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Haley Reinhart Responds to Adam Lambert's Support

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, May 20, 2011

Posted at : Friday, May 20, 2011

Matt: So over the past few weeks there's been this amazing groundswell of support for you, and you've had everyone from major celebrities to even past 'Idol' contestants like Adam Lambert supporting you. Have you really been in tune to that, and has that served as even more motivation for you?

Haley: Definitely. I'm not too big on the blogs -- I don't like to look at anything that can possibly be negative, but I definitely look into the tweets. I pretty much read everything that people send me. Getting that support from Adam was just amazing, because in my opinion he's just spectacular. He's one of the best to ever set foot on that stage.

Source: Matt Carter from The Examiner


Anonymous said... girl!! Love her!

Anonymous said...

Ouch. xD

Anonymous said...

That was smart and it works for me, I will support her. I am curious about her album, she can become bigger that Scotty and Lauren!!!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Haley knows great talent = Adam! Adam knows great talent = Haley! I'm sad she was eliminated but think she'll be fine. Won't be watching the HeeHaw AI finale. Guess America is just into Country and not someone who is original, gutsy with a great voice. Sad -

Anonymous said...

Agree with Haley. She looked stunned when she was eliminated. Altho the other 2 have nice voices, I find no spark in them - they are SO boring. I won't be watching (unless Adam or Sauli are attending of course..)

Anonymous said...

I had no idea USA was so much into country music!
There is no real contest as they are exactly the same. Who cares who wins?

Anonymous said...

OK, so what's the Ouch for? 1:05??? Yes Nashville final. How totally boring. Scotty has a nice voice, but I really don't like country music. Everything Lauren sings sounds the same. But she's a kid, so we'll see. I see interesting music coming from Haley. Hope she does original music. Shame on you America. Oh well, hopefully they killed Idol. It's done its thing. Move over for The Voice. Simon Cowell--take over.

The Dark Side said...

This is going to be a very nice finale for those into Country Western Music, for the others, maybe not so much. Think Scotty will win this as he has the momentum going into finals. Only watched twice this year so am not going to critique show, but think judges did a super lousy job of judging. Good luck to these kids, all of them.

Anonymous said...

Simon Cowell is heading to the save you all from the Utter Mess that American Idol has will be a much better show..anything has to be after all that Boring Country Crap..surely!
Glambrit IOW UK

Adamluv said...

@Glambrit IOW UK - thank you! And to the anon: comment about HeeHaw AI - you nailed it! AI is such a joke now with these 2 bland, goody 2 shoes, boring, "butter wouldnt melt in their mouths" finalists. Embarrassed to admit I loved Idol seasons 3 - 8! Watch The Voice and cant wait for The X Factor. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Haley is the one come close to Adam, she may not be as ionic as Adam, but she is young and has music talent. I was surprised the way she sang to the judges last night and she is only 20 yrs old. Too bad, AI turn country which ignore half of the USA. Can't wait for Simon's X factor.

Anonymous said...

Adam should have Haley open for him on his next tour. She is very talented, but Adam is the best ever! I think they would get along, she seems really cool.Scotty and Lauren finale will be boring, even more so than last year. Simon where were you when they needed you. The judging was horrible and favoritism was very obvious from the start.

Anonymous said...

So what's this about the Adam tweet "sorry for spoiling the results" (paraphrasing here) ?? He's here on the West Coast, too. Did someone back East tell him? Kinda funny, really. I saw an interview with Seacrest where he said he did the same thing once, and people were really pissed at him. Oh well. I'm just biding my time until video of the Moscow concert.


Anonymous said...

The finale should have been Scotty & Haley. James & Haley can thank Randy for sending them home. The have critique Haley all season and none to Lauren who can't hit her notes and forgets the words. Pitiful. They wanted Lauren to win from the beginning. They gave Haley a harder song to sing. Randy needs to go.

Anonymous said...

he thinks she is sex on fire.

Adamluv said...

Go over to the and read chunkymonkeys review of Wed. Idol performances. It's hysterical - she says she's in a "hayseed coma"! Brilliant! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I just read Chunkymonkeys review. Hilarious stuff and Adam gifs. Now I don´t have to watch AI except for when Adam was there. Can anyone tell me when that was? We are at top 10 in Sweden. I don´t want to miss it.


Anonymous said...

Here's how I look at the whole picture. If you had to pay $200 to buy a ticket for a two hour show to see Haley, Lauren or Scotty, which one would it be? To me, Haley would be the only one to change it up, plus, her style is infectious. I can truly see what Adam sees in her-she has that certain "something", just as does Adam. If you were lucky enough to see Adam's GNT, you would know of what I am speaking. Just a Grandma's opinion.

Anonymous said...

And to ad to your post above if you did not see GNT buy a copy of the DVD/CD, it's amazing. Adam is the only person I know who sounds better live!

Anonymous said...

I agree that AI never gets it right but I must say, that there is something about this girl that is arrogant. She's talented and strong yes, but there is a spoiled, arrogant edge to her that turned me off! and might be the reason she got voted off.
She is super talented but I wouldn't go see her.

Sorry, just a feeling. All my girlfriends are strong and cocky so I think I know the difference.

glitzylady said...

Adam was most likely doing what everyone else on Twitter does, which is seeing comments made by East Coasters, and Central-Mountain timers and knowing ahead of time who was eliminated. Nothing too complicated. I've done the same surprises for me this year..The only way NOT to know ahead was to stay off Twitter and the internet in general. He just forgot that not everyone already knew..he apologized later for that. It was an oops!

Anonymous said...

adam could have haley open for him for awhile like he did allison. that would be a great boost for her and a good combination for the concert. it would help her get her feet wet to touring. it would be great for the audiences they would have.

Anonymous said...

I watched Idol last night on internet livestream and I live in L.A. I assume Adam did the same thing watching it livestream on internet. That's how he found out about Haley. Also, twitter was filled with the news as well. Once the show was over he tweeted about Haley. Here in West Coast, Idol is shown 3 hours after it's live broadcast in East Coast.

Anonymous said...

@3:11 I never noticed any arrogance about Haley. Some people just read too much within the line without knowing who Haley is as a person and an artist. I liked her even before Adam making any mention of her. Her parents are musicians and she studied music in college. She traveled around the country and Europe with her parents performing on stage since age of 8. IMO she is the only contestant of AI10 who created moments. One reason I can say she got voted off was because with her 1st and 3rd performances she step down the stage and went around the judges table. She wanted to grab studio audiences attention whereas instead she should have stayed on top stage by grabbing the viewers at home attention. She will be fine and I will definitely buy her album. Hope she will an opening act for Adam next year.

Anonymous said...

Just my opinion Anon 3:40.
I wish her best of success as I said, she is super talented.

Anonymous said...

If you look at past Idol winners, it's pretty much always someone who comes from the South, and particularly the Southeastern, part of the U.S. Apparently, that's where the most votes come from each year. Just look at past Idol winners, and you'll see the pattern. There have been articles written about it. So even Kris winning over Adam a couple of years ago was likely just due to that, in the end.

So, no real surprise that it's a "Country" final this year.

HK fan said...

I liked Haley best out of the top 13, she really grew on me over the weeks. I like the sound of her voice, might even buy her album...
I never found her arrogant, she comes across as feisty, and sure of herself, but she'll need that in the music business. She did a great sing out after she was eliminated, and whats with all 'she had a bitch face on' (that I've read on another site), she just looks really shocked at being eliminated, she took a few seconds, then got comtrol again.
I don't get how Laurens personality went from being so confident, over the top and in your face at the beginning, to so unsure, shy, extremely young later. Maybe she's actually a lot smarter than we think and its all an act to win votes. I actually like her voice and think she could be great, but at the moment she's a bit dull, and she needs some styling. Scottys voice is fine if I close my eyes, don't like the way he performs, and it sounds like he sings the same song all the time. I found myself tuning out this week to their performances, so don't think I'll watch the final 2. Will probably watch the finale though even though it looks like Gaga is on again, how many times would that be this year?
Didn't Sauli say that him and Adam would go to the finale if Haley was on it, Suppose that means they won't be now.
I think the results would have been different if Simon had been there and they would have actually had critiques throughout the show.
I could name you several songs that Haley sang this season, couldn't name you one by the others. She also has the 3 top selling downloads from Itunes on the show. Hopefully she will have a good, solid career out of this. I think she's like Adam in that she won't care if she's not at the top of the top 40 like Katie Perry etc, but will be happy selling some albums, and performing in smaller venues doing what she loves.

Anonymous said...

I agree Haley was slightly full of herself. When they announced she was cut, she gave a disdainful
look, like -are you serious? to the audience. She didn't joyfully hug the others the way Adam did to Kris. Sort of don't blame her tho after the way she was treated by the judges.

Anonymous said...

Ya, I bet Adam and Sauli are really into an evening of country music. Remember Adam with Randy Travis haha. Well, maybe they'll go to see Gaga. Their attendance would certainly be the only exciting part of the evening.

Anonymous said... are welcome..just sayin my views on A1
LOOK at it this way EVERYONE
.....if it was not for American Idol we NEVER would of found THE MAN OF OUR DREAMS with THE VOICE OF AN ANGEL...
but after ADAM LAMBERT...and the votes fiasco..we all knew..that was it for its time to move on to X know Simon Cowell...he knows his stuff he keeps it real and says exactly what he Bullshit and he has a great team..Paula who we all know LOVES ADAM as much as we do...the producer guy..sorry dont know anything about him...Sweetie Cheryl Cole who is a really Lovely girl, very Beautiful and Talented and then theres the Lovable Steve Jones and not forgetting Beautiful Nicole...a great Team and Simon is So fired up for the New are in for a treat Everyone......all coming to you ready for the Fall or as we say in the UK..AUTUMN
.....ENJOY...and lets hope that Simon gets Adam singing on the show OR else!!!!!!
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Adam HAS to be on X factor. Paula will for sure push it. The only thing is when we think someone is really good, they pale to Adam's talent. We are so spoiled by him! I really like Haley. Wonder what Simon would have said to James when he brought out the drummers. Self indulgent rubbish for sure. James got a pass for pitch problems everytime.

Anonymous said...

I too think she looks down to people. Her self-concept has not yet developed.

Anonymous said...

Now - ???? She says she likes Adam. Sure, she has lost and knows Adam spoke well of her. But, she was self-assured and didn't seem to appreciate Adam's supportive comments back much. She was very cocky (which Adam never has been).
For that reason alone - she didn't deserve to win.

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzy;
Hey, what's doin' up there in the land of Sea-Tac? I didn't think about live stream. I try to not even go near my computer during elimination nights (like DWTS) until I have seen it. I thought the whole thing was humorous. He did say sorry. Hey, nobody's perfect (oh, wait..maybe I take that back for Adam, lol!)


Carlos said...

Hayley you have the whole Adam fanbase rooting for you. Unfortunately we can't vote harder than the country fans. I hope you have a succesful career just like Adam did!!

Anonymous said...

@Eva - Adam performed at the top 13 episode, so if you're at the top 10 now - you've alreay missed it! But I'm sure you've seen it via youtube.

Anonymous said...

I would love to know the demographics of Idol voters.

Age Brackets

North, South, East, West


Number of times each person voted

I never voted for anyone on Idol except Adam. I suspect many more women and girls vote than men and boys.

I do think Scotty will win.

glitzylady said...

It was quite funny, but he was embarrassed when he realized that not everyone knew, and there were people giving him a hard time. In fact I responded to him about Haley, then realized I was just adding to the problem so deleted my tweet..didn't want anyone yelling at me! I wasn't surprised by the outcome really. My husband was not a happy boy with the result tho: big Haley fan! He's going to the local Idol Tour to see "his girls" Pia and Haley, which I think is very cute. I went to see Adam, after all! (It takes TWO Idol contestants to add up to one Adam tho! LOL!) I like her very much too. I don't get the comments about her being arrogant either. I watched most of the performances and didn't see that at all. Different realities I suppose. Either way, I think she is very talented and should do well.

Anonymous said...

Last few hours to vote for Adam on Billboard fan favorite vote. Click on other and write in his name. It will be televised May 22 on abc. Adam won't win but let's show billboard he should have been on the list and just how much support he has from his fans.

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt Carter, remember me? You started me on this comment-writing spree two years ago. It went like this: "Is MTV afraid of Adam who has become so huge in such a short time that they can't present him an award?" All those girls at Examiner commenting, always said: "Thanks Matt, you always bring us good news about Adam." We liked you a lot. Also, remember the Finland fan longest queue in freezing cold to see Adam perform, video? And when I commented on it, an actual Finn fan from that very queue commented below mine that she was touched by the text. I guess she meant my comment, the only one there.
All the best, Matt!
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Maybe Haley could share an apartment with Allison,
they could both work on their respective albums...
then when Adam goes on tour with his new album
WHAM! Haley and Allison could be his opening acts!
It could happen!

Anonymous said...

I got into deep sh*t one night because I told everyone who went home from AI. I had no idea people watched it at different times, so I know how Adam felt except I'm an anon and he ain't. lol

Anonymous said...

Haley cramps too many singing styles into a single song; starts sweet/mellow, growls/yells beautiful highs and in between some mumbles. It makes the song sound choppy. The smoothness of transitioning from one mode to another is in itself a mastery, I think and we all know who has mastered it magnificently. Like Ryan once told Adam: You make it sound so seamless.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Haley is still young and still coming into her own style. I think with Jimmy Lovine's help
and guidance she'll find her "LANE" as JLo likes to say...All I know I'm a fan... any girl that can ROCK the hell out of a Zeppelin tune has my
RESPECT! Rock on Haley!!!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it wasn´t top 10. I´m confused. It was the episode where Stefano and a girl (Naima?) was "saved".


Bing said...

With a little more training and guidance i think Haley will turn out to be spectacular herself. She has yet to develop her style and enhance her skills so that she can really showcase her artistry. She is lucky to have that background and extensive experience that which she can use to her advantage. I believe that in time she will be able to define her brand of music with some professional help. She will be fine.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Haley is cocky and arrogant either. She's self-assured to be sure but she's been around music all of her life so she probably doesn't get nervous on stage.

This business of Lauren being nervous sticks in my craw. There was absolutely nothing noticeably nervous about her when she did her audition. In fact, I think she sounded better at her audition than she has all season. And what about her dress sense or the person who dresses her for the show?! That 1st outfit she wore on the final 3 night was downright hideous!! And the 3rd dress she wore was nice but too old for her 16 years.

I don't go along with JLo's comment that Lauren was the best tone this year but what would I know? I'm only a person who knows what type of music I like and buys CDs accordingly. And I agree that James and Lauren have been pimped all season by the judges.

Anyway, it’s a finale of 2 young Idol contestants, not that should be a big deal but I think a little maturity would help.

Even though I can't stand country music, I'd prefer Scotty to win but wouldn't be surprised if Lauren takes the Idol crown.

And Haley? SHE ROCKS!!! :D Looking forward to hearing her 1st album.

Anonymous said...

If my memory serves me, your next episode will be the top 13, and Adam will be performing in the RESULTS episode that follows. I'm so happy you didn't miss it! He's so cute! I can't wait for the re-runs to see him again.

Anonymous said...

Hey glitzylady, Pia and Haley are my guy's favorites from this year's Idol and my favorites too. :D

Anonymous said...

We should be used to it by now. AI voters ultimately vote for the safer, more mainstream singers at the end. They leave the riskier, edgier ones behind. The voters get what they deserve. We now have two nice kids with nice voices and absolutely no originality or edge. They'll do fine, because the country music elephant is huge. Get ready for the hoe-down, everybody!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I knew I hadn´t missed him. Of course I have seen this episode on the net, but it´s always nice to watch on the big screen.


Anonymous said...

@Eva - true! I always get a kick out of seeing him on TV. Like, I can see WWFM whenever, but I'm always super excited seeing it on VH1.

Anonymous said...

Haley Rocks...Let Idol have it's BORING WINNERS.
We all know you don't need to "WIN" to have an
awesome career!!! Hell, even Rolling Stone mag.
thought Haley was too cool for Idol!

Anonymous said...

@5:44 i've read some comments where people brag about how they voted 200 times ect for this one or that one. Until they fix this most stupid voting system just so they can say they had 90 million votes or whatever- this show has NO credibility anymore. This shows good for giving these kids exposure, but as we all know the winner is NOT necessarily the best. Hope the voice has a better voting system- love that show. The finale should of been james, haley or pia IMO. with scotty or lauren in 3rd place.

Anonymous said...

James can perform well ,but is the most off key of them all and a bit cocky. I love Haley and her unique quality of her voice and a good performer too. Pia though a bit stiff has a gorgeous voice.

Anonymous said...

So it seems American Idol only promotes safe, boring contestants. I don't think there's anything outrageous about Haley. She's a beautiful girl with a smoky voice and a PERSONALITY and she should be in the finale but I hope a record company signs her so we can hear more of that voice.

I wish Pia all the best too - another beautiful girl with a gorgeous voice.

I loved Il Volo, the 3 Italian guys singing. I'll definitely be following them up too.

Wonderful that Adam and Sauli will be at the results show. Fingers crossed we'll see footage of them, however brief that footage may be. :)

Anonymous said...

YAY!! Haley has been signed to Interscope Label!! :D

Anonymous said...

It's annoying that there are so many loud Gaga and now Haley fans in the Adam fandom. I don't like their attitude at all, because they act like they are superior to just Adam's fans. I'd be so happy to see them move out of the fandom.

Anonymous said...


With respect, this topic is about Haley's response to Adam's support so naturally, Haley's name will be mentioned in the posts but agree that Lady Gaga has nothing to do with this topic.

I feel sure that if Adam knows Haley has received a contract, he would be very happy for her. He tweeted he was looking forward to hearing her music (or words to that effect).

Nina said...

so sad for Haley...:(
I love Adam Lambert :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Gaga and Haley fans are excited that Adam will go to the Idol finale to see Gaga and Haley. They are not so excited about Adam's Moscow gig.