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Latest Picture of Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, May 30, 2011

Posted at : Monday, May 30, 2011

Adam is currently in London. Sauli is back in his hometown in Finland.

"Adam Lambert looking like a young Ruby Wax at the Pool Party last night #poolparty"

"Sauli and Kimmo Vehviläinen at the Aalto studio"


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking Adam is working in London with someone. Anyone have any details.

Anonymous said...


I think so too. He's working so hard on the album. I think he'll stay in London for a few days. Then he'll head to Finland....then back to LA.

Anonymous said...

re anon 3.46...heehee yeah me....
just joking ....yeah i wish:(
he better not be working with the VILE boy george ...or else!!!! just saying lol
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Oh my, Sauli is SO cute. Wonder if they are getting a big phone bill haha

Imagine if they could visit Paris again - I'm a hopeless romantic

Anonymous said...

Argh - that title made it sound like they were together!

LP said...

Was surprised to read that Sauli will be in Finland for 3 or 4 weeks working for his father.
Adam seems to work his schedule so that if Sauli has to go to NY as an example, then Adam has a reason to go also. They are trying to co-ordinate their work time , so that they can be together as much as possible. I wondered if Sauli might have to get a perminant visa, now that he has a job with Aalto radio.

Anonymous said...

Lambert at pool party? hot chicks and drinks!;-)

Anonymous said...

Adam don't need Sauli up his ass 24/7. he has a life.

Anonymous said...

It's supposed that Adam will go to Sweden too and work there with Max Martin while he's in Europe. It'd be easy for Sauli just to take a boat over to Stockholm and meet Adam there for a couple of days.

Anonymous said...

There relationship seems very secure. They have to lead their own lives. It just makes it better when they are together. Love and trust should go hand in hand.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:20 PM How do you know what Adam needs? If I was in love I would miss my partner all the time when being apart. Yes, he has a life and Sauli is now a very important part of his private life. And when private life is ok, you do well in other areas (as work) too. Trust is all that matters when being apart.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:20 PM Youre SO right Anon 9:21 PM Chill already

Anonymous said...

That dude with Sauli is Kimmo, he is that reporter in Radio Aalto who was talking with Sauli. He is a pro in his work and seems to be a nice guy with a good sense of humour. That picture is so funny, Kimmo's facial expression is adorable LOL.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:20 PM Yeah and Sauli don't need Adam up his ass 24/7. He has a life.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, who needs love when they have a life.

Anonymous said...

Re: Adam looking like a young Ruby Wax.....she's
an American who has made her career in the U.K.
in films and tv........funny lady..........JAK