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Happy Adam Lambert Day: from Russia and Ukraine with LOVE

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, May 8, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, May 08, 2011

Thanks Adamluv for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Very Sweet! Maybe some of them can see him this month in Moscow!

Okay, Adam beat Clay and now he's up against David Archuleta???? That cute little boy? Doesn't he have something like billions of little girl fans? This may take some work! JAK

Anonymous said...

Sorry to post this here,but could David A's fans be cheating somehow on the Ultimate Idol??This seems very much like some of the Clay vs Adam power voting..I don't get it.It's only 12:20am here Eastern ended @ 12 that Eastern Time?I went to vote right after 12 am,& David A was way ahead of Adam already. The URL for the idol of the month is

Anonymous said... vote for Adam ,Archie is in front

Anonymous said...

Now Adam isn't as far behind David A..but he needs more votes.This could be worse than voting against this the direct link?(That radio station has too much on the home page)I think it's:

Anonymous said...

It's 1:18 a.m. and I've voted 9 times in the last hour and they are even 50=50. It's up to the midwest and west coast here in the east it's past my bedtime........JAK

Anonymous said...

It is 50% to 50% right now. Adam moved way up, but it is stuck like this for awhile. We will have to vote hard this week.

Anonymous said...

That poll is a joke. Clay Aiken beats David Cook and Carrie Underwood!! Some claymate said he/she used voting software, much quicker than voting tha old fashion fair way. Archuleta beats Jennifer Hudson and Kelly Clarkson!! WHAT?? So that speaks for itself. Q102 needs to sort this out or the Ultimate Idol will be David Archuleta and everybody´s laughing. Adam´s lost to cheaters before, so there´s nothing new here.


Anonymous said...

Adam and Paula on NNN Awards show...


Bing said...

Awww what a thoughtful video from the Russian and Ukranian Glamberts! Thanks so much for doing something for him on Adam Lambert's Day. You are all very affectionate and loyal fans:) Thanks again guys.

Anonymous said...

Totally OT, but anyway. I just think it´s funny. This poor dog is gorgeous.


Anonymous said...

nice little video from the Russian % Ukraine fans.It was very sweet.Yes,I know those Glamberts want very much to see Adam soon.Keep voting for Adam on Q102 (direct link @ 9:58 pm & for Idol of the month on the first post) (& under about 4 others under the most recent subjects).Bookmark both,please.The Q102 direct link is so much faster than going to their home page.Thanks.David A's fans are hard voters..lots of tweens,teens,& prob even younger ones.

Anonymous said...

A very sweet video and so nice to see so many young, beautiful faces there. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

This video is proof that there are lots of young girlies who love our adam as well. He does have more fans internationally i am sure.

This poll is a bit farcical but it is one that he should win so vote everyone - david as sweet as he is in not an idol!!


Anonymous said...

Nice video. Adam has so many international supporters. It does seem crazy that Clay and David A. have beat out Carrie and Kelly Clarkson. To me Adam and those two are the top idols. I would probably put Daughtry and David Cook in there too.Of course Adam is the ultimate so I will vote, but honestly I wish they would stop doing these silly polls. In the end it's who becomes the most successful selling albums,and it certainly is not Clay or David A.

Anonymous said...

Pretty fans and good music. Love this dance track from Adam.

tess4ADAM said...

David A. STARTED OUT with a 20% advantage right after the ADAM/Clay poll closed ... how could that be? Someone HELPING David A. voters by POWER VOTING again? HOPE NOT!! This should be addressed NOW before it gets out of hand. JMO


Anonymous said...

Yesterday's Adam Lambert hour on The Flea NZ:

Anonymous said...

This Idol poll is just an eyewash I think. Anyway I vote for Adam several times a day. He will win because it's all about perks and sales. Nice Archie has been dropped by his recording company so it makes no sense to let him win the ultimate idol title. Continue voting anyway, in case..
-lam my

Anonymous said...

Thanks girls for the video! Well done! So nice gesture to Adam. You are no doubt waiting for him so eagerly. But let me tell you peeps here. I know Jen Hudson, Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. But excuse me, who the hell are these C. Aiken, D. Arhuleta and D. Cook?? Never heard. So Adam is VERY popular outside the US. He must be known nearly in every country. He is much more than just an idol contestant. I think he may be the only one who is so very appreciated among top musicians. So the poll actually stinks. Sorry my harsh language! The poll doesn't measure anything real! Period! Ronnie

Anonymous said...

This is a lovely fan video, thank you!!

Anonymous said...

polls is just gonna give you a head ache people.

I'm with exposure!!!!! Adam is ahead among all of them and he is already a WORLD WIDE SUPERSTAR so I'm not worried about this nonsense!!!!

Sorry but it's only my opinion and I'm just gonna wait for him to Rock again. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Dark Side said...

Back at you lovely people from America with Love. Bet you can't wait for Adam to set foot on your soil. We will be hoping for snippits from Russia on You Tube.

Anonymous said...

What was that music, and where did it come from??


Anonymous said...

Glamberts, get ready for a tough fight on this Q102 poll. When does this thing end anyhow? One week, two weeks? How much time do we have to vote? Besides votes from his fans, Archie will be getting votes from Clay's fans, as well as all the Adam haters out there. Soooo, we have a BIG job. Are we up to it? I think we are !!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah, the world loving Adam! Awesome stuff!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, definitely awesome stuff, the world loving Adam! There is this show and also a charity named The Voice....The Voice fits Adam The Most.
-lam my

Anonymous said...

Off Topic - Paula Abdul has been named a judge for X Factor by Simon Cowell.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Simon Cowell will eventually topple American Idol. I mean 5 million dollars for winning X Factor is no chicken-feed. Paula Abdul is personable. She was really good to Adam, like the way she did that little victory dance for him after he sang A Change Is Gonna Come.
-lam my

tess4ADAM said...

@Ronnie & everyone here that thinks the Ultimate Idol poll is irrelevant ... it's true ADAM doesn't win anything tangible ... but the winner ... if it's NOT ADAM ... gets to keep ADAM at 2nd place yet again as in AI8 ... that's WHY it is important to ME at least for ADAM to WIN this one .. he got SCREWED out of a Grammy (pardon my language) as well as AI8 ... the DJs IGNORE his Beautiful Work ... the media only concentrates on NON important things about ADAM (goatee/no goatee) ... so you see ... I as a PROUD Glambert want to DECLARE that ADAM LAMBERT is the BEST TALENTED .. CHARISMATIC ... CARING ... GIVING ... LOVING & DESERVING of LOVE .... and by VOTING him into the TOP #1 position on ALL of the polls that I can ... I am showing everyone that I as a Glambert ... think ADAM is the ULTIMATE EVERYTHING & so do a Multitude of Other VOTERS ... to ME ... EVERYTHING that involves showing my LOVE .. RESPECT & ADMIRATION for ADAM ... IS ... IMPORTANT ... even these NONSENSE poll contests!! Sorry for the rant ... gotta get BACK to VOTING ... Hope you ALL will JOIN me ... Love 'n Light ....


Hk fan said...

I've been throwing a few votes Adams way on the q102 poll each day, don't know if my few would make any difference, but then if we all did a few it should help matters.

Anonymous said...

@tess4ADAM-dear! In spite of the cheating factor and me being pissed off with the polls I do VOTE! I swear and vote. Got the point Adam being the #2 again and again. He should be without exception #1 in every poll if my opinion is asked! Ronnie

Bing said...

@tess4Adam no worries and i'm doing my share of hours of voting for the same reasons. I just stopped for a while because the link wouldn't open for me but will check it out again :D

I do admire your devotion to our consummate performance artist and i want to thank you for being such a passionate Glambert :D Love and light to you too!

tess4ADAM said...

THANX! Glamberts! Knowing that you are ALL out there trying with me eases some of the frustrations I feel on ADAM's behalf ... Lets give them a FIGHT!! Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

Agree with @1:15 ADAM is already a world wide
International Superstar! Polls come and go!, and why is Adam even competiting with Archie or Aiken anyway. It's crazy (but you gotta love the fans who have sweated on voting.)

Fans internationally are awesome and the love for Adam just keeps on growing everyday beyond belief! That Adam 'glow' is covering the world!

Anonymous said...

Love the video, but where are all the guys?

Anonymous said...

those are some cutie pies from Russia. Adam is loved all over the world. United in Glam!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Adam is not known all over the U.S.
He needs more exposure here. Any ideas we could share with RCA? They seem to need help!

tess4ADAM said...

How about an ADAM LAMBERT HOUR on the radio here like the one in NZ where Liam McEwan devotes one ENTIRE hour to nothing but ADAM's songs and not just the three oe four that have been "released" for air play. I've heard songs like CTF ... CLYG ... TFM ... and a lot of Citizen Vein & other pre-idol songs. I'm sure it would be a big hit if RCA could find a way to get it approved ... or get some of the stores/supermarkets to pipe his songs in while the the ppl are shopping. JMO

Anonymous said...


That's a lovely dream I don't see happening.
You and I are in no condition, but what I'd like to do is "capture" in the gentlest way a large group of the population and MAKE them listen to
Come to Me Bend to Me from Brigadoon, Is Anybody Listening, The Prayer, Soaked, etc. etc. All the ones that show off the beauty of his voice and then turn them loose. Surely no one can deny his talent......they just avoid checking it out!