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Adam Lambert's Radio MAXIMUM Russian Interview 5/26

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, May 25, 2011

CLICK HERE to listen to the interview!


Anonymous said...

Now there is a picture of happiness.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful picture of the very beautiful couple, love this pic! :)

Adam's and Sauli's fan from Finland

glitzylady said...

Be sure to listen to the radio interview! Its funny and they discuss turtles...I'm sure Adam wasn't ready for THAT question!

glitzylady said...

This is a comment from someone who sat near Adam and Sauli during the Idol Finale. It shows what a huge celebrity Adam has become. It's in Twitlonger version, so hope you can open it. Other celebs came to him at his seat. He didn't even have to move.

Anonymous said...

GREAT interview & this photo is WONDERFUL. <3

Thanks a bunch Adam News 24/7. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the twitlonger link glitzylady. I missed seeing it when I posted before.

What a fantastic time at the 2011 AI Grand Finale for Adam and everyone who was able to meet him. LOVE IT!!! Our BB is in DEMAND!!! :D

Anonymous said...

I want those gloves. Such beautiful men so much in love. Sauli is a doll and both are so lucky to have found each other. Will listen to audio tomorrow.

Don't want to wake the whole family and then try to explain about turtles.

glitzylady said...

One more picture...this one is just beautiful as well.

HK fan said...

They said the F word in regard to the turtles....didn't faze Adam though.
Glitzylady, neither of those links for the picture and the twitlonger worked for me, even though I cut and paste it says to check the letters etc...I want to know what the tweet said about the finale...

Hk fan said...

Just saw that tweet on another site. Glad to see everyone wanted to see him. Wonder why he left before the winner was announced?

Anonymous said...

Love this picture <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWWWW Love this picture-- Adam is finally ready to show how he feels. You can tell by the way that they look at each other they are in love.

Anonymous said...

Imagine that everybody in the audience yelling for his name and crowded him ha!ha!ha! Fuck he is the Superstar indeed and no one can deny that!!! You ruined the Idol Mr. Lambert you did!!!! Love u and happy trip to Russia and Rock their ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice gloves and Glam bulge......Oh! did I say that......LOL

Love the pic

Fan4fun (and mostly Icon) said...

- What a picture! Sweet Diamond Boy so happy holding his Golden Boyfriend by hand!!! God bless it a million times!

- Meaw-ha! Meaw-haha! Sweet uncle Adam is asking uncle Sauli: «How does it feel... being part of my idolish before millions of people? You know what? WE are the IDOLS!»
Hey, everybody, mommy has already placed carefully her Guardian Angel into uncle sweet Adam's suitcase for his trip to Russia. Does anybody know if he is traveling through Ocean Pascific's sky or Ocean Atlantic's sky? I want to watch and see his airplane from my window... meowerrrr... never mind what is going on in a cat's mind, even a GlamberCAt!

Anonymous said...

Yeah everyone wanted to see Adam! Imagine if he had performed sleepwalker, even though not a single would have killed it! He certainly is in high demand. By reading tweets from those working with Adam seems like album #2 is going to be epic. Hope to see great vids from Russia. Wish Adam a safe trip and rock it out !

Anonymous said...

On Thursday 26th May 2011, @eri9 said:

Found this awesome post on Adamtopia from myspencer50 who was a member of the audience....

OK, we were seated about 25 rows back from Adam, in the same aisle. He had an aisle seat so we could observe him, a lot! ;D He came in at the very last minute. We had to be seated by 4:30 so we did not see him on the red carpet. He came in during the 20 second countdown before the show goes live. Debbie the stage manage was trying to get everyone in the theater quiet and in walks Adam down the cenetr aisle! Well, he ruined the quiet. There was a 'buzz" and people were calling his name. He got to his seat quickly and the show started.
He stood up during every commercial break because there was a constant flow of people to him. I mean, with all the celebrities in the audience, everyone wanted to go down and talk to Adam. Past idols, Idol crew, and fans. He was gracious and talked, shook hands, posed for pictures, signed things. He literally was a magnet.There wasn't one single commercial that this did not happen. Although, towards the end, they put 2 ushers next to him and they slowed the flow.
Adam left before the announcing of the winner.

*that is the text of the tweet for those of you who couldn't open it

Anonymous said...

He probably left a little early to avoid the rush. Smart guy.

Anonymous said...

I love to hear him chuckle during the interview.
I saw the infamous turtle seduction sex tape that Adam gave link for some weeks ago. Though I felt like a voyeur it was hilarious and noisy!
Some similarity to human mating, I think the female slept thru it but the male was feeling the love!......................JAK

Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzylady for the link on Twitterlonger. It worked for me. I am so proud of Adam and the Superstar he has become. What a scene it must have been to see celebs, fans,Idol crew all anxious to get to Adam and meet him! He must feel wonderful with all this love being showered on him. Plus, to have Saulie at his side. Adam's heart is definitely full. I wonder what Sauli thinks of all this? He's pretty special too to be able to watch from the sidelines staying patient and understanding all the time. What an adorable couple they are. So happy for both of's a beautiful thing to behold.


Anonymous said...

I love it when people smile so much that their eyes are hardly open!

Anonymous said...

Worldwide stage, Adam and Sauli putting all rumors to rest -- yes this is the real deal and they are really truly in love! Adam is so fierce and sooo TRUE to himself. He is an inspiration. Sauli is precious.

Adam and Sauli - thank you for this wonderful moment. You did not have to share this with the world - but your fanbase ADORES you both for doing this!

Adam needs Sauli by his side and vice-versa. I hope that this will be forever and they each found their life partner!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@6:10 thanks so much for relaying what it was like there in the audience. Now I'm wondering if the other past idols got that attention also??

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady and @6:10

Wow, that's quite the report about Adam at the show. Not surprising that he would draw such attention. His magnetism is unsurpassable. I thought about getting a ticket. Now, I wish I had!

I also am curious as to whether the other past Idol contestants got that type of attention. I suspect they got some, but I doubt it was as much as Adam. I may be biased though. :)

And I am "loving the love".


Anonymous said...

Haven't read any comments yet, so please excuse me if I sound redundant - just gotta say it:


GGD Gal, sure picked a lovely day to come back to Glambertland!

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^______^cute:
nice to see good frind and adam looks cute and love help sauli

Anonymous said...

haha im russian and i listened to the interview!!! it was hilarious... the people there are really fond of adam!

Anonymous said...

HaHa My computer is a ..Bert! It made my comment disappear. But you know I’m a persistent bug!

So, as I was saying... They are unbelievable beautiful. Like cherry trees in full bloom... Two peas in a pod?.. Michael and Gabriel?.. Alexander and Hephaestion?... Nah. Those were too feeble. These two are proud and beautiful people!
Then why the heck is Marlyn Manson running through my head right now? HaHa. Keep your pitchforks. I’m facing the wall in disgrace… then I’ll banish myself out of 24/7...(while recycling some grey matter.. maybe then I’ll hear some... Monroe..Charles... :-) )

I’ll let you enjoy the (almost) summer glam. Oops! Forgot! Glam is obsolete lately!