is the most influental celebrity 2011. Bow down.

Anonymous said...

When Adam is asked what music he listens to, I´ve never heard him say Gaga.
Adele, JessieJ, Sia, Goldfrapp, Bruno Mars, Miike Snow(which is a Swedish-American group)and many others, but Gaga? No. So perhaps sister has a point there.:-)


Anonymous said...

Gaga rules the roost right now. Adam knows it, and I think he sincerely loves her music and her riskiness. Hope he uses HIS OWN VERSION of her marketability in his next album. I enjoy Gaga and I don't take her all that seriously. Let her get all extreme and crazy! That's what modern pop music all about, pushing buttons and going to the edge. It's working for her. Adam is using her music for inspiration, if not her exact style. Hers's to a GREAT second album from ADAM!

Anonymous said...

What an evening. Telly broke up so I'm listening awesome ADELE! She is sooo good! Ronnie<3

Anonymous said...

Yea, it ain't over til..

Anonymous said...

10:30 - Agree with you 100%. Adam loves people who, like him, work really hard for what they want and where they want to go. Gaga never stops, nor does Adam. Love them both as artists that I can respect.

Anonymous said...


LOL. Yes, Adam can be impulsive. No doubt about that. But he also is very intelligent and strategic in business. Look at his strategy on Idol. Change it up every week, change the sound, the hair, the clothes. He said, everyone else was doing a high energy song, so I decided to do a soft ballad. This cookie is really smart. He was also on the Social Media Summit panel because of how he used social media sites and Twitter, specifically. I don't think all his tweets are strategy, but I suspect the timing, content and controversy of many are...time to get people's attention, time to stir the pot, time get my name out there...time to engage the fans in a twitter party. The Urban Dictionary terms bring in a certain crowd. Acknowledging artists brings in their fans. A tweet that is posted and quickly deleted. I think he is very savvy. This boy has got it all.

Oh, and this Gaga song...not to my taste.


Honey said...

Huh, a lot of GaGa hate here, for people not liking the song that Adam does, and for Gaga not recognizing Adam on Twitter...

Who gave Adam the song that is one of the best in FYE, huh? Who chugs on despite all the negativity towards her, inspiring Adam? Who sometimes hits and sometimes misses? Who is very adamant about gay rights?

Lady Gaga, that is. No twitter silence will change that.

Anonymous said...

I don't think peeps here hate Gaga, some just dislike her songs and style. Gaga gave Adam the song, her original on was so lame, it is Adam change it up with choreography to make the song well known. Yeah Gaga make millions singing about gay right. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Gaga is OK, but this song is not my cup of tea.

I hope Adam's new album will not sound like this either, sorry!

Anonymous said...

Not jealous for Gaga's success. Just interested how things are in the music business. Gaga may have to give way to Madonna next year, because she'll have a big budget.

Anonymous said...

Gaga has said she don't want to collaborate with other artists anymore, because no one can top Beyonce. Maybe Adam can collaborate with Madonna.

Anonymous said...

I've been pissed at Gaga ever since she DID NOT stand up for Adam when he was being trashed by PH, re Gaga's birthday party.

Anonymous said...

My love and appreciation of Adam is FOREVER!

However, totally appreciate also Gaga, she's a hard worker and multitalented, just like BB.

Here Gaga performing Born This Way in SNL, small stage, great job!

Anonymous said...


Maybe Gaga wasn't in a place to "remember" it and so couldn't comment on it. LOL :)

Anonymous said...

GAGA is Real and so is Adam. Know that for a fact. Talent off the planet!

Anonymous said...

It seems the US have trouble with GaGa because she is so out the box but overseas she has millions of little monsters who love her. The same with Adam, he is adored overseas where freedom of expression is appreciated and welcomed with open arms. Adam and GaGa....both amazing entertainers. Love them.

Anonymous said...

woah, just watched AI and the judges practiclly crowned Lauren tonight.Got to get busy voting for my guy. Lauren is very good too though esp with a blown out vocal cord.

Anonymous said...

Why do ppl instantly think that he's taking influence from this to his 2nd album ?

Adam has a insanely wide scale on music he likes, he's a fan of so many kinds of music.
I know he loves Queen too but I don't expect to hear album full of bohemian rhapsodies either.......

Also, drop the judgement, like right now.
We are here because we love him & his music, let's keep the negativity out, thank you!

Anonymous said...

On Idol tonight,Lauren was given a much better original song to sing than Scotty was.( for the winner's first single)I think it will be very close,tho...both were still very good.

Anonymous said...

I f***ing love this song!
Adam ovbs. has jammed with it in a nightclub ,to which it is perfect for! It's very simple song but has very powerful emotional charge in it.
Can't do other than agree with Adam, once again.

Anonymous said...

6:51pm I know Scotty should have been given a song about his Momma too!!About the song above it takes me so long to really like a song that I can't comment.Love Lady G I have to say.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:56, check out Oh My Ra, it's much better dance track. Both versions are awesome, but I prefer the slower version, it has good rhythm. :)

Anonymous said...

I think this Gaga song subject needs to be ended,& lets get some MORE beautiful Adam pix besides the ones we've seen..89 or 90 comments..means let's move on!!Please,A L 24/7 News,enough already!!

Hk fan said...

well, I wasn't going to listen but in the end did, for the most part it was OK, (not great but OK), but there was a couple of bits, the more talking parts that I didn't like at all.

Anonymous said...

@May 24 9:06pm
What?! Why? I enjoy this so much...
I come here for the LP-JAK-like shows (which, btw, ended too soon :-)) and for the other sisters' rants. I'm addicted to all my ..Berts, no matter how silly, annoying or amazing I think they are (I'm all of that also). Unfortunately, I didn’t have time for this lately... :-(
On the other hand, Adam's private pictures make me feel uncomfortable. If he is putting them on the web, then good for him, if not... Not necessary like it, but I'm ok with him sticking his tongue and fingers in people's mouths, mic in his own mouth, or j-off and all that while on stage; it's his choice as an artist. However, I could live without the baby shower / hospital rooms / private parties photos... I love/need curtains on my and everybody else's windows. If it’s his choice to leave them open (and only then) just be it!
Flashback! I felt like hitting the youngsters (and some not so young) who tried to take pictures through the GNT buses’ windows. Are we for real? It’s our own life so..little.. that we need to invade others... need ’moments’ of the inside of a tour bus?
Btw, I'm one who’s annoyed by people who talk way too loud in public areas as if it's ok to throw their... lives on the strangers around. If you want to talk to me on any matter, be angry on me, ask me anything, or just smile at me... I’ll spend time to.. accommodate you and smile back. I could even understand you bumping into me when I’m staying in your way, but invading/stealing public (especially phonic) space just ’cause you can... not cool, not cool at all in my book. But I’d definitely stay and listen to this kind of ‘pollution’, though :-)


Anonymous said...

AND... :-)
yes, Gaga is a 'topic' to talk about. I’ve said it before, I like the clubbing Gaga. As for the ‘industrialized’ Gaga, well, that's something else... Trash? Well, yes, ma’am. Pop it's trashy so many times (as well as other music styles) Kitschy...Campy...Cheesy...Tongue in cheek...Over the top... Adam's 'favorites' :-) However, I watched her live concert DVD and pretty much enjoyed her...
I’m ok with you saying ’F* Off/You’ as long as you really talk to me not to my pocket. But if you want to address my pocket, which I know you do, you are my guest. Just talk nice and see whether there is an answer...

Don’t forget, though, we are all the builders of this ’Society of the Spectacle’. We feed our own need for entertainment. So what if we don't like all the entertainers? There'll always be plenty of them to choose from.

Oh, my, howling to the 24/7 morning moon again!.. No need for you to answer as I’m already back to my den!


Anonymous said...

Does anybody think this thread has run way too long by now??I wish we could get a new subject---like maybe Adam being on Idol tonight.I hope that hasn't changed.I want to see him on there if only for a short time.I hope he tweets about it today sometime...or we could hear more tweets about the Moscow trip coming up.

Anonymous said...

@6:46 AM


Anonymous said...

Just gogled the lyrics to the subject song. Read first five and all were different from each other. Still don't know what's going on.

Anonymous said...

Gaga has been very friendly to Christal, the co-owner of the bar, where Adam and Sauli met.