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Google Chrome: It Gets Better (Featuring Adam Lambert and Others)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Anonymous said...

no picture is coming in for me, will try again later.

Anonymous said...

I love this campaign. Because of it, things will get better for the kids who feel so alone. So many messages of hope.

One child lost to bullying and senseless hate is one too many.

Let love and acceptance grow! :)

Anonymous said...

I watched Glee tonight and this was a commercial ad for Google Chrome. I was happy to see the It Gets Better message for the Trevor Project on TV, but jumped for joy to see Adam...and of course the other celebrities - Ann Hathaway, Chaz Bono and GaGa. The wonderful messages from everyone really lifted my spirits.

Anonymous said...

I watched Glee and the Google Chrome commercial came on soon after the beginning of the program. I realized it was for the Trevor Project but when I saw Adam's clip, short tho it was, I almost fell off the sofa ....I was so happy to see him included in this great commercial. It's such a great cause and such wonderful exposure on national t.v. for Adam and all the other celebs too.


Anonymous said...

Glee is the perfect show to use this message on.
This message is for all kids who are having a hard time socially, not just LGBT kids.

I was crippled by shyness in Jr. High and High School. Other than a small circle - small- I was an unknown and it hurt. Somehow the magic summer before college a miracle happened and my shyness faded away and my college years were wonderful. I guess I was a late bloomer.

Life does get better.

Anonymous said...

An awesome message! Adam is always such an inspiration to educate and bring awareness into this world along with others in this video.

Why on earth can't the world just love and accept and respect all people of color, creed, race and sexual preference!

Anonymous said...

I have always brought my kids up to love and respect everyone. This to me if one of the finest traits we can ever obtain. I am also so proud of my daughter who stood up for a class mate who was being bullied because she said it was 'totally unacceptable and noone should have to tolerate bullying" and she is ten years old!
The kids can teach the adults sooo much!

Anonymous said...

As a retired high school English teacher, in addition to working with the subject matter, I always told my students the most important aspect of growing and maturing as an individual is learning to accept, respect and understand all people and their differences. You must love yourself first in order to love someone else also. The message of hope and "it gets better" is very important. Students often confide in their teachers concerning their problems and issues and I was glad to be there to listen, provide advice or refer that student to someone else who could help. Kudos to Adam and all the others involved in this campaign and to the Trevor Project for all it provides.

Anonymous said...

If the messages of "It gets Better" don't put a lump in your throat and an ache in your heart
then you need to check your pulse for signs of life.

My teaching years were spent with Pre-K and Kindergarten children.....before they could be
"taught to hate all the people your relatives hate" (some of you will recognize the lyrics from
South Pacific).

They were ready to love anyone who made a kind gesture...4 and 5 year olds are my favorite people to hang out with! ................JAK