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GQ says Adam Lambert Is Bad Dresser, Adam Responds on Twitter

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, May 03, 2011

The following is GQ's critique of Adam's look from the ASCAP awards:

Adam Lambert

"Ok, so we get your shocking, gay, vampire shtick. But go big or go home, hombre! If you wanna pop our eyes out of our sockets, it's gonna take a little more flare. Take some pointers from a veteran..."

And here is Adam's response from Twitter:


Anonymous said...

Adam is hysterical! Button up your chinos...LOLs

Anonymous said...

You just gotta love this man and his sense of humor! Perfect comebacks to GQ! #realness!!!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to GQ. Now, I'm going to cancel my subscription. How dare they piss Adam off.

Anonymous said...

Rude. Why single somebody out to piss on their choice of clothing? Very unstylish.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

....Adam Lambert....
....This is why we Love you....
........Perfect Comeback Comments...
Always One Step Ahead with Wit and Fashion Style
....Always Lovin the Lambert Look....
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

I would be pissed too, if it were me, because they did NOT have to use the word gay. Not cool of them.
But fashion is like opinions and everyone has their own ideas of likes and dislikes.

Anonymous said...

We love Adam so much because he is always brave and REAL! Ha GQ you could of had him on the cover and sold millions of copies, now you're gonna lose
subscribers. Wonder if "realness" is trending yet? If you have twitter go on and retweet it.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I thought Adam looked as hot as they come in this outfit, sexier then ever and elegant as always!
I totally agree that most men's dressing is boring (except for my cute husband) and FINALLY, we have a man who is ahead of his time in fashion and rocks anything he wears. THAT is because of who Adam is, can sing anything, can wear anything!
And LOVED his comments! This guy is a genius!

Anonymous said...

SO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO CLASSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO INTELLIGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO KIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO GOOD TO MANKIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE MOST GORGEOUS MAN ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a stupid mag! They are just so envious because Adam is damn HOT! Adam is so sexy that their dicks shrink to fleas. Sanni

Anonymous said...

Sanni or maybe do the opposite of shrink and they can't believe what is happening lol

Anonymous said...

As I said in the previous thread, I don't believe Adam was pissed at all. I believe he smiled when he saw this arcticle. His replies are undoubtedly humorous.
Nobody would have known they tweeted him if he hadn't replied, and he knows that. But he chose to give them visibility, and start a friendly and witty "war".
And Lizard Eyes - they didn't single him out, he was no. 3 of the 5 worst dressed.

Anonymous said...

We all thought Adam at ASCAP was the epitome of elegant manhood. Prince of Darkness at noon is dashitz! Luv Adam. Viva Adam! Bah-bah GQ.

Dinah-mite said...

So HAWT out the box...


So HAWT out the BORING GQ closet...

Do we LUV this man or what???

Anonymous said...

GQ's fashion style is kinda limited and Adam's rocker style doesn't fit into their category. Robert Pattinson, Justin Timberlake and David Beckham are on their best dressed list and they dress alike.

Anonymous said...

@11:45 PM! He he that was good! Maybe that was what happened within their pants! Sanni

Anonymous said...

OMG! Adam is hilarious! Always stands up for himself and never backs down. My hero!


Anonymous said...

I am so sure Adam needs a gay schtick when he is gay.Is that magazine still actually still around?

tess4ADAM said...

Hey! GQ .....



Anonymous said...

I think the mag use Adam's fame to gain publicity, using "gay" for attention . I bet Adam knows very well, see his last tweet. Everybody know Adam is on top of the fashion world. WTF they criticize his style, it is all about business. Adam is just so damn clever and funny. The mag should pay him for advertising their name.

Anonymous said...

If they'd had the decency to leave out the "gay"
the comment would have been slightly amusing, but gay being included made it hateful......don't they have an editor there?

Sic 'em Adam!............................JAK

Anonymous said...

The message is so simple, they want to see a little more GB so their eyes csn pop out of their sockets.#cleveramigos

Adamluv said...

@Sanni - your "their dicks shrink to fleas" comment is hysterical! Is that an English translation from Finnish? I hope I'm right that you are from Finland? Very descriptive! As far as GQ's comments, as soon as I saw the unnecessary use of the word gay, their opinion had no relevance for me. Love Adams response to them! The 3 mentioned as best dressed are as boring as watching grass grow IMO. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Have to say, the words gay and hombre gave a somewhat narrow-minded impression of the GQ magazine.

Anonymous said...

They managed to be offensive to two minorities at the same time. Not cool.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what they think, imagine Adam dressed like the other 3 best dressed, God how boring he would then become just one of the herd. blending in. Thats why we love him he is different.
His come backs are so classy and deliberate clever, clever boy.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

he's a snarky little bitch isn't he? haha so am I!

The Dark Side said...

This is rather funny. GQ subscribes to an elite type of clientele, not main stream American or anywhere else. Loved Adam's response. I think it rocks that they are even commenting on it. This person needs to get his own life and stop snarking on Adam.

Anonymous said...

They are having fun on twitter:

1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply » @ @GQfashion "Go big or go home" - how childish can you get. It's obvious you haven't seen @adamlambert's GB. Check w his million+ followers.


Anonymous said...

ADAM takes on GQ and knocks them clear out the water. I've lost all respect for that magazine now, and using the 'gay' mention is lower than low. Really poor move on GQ's part and their level of class disappeared 'out the window'!
ADAM is the mastermind of fashion!

Anonymous said...

Hey they've got Steven Tyler on this list too!
First Adam and then a Rock icon of all time! Go figure on that one, GQ have clearly lost it!

Anonymous said...

gq has no class no decency garbage now thier magazine reputation too bad theyre bunch of bullies ur going down the tube. i cancel my subscription in ur magazine.

Anonymous said...

Go get'em Adam. Don't think twice about those morons at GQ. Honey, you are HOT, HOT and always look mighty fine!

Anonymous said...

Adam's tweets and the resulting comments on twitter from fans made me laugh for a good bit of the afternoon. This fandom has certainly proven entertaining over the last 2 years!

Grace said...

i loved Adam style. GQ is totally rude for dissing Adam style.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion they use the GAY WORD so that fans will react and it did!!!!!!

Adam is a superstar and GQ Magazine need to use his name for the advertisement!!!!!!!

So right now they OWE HIM BIG TIME HA!HA!HA!

Adam is very clever indeed!!!!!!!

He just kick ass!!!!!!!!!

And I'm loving it!!!!! Yes!!!!!


Anonymous said...


I saw the tweet "Go big or go home" and ref. to the GB. I lol'ed for a long time. Some of these twitters are really funny. I wonder if GQ know what the GB is. Hope it didn't go over their heads.

Anonymous said...

GQ is missing a golden oopportuny if they don't get Adam to do a photo-spread with them featuring his fearless. gutsy fashion sense, gorgeous body and over-all beauty. STRAP ON SOME BALLS, GQ! You could really make this work for you.

Urethra_Franklin said...

I love his tongue.

Anonymous said...

I don't really have a problem with Adam being on the list (although,I wholeheartedly disagree with's their opinion,however, even if it's WRONG...Adam is one of the most fashion-forward males around!).

I do take issue with the 'gay' reference however. Very unprofessional and totally unnecessary!!! They should not be surprised whatsoever by the twitter-tude that's under way. I suppose,as Adam alluded to,this is what they wanted!

Adam's response was priceless....snarky with a smile ;)!!

Anonymous said...

You think we can email GQ and nicely state our opinion. It is O.K. for them to have their opinion of who dresses well or not, but to use the word gay and be mean is totally uncalled for. What kind of role model is this magazine and what a horrible message it sends out to it's readers. If they have any left anymore!Some people took offence to the J Crew ad with the mom painting the little boys toes pink, but this is O.K.? We need our voices to be heard but in a respectful manner, in the name of realness. in our society.

Anonymous said...

I knew once Adam's twitter people got in the act this would turn really funny and it has!! They can say very amusing things in 145 characters or less. Those twitter people are something else.

Anonymous said...

Well I can understand Tyler, he's wearing my grandmothers clothing most of the time. But Adam gives it an edge. GQ needing some publicity theses days. Anyone can wear chinos, white shirt and a jacket...booooooooooring! Does this old fashioned magazine really want to take on the Glambert Nation? Yes, if it increases it's publication.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert...a glittery alien from the planet fierce..go get them Adam...I love all you looks..fabulous

Anonymous said...

your looks.

Anonymous said...

doesn't GQ stand for good quiche? my stomach is growling!

Anonymous said...

Glambert ARMY* could give GQ a good beat down.

Anonymous said...

Okay, GQ has been around soooo long it is no longer current. I never even realized that they were still in publication! Well it seems their comments have worked. They are getting a lot of PR. After all, negative attention is better than no attention at all. They certainly owe Adam a BIG thank you!!!!! Go Adam!!! Great twitter response! Luv ya!

Anonymous said...

F**kin' A, I love the snark! He serves it up SO WELL!!

Anonymous said...

He is just the best at this isn't he? SO GOOD AT SNARKY!!! WE ADORE THIS MAN!!!!!

GQ is entitled to their opinion but honestly, they sounded like homophobic, dumb dumbs. Have just lost ALL respect for that magazine and I hope if they offer Adam a cover that he just laughs! Who ever wrote that sounded like an idiot actually. Really quite surprised at the stupidity. They should be embarrassed at this level of writing.
Will NEVER buy GQ again!

Anonymous said...

Terrence is about to dance on DWTS!

Anonymous said...

Cassie I meant they singled him out by sending this tweet.I could be wrong....
Anyway never a dull moment when Adam tweets or responds to tweets!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv! I use the expression: "dick shrinks to fleas" when someone miserable like GQ finds someone Adam-like (with the GB) far too superior. GQ lost their game with the gay-word. Sanni (a Finn yes)

coloforadam said...

If GQ did a cover with Adam, it would be extraordinary and a top seller, just like the Rolling Stone and Details covers. Many people would buy a GQ for the first and only time. But, GQ editors won't have the balls to try it for the same old reasons - if someone gives notice, recognition, praise, association or friendship to a gay person, oh, that must mean they are gay too!! WTFFFF!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The 5 worst dress on GQ's fashion is stupid! I didn't see anything wrong with what any of them were wearing. Most of the pic's are of people going about there everyday lives, dressed casual for what they were doing, trying to avoid being photographed.
Then they single Adam out and twitter to him their nasty comment, I never have bought GQ Fashion and this behavour certainly doesn't make me want to... Great way to get hits to their website, that is all!

Adamluv said...

@Sanni - love your expression. Thanks for your answer. @coloforadam - you said it!!!! Crazy, right! ..... Adamluv

Bing said...

GQ is soooo yesterday and obviously needed some attention. If the best way they could think of was using Adam then wise move but it also gave Adam free publicity and his responses are as always brilliant even when they are snarky. Never afraid to tell it like it is, no filters and no sugar-coating.

Just continue being yourself with your avant-garde fashion statements Adam because you can pull it off just like no other. Jealousy is one possible source of their attitude so what else in new. They simply couldn't accept the fact that somebody as different as you earns more respect and support than any them and their talents. So pathetic! And if they don't understand your innovative fashion sense then it's their problem and never ours.

Adam is so amazingly smart, always discerning and that is what i love about him most other than his unlimited talents. Just couldn't get enough of this young man! IJLYSM!

Anonymous said...

If anyone has a few minutes and wants to vote for Adam on q102 top idol vote his numbers have dropped since this morning.He's against Clay, silly I know but I vote anyway.

coloforadam said...

......AND, when Adam loves someone, he is monogamus, attentive, protective, fun loving, romantic and utterly devoted. What more could anyone ask in this crazy, stressed out, demanding world. What percentage of the models in GQ are closeted little boys who are not fooling anyone? Adam will never "mainstream" who he is just to gain acceptance from people who spend their lives fashioning their own ingenuous image. I love the song by Gaga, Paper Gangster... "I do not accept any less than someone just as real, as fabulous" That could have been written about Adam.

Anonymous said...

#cancel GQ now How dare they say that about Adam and Steven. I bet they get alot of e-mails from fans and alot of cancelations too.#carmaisabitch

Anonymous said...

Do people actually buy GQ (Gentlemen's Quarterly)
anymore? Isn't it kind of passe'? .........JAK

Cheril said...

Adam is a gorgeous man. He dresses sexy. He looks and smells sexy. GQ could take some lessons.

Anonymous said...

GQ must have drop in publications to need to do something like this!! Also never understand why one photo is enough to say he is a bad dresser - have they not seen this man in other outfits namely grammy suit!! Personally I think he could wear a bin liner and still be the BOMB!! He just has that body and look to carry off anything.

I can't read his comments back. What were they??

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! Adam U ROCK!!!
Love U Love U Love U :):):)

GQ's sooo Jealous that they have not got U on thier cover !!!!
GQ's a Square!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam, Great answer!!!
Nay nay nay nay nay to GQ!!!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
never like that magazine anyways

Love love love U in DETAIL!!!more Trendy Mag:)

glitzylady said...

Well....crap! I just wrote a comment, spent some time on it, my internet server "quit unexpectedly" and now its gone! Oh, well...The gist of it was that Adam has more style in his big toe, than so many of the men in GQ. He looked quite stylishly trendy and extremely well put together at that award show, and why they would be so snarky about this look is beyond me. He makes my eyes pop out of their sockets all the time, so what the heck?? Beautiful man. Period. Adam's look at the Grammy's won many "best dressed" awards: what's so different about this one, other than the facial hair?? I think whoever wrote this, set out to make fun of him..and had to really stretch to do so. Resorted to snark and playing that gay card again. A straight man could have worn the exact outfit and facial hair and I'm pretty sure wouldn't have gotten the gay comment. Sheesh! Even we here had some funny comments about the pirate look, etc., but nothing about gay and I think we all agreed he looked really great in that outfit. All in all, it isn't that deep, just dumb. My tweets re them earlier today: (By the way, I think Vanity Fair or Details gets and appreciates him..and its about time Vanity Fair did another fashion shoot, starring Adam of course.)

"So, GQ put @adamlambert on their worst dressed/gay vampire list.Really.. just crazy/wrong on so many levels.Buy Details instead.They get him"

"So @GQFashion : Opportunity 2 calm down @adamlambert 's po'd fans: Give Adam a cover spread pls! Happy fans and sold out issue= #winwin"

Bottom line: Adam is taking this little thing all in stride as usual. Honestly but with humor. And I'm guessing he is still laughing..He said what he had to say. #realness. And GQ would be VERY happy if they put him on their cover...Probably biggest selling issue in years. (ie. Rolling 2009...) Moving on..... The final word:

@GQfashion so button your chinos up and quit pissing on me. ;)

Anonymous said...

I don't buy Star anymore after a decade because they have him on the worst dressed and never say anything complimentary. GQ can be boycotted as well. Power in numbers! Even though Adam didn't take it seriously, I know he is one of the best dressed men. And, wtf? That outfit in the pic was styling, baby! Blind and dumb mag. Plus, speaking of his sexuality is definitely out of line. F em. ;)

Anonymous said...

That "button your chinos up" is SO ADAM!!!!! He is totally witty and handles dummies with style!
At first I was furious and pissed, but now I just laught to those GQ mind-dwarfs.


Anonymous said...


The Dark Side said...

Unless you are in politics or banking and forced to wear the 3-piece crap, no one does any longer. Pretty sure the more dressy men's wear is going the way of the PC, on its way OUT!!! Total fail GQ.

Anonymous said...

and Steve Tyler gets a free pass no matter what he wears anytime, anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Bland is not perceived.