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Adam Lambert Working on New Album Today!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, May 04, 2011

He also retweeted this:


Anonymous said...

out of topic, randy jackson named james durbin to win AI 10 and warned david cook and lee dewyze to watch their backs, a new rocker, james may dominate. glad he did not warn adam, he knew the oozing talent of adam is beyond compare. everyone has their own opinion, but i don't find james good singer, haley and casey are my favs.

Anonymous said...

Adam Performing July 29 in Quebec!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Eva for the information!!!!!!!!!!!

You are very reliable indeed!!!!!!!!!!

It's only 8 hours drive from Toronto YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I forgot to comment about what Randy said.

He knows that JD is out of Adams league ha!ha!ha!

Smart comment Randy you don't want be an idiot!!!! Good for you not including Adams name indeed!!!


Anonymous said...

I have no idea who any of those people are and don't care just as long as Adam is doing the singing I'll be content!.............JAK

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the great props to Adam from his friends on Twitter. As for Durbin, I've resigned myself to the fact that he'll probably win. He makes me throw up in my mouth. BUT, it is so cool that Randy warned Cook and DeWyze to LOOK OUT, but Adam didn't get a similar warning. Just goes to show who's the major talent here... ADAM!

Anonymous said...

Glad to read that Adam is continuing to work on his new album. I think all of his fans are waiting so anxiously for the time when it will be released some time this fall. We know it will be amazing and then some. I guess Adam needs to get out and recharge his vocal chords in front of an audience because I just read he will be appearing in Canada in late July. We will just have to wait to get some vids from that performance. When I need an Adam"fix" either I go back to look at his Season 8 AI performances, the AI tour vids or the GNT DVD. But I think we need something now, more recent like another appearance on Ellen or Jay Leno where he can perform....anything!!! In my eyes Adam Lambert is the greatest vocal talent that AI has produced in its ten seasons.

Anonymous said...

Great news Adam keep working on that next epic album.Quebec so lucky! James had his 2 worst pitchy cry baby performances tonight, but the judges still pimp him to win. Sorry if I sound mean, but Haley has so much talent At least they told her her second song was the performance ot the night. Adam is right Haley is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 7:12, I agree with everything you stated.

I could have sworn someone was holding a sign that read "Haley You Have Sauli". Or maybe I imagined it.

Anonymous said...

This information may have been over looked when it was discussed, becaue the Royal wedding took over, (Which is fine, it was a big event.)
Only a few people commented on this and I was surprised, because this was important, and shows what can happen on the internet and twitter. People can say and do what they want to others and get away with it. I hope this will not be by passed. I will explain:

On twitter was someone with the name of Adamlamberthomo. They had in big cap's that Adam was gay and had aids and had infected someone they knew. This message was sent to News people, stars, and most of the wrestlers of the WWE. Kris Allen even got one. When most of the people got this twitter they became upset and demanded twitter cancel this person.

Adam Official got RCA and 19 involved, after a search they found that this horrible site had the same ISP ID as James Durbin News site. I do not know if James was part of this or if it is a James lover who hates Adam.

I can only hope they investigate this and find the filthy jerk that did such a hate crime.

Man, I don't know how Adam can take all this BS, it has to get to him. I think that is why he was so quiet this past week end. No smiles in any of the Danielle B'day party pic's. He than declared his love for Sauli in the pic taken Sunday night. That I believe was to show he going on with his life, even after that horrific statement on twitter.

I only love Adam more for what kind of person he is on the inside. Go back and read what Glitzylady had to say on this subject. She covered it very well.

What made me recall this situation was 6:50PM with the comment about Durbin making them "throw up in their mouth"

Anonymous said...

Wow! Poor Adam he is the most incredibly strong and confident person. What an inspiration. I heard about that guy on twitter,but not about the JD par tor maybe a fan. We don't want to assume anything until facts are proven. I too hope they find this horrible person. Adam will stay strong, supported and loved deeply by family, friends and us fans. I thought J Durbin was terrible tonight. I guess it is O.K. to be pitchy if you cry. I seriously miss Simon. Haley killed it in the second song, good for her, want her to win!

Anonymous said...

So glad Adam retweeted isla! She's a riot on twitter. She's intelligent, quick witted, irreverent, funny as hell, down to earth. Great to follow. Never know what she may say next! And she loves Adam to death.

Anonymous said...

This horrible incident just increases my love and support for Adam. However, I can't believe that James could be personally involved or responsible for any of this. It's probably a crazed fan of some sort. I hate to say it, but whether James wins or not, I predict some ugly fan war crap happening. Glamberts, we have to RISE ABOVE it, if it happens. I hope it doesn't. Love you, Adam.

Anonymous said...

Although I hate those dumb polls, I think that if there is ever a time to support Adam, NOW IS THE TIME! If you haven't voted, DO IT NOW! We need to show the world that he has the most supportive fans. Thank God the sick individual who ran that tweet has been stopped. Any sane person will know it's just garbage.

Anonymous said...

I don't know @Isla_Sandz but she sure has a good sense of humor. It was hard for me to pick a favorite tonight on AI they were all so good, down to 4 tomorrow, I'll be shocked no matter who goes home though.

Anonymous said...

We Love Adam Lambert because not only can he SING but also A Talented Performer , ever so so charming, eloquent, considerate, kind soul.
Adam's REAL, very authentic, absolutely NO BS for a Rock star!!!
Adam stay as beautiful as u are!
Continue to Entertain us with your great voice:):):)

Honey said...

Whoa about the James durbin fan site... If it's true. That they also sent twitters to wrestlers kind of gives out the connection. However, I don't believe that James himself has anything to do with this, it's the crazy fans that do.

If James wins, embrace yourself for the storm of "James won but Adam couldn't because he was gay" -media coverage. I hope that it won't come, it's water under the bridge and Adam doesn't want publicity that comes from ripping some other person down.

Bing said...

Adam you did not fail us with your first album even when there was so little time to work on it then with your crazy schedule. And now that you are taking your time on this one i can only wish you the best, as if you need it teehee. We know that you are more relaxed now but certainly most inspired :D I will just have to be more patient because i know in my heart that it will be all worth the wait.

@Anon at May 4 / 3:24PM - nice to know that we have the same favorites Haley and Casey. I did notice from the get go that Randy has been rooting for James though. I'm also thankful that he didn't warn Adam as well because i believe he knows better than that LOL.

Not that i don't respect the potentials of JD but i have yet to experience a breathtaking performance that would put him in a league of his own. Yes he can wail and reach the highest notes but there is still something missing. JD is still very young and who knows how he will evolve through time and more experience.

Meanwhile i was so impressed when Haley did Moaning with Casey. For me that was her moment to shine and i would love to hear more from this talented young lady who seems to know who she is as an artist. I know that Adam likes her and who could be a better judge of genuine talent!

And it's nice to know that even Kelly Clarkson and Melinda Doolittle are both on team Haley. Hope she wins this thing but it most likely wouldn't happen since the judges had been really tough on her. Besides they are obviously pimping JD to no end. I can't stand what i'm hearing from them that's why i'm missing Simon so badly. This is the reason why i can't watch that show anymore but i would always wait for Haley's numbers.

Anonymous said...

Anon. May 4, 2011 3:24 PM

Randy should get the "pink slip" for saying JD will win and embracing him on stage as he did. I'm sure he'd get the DCM (Don't Come Monday) if he did that in my country. Idol judges have been axed for lesser "offences".

Anonymous said...

That deplorable tweet is linked to JD. Why doesn't that surprise me?!! If it was done on JD's ISP, then of course it was him who did it. How disgusting!!! It goes to show the lengths someone will go to in a state of jealousy. And what's so great about him?? A big fat ZERO!! But Randy LOVES him and therefore I suspect he will be the winner. It wouldn't surprise me if the judges have their say as to who they want to win it .... I wouldn't be surprised by that at all.

The judging this year is a JOKE!! What judging?!! All they do is gush all over the contestants, week after week or they make snide insinuations about the contestants they don't like. SIMON IS SORELY MISSED!!!!

When the source of that tweet is officially confirmed, I hope Adam can sue for defammation (if he wants to).

Great tweets and lucky Russians and Canadians who are going to revel in the wonder of Adam live. Soooooo looking forward to hearing all about these concerts.

Anonymous said...

Somehow when I watched AI tonight I must have missed the part about Randy warning David Cook and Lee Dewyze to watch their backs??? I mean it's obvious that Randy idolizes JD...he can't stop himself from gushing over JD every time. Puleeze, JD may be a nice guy, very emotional, very young, but he is always off pitch! Where oh Where is Simon when you need him?


Anonymous said...

Haley got a standing O from the judges and they said her performance was the best of the night. Why does anyone here really care who wins AI so much? They all seem like good kids and all are working hard to win.Just a fun show to me.

Anonymous said...

CT I must have missed that part too and I watched the whole program.

glitzylady said...

About the nasty tweets from the person who tweeted vile things about Adam to friends, family, and other major celebs: Yes, it was linked to a James Durbin fansite but no one has suggested he had anything to do with it at all, at least that I've heard. I can't imagine in a millions years why he would want to spread vicious rumors and lies about Adam, and I just can't imagine that he did. They aren't in any sort of direct competition and Adam has done nothing to James. From what I know and have heard, it was one person being a" crazy over the top" fan
with some sick and nonsensical agenda related to Adam. I would guess it had much more to do with the hate in that person's heart than really relating at all to Adam or James for that matter. Since RCA became involved in the investigation, they obviously took it very seriously, and treated it perhaps as a threat to Adam's safety as well. Not sure we'll ever hear what happened, the motivation, and the results and/or punishment, if any, but hoping that's the end of it. The things Adam has to deal with along those lines must get very wearying sometimes. I do know for sure that they keep track of those types of things, including people who may be considered a threat ie: stalkers etc.. Gotta keep our guy safe and healthy for sure.

glitzylady said...

Oh, and I follow Isla_Sandz. She is indeed funny and interesting..and doesn't mince words! I saw this re-tweet come through today, and I think it took her a while to realize he had done that! What a great surprise for her. WOW!

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady thanks for your comment. I too think James had nothing to do with that bizarre episode. You can't help what some fans will do, just ask Adam.I hope not to big a deal is made over this so it doesn't trickle down on James.

Anonymous said...

James is the biggest threat to Haley?

Anonymous said...

I've been voting on the Ultimate Idol poll for days, but this morning I went to vote and it asked for my email address? Why? It didn't take my vote. Where would I type in my email address? Huh? BTW. Watched AI last night and Haley nailed it. I'd love to see a Haley/Scotty finale and I really wouldn't care who won 'cause they're both great. I CANNOT understand the utter adoration for James. He sang both songs in a mediocre manner. I guess his crying at the end of the second song will ensure his winning the whole frigging deal. He is Mr. Velcro Man when it comes to getting criticism from the judges. They are blind and deaf.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Nevermind. Silly me. I figured out the Idol poll. There's a space right there for your email address. Just type it in and vote. This is a good way to control the voting, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Meant Mr. Teflon, not Mr. Velcro. Oh well. Stuff bounces OFF him, doesn't STICK.

Adamluv said...

I dont care which contestant wins Idol but I am offended by the use of the term "crybaby" when referring to a man who cries. Very sexist! If a woman cries, OK but not a man! We need to get past these sexist beliefs that hold back both men and women. ... Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

This was a crappy thing for Randy to say about David and Lee! WTF Randy, this is taking your pimping to a whole different level. Maybe it's time you were replaced on that panel. It's one thing to say you like Durbin, quite another to make such a snarky remark about the other Idol Winners. Done with Randy.

Anonymous said...

I watched the show and I didn't hear Randy say that about David and Lee. When did I miss it?