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Adam Lambert's Minor Elbow Injury

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Photo source: @klyukvaVsahare

Thanks to KlyukvaVsahare and Scorpios4Adam (for pointing it out)!


Anonymous said...

I feel like a stalker, knowing every single thing about him....

Anonymous said...

How about posting this epic HD video of MA, DTRH and WWFM. It's really in a great quality which fans will enjoy. Fans on twitter are passing it around. The user will post more of the same quality videos of other performances tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

An elbow scab - must be a really slow news day haha

Anonymous said...

I wanna kiss it.....



Anonymous said...


Me too!...............JAK

Anonymous said...


tess4ADAM said...

ADAM has a 'boo boo' ... wonder what happened
Nothing too painful .. I HOPE!!

OT again but GOOD NEWS!! ADAM has ONCE AGAIN been voted Idol of the Month at
4712 votes ... I VOTED every 20 min. as often as I could ... looks like I wasn't the only one ... GOOD JOB GLAMBERTS & CONGRATS ADAM!!
Love 'n Light


glitzylady said...

Okay, this needs to be posted! MAXIMUM RADIO Moscow Maxidrom Festival . Video all about Adam, his fans, and some singing..and his dressing room..Also a short interview with Adam!

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^____^cute:

Anonymous said...

The peeps on Adamtopia have diagnosed that injury as a rug burn. Now, I am such an innocent and delicate nature so I could never imagine how that could have happened, but I´m willing to kiss it *standing in kissing-rug-burn-line*


Anonymous said...

I hope Adam's little wound heals quickly.

Thanks tess4ADAM. I too was voting every 20 minutes, and now there's Adam for the month of June to vote for.

Please vote for our BB.

Thanks glitzlady for the link to that wonderful interview. The Russian fans have been so good to Adam and thanks to them, we have a plethora of photos to drool over. SPASIBO!

P.S. Rug burn .... LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey BB what were u rubbing against??????? ha ha

fromthegreyfort said...

Actually hoping it's a sex injury

Anonymous said...

I like knowing everything that Adam is up to, but... LOL. This is pretty stalkerish (I know, not a real word).

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact that is not a rug burn cuz the rug burnwould be located more underneath the side of the forearm, not the elbow. It could be a kitchen countertop burn, hehehe! I'll just keep this anon, ok?

Anonymous said...

9:18 Sounds like you have a lot of experience in this area lol

The Dark Side said...

If that's a rug burn, he's having more fun than me. I have decided that no issue/story/incident is too great or too small to hook a Glambert. We are either the best fans on earth or the weirdest! Probably a combination of the two.

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys all noticed the elbow booboo. It was one of the first things I saw on the videos - and have been wondering about. So, I'm not the only weird Glambert.

Anonymous said...

Rug burn - kitchen countertop burn - whatever - love it - everything the guy does is just effin' fascinating - lol

Rebecca said...

haha i feel like an over protective mom noticing these things kind of like i do on my son son.

Everyday Life

Anonymous said...

maybe he was dancing in the club with some chick and slipped and hit his elbow.

Anonymous said...

it was on the countertop at the house of Kesha and she was giving AL a wild ride!

Anonymous said...

he loves signing his name on the hearts of women all over the world. don't ya BB?

Anonymous said...

Please ladies no more speculation about rug burns and on what portion of the anatomy they might be's bringing back fond memories I'm too old to handle!!!!

Where's my blood pressure medication?......JAK

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady...they took that video down! RATS!!! Will try to see if someone saved it somewhere...

I too noticed that scab a few days back and wondered if anyone else noticed it. Poor baby!

Is this the video?


Anonymous said...

I'm going with rug burn.I've had a few in my day! Adam's pretty flexable! Body rolls? Slaloming? lol funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Shag pile carpet burn??

Whatever, I hope Adam enjoyed getting it and it's not the result of something boring! :D

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